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Last active March 22, 2016 14:26
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Convert tab indented to GML graph
## sudo apt-get install python-networkx python-pydot
# Converts from tab indented lines to graph modelling language (GML)
# Example indented lines:
# Duqu 2.0 : SAND
# Spear-phishing : SAND
# Exploit CVE-2014-4148 : SAND
# Target downloads and opens word document : SAND
# Vulnerability in Windows TrueType Font : SAND
# Kernel-mode access : SAND
# Usage python -f file.txt -w
import csv, argparse
def main(read, write):
outFile = open(write, 'w')
print e
opts = "\nrankdir=RL;\nordering=out;\n\n"
nodes = []
nodesStr = ""
edgesStr = ""
# Read tab indented file
with open(read, 'rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect=csv.excel_tab)
for row in reader:
# Count the number of indents.
indent = 0
for i in row:
if i == '':
indent = indent+1
# Extract the name and operator.
name = row[-1].split(":")[0].strip()
name = ""
operator = row[-1].split(":")[1].strip()
operator = ""
# try:
# group = row[-1].split(":")[2].strip()
# except:
# group = ""
# Ignore comments
if name and name[0] != '#':
nodes.append([name, operator, indent])
if not name == "":
print "[-] Skipping comment -", name[1:]
weightNo = len(nodes)
for i in range(len(nodes)):
operator = nodes[i][1]
shape = "ellipse"
if operator == "JOIN":
shape = "component"
nodesStr += "\"{}\" [{}, {}];\r\n".format(nodes[i][0], "fontname=sans", "shape="+shape)
if i == 0:
# Look backwards and find the parent node (indent-1)
parent = ""
for k in range(i):
if (nodes[i][2]) -1 == nodes[k][2]:
parent = nodes[k]
# print nodes[i][0], " child of ", parent[0]
arrowHead = "none" # Default OR
colour = "#3EBCE6" # Default OR
if operator == "SAND":
arrowHead = "dot"
colour = "#BC3EE6" # Purpleish BC3EE6 C390D4
elif operator == "AND":
arrowHead = "normal"
colour = "#68E63E" # Greenish 68E63E 90C3D4
elif operator == "OR":
arrowHead = "none"
colour = "#3EBCE6" # Blueish 3EBCE6 A1D490
edgesStr += "\"{}\" -> \"{}\" [{}, {}, {}];\r\n".format(nodes[i][0], parent[0], "arrowhead="+arrowHead, "color=\""+colour+"\"", "weight="+str(weightNo))
weightNo = weightNo - 1
outFile.write("strict digraph \"\" {\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tab indented lines to GML')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest='file', action='store',
help='Tab indented file to read.', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--write', dest='output', action='store',
help='Write GML file here', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.file, args.output)
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