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Last active December 9, 2019 15:20
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A common pattern we use at BF is dependency injection through C++ abstract classes. This makes testing easy, but I have been wondering for a while if we can do better in how we implement the underlying principles. The conversation about Rust and mutability has helped me verbalize why I think C++ is limited when it comes to solving this problem.

Why dynamic dispatch?

At BF, we solve the problem of dependency injection with dynamic dispatch, even when the particular injection can be resolved at compile time. Here's a silly (and not great for reasons I'll explain later) example of what we sometimes do:

  • GpioInterface.hpp
enum class Pin {

class GpioInterface {
   virtual ~GpioInterface() {};
   virtual bool Read(Pin) const = 0;
   virtual void Write(bool, Pin) = 0;
  • Driver.hpp
#include "GpioInterface.hpp"

class Driver
   void DoThingWithGpio(); // Writes pin A
   GpioInterface& mGpio;

Later, Driver will be instantiated with a concrete Gpio or a MockGpio depending on context. This works fine, but I think it's far from ideal. Here are some of the problems it causes:

  • Bloated constructors even when defaults are obvious.
  • Extra layer of indirection with small, but nontrivial runtime cost (vtable + indirection on all method calls).
  • No inlining (which results in significantly higher performance loss).
  • Security problems (vtables are exploitable).
  • Safety problems (we all know what happens when you forget a virtual destructor).
  • Boilerplate.
  • IDE hindering (as it can't reason what type you're dealing with beyond the interface).

Why not static dispatch?

I've thought before of using static dispatch (templates) to solve this problem. To expand the example:

  • Driver.hpp
template <class GPIO>
class Driver {
   Driver(GPIO& gpio):

   void DoThingWithGpio()
      mGpio.Write(true, Pin::A);

   GPIO& mGpio;

This solves many of the problems above (and performs a lot better thanks to proper inlining) but has its own issues:

  • All code for the driver needs to be at header level, which causes visibility problems (exposed internals) and hurts compilation times.
  • Template instantiation errors. Enough said.
  • Code size explosion if a templated class with multiple type parameters needs to be instantied with several different type combinations.
  • Even though it solves vtable indirection and inlining, it doesn't solve all levels of indirection: we are still storing a reference that needs to be followed before calling any mGpio method, with the performance and safety problems it causes.

But, in my opinion, the biggest problem of all is the fact that C++ is (pardon the bad analogy) "duck typed" at the template level. To see what I mean, here's a really simple templated function:

template<class T>
T add(T left, T right)
	return left + right;

C++, as far as I know, has no way to explicitly state what "contract" a type needs to supply to satisfy a template. The function above seems very simple, but the reasoning the compiler has to make isn't. This won't instantiate for any types that don't implement "operator+". As the implicit contracts become more complicated, using templates for dependency injection would hurt habiltability since it won't be immediately obvious what's required of the types. Cue SFINAE being used as an actual desirable thing and it becomes unreadable. Disgusting, huh?

Note: there is some std::type_traits magic that, together with static_assert, could make these requirements more explicit, but it's limited on what it can do and not enforced at the language level. I'm also aware of C++20 concepts and constraints, but I also think they're limited in ways that I can't really fit here.

A last point to take into account: I've thought for a long time that we misuse dependency injection when the goal is only testing and there is no need to share the dependency between multiple classes or to resolve types at runtime. The example above could just as easily not take a GPIO on construction and instead have its variants supplied in type form. e.g:

  • Driver.hpp
template <class GPIO>
class Driver {
   void DoThingWithGpio()
      mGpio.Write(true, A);

   GPIO mGpio;

and then, to specify variants in a way that doesn't store references to arbitrary bits of memory everywhere:

// For testing
Driver<MockGpio> mDriver;

// For realz
Driver<Gpio> mDriver;

The risk of the above, of course, is that there would be multiple Gpio object variants, hopefully but not necessarily behaving when it comes to accessing the hardware.


Both approaches, static and dynamic, are possible in Rust, though it requires more work to satisfy the borrow checker. However, they are both also more idiomatic, and the choice of which to use comes down to the requirements of the application (knowledge at runtime vs compile time of the specific type).

