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Last active March 14, 2024 12:05
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  • Save PabloHiro/aa127b73962a38f121ed085bb06ad387 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My bashrc
# Custom environment variables
export GIT_EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
export VISUAL=/usr/bin/vim
# Command for git root
git config --global alias.root "rev-parse --show-toplevel"
# Custom aliases
alias l='ls'
alias ll='ls -al'
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto --show-control-chars'
alias k='kubectl'
alias cdg='cd $(git root)'
# Custom functions
function foralld() {
for D in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d); do (echo $D && cd $D && "$@"); done
function veleroc() { velero -n openshift-adp $@; }
export -f foralld
export -f veleroc
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