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Last active January 31, 2022 01:48
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  • Save PabloSzx/b37cb0db6f7c0e4a06db8ec4189f26f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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gqty errored schema, reported from
schema {
query: query_root
mutation: mutation_root
subscription: subscription_root
input ApplePay {
encodedPaymentToken: String!
input ApplePayRequest {
encodedPaymentToken: String!
input BillingContactInfo {
address1: String
address2: String
city: String
country: String
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
personalIdentificationNumber: String
state: String
zip: String
input BluesnapSubscription {
authorizedByShopper: Boolean
autoRenew: Boolean
descriptorPhoneNumber: String
level3Data: Level3Data
nextChargeDate: String
overrideRecurringChargeAmount: Float
overrideTrialPeriodDays: Float
overrrideInitialChargeAmount: Float
payerInfo: PayerInfo
paymentSource: PaymentSource
planId: Float!
quantity: Float
softDescriptor: String
status: String
threeDSecure: ThreeDSecure
transactionFraudInfo: TransactionFraudInfo
vaultedShopperId: Float
expression to compare columns of type Boolean. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Boolean_comparison_exp {
_eq: Boolean
_gt: Boolean
_gte: Boolean
_in: [Boolean!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Boolean
_lte: Boolean
_neq: Boolean
_nin: [Boolean!]
input CardHolderInfo {
address: String
address2: String
city: String
companyName: String
country: String
email: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
merchantShopperId: String
personalIdentificationNumber: String
phone: String
state: String
zip: String
input CardHolderInfoRequest {
address: String
address2: String
city: String
country: String
email: String
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
merchantShopperId: String
personalIdentificationNumber: String
phone: String
state: String
zip: String
input CardTransaction {
amount: Float!
cardHolderInfo: CardHolderInfo
cardTransactionType: CardTransactionType!
creditCard: CreditCard
currency: String!
descriptorPhoneNumber: String
level3Data: Level3Data
merchantTransactionId: String
networkTransactionInfo: NetworkTransactionInfo
pfToken: String
softDescriptor: String
storeCard: Boolean
taxReference: String
threeDSecure: ThreeDSecure
transactionFraudInfo: TransactionFraudInfo
transactionInitiator: String
transactionMetaData: TransactionMetaData
transactionOrderSource: String
vaultedShopperId: Float
vendorsInfo: VendorsInfo
wallet: Wallet
walletId: Float
enum CardTransactionType {
type CreateFutureTransactionOutput {
transaction_id: uuid!
type CreatePendingTransactionOutput {
transaction: transaction
transaction_id: uuid!
type CreateSubscriptionOutput {
subscription: subscription
subscription_id: uuid!
type CreateTransactionOutput {
transaction: transaction
transaction_id: uuid!
input CreateVaultedShopperInput {
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
paymentSources: PaymentSources!
type CreateVaultedShopperOutput {
credit: credit
credit_id: uuid!
input CreateVendorInput {
address: String
city: String
country: String!
defaultPayoutCurrency: String
delay: Int
email: String!
firstName: String
frequency: String
ipnUrl: String
lastName: String
name: String
payoutInfo: PayoutInfo
phone: String
state: String
taxId: String
vatId: String
vendorAgreement: VendorAgreement
vendorPrincipal: VendorPrincipal
vendorUrl: String
zip: String
type CreateVendorOutput {
user: user
user_id: uuid!
input CreditCard {
cardLastFourDigits: String
cardNumber: String
cardType: String
encryptedCardNumber: String
encryptedSecurityCode: String
expirationMonth: String
expirationYear: String
securityCode: String
securityCodePfToken: String
input CreditCardInfo {
billingContactInfo: BillingContactInfo
creditCard: CreditCard
pfToken: String
status: CreditCardInfoStatus
enum CreditCardInfoStatus {
input CreditCardRequest {
cardLastFourDigits: String
cardNumber: String
cardType: String
encryptedCardNumber: String
encryptedSecurityCode: String
expirationMonth: String
expirationYear: String
securityCode: String
securityCodePfToken: String
input Ecp {
accountNumber: String!
accountType: EcpAccountType!
routingNumber: String!
enum EcpAccountType {
input EcpDetails {
billingContactInfo: BillingContactInfo!
ecp: Ecp!
status: EcpDetailsStatus!
enum EcpDetailsStatus {
input EcpInfo {
billingContactInfo: BillingContactInfo!
ecp: Ecp!
input FraudProducts {
fraudProductDesc: String!
fraudProductName: String!
fraudProductPrice: Float!
fraudProductQuantity: Float!
fraudProductType: String!
input InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
day: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
day: Int
input InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
month: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
month: Int
input InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
decremented_count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
hour: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
input InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionApplicationRolesInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
group_application_roles: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
is_default: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
is_super_role: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user_registrations_application_roles: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationRolesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationRolesInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
description: String
group_application_roles: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
is_default: Boolean
is_super_role: Boolean
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
user_registrations_application_roles: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionApplicationRolesObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationRolesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionApplicationRolesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationRolesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionApplicationsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp]
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
access_token_signing_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
active: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
admin_registration_forms_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
application_daily_active_users: InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersBoolExp
application_monthly_active_users: InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersBoolExp
application_registration_counts: InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsBoolExp
application_roles: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp
clean_speak_applications: InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsBoolExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
emailTemplateByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
email_verification_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
external_identifiers: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp
forgot_password_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
form: InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp
formByAdminRegistrationFormsId: InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp
forms_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
hourly_logins: InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id_token_signing_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
identity_providers_applications: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
key: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keyBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keyBySamlv2KeysId: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
lambda: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
lambdaByAccessTokenPopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
lambdaByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
passwordless_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
raw_logins: InsertTransactionRawLoginsBoolExp
refresh_tokens: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
samlv2_issuer: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
samlv2_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
set_password_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
user_action_logs_applications: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsBoolExp
user_registrations: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp
verification_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
webhooks_applications: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionApplicationsInsertInput {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
active: Boolean
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid
application_daily_active_users: InsertTransactionApplicationDailyActiveUsersArrRelInsertInput
application_monthly_active_users: InsertTransactionApplicationMonthlyActiveUsersArrRelInsertInput
application_registration_counts: InsertTransactionApplicationRegistrationCountsArrRelInsertInput
application_roles: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput
clean_speak_applications: InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
data: String
emailTemplateByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid
external_identifiers: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersArrRelInsertInput
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
form: InsertTransactionFormsObjRelInsertInput
formByAdminRegistrationFormsId: InsertTransactionFormsObjRelInsertInput
forms_id: uuid
hourly_logins: InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
identity_providers_applications: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
insert_instant: bigint
key: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keyBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keyBySamlv2KeysId: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
lambda: InsertTransactionLambdasObjRelInsertInput
lambdaByAccessTokenPopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionLambdasObjRelInsertInput
lambdaByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionLambdasObjRelInsertInput
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
raw_logins: InsertTransactionRawLoginsArrRelInsertInput
refresh_tokens: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensArrRelInsertInput
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_issuer: String
samlv2_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
user_action_logs_applications: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
user_registrations: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsArrRelInsertInput
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
webhooks_applications: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionApplicationsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionApplicationsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionApplicationsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionApplicationsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionApplicationsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionApplicationsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionAuctionArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionAuctionInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionAuctionOnConflict
input InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp]
bids: InsertTransactionBidBoolExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deadline: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionAuctionConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionAuctionInsertInput {
bids: InsertTransactionBidArrRelInsertInput
created_at: timestamptz
deadline: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionAuctionObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionAuctionInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionAuctionOnConflict
input InsertTransactionAuctionOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionAuctionConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionAuctionUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionAuctionUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysOnConflict
input InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysBoolExp]
id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
meta_data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
permissions: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysInsertInput {
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
meta_data: String
permissions: String
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionAvailabilityArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionAvailabilityInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionAvailabilityOnConflict
input InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
day: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
end_at: InsertTransactionTimeComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
is_available: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
start_at: InsertTransactionTimeComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionAvailabilityConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionAvailabilityInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
day: Int
deleted_at: timestamptz
end_at: time
id: uuid
is_available: Boolean
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
start_at: time
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionAvailabilityOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionAvailabilityConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionAvailabilityUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionAvailabilityUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionBidArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionBidInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionBidOnConflict
input InsertTransactionBidBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionBidBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionBidBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionBidBoolExp]
auction: InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp
auction_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
price: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionBidConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionBidInsertInput {
auction: InsertTransactionAuctionObjRelInsertInput
auction_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
price: numeric
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionBidOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionBidConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionBidUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionBidBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionBidUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp {
_eq: bigint
_gt: bigint
_gte: bigint
_in: [bigint!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: bigint
_lte: bigint
_neq: bigint
_nin: [bigint!]
input InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp {
_eq: Boolean
_gt: Boolean
_gte: Boolean
_in: [Boolean!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Boolean
_lte: Boolean
_neq: Boolean
_nin: [Boolean!]
input InsertTransactionBpcharComparisonExp {
_eq: bpchar
_gt: bpchar
_gte: bpchar
_in: [bpchar!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: bpchar
_lte: bpchar
_neq: bpchar
_nin: [bpchar!]
input InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsBoolExp]
matched_common_password_count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
matched_exact_count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
matched_password_count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
matched_sub_address_count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
passwords_checked_count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsInsertInput {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
clean_speak_application_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
clean_speak_application_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionCleanSpeakApplicationsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionConnectorsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionConnectorsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionConnectorsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp]
connectors_tenants: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
key: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
lambda: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
reconcile_lambdas_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
ssl_certificate_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionConnectorsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionConnectorsInsertInput {
connectors_tenants: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsArrRelInsertInput
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
key: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
lambda: InsertTransactionLambdasObjRelInsertInput
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid
type: smallint
input InsertTransactionConnectorsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionConnectorsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionConnectorsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionConnectorsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionConnectorsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionConnectorsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp
input InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp]
connector: InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp
connectors_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
sequence: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsInsertInput {
connector: InsertTransactionConnectorsObjRelInsertInput
connectors_id: uuid
data: String
sequence: smallint
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
enum InsertTransactionConnectorsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionConsentsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionConsentsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionConsentsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp]
consent_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
emailTemplateByConsentEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
email_plus_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
form_fields: InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user_consents: InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionConsentsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionConsentsInsertInput {
consent_email_templates_id: uuid
data: String
emailTemplateByConsentEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
form_fields: InsertTransactionFormFieldsArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
user_consents: InsertTransactionUserConsentsArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionConsentsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionConsentsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionConsentsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionConsentsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionConsentsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionConsentsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionConsentsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionContactArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionContactInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionContactOnConflict
input InsertTransactionContactBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionContactBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionContactBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionContactBoolExp]
content: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
email: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
phone: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
target_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
title: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionContactConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionContactInsertInput {
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid
name: String
phone: String
target_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionContactOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionContactConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionContactUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionContactBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionContactUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionCreditArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionCreditInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionCreditOnConflict
input InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp]
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
hint: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
transactions: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionCreditConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionCreditInsertInput {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
hint: String
id: uuid
transactions: InsertTransactionTransactionArrRelInsertInput
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionCreditObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionCreditInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionCreditOnConflict
input InsertTransactionCreditOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionCreditConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionCreditUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionCreditUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionDateComparisonExp {
_eq: date
_gt: date
_gte: date
_in: [date!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: date
_lte: date
_neq: date
_nin: [date!]
input InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp]
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
consents: InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp
consentsByEmailPlusEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp
default_from_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
default_html_template: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
default_subject: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
default_text_template: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
from_email: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
localized_from_names: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
localized_html_templates: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
localized_subjects: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
localized_text_templates: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsByParentRegistrationEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
userActionsByEndEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
userActionsByModifyEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
userActionsByStartEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
user_actions: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesInsertInput {
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
consents: InsertTransactionConsentsArrRelInsertInput
consentsByEmailPlusEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionConsentsArrRelInsertInput
default_from_name: String
default_html_template: String
default_subject: String
default_text_template: String
from_email: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
localized_from_names: String
localized_html_templates: String
localized_subjects: String
localized_text_templates: String
name: String
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsByParentRegistrationEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
userActionsByEndEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionUserActionsArrRelInsertInput
userActionsByModifyEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionUserActionsArrRelInsertInput
userActionsByStartEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionUserActionsArrRelInsertInput
user_actions: InsertTransactionUserActionsArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
type: smallint
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFailedLoginsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFailedLoginsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp]
count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
last_failed_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFailedLoginsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFailedLoginsInsertInput {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionFailedLoginsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFailedLoginsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFailedLoginsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFailedLoginsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFamiliesArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFamiliesInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFamiliesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFamiliesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFamiliesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFamiliesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFamiliesBoolExp]
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
family_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
owner: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
role: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFamiliesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFamiliesInsertInput {
data: String
family_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
owner: Boolean
role: smallint
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionFamiliesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFamiliesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFamiliesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFamiliesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFamiliesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsBoolExp]
domain: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
identity_provider: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
identity_providers_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsInsertInput {
domain: String
identity_provider: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersObjRelInsertInput
identity_providers_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFollowArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFollowInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFollowOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp]
confirmed: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
follower: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
following: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
userByFollowing: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFollowConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFollowInsertInput {
confirmed: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
follower: uuid
following: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
userByFollowing: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionFollowOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFollowConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFollowUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFollowUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFormFieldsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFormFieldsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFormFieldsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp]
consent: InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp
consents_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
form_steps: InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFormFieldsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFormFieldsInsertInput {
consent: InsertTransactionConsentsObjRelInsertInput
consents_id: uuid
data: String
form_steps: InsertTransactionFormStepsArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
input InsertTransactionFormFieldsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionFormFieldsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFormFieldsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFormFieldsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFormFieldsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFormFieldsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFormFieldsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFormStepsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFormStepsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFormStepsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp]
