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Forked from ShikaSD/DebugStateObservation.kt
Created August 27, 2024 08:33
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import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.MutableSnapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import java.util.WeakHashMap
internal class DebugStateObservation(private val id: String) {
private val map = WeakHashMap<Any, MutableList<Exception>>()
val readObserver: (Any) -> Unit = {
synchronized(this) {
val e = Exception()
val list = map.getOrPut(it) { mutableListOf() }
list += e
fun print(changes: Set<Any>) {
synchronized(this) {
val affected = map.keys.intersect(changes)
if (affected.isNotEmpty()) {
affected.forEach {
printStateChange(id, it, map[it])
fun clear() {
synchronized(this) {
private fun printStateChange(id: String, state: Any, exceptions: List<Exception>?) {
val traces = exceptions?.joinToString(separator = "\n") {
// remove trace start, sample:
// at$readObserver$1.invoke(Test.kt:33)
// at$readObserver$1.invoke(Test.kt:31)
// at androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotKt$mergedReadObserver$1.invoke(Snapshot.kt:1771)
// at androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotKt$mergedReadObserver$1.invoke(Snapshot.kt:1770)
// at androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotKt.readable(Snapshot.kt:2003)
// at androidx.compose.runtime.SnapshotMutableIntStateImpl.getIntValue(SnapshotIntState.kt:138)
val stackTrace = it.stackTrace
buildString {
for (i in 6.. minOf(10, stackTrace.size)) {
append("\tat ${it.stackTrace[i]}")
} ?: ""
println("$id might recompose because $state changed, last read at:\n$traces")
* Records state observations inside @Composable [block] and prints to [System.out] whenever
* state mutation is applied.
* NOTE: This doesn't record recompositions precisely and only uses snapshot system to record state
* mutations that /might/ invalidate recomposition. Consecutive invocations might result in
* different results depending on functions that were run / skipped during each execution. To be
* used directly inside a function scope that recomposes, as Compose might skip inner scopes and
* reads/mutations are not going to be recorded.
inline fun <T> DebugStateChanges(id: String, block: @Composable () -> T): T {
val observation = remember { DebugStateObservation(id) }
val currentSnapshot = Snapshot.current
val snapshot = if (currentSnapshot is MutableSnapshot) {
} else {
DisposableEffect(observation) {
val disposeHandle = Snapshot.registerApplyObserver { changes, _ ->
onDispose {
return snapshot.runAndDispose { block() }
// Compose doesn't work with try/finally, but we don't really use it for catching things.
internal inline fun <T> Snapshot.runAndDispose(block: () -> T): T =
try {
} finally {
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