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Created October 29, 2017 04:25
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import clr
from pprint import pformat
import System
from System.Reflection import *
analogMap = []
global analogMap
jogMap = []
global jogMap
buttonMap = []
def analog(midiNum, analogNum, stick, axis):
analogMap.append([midiNum, analogNum, stick, axis])
def jog(midiNum, knobNum, stick, buttonL, buttonR):
jogMap.append([midiNum, knobNum, stick, buttonL, buttonR])
def button(midiNum, buttonNum, stick, button):
buttonMap.append([midiNum, buttonNum, stick, button])
def update():[midi[1].data.status,midi[1].data.buffer]))[midi[2].data.status,midi[2].data.buffer]))
for a in analogMap:
[midiNum, analogNum, stick, axis] = a
midiStatus = midi[midiNum].data.status
[wantedAnalog, wantedValue] = midi[midiNum].data.buffer
if midiStatus == MidiStatus.Control and wantedAnalog == analogNum:
wantedValue = wantedValue - 64
if wantedValue < 0: wantedValue = float(wantedValue) / 64.0
elif wantedValue > 0: wantedValue = float(wantedValue) / 63.0
setattr(vJoy[stick], axis, vJoy[stick].axisMax * wantedValue)
for j in jogMap:
[midiNum, knobNum, stick, buttonL, buttonR] = j
midiStatus = midi[midiNum].data.status
[wantedKnob, wantedValue] = midi[midiNum].data.buffer
if midiStatus == MidiStatus.Control and wantedKnob == knobNum:
if int(wantedValue) < 64: vJoy[stick].setPressed(buttonL)
if int(wantedValue) > 64: vJoy[stick].setPressed(buttonR)
for b in buttonMap:
[midiNum, buttonNum, stick, button] = b
midiStatus = midi[midiNum].data.status
[wantedButton, wantedValue] = midi[midiNum].data.buffer
if wantedButton == buttonNum:
vJoy[stick].setButton(button, midiStatus == MidiStatus.NoteOn)
if starting:
# MM1 row 0
analog(1, 1, 0, 'x') # Out 1
analog(1, 2, 0, 'y') # Out 2
button(1, 16, 0, 2) # Left
jog(1, 3, 0, 0, 1) # Browse
button(1, 17, 0, 3) # Right
analog(1, 4, 0, 'z') # Cue Vol
analog(1, 5, 0, 'rx') # Cue Mix
# MM1 row 1
analog(1, 6, 0, 'ry')
analog(1, 7, 0, 'rz')
analog(1, 8, 0, 'slider')
analog(1, 9, 0, 'dial')
# MM1 row 2
analog(1, 10, 1, 'x')
analog(1, 11, 1, 'y')
analog(1, 12, 1, 'z')
analog(1, 13, 1, 'rx')
# MM1 row 3
analog(1, 14, 1, 'ry')
analog(1, 15, 1, 'rz')
analog(1, 16, 1, 'slider')
analog(1, 17, 1, 'dial')
# MM1 row 4
analog(1, 18, 1, 'x')
analog(1, 19, 1, 'y')
button(1, 18, 0, 4) # Seems to be related to the VU meter?
analog(1, 20, 1, 'z')
analog(1, 21, 1, 'rx')
# MM1 row 5 (Slider Outs)
button(1, 19, 0, 5) # Slider 1 Out 1
button(1, 20, 0, 6) # Slider 1 Out 2
button(1, 23, 0, 7) # Slider 2 Out 1
button(1, 24, 0, 8) # Slider 2 Out 2
button(1, 27, 0, 9) # Slider 3 Out 1
button(1, 28, 0, 10) # Slider 3 Out 2
button(1, 31, 0, 11) # Slider 4 Out 1
button(1, 32, 0, 12) # Slider 4 Out 2
# MM1 row 6 (Slider Cues)
button(1, 48, 0, 13) # Slider 1 Cue
button(1, 49, 0, 14) # Slider 2 Cue
button(1, 50, 0, 15) # Slider 3 Cue
button(1, 51, 0, 16) # Slider 4 Cue
# MM1 row 7 (Sliders)
analog(1, 48, 1, 'ry') # Slider 1
analog(1, 49, 1, 'rz') # Slider 2
analog(1, 50, 1, 'slider') # Slider 3
analog(1, 51, 1, 'dial') # Slider 4
# MM1 row 8
analog(1, 64, 2, 'x') # Cross-Fader
# DV1 Bank 0 FX1
jog(2, 20, 0, 17, 18)
jog(2, 21, 0, 19, 20)
jog(2, 22, 0, 21, 22)
