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Created April 13, 2021 12:19
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use core::marker::PhantomData;
use efm32pac::{CMU, GPIO};
use crate::{
construct_gpio, efm32pac, gpio_modify, gpio_read, gpio_struct, gpio_write,
hal::gpio::{InputPin, OutputPin, TogglePin},
matrix, pin_aliases,
/// Pin mode typestates
pub mod typestate {
/// Pin is disabled or not yet configured.
pub struct NotConfigured;
/// Pin is enabled as an input.
pub struct Input;
/// Pin is enabled as a push-pull output.
pub struct Output;
use typestate::*;
// Define a Gpio struct with 15 pins and ports A to L
matrix! {
[(a 'A') (b 'B') (c 'C') (d 'D') (e 'E') (f 'F') (g 'G') (h 'H') (i 'I') (j 'J') (k 'K') (l 'L')]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
impl Gpio {
pub fn new(_: GPIO, pac_cmu: &mut CMU) -> Self {
// Enable GPIO clock
pac_cmu.hfbusclken0.write(|w| w.gpio().set_bit());
matrix! { construct_gpio [a b c d e f g h i j k l] [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15] }
/// Generic pin. Modes are defined via typestate.
// The pin structure is a zero sized, pure compile time construct that allows us exclusive
// access to that section of the GPIO register block; hence why this struct has nothing
// inside. It exists only to help the type system reason about ownership of a particular pin.
pub struct Pin<MODE, const PORT: char, const INDEX: u8> {
_marker: PhantomData<MODE>,
// Define some pin type aliases for readability (e.g. `Pb6<MODE> as alias of `Pin<MODE, 'B', 6>`)
matrix! {
[(a 'A') (b 'B') (c 'C') (d 'D') (e 'E') (f 'F') (g 'G') (h 'H') (i 'I') (j 'J') (k 'K') (l 'L')]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
/// Bit representation of pin modes.
enum Mode {
Disabled = 0,
Input = 1,
PushPullOutput = 4,
Mask = 0b1111,
impl<MODE, const PORT: char, const INDEX: u8> Pin<MODE, PORT, INDEX> {
// Inner constructor. Only the GPIO module can call it to ensure
// there only exists one of each pin.
fn new() -> Self { Self { _marker: Default::default() } }
/// Sets the pin to input mode.
pub fn as_input(self) -> Pin<Input, PORT, INDEX> {
/// Sets the pin to output mode.
pub fn as_output(self) -> Pin<Output, PORT, INDEX> {
/// Disables the pin.
pub fn as_disabled(self) -> Pin<NotConfigured, PORT, INDEX> {
fn set_mode(mode: Mode) {
let offset = (4 * INDEX) % 32;
// Safety: We can interact with the GPIO register block, as we promise
// we only modify bits related to this specific pin and port, and nothing
// else has control over those bits.
let high_register_threshold = 8u8;
let mask = Mode::Mask as u32;
let mode = mode as u32;
// Safety: See above. Also, unsafe access is required to write multiple bits,
// as the compiler cannot guarantee the bits written are the correct ones not
// to leave the chip in an undefined state. Must be verified my manual review.
unsafe {
if INDEX >= high_register_threshold {
gpio_modify!(PORT, modeh, |r, w| {
w.bits((r.bits() & !(mask << offset)) | (mode << offset))
} else {
gpio_modify!(PORT, model, |r, w| {
w.bits((r.bits() & !(mask << offset)) | (mode << offset))
impl<const PORT: char, const INDEX: u8> OutputPin for Pin<Output, PORT, INDEX> {
fn set_low(&mut self) {
// Safety: We can interact with the GPIO register block, as we promise
// we only modify bits related to this specific pin and port, and nothing
// else has control over those bits.
unsafe { gpio_modify!(PORT, dout, |r, w| { w.bits(r.bits() & !(1 << INDEX)) }) }
fn set_high(&mut self) {
// Safety: We can interact with the GPIO register block, as we promise
// we only modify bits related to this specific pin and port, and nothing
// else has control over those bits.
unsafe { gpio_modify!(PORT, dout, |r, w| { w.bits(r.bits() | (1 << INDEX)) }) }
impl<const PORT: char, const INDEX: u8> TogglePin for Pin<Output, PORT, INDEX> {
fn toggle(&mut self) { unsafe { gpio_write!(PORT, douttgl, |w| { w.bits(1 << INDEX) }) } }
impl<const PORT: char, const INDEX: u8> InputPin for Pin<Input, PORT, INDEX> {
fn is_high(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { gpio_read!(PORT, din, |r| { r.bits() >> INDEX & 1 == 1 }) }
fn is_low(&self) -> bool { !self.is_high() }
/// Reads from the specific GPIO register associated to a given port
macro_rules! gpio_read {
($port:ident, $register_name:ident, |$read:ident| $block:block) => {
['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L']
[a b c d e f g h i j k l]
$port, $register_name, |$read| $block
/// Modifies the specific GPIO register associated to a given port
macro_rules! gpio_modify {
($port:ident, $register_name:ident, |$read:ident, $write:ident| $block:block) => {
['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L']
[a b c d e f g h i j k l]
$port, $register_name, |$read, $write| $block
/// Writes to the specific GPIO register associated to a given port
macro_rules! gpio_write {
($port:ident, $register_name:ident, |$write:ident| $block:block) => {
['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L']
[a b c d e f g h i j k l]
$port, $register_name, |$write| $block
/// Defines a GPIO struct
macro_rules! gpio_struct {
($( ($letter:tt $character:tt) $number:tt )*) => { paste::item! {
pub struct Gpio {
pub [<p $letter $number>]: Pin<NotConfigured, $character, $number>,
/// Initialises the members of a GPIO struct
macro_rules! construct_gpio {
($($letter:ident $number: literal)*) => { paste::item! {
Self {
$([<p $letter $number>]: Pin::new(),)*
macro_rules! gpio_read_inner {
([$($character:literal)+] [$($letter:ident)+] $port:ident, $register_name:ident, |$read:ident| $block:block) => {
paste::item! {
match PORT {
$($character => { let $read = (*GPIO::ptr()).[<p $letter _ $register_name>].read(); $block }, )+
_ => core::panic!("Unexpected port"),
macro_rules! gpio_modify_inner {
([$($character:literal)+] [$($letter:ident)+] $port:ident, $register_name:ident, |$read:ident, $write:ident| $block:block) => {
paste::item! {
::cortex_m::interrupt::free(|_| {
match PORT {
$($character => { (*GPIO::ptr()).[<p $letter _ $register_name>].modify(|$read, $write| $block) })+
_ => core::panic!("Unexpected port"),
macro_rules! gpio_write_inner {
([$($character:literal)+] [$($letter:ident)+] $port:ident, $register_name:ident, |$write:ident| $block:block) => {
paste::item! {
match PORT {
$($character => { (*GPIO::ptr()).[<p $letter _ $register_name>].write(|$write| $block) })+
_ => core::panic!("Unexpected port"),
macro_rules! pin_aliases {
($( ($letter:tt $character:tt) $number:tt )*) => { paste::item! {
pub type [<P $letter $number>]<MODE> = Pin<MODE, $character, $number>;
} }
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