The kind of problem we are trying to solve at Bluefruit would best be solved with static dispatch. Here's how the example driver above could look in Rust:

  • (equivalent to the interface in C++; traits perform roughly the same role as abstract classes, and I say roughly because there's no vtable or indirection unless you opt in)
pub enum Pin {

pub trait Gpio {
    fn read(&self, pin: Pin) -> bool;
    fn write(&mut self, pin: Pin, value: bool);
struct Driver<G: Gpio> {
    gpio: G,

impl<G: Gpio> Driver<G> {
    fn do_thing_with_gpio(&mut self) {
        self.gpio.write(Pin::A, true);

    fn new(gpio: G) -> Self {
        Self { gpio }

And then, to instantiate variants (where mock_gpio and gpio are concrete structs that implement the trait Gpio):

// For testing
let driver = Driver::new(mock_gpio);

// For realz
let driver = Driver::new(gpio);

Don't be confused by the "new"; it has nothing to do with the heap. That's just conventional name for an explicit constructor that initializes a Driver on the stack.

This solution solves all the bullet points from the C++ ones above. There's no header/source separation in Rust, so the static dispatch version doesn't increase compilation time or affect habitability. Everything can be inlined, testing is as easy as passing a different struct that implements Gpio, and all contracts to be fulfilled by the generic type are clear (Due to the <G: Gpio> trait bound) which means that error messages make sense.

If there is a need for dynamic dispatch (e.g. dependency injection is needed at runtime for whatever reason) it can be done easily as well with trait objects, but I won't go into how here. The important bit of this post comes from a very valid question asked by Matthew/Andi in the #rust channel. Paraphasing:

How do we handle injecting the same object in multiple places?

Let's say that a certain driver needs to write to pin A, and another class needs to write to pin B. The way we've designed the Gpio class, we could solve it by constructing a single Gpio and injecting it on both places. This is trivial to do in c++:

Gpio gpio;
DriverA driverA(&gpio); // will only write to channel A
DriverB driverB(&gpio); // Will only write to channel B

However, In rust we'd quickly run into problems:

let gpio = Gpio;
let driver_a = DriverA::new(gpio);
let driver_b = DriverB::new(gpio); // Error! Gpio owned by driver_a

We could try to rewrite our class so it takes a reference to Gpio on construction, like this:

fn new(gpio: &G) -> Self {
  Self { gpio }

But we'd run into pain with lifetime specifiers, and ultimately it wouldn't work since we'd need a mutable reference for the write call, in which case we could try this:

fn new(gpio: &mut G) -> Self {
   Self { gpio }

Even if we get the lifetime specifiers correct for this one, it wouldn't work either because there can't be two mutable references to the same object. So what gives? Is it just impossible to inject a class in two places?

Well... It's not, but Rust will ask you to explain exactly what you mean. For example, you'll need to wrap it inside a Mutex (provides synchronized access), a reference counter (Rc or Arc, depending on your threading needs), a Cell/RefCell (deferring borrow checking to runtime)... etc. Ultimately, there is a tool for every possible approach, including raw unsafe pointers to replicate the C++ approach of simply holding a reference. Please don't do that last one.

The thing is, when you see yourself wondering what combination of ArcMutexRefcell you need to use, that's the borrow checker's way to tell you that you're doing something wrong with your design. I have to admit I have been a bit underhanded with the example I've used, because there is a much better way to design that GPIO driver in both C++ and Rust. Consider this interface variant:

enum class Pin {

class GpioInterface {
   virtual ~GpioInterface() {};
   virtual bool Read() const = 0;
   virtual void Write(bool)= 0;
   virtual Pin GetPin() const = 0;

Here, a Gpio driver corresponds to a single pin and there is no need to share a class between multiple owners. Doing this, the only need for dependency injection is testing, and not sharing. Out of habit, in C++ we'd probably use an interface anyway in order to satisfy our testing needs, but the Rust equivalent falls into place without any need for injection:

impl<G: Gpio> DriverA<G> {
    fn do_thing_with_gpio(&mut self) {

    fn new() -> Self {
        Self { gpio: G::new(Pin::A) }

And to initialize the drivers:

let driver_a = DriverA<Gpio>::new();
let driver_b = DriverB<Gpio>::new();
let driver_a_testing = DriverB<MockGpio>::new();

Note how the knowledge of what channel to use lies in the driver now, and it's passed down on construction of the Gpio struct, which will be a thin wrapper around a single pin (it can statically check that it's a singleton over the hardware resource, but that's a story for another day).

I reckon that most situations where we feel we need multiple injection outside of testing can be solved in this way, by delineating responsibilities and ensuring that a single object owns a single resource. Modules that really require multiple write access (such as a logger on top of a flash storage driver) will be few and far between, and they can either be given their own context properly communicated via message passing, or wrapped in the appropriate synchronization/safety primitives.