jog(2, 23, 0, 23, 24)
button(2, 20, 0, 25)
button(2, 21, 0, 26)
button(2, 22, 0, 27)
button(2, 23, 0, 28)
# DV1 Bank 0 FX2
jog(2, 24, 0, 29, 30)
jog(2, 25, 0, 31, 32)
jog(2, 26, 0, 33, 34)
jog(2, 27, 0, 35, 36)
button(2, 24, 0, 37)
button(2, 25, 0, 38)
button(2, 26, 0, 39)
button(2, 27, 0, 40)
# DV1 Bank 0 FX3
jog(2, 28, 0, 41, 42)
jog(2, 29, 0, 43, 44)
jog(2, 30, 0, 45, 46)
jog(2, 31, 0, 47, 48)
button(2, 28, 0, 49)
button(2, 29, 0, 50)
button(2, 30, 0, 51)
button(2, 31, 0, 52)
# DV1 Bank 0 FX4
jog(2, 32, 0, 53, 54)
jog(2, 33, 0, 55, 56)
jog(2, 34, 0, 57, 58)
jog(2, 35, 0, 59, 60)
button(2, 32, 0, 61)
button(2, 33, 0, 62)
button(2, 34, 0, 63)
button(2, 35, 0, 64)
# DV1 Bank 1 FX1
jog(2, 36, 0, 65, 66)
jog(2, 37, 0, 67, 68)
jog(2, 38, 0, 69, 70)
jog(2, 39, 0, 71, 72)
button(2, 36, 0, 73)
button(2, 37, 0, 74)
button(2, 38, 0, 75)
button(2, 39, 0, 76)
# DV1 Bank 1 FX2
jog(2, 40, 0, 77, 78)
jog(2, 41, 0, 79, 80)
jog(2, 42, 0, 81, 82)
jog(2, 43, 0, 83, 84)
button(2, 40, 0, 85)
button(2, 41, 0, 86)
button(2, 42, 0, 87)
button(2, 43, 0, 88)
# DV1 Bank 1 FX3
jog(2, 44, 0, 89, 90)
jog(2, 45, 0, 91, 92)
jog(2, 46, 0, 93, 94)
jog(2, 47, 0, 95, 96)
button(2, 44, 0, 97)
button(2, 45, 0, 98)
button(2, 46, 0, 99)
button(2, 47, 0, 100)
# DV1 Bank 1 FX4
jog(2, 48, 0, 101, 102)
jog(2, 49, 0, 103, 104)
jog(2, 50, 0, 105, 106)
jog(2, 51, 0, 107, 108)
button(2, 48, 0, 109)
button(2, 49, 0, 110)
button(2, 50, 0, 111)
button(2, 51, 0, 112)
# DV1 Bank 2 (No FX Available)
jog(2, 64, 0, 113, 114)
jog(2, 65, 0, 115, 116)
jog(2, 66, 0, 117, 118)
jog(2, 67, 0, 119, 120)
# DV1 Focus Mode
button(2, 64, 1, 1) # A
button(2, 65, 1, 2) # B
button(2, 66, 1, 3) # C
button(2, 67, 1, 4) # D
# DV1 Master Mode
button(2, 68, 1, 5) # A
button(2, 69, 1, 6) # B
button(2, 70, 1, 7) # C
button(2, 71, 1, 8) # D
# DV1 Double Mode
button(2, 72, 1, 9) # A
button(2, 73, 1, 10) # B
button(2, 74, 1, 11) # C
button(2, 75, 1, 12) # D
# Time Buttons
button(2, 80, 1, 13) # 1/16 | 1
button(2, 81, 1, 14) # 1/8 | 2
button(2, 82, 1, 15) # 1/4 | 4
button(2, 83, 1, 16) # 1/2 | 8
# Sequencing Buttons
button(2, 84, 1, 17) # Slice
button(2, 85, 1, 18) # Erase
button(2, 86, 1, 19) # Store
button(2, 87, 1, 20) # Phrase
# Number Buttons
button(2, 88, 1, 25) # 5
button(2, 89, 1, 26) # 6
button(2, 90, 1, 27) # 7
button(2, 91, 1, 28) # 8
button(2, 92, 1, 21) # 1
button(2, 93, 1, 22) # 2
button(2, 94, 1, 23) # 3
button(2, 95, 1, 24) # 4
# Assign the update functions
midi[1].update += update
midi[2].update += update
i = 0
devs = []
global devs
while True:
dev = joystick[i]
joystick_global = clr.GetClrType(type(dev))
device = joystick_global.GetField("device", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
di_joystick = device.FieldType.GetField("joystick", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
device_val = device.GetValue(dev)
joystick_val = di_joystick.GetValue(device_val)
axes = {}
for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'xRotation', 'yRotation', 'zRotation', 'sliders']:
aval = getattr(dev, axis)
axes[axis] = aval
axes['buttons'] = []
j = 0
while True:
if (dev.getDown(j)):
except: break
j = j + 1
devs.append([joystick_val.Properties.InstanceName, axes])
i = i + 1
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