form: InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp
form_field: InsertTransactionFormFieldsBoolExp
form_fields_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
forms_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
sequence: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
step: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFormStepsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFormStepsInsertInput {
form: InsertTransactionFormsObjRelInsertInput
form_field: InsertTransactionFormFieldsObjRelInsertInput
form_fields_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
input InsertTransactionFormStepsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFormStepsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFormStepsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFormStepsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp]
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByAdminRegistrationFormsId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
form_steps: InsertTransactionFormStepsBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
type: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFormsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFormsInsertInput {
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByAdminRegistrationFormsId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
data: String
form_steps: InsertTransactionFormStepsArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
type: smallint
input InsertTransactionFormsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionFormsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFormsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFormsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFormsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFormsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFormsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionFriendshipArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionFriendshipInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionFriendshipOnConflict
input InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp]
confirmed: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
userByUserId2: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id1: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
user_id2: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionFriendshipConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionFriendshipInsertInput {
confirmed: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
userByUserId2: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id1: uuid
user_id2: uuid
input InsertTransactionFriendshipOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionFriendshipConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionFriendshipUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionFriendshipUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp]
application_role: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp
application_roles_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
group: InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp
groups_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesInsertInput {
application_role: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesObjRelInsertInput
application_roles_id: uuid
group: InsertTransactionGroupsObjRelInsertInput
groups_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
group_users: InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
payments: InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp
posts: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
transactions: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
users: InsertTransactionGroupUsersViewBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionGroupInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
group_users: InsertTransactionGroupUserArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
name: String
payments: InsertTransactionPaymentArrRelInsertInput
posts: InsertTransactionPostArrRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
transactions: InsertTransactionTransactionArrRelInsertInput
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionGroupMembersArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionGroupMembersInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionGroupMembersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp]
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
group: InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp
groups_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupMembersConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionGroupMembersInsertInput {
data: String
group: InsertTransactionGroupsObjRelInsertInput
groups_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionGroupMembersOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionGroupMembersConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionGroupMembersUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupMembersUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionGroupObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionGroupInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionGroupOnConflict
input InsertTransactionGroupOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionGroupConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionGroupUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionGroupUserArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionGroupUserInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionGroupUserOnConflict
input InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
group: InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp
group_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupUserConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionGroupUserInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
group: InsertTransactionGroupObjRelInsertInput
group_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionGroupUserOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionGroupUserConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionGroupUserUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupUserUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionGroupUsersViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionGroupUsersViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionGroupUsersViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionGroupUsersViewBoolExp]
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
first_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
group_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
image: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
last_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
phone: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionGroupsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionGroupsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionGroupsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp]
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
group_application_roles: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesBoolExp
group_members: InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionGroupsInsertInput {
data: String
group_application_roles: InsertTransactionGroupApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput
group_members: InsertTransactionGroupMembersArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionGroupsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionGroupsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionGroupsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionGroupsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionGroupsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionGroupsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionGroupsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
count: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
hour: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
data: String
hour: Int
input InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionHourlyLoginsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionIdentitiesArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionIdentitiesInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionIdentitiesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp]
breached_password_last_checked_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
breached_password_status: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
connectors_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
email: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
encryption_scheme: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
factor: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_login_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
password: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
password_change_reason: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
password_change_required: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
password_last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
salt: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
status: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
two_factor_delivery: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
two_factor_enabled: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
two_factor_secret: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
username: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
username_index: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
username_status: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
verified: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionIdentitiesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionIdentitiesInsertInput {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
connectors_id: uuid
email: String
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password: String
password_change_reason: smallint
password_change_required: Boolean
password_last_update_instant: bigint
salt: String
status: smallint
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
two_factor_delivery: smallint
two_factor_enabled: Boolean
two_factor_secret: String
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
username: String
username_index: String
username_status: smallint
users_id: uuid
verified: Boolean
input InsertTransactionIdentitiesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionIdentitiesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionIdentitiesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionIdentitiesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsInsertInput!]!
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
enabled: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
identity_provider: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
identity_providers_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
key: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
data: String
enabled: Boolean
identity_provider: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersObjRelInsertInput
identity_providers_id: uuid
key: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keys_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp]
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
enabled: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
federated_domains: InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
identity_providers_applications: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
key: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keyByKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
lambda: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
reconcile_lambdas_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
request_signing_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersInsertInput {
data: String
enabled: Boolean
federated_domains: InsertTransactionFederatedDomainsArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
identity_providers_applications: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
insert_instant: bigint
key: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keyByKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keys_id: uuid
lambda: InsertTransactionLambdasObjRelInsertInput
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
request_signing_keys_id: uuid
type: String
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp {
_eq: Int
_gt: Int
_gte: Int
_in: [Int!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Int
_lte: Int
_neq: Int
_nin: [Int!]
input InsertTransactionJsonComparisonExp {
_eq: json
_gt: json
_gte: json
_in: [json!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: json
_lte: json
_neq: json
_nin: [json!]
input InsertTransactionJsonbComparisonExp {
_contained_in: jsonb
_contains: jsonb
_eq: jsonb
_gt: jsonb
_gte: jsonb
_has_key: String
_has_keys_all: [String!]
_has_keys_any: [String!]
_in: [jsonb!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: jsonb
_lte: jsonb
_neq: jsonb
_nin: [jsonb!]
input InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp]
algorithm: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
certificate: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
connectors: InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp
expiration_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
identityProvidersByRequestSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
identity_providers: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
identity_providers_applications: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsBoolExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
issuer: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
kid: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
private_key: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
public_key: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
secret: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenantsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionKeysConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionKeysInsertInput {
algorithm: String
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
certificate: String
connectors: InsertTransactionConnectorsArrRelInsertInput
expiration_instant: bigint
id: uuid
identityProvidersByRequestSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersArrRelInsertInput
identity_providers: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersArrRelInsertInput
identity_providers_applications: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
insert_instant: bigint
issuer: String
kid: String
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
private_key: String
public_key: String
secret: String
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
tenantsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
type: String
input InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionKeysInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionKeysOnConflict
input InsertTransactionKeysOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionKeysConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionKeysUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionKeysUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp]
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applicationsBySamlv2PopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
body: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
connectors: InsertTransactionConnectorsBoolExp
debug: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
enabled: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
identity_providers: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersBoolExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionLambdasConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionLambdasInsertInput {
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
applicationsBySamlv2PopulateLambdasId: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
body: String
connectors: InsertTransactionConnectorsArrRelInsertInput
debug: Boolean
enabled: Boolean
id: uuid
identity_providers: InsertTransactionIdentityProvidersArrRelInsertInput
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
input InsertTransactionLambdasObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionLambdasInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionLambdasOnConflict
input InsertTransactionLambdasOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionLambdasConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionLambdasUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionLambdasBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionLambdasUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionLocationArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionLocationInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionLocationOnConflict
input InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
lat: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
lng: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
locationable_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
post: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
post_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionLocationConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionLocationInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
locationable_id: uuid
name: String
post: InsertTransactionPostObjRelInsertInput
post_id: uuid
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationArrRelInsertInput
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionLocationObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionLocationInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionLocationOnConflict
input InsertTransactionLocationOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionLocationConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionLocationUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionLocationUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionMediaArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionMediaInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionMediaOnConflict
input InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
mediaable_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
post: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
src: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionMediaConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionMediaInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
mediaable_id: uuid
post: InsertTransactionPostObjRelInsertInput
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
src: String
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionMediaOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionMediaConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionMediaUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionMediaUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp {
_eq: numeric
_gt: numeric
_gte: numeric
_in: [numeric!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: numeric
_lte: numeric
_neq: numeric
_nin: [numeric!]
input InsertTransactionPaymentArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionPaymentInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionPaymentOnConflict
input InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp]
amount: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
buyer_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
delivery_time: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
group: InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp
group_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
is_success: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionPaymentConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionPaymentInsertInput {
amount: Int
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group: InsertTransactionGroupObjRelInsertInput
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
is_success: Boolean
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionPaymentOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionPaymentConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionPaymentUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionPaymentUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionPostArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionPostInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionPostOnConflict
input InsertTransactionPostBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionPostBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionPostBoolExp]
assignment_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
content: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
group: InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp
group_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
locations: InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp
media: InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp
parent: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
parent_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
post_tags: InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp
posts: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
ratings: InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp
tags: InsertTransactionPostTagsViewBoolExp
title: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_assigned: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionPostConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionPostInsertInput {
assignment_id: uuid
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
group: InsertTransactionGroupObjRelInsertInput
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
locations: InsertTransactionLocationArrRelInsertInput
media: InsertTransactionMediaArrRelInsertInput
parent: InsertTransactionPostObjRelInsertInput
parent_id: uuid
post_tags: InsertTransactionPostTagArrRelInsertInput
posts: InsertTransactionPostArrRelInsertInput
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
ratings: InsertTransactionRatingArrRelInsertInput
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_assigned: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionPostObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionPostInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionPostOnConflict
input InsertTransactionPostOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionPostConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionPostUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
input InsertTransactionPostTagArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionPostTagInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionPostTagOnConflict
input InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
post: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
post_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
relation_type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tag: InsertTransactionTagBoolExp
tag_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionPostTagConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionPostTagInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
post: InsertTransactionPostObjRelInsertInput
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag: InsertTransactionTagObjRelInsertInput
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionPostTagOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionPostTagConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionPostTagUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionPostTagUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionPostTagsViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionPostTagsViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionPostTagsViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionPostTagsViewBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
image: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
post_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
relation_type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionPostUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsBoolExp]
encryption_scheme: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
factor: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
password: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
salt: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsInsertInput {
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
password: String
salt: String
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionProductArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionProductInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionProductOnConflict
input InsertTransactionProductBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionProductBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionProductBoolExp]
auctions: InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp
availabilities: InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
in_stock: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
locations: InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp
media: InsertTransactionMediaBoolExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
payments: InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp
posts: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
price: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
product_tags: InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp
product_transactions: InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp
ratings: InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp
supply_time: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
tags: InsertTransactionProductTagsViewBoolExp
transactions: InsertTransactionProductTransactionsViewBoolExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionProductConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionProductInsertInput {
auctions: InsertTransactionAuctionArrRelInsertInput
availabilities: InsertTransactionAvailabilityArrRelInsertInput
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
in_stock: Int
locations: InsertTransactionLocationArrRelInsertInput
media: InsertTransactionMediaArrRelInsertInput
name: String
payments: InsertTransactionPaymentArrRelInsertInput
posts: InsertTransactionPostArrRelInsertInput
price: numeric
product_tags: InsertTransactionProductTagArrRelInsertInput
product_transactions: InsertTransactionProductTransactionArrRelInsertInput
ratings: InsertTransactionRatingArrRelInsertInput
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationArrRelInsertInput
supply_time: Int
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionProductInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionProductOnConflict
input InsertTransactionProductOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionProductConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionProductUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
input InsertTransactionProductTagArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionProductTagInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionProductTagOnConflict
input InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
relation_type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tag: InsertTransactionTagBoolExp
tag_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionProductTagConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionProductTagInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag: InsertTransactionTagObjRelInsertInput
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionProductTagOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionProductTagConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionProductTagUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionProductTagUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionProductTagsViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionProductTagsViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionProductTagsViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionProductTagsViewBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
image: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
relation_type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionProductTransactionArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionProductTransactionInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionProductTransactionOnConflict
input InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
transaction_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionProductTransactionConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionProductTransactionInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionObjRelInsertInput
transaction_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionProductTransactionOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionProductTransactionConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionProductTransactionUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionProductTransactionUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionProductTransactionsViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionProductTransactionsViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionProductTransactionsViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionProductTransactionsViewBoolExp]
amount: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
bluesnap_transaction_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
buyer_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
delivery_time: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
group_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
is_success: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
seller_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
status: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionProductUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionRatingArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionRatingInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionRatingOnConflict
input InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
effector: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
effector_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
post: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
post_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
rating: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionRatingConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionRatingInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
effector: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
effector_id: uuid
id: uuid
post: InsertTransactionPostObjRelInsertInput
post_id: uuid
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
rating: Int
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionRatingOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionRatingConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionRatingUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionRatingUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionRawLoginsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionRawLoginsInsertInput!]!
input InsertTransactionRawLoginsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionRawLoginsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionRawLoginsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionRawLoginsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
ip_address: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionRawLoginsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
instant: bigint
ip_address: String
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionRefreshTokensArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionRefreshTokensInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensOnConflict
input InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
start_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
token: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionRefreshTokensConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionRefreshTokensInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
start_instant: bigint
token: String
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionRefreshTokensOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionRefreshTokensUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionRefreshTokensUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionRefundArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionRefundInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionRefundOnConflict
input InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp]
amount: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
bluesnap_refund_transaction_id: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
cancel_subscriptions: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
currency: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
date: InsertTransactionDateComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
reason: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tax_amount: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
transaction_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
transaction_meta_data: InsertTransactionJsonbComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
vendor_amount: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
vendors: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionRefundConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionRefundInsertInput {
amount: numeric
bluesnap_refund_transaction_id: Int
cancel_subscriptions: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
currency: String
date: date
id: uuid
reason: String
tax_amount: numeric
transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionObjRelInsertInput
transaction_id: uuid
transaction_meta_data: jsonb
updated_at: timestamptz
vendor_amount: numeric
vendors: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionRefundObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionRefundInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionRefundOnConflict
input InsertTransactionRefundOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionRefundConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionRefundUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionRefundUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionRefundVendorsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionRefundVendorsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp]
amount: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
bluesnap_vendor_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
refund: InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp
refund_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
vendor: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionRefundVendorsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionRefundVendorsInsertInput {
amount: numeric
bluesnap_vendor_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
refund: InsertTransactionRefundObjRelInsertInput
refund_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
vendor: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionRefundVendorsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionRefundVendorsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionRefundVendorsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionReservationArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionReservationInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionReservationOnConflict
input InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
customer: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
customer_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
end_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
location: InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp
location_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
notes: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
product: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
product_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
start_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
transaction_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionReservationConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionReservationInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
customer: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
customer_id: uuid
deleted_at: timestamptz
end_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
location: InsertTransactionLocationObjRelInsertInput
location_id: uuid
notes: String
product: InsertTransactionProductObjRelInsertInput
product_id: uuid
start_at: timestamptz
transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionObjRelInsertInput
transaction_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionReservationOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionReservationConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionReservationUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionReservationUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp {
_eq: smallint
_gt: smallint
_gte: smallint
_in: [smallint!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: smallint
_lte: smallint
_neq: smallint
_nin: [smallint!]
input InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp {
_eq: String
_gt: String
_gte: String
_ilike: String
_in: [String!]
_is_null: Boolean
_like: String
_lt: String
_lte: String
_neq: String
_nilike: String
_nin: [String!]
