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PrinterUtils.ps1 Version Functions for advanced printer management -
# PrinterUtils.ps1
# Version
# Functions for advanced printer management
# Vadims Podans (c) 2008
# Downloaded from:
# Internal function that converts numeric return code writes ACL
# in a text value.
function _PrinterUtils_Get-Code ($Write) {
switch ($Write.ReturnValue) {
"0" {"Success"}
"2" {"Access Denied"}
"8" {"Unknown Error"}
"9" {"The user does not have adequate privileges to execute the method"}
"21" {"A parameter specified in the method call is invalid"}
default {"Unknown error $Write.ReturnValue"}
# function get the list (List) ACL printer or all Printer
function Get-Printer ($Computer = ".", $name) {
# If the variable $name is empty, it returns a list of all local printers
if ($name) {
$Printers = gwmi Win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer -Filter "name = '$name'"
} else {
$Printers = gwmi Win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer -Filter "local = '$True'"
# array declaration lists ACL
$PrinterInfo = @()
# Retrieve the ACL of each element of the array of lists ACL
foreach ($Printer in $Printers) {
if ($printer) {
# the variable $SD obtain the security descriptor for each printer and each element of the ACE (DACL)
# And add $PrinterInfo
$SD = $Printer.GetSecurityDescriptor()
$PrinterInfo += $SD.Descriptor.DACL | %{
$_ | Select @{e = {$Printer.SystemName}; n = 'Computer'},
@{e = {$}; n = 'Name'},
@{e = {$_.trustee.Name}; n = 'User'},
@{e = {$_.trustee.Domain}; n = 'Domain'},
@{e = {$_.trustee.SIDString}; n = 'SID'}
} else {
Write-Warning "Specified printer not found!"
# Giving information about the ACL on the yield function for subsequent submission to the conveyor
# recording function in the ACL printer. It takes no arguments,
# but only receives data from the conveyor
function Set-Printer {
# get an array of pipelined ACE from an external source
$PrinterInfo = @($Input)
# embroider the resulting array by the name of the printer and continue to serve on the cycle
# ACL processing only one printer
$PrinterInfo | Select -Unique Computer, Name | % {
$Computer = $_.Computer
$name = $
# create the new objects required classes
$SD = ([WMIClass] "Win32_SecurityDescriptor").CreateInstance()
$ace = ([WMIClass] "Win32_Ace").CreateInstance()
$Trustee = ([WMIClass] "Win32_Trustee").CreateInstance()
# now embroider each ACE is already filtered by an ACL from PrinterInfo and
# Fill the form SecurityDescriptor
$PrinterInfo | ? {$_.Computer -eq $Computer -and $ -eq $name} | % {
$SID = new-object security.principal.securityidentifier($_.SID)
[byte[]] $SIDArray = ,0 * $SID.BinaryLength
$Trustee.Name = $_.user
$Trustee.SID = $SIDArray
$ace.AccessMask = $_.AccessMask
$ace.AceType = $_.AceType
$ace.AceFlags = $_.AceFlags
$ace.trustee = $Trustee
# Set ACE gradually add to the security descriptor DACL
$SD.DACL += @($ace.psobject.baseobject)
# set the flag SE_DACL_PRESENT, that will say that we are changing
# DACL only and nothing more
$SD.ControlFlags = 0x0004
# when full ACL for the current printer is assembled, select the name of the current printer
$Printer = gwmi Win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer -Filter "name = '$name'"
