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Pablissimo / out.txt
Created August 8, 2019 11:20
Example output of a cypher-shell call with --format verbose for SO question
| n |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+| Plan | Statement | Version | Planner | Runtime | Time |+----------------------------------------------------------------------+| "EXPLAIN" | "READ_ONLY" | "CYPHER 3.5" | "COST" | "COMPILED" | 1 |+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Operator | Estimated Rows | Identifiers | Other |
Pablissimo / craft.js
Created August 5, 2019 09:03
A quick command-line Node app to look at the Neo4j Minecraft database and figure out how to make any item in it
// We take a dependency on the neo4j-driver module for the connection to the database
const neo4j = require('neo4j-driver').v1;
// And we'll need a driver to connect to the database. We'll disable 'lossless integers'
// because sodding about with the Neo4j integer type to do node lookups is a pain, and
// our graph doesn't have anywhere near enough nodes to worry about blowing through 53
// bits of integer precision
const driver = neo4j.driver
'bolt://localhost:7687', // Default setup for Neo4j Desktop
MATCH (movie: Movie { title: 'Top Gun' })<-[acted_in: ACTED_IN]-(actor: Person)
WITH collect(distinct actor) + movie as nodes, collect(distinct acted_in) as relationships
CALL, [], 'nodes.csv', {}) YIELD file as nodefile
UNWIND relationships as relationship
CALL apoc.create.vRelationship(startNode(relationship), type(relationship), { title: relationship.title }, endNode(relationship)) YIELD rel
WITH collect(rel) as relationshipsAmended, nodefile
CALL[], relationshipsAmended, 'edges.csv', {}) YIELD file as edgefile
RETURN edgefile, nodefile
Pablissimo / minecraft-with-recipes.cypher
Last active September 9, 2024 00:21
Cypher script for creating an initial Neo4j graph database representing the Minecraft crafting and forging recipe book where Recipes are their own nodes with relevant output quantities
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Wooden Plank"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Stick"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Torch"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Crafting Table"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Furnace"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Chest"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Wood Pickaxe"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Stone Pickaxe"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Iron Pickaxe"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Gold Pickaxe"});
Pablissimo / minecraft.cypher
Created July 29, 2019 12:10
Cypher script for creating an initial Neo4j graph database representing the Minecraft crafting and forging recipe book
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Wooden Plank"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Stick"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Torch"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Crafting Table"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Furnace"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Chest"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Wood Pickaxe"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Stone Pickaxe"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Iron Pickaxe"});
MERGE (n:Resource{name:"Gold Pickaxe"});
Pablissimo / Items.csv
Created July 29, 2019 09:40
An extract of the items in Minecraft and recipes to craft them, and the script to do the extract (to be run in Chrome Developer Tools) from
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Wooden Plank
Crafting Table
Wood Pickaxe
Stone Pickaxe
Iron Pickaxe
Pablissimo / build.log
Created August 14, 2016 13:54
Chutzpah build failure
psake version 4.2.0
Copyright (c) 2010 James Kovacs
Executing Clean-Solution-NoVS
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.6.1586.0
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.42000]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Executing Build-Solution-NoVS
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.6.1586.0
if (session_id() == "")
if ($miiCardObj->isAuthorisationCallback())
Pablissimo / DataMemberAwareEnumJsonConverter
Created July 31, 2013 15:51
A JsonConverter (for Newtonsoft's JSON.NET) that respects the Name property of DataMember attributes applied to enumeration members, falling back to the enumeration member name where no DataMember attribute exists (or where a name has not been supplied)
/// <summary>
/// A JsonConverter that respects the Name property of DataMember attributes
/// applied to enumeration members, falling back to the enumeration member
/// name where no DataMember attribute exists (or where a name has not
/// been supplied). Entirely experimental, use at your own risk.
/// Paul O'Neill,, 31/07/13
/// </summary>
public class DataMemberAwareEnumJsonConverter : JsonConverter
Pablissimo / DataMemberAwareEnumJsonConverter
Created July 31, 2013 15:51
A JsonConverter (for Newtonsoft's JSON.NET) that respects the Name property of DataMember attributes applied to enumeration members, falling back to the enumeration member name where no DataMember attribute exists (or where a name has not been supplied)
/// <summary>
/// A JsonConverter that respects the Name property of DataMember attributes
/// applied to enumeration members, falling back to the enumeration member
/// name where no DataMember attribute exists (or where a name has not
/// been supplied). Entirely experimental, use at your own risk.
/// Paul O'Neill,, 31/07/13
/// </summary>
public class DataMemberAwareEnumJsonConverter : JsonConverter