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Last active September 2, 2016 00:58
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Draft Untuk Menulis Buku Potensi HTML 5 Kajian akan membahas :

Web Socket, Web RTC, Canvas, SVG, WebGL, File API, File System API, Indexed DB, Web Storage, DOM, Shadow DOM, CSS Object Model, Typed Array, Web Worker, Drag and Drop, Fullscreen API, Animation Timing, Media, Pointer Lock, Web Audio API, Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0, HTML5 Web Messaging, Geolocation API Specification, W3C DOM4, Vibration API, Selectors API Level 1, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, Server-Sent Events, Touch Events,

Kajian lainya mengeksplorasi penuh potensi :

Ambient Light Sensor
Audio Output Devices API
Audio Processing API
Basic Card Payment
Clear Site Data
Clipboard API and Events
Confinement with Origin Web Labels
Content Security Policy Level 3
Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks
Credential Management Level 1
Custom Elements
File API
FindText API
Generic Sensor API
Geofencing API (ED)
HTML 5.2
HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0
HTML Imports
High Resolution Time Level 2
Identifiers for WebRTC’s Statistics API
Indexed Database API 2.0
IndieUI: Events 1.0
IndieUI: User Context 1.0
Input Events
Manifest for Web Application
Media Capture Depth Stream Extensions
Media Capture from DOM Elements
MediaStream Recording
Mediastream Image Capture
Navigation Timing Level 2
Network Service Discovery
Page Visibility 2
Payment Method Identifiers
Payment Request API
Performance Timeline Level 2
Pointer Events - Level 2
Proximity Sensor
Push API
Referrer Policy
Remote Playback API
Resource Hints
Screen Capture
Screen Orientation API
Secure Contexts
Selection API
Service Workers
Shadow DOM
Streams API
The Permissions API
UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values
UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values
UI Events Specification
User Interface Security and the Visibility API
Wake Lock API
Web Animations
Web Audio API
Web Authentication: A Web API for accessing scoped credentials
Web Workers
WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browsers
WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks Format
Worklets Level 1
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