# Verify that the printer for an ACL entry is found and produced the record.
# Otherwise, the ACL entry is skipped
if ($Printer) {
$Write = $Printer.SetSecurityDescriptor($SD)
Write-Host "Processing current printer: $name"
_PrinterUtils_Get-Code $Write
} else {
Write-Warning "Skipping non-present printer: $name"
# internal function, which only creates a user object with a set of rules
# and returns the object to the calling function for the subsequent transformation
function _Create-SDObject ( $user, $AceType, $AccessMask) {
# convert the text form of rights in the numerical values
$masks = @{ManagePrinters = 983052; ManageDocuments = 983088; Print = 131080;
TakeOwnership = 524288; ReadPermissions = 131072; ChangePermissions = 262144}
$types = @{Allow = 0; Deny = 1}
# create the necessary properties for the object. To support remote management
# Was added to the property of Computer, which will take on the Get-Printer analogous
# Value. This provides a pass-through broadcast computer name where
# Printer is connected by pipeline to the subsequent record
$AddInfo = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Computer ([PSObject]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Name ([PSObject]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty AccessMask ([uint32]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty AceFlags ([uint32]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty AceType ([uint32]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty User ([PSObject]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Domain ([PSObject]$null)
$AddInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty SID ([PSObject]$null)
# populate the data which were given as arguments to the function call and return
# Object to the calling function
$AddInfo.Name = $name
$AddInfo.User = $user
$AddInfo.SID = (new-object security.principal.ntaccount $user).translate([security.principal.securityidentifier])
$AddInfo.AccessMask = $masks.$AccessMask
$AddInfo.AceType = $types.$AceType
if ($masks.$AccessMask -eq 983088) {$AddInfo.AceFlags = 9}
# function to set permissions on the printer. When using it, the current ACL
# cleared of all records and set only one polzovateley / team with the right ManagePrinters
function Set-PrinterPermission ($user) {
# Data taken from the conveyor
$PrinterInfo = @($Input)
$AddInfo = _Create-SDObject $user Allow ManagePrinters
# This loop goes through the names of all the names of printers for each of them
# Specified in the written arguments of the user with the removal of the current ACE from the ACL printer
# This is evident from the fact that no part of the $PrinterInfo not piped to record
foreach ($Printer in ($PrinterInfo | select -Unique Computer, Name)) {
$AddInfo.Computer = $Printer.Computer
$AddInfo.Name = $
$AddInfo | Set-Printer
# function to add a user / group to an existing ACL on the printer. The main difference from the previous version
# that for each printer ACE is not installed, and added
function Add-PrinterPermission ($user, $AceType, $AccessMask) {
$PrinterInfo = @($Input)
$AddInfo = _Create-SDObject $user $AceType $AccessMask
foreach ($Printer in ($PrinterInfo | select -Unique Computer, Name)) {
$AddInfo.Name = $
$AddInfo.Computer = $Printer.Computer
# here is this line, we list all the printers iteratively iterate through each printer
$PrinterInfoNew = $PrinterInfo | ?{$ -eq $}
# and the tail of the ACL are adding a new ACE
$PrinterInfoNew += $AddInfo
# And serve to record
$PrinterInfoNew | Set-Printer
# function to remove the ACE group / user from the ACL
function Remove-PrinterPermission ($user) {
$Printers = @($Input)
# just take the list of ACL, which came on the conveyor belt and throwing out all the ACE,
# In which the figures given in the arguments of the user / group and writing the ACE back in the ACL
$printers | ? {$_.user -ne $user} | Set-Printer
function New-NetworkPrinter ($Computer, $name) {
function Remove-NetworkPrinter ($name) {
if ($name) {
(gwmi Win32_Printer -Filter "sharename='$name'").delete()
} else {
(gwmi Win32_Printer -Filter "local='$false'").delete()
function Set-DefaultPrinter ($name) {
if (!$name) {
Write-Warning "You must to specify printer name. Operation aborted!"
} else {
if (gwmi win32_Printer -Filter "name='$name'") {
$SetDefault = (gwmi win32_Printer -Filter "name='$name'").SetDefaultPrinter()
switch ($SetDefault.ReturnValue) {
"0" {Write-Host "Now your default printer is $name"}
default {Write-Warning "Some error occur"}
} else {
Write-Warning "Specified printer not exist!"
function Get-PrinterInfo ($Computer = ".", $name) {
# here I suggest getting a full set of properties and a simplified derivation of information.
if ($name) {
gwmi Win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer -Filter "name='$name'" | select *
} else {
gwmi Win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer
function New-PrinterShare ($Computer = ".", $name, $ShareName) {
$Printer = gwmi win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer -Filter "name='$name'"
if ($Printer) {
$Printer.shared = $True
$Printer.ShareName = $ShareName
} else {
Write-Warning "Specified printer not exist!"
function Remove-PrinterShare ($Computer = ".", $name) {
if ($name) {
$filter = "name = '$name'"
} else {
$filter = "local = '$false'"
gwmi Win32_Printer -ComputerName $Computer -Filter $filter | % {
$_.shared = $false
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