Since I've started using Rust, I've been disliking the way we use dependency injection more, and regardless of whether we use Rust or not, I want to challenge the assumptions that get us to write an interface class for anything we simply need to mock, regardless of whether it needs to be shared or resolved at runtime. It is very dangerous to have references to remote parts of the codebase living in every class we instantiate, and the availability of every object everywhere thanks to its interface can make us lazy designers. Rust or not, let's do better! :)

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mdodkins commented Dec 4, 2019

Nice article Pablo, I really enjoyed reading it and don't entirely disagree with you.

Problems and responses

Bloated constructors even when defaults are obvious.

Agree, although I think C++ "concepts" will help with this.

Extra layer of indirection with small, but nontrivial runtime cost (vtable + indirection on all method calls).

If we need performance that goes beyond this, direct register access could and should be used. In practise, this is what we've done when required. If you need to call a function over and over, you should probably write a function in the lower level driver and avoid that.

It is somewhat abnormal to write drivers that go through Gpio class to manipulate pins with any performance requirement, as this is what microcontroller peripherals are for ;)

For many uses though, the indirection is trivial, and it certainly eases code re-write when changing MCU.

No inlining (which results in significantly higher performance loss).

Sure, but inlining obviously bloats code usage, which matters on embedded too. You can still in-line other functions too.
I think if lack of in-lining is a concern, you want some dedicated register access code (see my other responses).

Security problems (vtables are exploitable).

Disagree. Command line input is exploitable. Networks are exploitable. Hard drives are. Vtables are not particularly exploitable unless you're somehow already able to manipulate that program's run-time memory. So, you've already been hacked.

Safety problems (we all know what happens when you forget a virtual destructor).

These are related concerns, and I kinda agree. Although the new C++ "concepts" addresses them.

IDE hindering (as it can't reason what type you're dealing with beyond the interface).

Agree, but it's a symptom of a poor IDE and/or design if you can't find your way around.

C++, as far as I know, has no way to explicitly state what "contract" a type needs to supply to satisfy a template.

I've thought for a long time that we misuse dependency injection when the goal is only testing

I agree with this. I don't think the goal should ever only be testing. Static mocking of some kind is far more effective.

However, there are other reasons for using dependency injection:

  1. It encourages the use of "single responsibility" (as you naturally limit the dependencies involved), keeping classes simpler.
  2. De-coupling. Especially with interfaces involved. This is especially useful when dealing with hardware changes.
  3. Limiting visibility / accessibility of objects (i.e. countering the poor practise of making things global for ease of access).
  4. Helps with testing "units" rather than integration or system testing.

I want to challenge the assumptions that get us to write an interface class for anything we simply need to mock

I don't think we've ever done that. Static mocking has been a part of Bluefruit since before it was called Bluefruit ;)

It is very dangerous to have references to remote parts of the codebase living in every class we instantiate

I don't really agree with this. You make it sound as though the codebase is some kind of jungle and we need to stick close to home ;)

I think it could be dangerous if you're not careful, and I can entirely see why you would want to establish contracts to ensure insofar as possible at compile-time that care is taken.

Ultimately though, I think this is where we disagree most fundamentally.

A reference to something that is going to remain instantiated for the lifetime of a program isn't inherently dangerous. C++ assumes that it is not. Rust assumes that it probably is. The question is whether the obfuscation that comes along with explicit ownership is really worthwhile. There are many factors that dictate this... I do think that sometimes Rust, or another highly functional programming language like F# might be the right choice, but not always, and probably not in very low-level code.

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PabloMansanet commented Dec 9, 2019

Thanks for your response Matthew! Very well put and again, I think we think similarly on many things. I'm going to quote you on the ones that I don't, but you can assume that I didn't disagree with anything I left unquoted ;)

If we need performance that goes beyond this, direct register access could and should be used. In practise, this is what we've done when required. If you need to call a function over and over, you should probably write a function in the lower level driver and avoid that.
It is somewhat abnormal to write drivers that go through Gpio class to manipulate pins with any performance requirement, as this is what microcontroller peripherals are for ;)

For many uses though, the indirection is trivial, and it certainly eases code re-write when changing MCU.

Have you looked at the link I pasted? I think we are still talking about different levels of performance loss. The function call is not really what I'm worried about here :). See my next point.

Sure, but inlining obviously bloats code usage, which matters on embedded too. You can still in-line other functions too.
I think if lack of in-lining is a concern, you want some dedicated register access code (see my other responses).

When I say no inlining, I'm not talking about inlining as an optimization. I agree that the performance gain of inlining a function call is negligible. I am talking about the inability of the compiler to perform a huge range of other optimizations due to being unable to tell what concrete type lives beyond the interface.