_nlike: String
_nsimilar: String
_similar: String
input InsertTransactionSubscriptionArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionSubscriptionInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionSubscriptionOnConflict
input InsertTransactionSubscriptionBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionSubscriptionBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionSubscriptionBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionSubscriptionBoolExp]
bluesnap_plan_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
bluesnap_subscription_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionSubscriptionConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionSubscriptionInsertInput {
bluesnap_plan_id: String
bluesnap_subscription_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionSubscriptionOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionSubscriptionConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionSubscriptionUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionSubscriptionBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionSubscriptionUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionTagBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTagBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTagBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTagBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
image: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
post_tags: InsertTransactionPostTagBoolExp
product_tags: InsertTransactionProductTagBoolExp
tag_users: InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp
type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionTagConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionTagInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
post_tags: InsertTransactionPostTagArrRelInsertInput
product_tags: InsertTransactionProductTagArrRelInsertInput
tag_users: InsertTransactionTagUserArrRelInsertInput
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionTagObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionTagInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTagOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTagOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionTagConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionTagUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionTagBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionTagUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionTagUserArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionTagUserInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTagUserOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
relation_type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tag: InsertTransactionTagBoolExp
tag_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionTagUserConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionTagUserInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
relation_type: String
tag: InsertTransactionTagObjRelInsertInput
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionTagUserOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionTagUserConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionTagUserUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionTagUserUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionTenantsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTenantsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp]
access_token_signing_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
admin_user_forms_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
authentication_keys: InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysBoolExp
breached_password_metrics: InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsBoolExp
confirm_child_email_template_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
connectors_tenants: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsBoolExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
emailTemplateByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
external_identifiers: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp
failed_authentication_user_actions_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
failed_logins: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp
family_request_email_template_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
forgot_password_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
form: InsertTransactionFormsBoolExp
groups: InsertTransactionGroupsBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id_token_signing_keys_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
identities: InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
key: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysBoolExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
parent_registration_email_template_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
passwordless_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
set_password_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
theme: InsertTransactionThemesBoolExp
themes_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
user_action: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
users: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
verification_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionTenantsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionTenantsInsertInput {
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
admin_user_forms_id: uuid
applications: InsertTransactionApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
authentication_keys: InsertTransactionAuthenticationKeysArrRelInsertInput
breached_password_metrics: InsertTransactionBreachedPasswordMetricsArrRelInsertInput
confirm_child_email_template_id: uuid
connectors_tenants: InsertTransactionConnectorsTenantsArrRelInsertInput
data: String
emailTemplateByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
external_identifiers: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersArrRelInsertInput
failed_authentication_user_actions_id: uuid
failed_logins: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsArrRelInsertInput
family_request_email_template_id: uuid
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
form: InsertTransactionFormsObjRelInsertInput
groups: InsertTransactionGroupsArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
identities: InsertTransactionIdentitiesArrRelInsertInput
insert_instant: bigint
key: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: InsertTransactionKeysObjRelInsertInput
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
parent_registration_email_template_id: uuid
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
theme: InsertTransactionThemesObjRelInsertInput
themes_id: uuid
user_action: InsertTransactionUserActionsObjRelInsertInput
users: InsertTransactionUsersArrRelInsertInput
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionTenantsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTenantsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTenantsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionTenantsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionTenantsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionTenantsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionTermBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTermBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTermBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTermBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
term_users: InsertTransactionTermUserBoolExp
terms_url: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionTermConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionTermInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
term_users: InsertTransactionTermUserArrRelInsertInput
terms_url: String
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionTermObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionTermInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTermOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTermOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionTermConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionTermUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionTermBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionTermUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionTermUserArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionTermUserInsertInput!]!
input InsertTransactionTermUserBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTermUserBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTermUserBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTermUserBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
ip: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
term: InsertTransactionTermBoolExp
term_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionTermUserInsertInput {
created_at: timestamptz
ip: String
term: InsertTransactionTermObjRelInsertInput
term_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
user_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionThemesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionThemesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionThemesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionThemesBoolExp]
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionThemesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionThemesInsertInput {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionThemesObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionThemesInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionThemesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionThemesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionThemesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionThemesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionThemesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionThemesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionTimeComparisonExp {
_eq: time
_gt: time
_gte: time
_in: [time!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: time
_lte: time
_neq: time
_nin: [time!]
input InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp {
_eq: timestamptz
_gt: timestamptz
_gte: timestamptz
_in: [timestamptz!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: timestamptz
_lte: timestamptz
_neq: timestamptz
_nin: [timestamptz!]
input InsertTransactionTransactionArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionTransactionInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTransactionOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp]
amount: InsertTransactionNumericComparisonExp
bluesnap_transaction_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
buyer: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
buyer_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
credit: InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp
credit_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
delivery_time: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
group: InsertTransactionGroupBoolExp
group_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
is_success: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
product_transactions: InsertTransactionProductTransactionBoolExp
products: InsertTransactionTransactionProductsViewBoolExp
refunds: InsertTransactionRefundBoolExp
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp
seller: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
seller_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
status: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnumComparisonExp
transaction_status: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusBoolExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionTransactionConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionTransactionInsertInput {
amount: numeric
bluesnap_transaction_id: String
buyer: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
credit: InsertTransactionCreditObjRelInsertInput
credit_id: uuid
delivery_time: Int
group: InsertTransactionGroupObjRelInsertInput
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
is_success: Boolean
product_transactions: InsertTransactionProductTransactionArrRelInsertInput
refunds: InsertTransactionRefundArrRelInsertInput
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationArrRelInsertInput
seller: InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput
seller_id: uuid
status: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnum
transaction_status: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusObjRelInsertInput
updated_at: timestamptz
input InsertTransactionTransactionObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionTransactionInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTransactionOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTransactionOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionTransactionConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionTransactionUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
input InsertTransactionTransactionProductsViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTransactionProductsViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTransactionProductsViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTransactionProductsViewBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
transaction_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionTransactionStatusBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionTransactionStatusBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionTransactionStatusBoolExp]
comment: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
transactions: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
value: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionTransactionStatusConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
enum InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnum {
"""approved by seller"""
"""transation fully refunded"""
"""transation partially refunded"""
"""pending seller approval"""
"""transation canceled"""
"""transation failed"""
"""transation succeed"""
input InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnumComparisonExp {
_eq: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnum
_in: [InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnum!]
