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Created June 4, 2020 17:27
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Get the password expiration date of a samAccountName (AD User object)
Gets samaccountname password expiration date
Quickly determine the password expiration date of an Ad User account:
Good - got some time before password expires
Changes soon - password needs to be changed in 11 days
PS C:\> Get-Password_Expiration.ps1
follow the prompts
when password exires
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell # Popup Window. Source:
$popuptimer = 3
$SAM = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the SamAccountName"
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $SAM -Properties DisplayName, msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed
$DisplayName = $ADUser.DisplayName
$ExpiryDate = [datetime]::FromFileTime($ADUser."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed")
$Now = Get-Date
$in11 = $Now + 11
#Indicate Expiry Status
if ($ExpiryDate -gt $in11) {
$State = "Good"
$Color = "Green"
else {
if ($ExpiryDate -gt $Now) {
$State = "going to require a CHANGE SOON"
$Color = "Yellow"
else {
if ($ExpiryDate -le $Now) {
$State = "EXPIRED"
$Color = "Red"
#it's GO TIME!
$Message = "$SAM password is $State. Date of Expiration - $ExpiryDate"
$wshell.Popup($Message, $popuptimer, $State, 0x40)
Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor $Color
Set-Clipboard $Message
Write-Host "copied to clipboard" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor $Color
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