I really don't want us to gloss over this point because it's at the center of my argument, and I know it's easy to confuse with other less significant performance concerns like the cost of a vtable pointer dereference or the cost of calling a function. Not allowing the compiler to optimize properly is a much more significant problem, and I can dig more sources of this if you like, but it can mean losses of 5x-10x in performance and space.

I've sent you a zip file with an example of what I mean, that I just wrote. It's also here in godbolt form (the only difference is that the zip file version uses -flto, to show you that it makes no difference hehe):

  • Direct form. The compiler realizes that the argument "3" is a constexpr so it can unroll the function call into just returning "3", and removes it from main() altogether.
  • Injected form. Despite also being -O3, the compiler can't reason beyond the interface so it needs to not only call the function, but go through the entire loop which is over-optimized for much bigger values.

The difference in space and performance between the two approaches is massive. The direct form main() function takes 6 ASM instructions (not counting the std::cout call) while the injected one takes 39. That's more than 6x slower and bigger!

Security problems (vtables are exploitable).

Disagree. Command line input is exploitable. Networks are exploitable. Hard drives are. Vtables are not particularly exploitable unless you're somehow already able to manipulate that program's run-time memory. So, you've already been hacked.

Fair enough. I maintain that they're a vector though, if you have a buffer overflow somewhere, it's much easier to gain control of the program if there is a vtable laying around than if there isn't.

C++, as far as I know, has no way to explicitly state what "contract" a type needs to supply to satisfy a template.

I know about them :) but let me rephrase since I didn't quite convey what I mean:

As far as I know, there is no way to enforce all contracts that are required of a generic type. You can make a few of them explicit (with concepts/constraints), but nothing stops you from mixing in a lot of implicit contracts. E.g say that you have a concept named MyConcept, you can do:

template<MyConcept T>
T Add(T a, T b) {
   return a + b;

The "MyConcept" contract is explicit, and any error messages related to it being not satisfied will be clear, but the operator+ concept is implicit. It's pretty clear this time but sometimes it won't be. If concepts + constraints aren't powerful enough to encode all the requirements on the generic types, I think they fare a lot worse than typeclasses in pure functional languages, and are yet another feature that C++ borrows from other paradigms without fully committing to it.

I want to challenge the assumptions that get us to write an interface class for anything we simply need to mock

I don't think we've ever done that. Static mocking has been a part of Bluefruit since before it was called Bluefruit ;)

We do that constantly. I agree that if we were vigilant enough to flag it and propose static mocking every time, it would help, but the reality is that we make this mistake very very frequently.

It is very dangerous to have references to remote parts of the codebase living in every class we instantiate

I don't really agree with this. You make it sound as though the codebase is some kind of jungle and we need to stick close to home ;)

My point is that we programmers are very fallible and we should take all help we can get to avoid shooting ourselves in the foot ;). I don't mind the jungle analogy!

A reference to something that is going to remain instantiated for the lifetime of a program isn't inherently dangerous. C++ assumes that it is not. Rust assumes that it probably is.

I'd say that misrepresents Rust's position. There are many ergonomic ways to express keeping a reference to something that will remain instantiated for the whole program lifetime. You can mark a reference as having a 'static lifetime, with simplifies and elides a lot of the lifetime noise (in fact this is what happens under the hood with most &str variables). There are many constructs you can use to express different rules of access---from opting out of single ownership altogether (Rc/Arc) to moving borrows to runtime (RefCell), etc. Sharing references to things is not dangerous as long as you properly define the rules of access.

The claim that Rust makes is that shared mutable access or dangling references are inherently dangerous if you don't define the rules around them. I think this is fundamentally right, and it applies to all languages when you go beyond toy projects. The difference is that Rust forces you to express those rules through the compiler, while other languages allow you to leave them undefined. Here's where statistics back me up: there are so many CVEs coming out every year to do with dangling pointers, shared mutable access, buffer overflows and so on, that it's very difficult to dispute the claim that Rust is making.

In a world where we could be trusted not to make those mistakes, there would be no need for Rust at all, but unfortunately we are fallible :).

I do think that sometimes Rust, or another highly functional programming language like F# might be the right choice, but not always, and probably not in very low-level code.

I'd argue that Rust's best niche is precisely very low level code. What isn't obvious at first is that a lot of the complexity in Rust only exists at compile time. Most of the code you write is working towards building expressive types and ensuring compile time safety guarantees, but when it comes down to it, it compiles to very simple code, much closer to C than to C++. Projects like Redox and TockOS are demonstrating it already. People who have used it for a while almost inevitably swear by it. I think the arguments that remain against it boil down to inertia and cost of change, not to the language's merits :)

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