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Last active April 9, 2022 15:18
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Import coinbase pro transactions to hledger with capital gains using average cost basis method
import sys
import csv
import pprint
import datetime as dt
import json
import pathlib
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
CBP_PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
def sort_subtxs(subtx):
operation = subtx['Operation']
if operation == "Buy" or operation == "Sell":
return 0
elif operation == "Transaction Related":
return 1
elif operation == "Fee":
return 2
return 0
def calculate_amount(subtxs):
amount = abs(float(subtxs[0]['amount']))
unit = subtxs[0]['amount/balance unit']
return amount, unit
def calculate_to_amount(subtxs):
is_conversion = len(subtxs) > 1
if not is_conversion: return '',''
to_amount = abs(float(subtxs[1]['amount']))
to_unit = subtxs[1]['amount/balance unit']
return to_amount, to_unit
def calculate_cost_basis(inventory, pair):
unit, to_unit = pair
if not inventory:
return 0, to_unit
return inventory[unit] / inventory[to_unit], unit
def calculate_fee(subtxs):
has_fee = len(subtxs) > 2
if not has_fee: return '0','0'
fee_amount = str(abs(float(subtxs[2]['amount'])))
fee_unit = subtxs[2]['amount/balance unit']
return fee_amount, fee_unit
def load_inventory_from_file(year):
inventory = dict()
with open(f'{CBP_PATH}/{year}-inventory.json') as jsonfile:
inventory = json.load(jsonfile)
except FileNotFoundError:
return inventory
def save_inventory_to_file(inventory, year):
with open(f'{CBP_PATH}/{year}-inventory.json', 'w') as jsonfile:
json.dump(inventory, jsonfile, indent=4)
def get_type(type, unit):
if type == 'match':
if unit == 'USDC':
return 'buy'
return 'sell'
return type
def get_pair(type, unit, to_unit):
pair_set = ['USDC','']
pair = ''
if type == 'buy':
pair_set = [unit, to_unit]
pair = f'{unit}-{to_unit}'
elif type == 'sell':
pair_set = [to_unit, unit]
pair = f'{to_unit}-{unit}'
elif type == 'withdrawal':
pair_set = ['USDC', unit]
pair = f'USDC-{unit}'
return pair_set, pair
def update_inventory(inventory, type, amount, unit, to_amount, to_unit):
# Eg. ["USDC", "ETH"], "USDC-ETH"
pair_set, pair = get_pair(type, unit, to_unit)
cost_basis, cost_basis_unit = calculate_cost_basis(inventory.get(pair), pair_set)
if not type in ['buy', 'sell', 'withdrawal']: return pair_set
if to_amount:
if type == 'buy':
if inventory.get(pair):
inventory[pair][unit] += amount
inventory[pair][to_unit] += to_amount
inventory[pair] = { unit: amount, to_unit: to_amount }
inventory[pair]['prev_cost_basis'] = inventory[pair].get('latest_cost_basis')
inventory[pair]['latest_cost_basis'] = calculate_cost_basis(inventory.get(pair), pair_set)
elif type == 'sell':
# commodities available for sale is deducted by the amount
# of commodities sold, and the cost of current inventory is
# deducted by the amount of commodities sold times the
# latest (before this sale) current cost per unit on goods.
inventory[pair][to_unit] -= amount * cost_basis
inventory[pair][unit] -= amount
if type == 'withdrawal' and inventory.get(pair):
# restoring previous cost basis
# print(inventory[pair][unit], amount, cost_basis)
cost_basis, _ = inventory[pair]['prev_cost_basis']
inventory[pair]['latest_cost_basis'] = inventory[pair]['prev_cost_basis']
inventory[pair]['USDC'] = (inventory[pair][unit] - amount) * cost_basis
inventory[pair][unit] -= amount
# if 'ETH' in pair and (inv := inventory.get(pair)):
# print(type, inv)
return inventory.get(pair)['latest_cost_basis'] or [0, '']
def join_subtxs(path_in, path_out):
with open(path_in) as f_in, open(path_out, 'w') as f_out:
subtxs_by_timestamp = dict()
for subtx in csv.DictReader(f_in):
if (subtxs_by_timestamp.get(subtx['time'])):
subtxs_by_timestamp[subtx['time']] = [subtx]
f_out.write('portfolio,type,time,from_amount,from_unit,to amount,to unit,cost_basis,cost_basis_unit,fee,fee unit,transfer id,trade id,order id\n')
items = subtxs_by_timestamp.items()
year = dt.datetime.strptime(list(items)[0][0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').year
inventory = load_inventory_from_file(year - 1)
for time, subtxs in items:
if not year:
year = dt.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').year
portfolio = subtxs[0]['portfolio']
amount, unit = calculate_amount(subtxs)
to_amount, to_unit = calculate_to_amount(subtxs)
fee_amount, fee_unit = calculate_fee(subtxs)
transfer_id = subtxs[0]['transfer id']
trade_id = subtxs[0]['trade id']
order_id = subtxs[0]['order id']
type = get_type(subtxs[0]['type'], unit)
if ((type == "withdrawal" or type == "deposit") and not transfer_id): continue
cost_basis, cost_basis_unit = update_inventory(inventory, type, amount, unit, to_amount, to_unit)
save_inventory_to_file(inventory, year)
join_subtxs(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
# skip the headings line:
skip 1
fields date,type,coin,amount,,,,,,description
fields portfolio,type,date,from_amount,from_coin,to_amount,to_coin,cost_basis,cost_basis_unit,fee,fee_coin,transfer_id,trade_id,order_id
date-format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%QZ
amount %from_amount %from_coin
description %type %transfer_id %trade_id %order_id
account1 assets:crypto:coinbase:pro:%from_coin
account2 expenses:coinbase:unknown
if %type
amount %to_amount %to_coin @@ %from_amount %from_coin
account1 assets:crypto:coinbase:pro:%to_coin
amount2 %fee %fee_coin
account2 expenses:finance:fees:coinbase:pro
account3 assets:crypto:coinbase:pro:%from_coin
description Buy %to_amount %to_coin with %from_amount %from_coin
if %type
amount -%from_amount %from_coin @ %cost_basis %cost_basis_unit
account1 assets:crypto:coinbase:pro:%from_coin
amount2 %fee %fee_coin
account2 expenses:finance:fees:coinbase:pro
amount3 -%fee %fee_coin
account3 assets:crypto:coinbase:pro:%fee_coin
amount4 %to_amount %to_coin
account4 assets:crypto:coinbase:pro:%to_coin
account5 income:investment:coinbase
description Sell %from_amount %from_coin as %to_amount %to_coin
if %type
skip 1
account2 equity:transfers
if %type
amount -%from_amount %from_coin
account2 equity:transfers
description Withdrawal %from_amount %from_coin
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