_is_null: Boolean
_neq: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnum
_nin: [InsertTransactionTransactionStatusEnum!]
input InsertTransactionTransactionStatusInsertInput {
comment: String
transactions: InsertTransactionTransactionArrRelInsertInput
value: String
input InsertTransactionTransactionStatusObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusOnConflict
input InsertTransactionTransactionStatusOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionTransactionStatusUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionTransactionStatusBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionTransactionStatusUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
enum InsertTransactionTransactionUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsInsertInput!]!
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
user_action_log: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp
user_action_logs_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
user_action_log: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsObjRelInsertInput
user_action_logs_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp]
actionee_users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
actioner_users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
comment: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
email_user_on_end: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
end_event_sent: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
expiry: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
history: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
localized_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
localized_option: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
localized_reason: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
notify_user_on_end: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
option_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
reason: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
reason_code: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
userByActionerUsersId: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
user_action: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
user_action_logs_applications: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsBoolExp
user_actions_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserActionLogsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsInsertInput {
actionee_users_id: uuid
actioner_users_id: uuid
comment: String
email_user_on_end: Boolean
end_event_sent: Boolean
expiry: bigint
history: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
localized_name: String
localized_option: String
localized_reason: String
name: String
notify_user_on_end: Boolean
option_name: String
reason: String
reason_code: String
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
userByActionerUsersId: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
user_action: InsertTransactionUserActionsObjRelInsertInput
user_action_logs_applications: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
user_actions_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserActionLogsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserActionLogsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserActionLogsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserActionsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserActionsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserActionsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp]
active: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
cancel_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
emailTemplateByCancelEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByEndEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
emailTemplateByModifyEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesBoolExp
end_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
include_email_in_event_json: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
localized_names: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
modify_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
options: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
prevent_login: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
send_end_event: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
start_email_templates_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
temporal: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
transaction_type: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
user_action_logs: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp
user_emailing_enabled: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
user_notifications_enabled: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserActionsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserActionsInsertInput {
active: Boolean
cancel_email_templates_id: uuid
emailTemplateByCancelEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByEndEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
emailTemplateByModifyEmailTemplatesId: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
email_template: InsertTransactionEmailTemplatesObjRelInsertInput
end_email_templates_id: uuid
id: uuid
include_email_in_event_json: Boolean
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
localized_names: String
modify_email_templates_id: uuid
name: String
options: String
prevent_login: Boolean
send_end_event: Boolean
start_email_templates_id: uuid
temporal: Boolean
tenants: InsertTransactionTenantsArrRelInsertInput
transaction_type: smallint
user_action_logs: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsArrRelInsertInput
user_emailing_enabled: Boolean
user_notifications_enabled: Boolean
input InsertTransactionUserActionsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionUserActionsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserActionsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserActionsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserActionsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserActionsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserActionsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserActionsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserBoolExp]
attributes: InsertTransactionJsonComparisonExp
auctions: InsertTransactionAuctionBoolExp
availabilities: InsertTransactionAvailabilityBoolExp
bids: InsertTransactionBidBoolExp
bluesnap_vendor_id: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
contacts: InsertTransactionContactBoolExp
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
credits: InsertTransactionCreditBoolExp
deleted_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
email: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
expenses: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
first_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
follows: InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp
followsByFollowing: InsertTransactionFollowBoolExp
friendships: InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp
friendshipsByUserId2: InsertTransactionFriendshipBoolExp
fusionauth_user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
group_users: InsertTransactionGroupUserBoolExp
groups: InsertTransactionUserGroupsViewBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
image: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
is_admin: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
is_premium: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
last_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
locations: InsertTransactionLocationBoolExp
password: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
payments: InsertTransactionPaymentBoolExp
phone: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
posts: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
posts_assigned: InsertTransactionPostBoolExp
products: InsertTransactionProductBoolExp
rating_actions: InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp
ratings: InsertTransactionRatingBoolExp
refunds: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsBoolExp
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationBoolExp
revenues: InsertTransactionTransactionBoolExp
subscriptions: InsertTransactionSubscriptionBoolExp
tag_users: InsertTransactionTagUserBoolExp
tags: InsertTransactionUserTagsViewBoolExp
term_users: InsertTransactionTermUserBoolExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
username: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionUserCommentsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserCommentsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserCommentsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp]
comment: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
commenter_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
userByUsersId: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserCommentsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserCommentsInsertInput {
comment: String
commenter_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
userByUsersId: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionUserCommentsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserCommentsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserCommentsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserCommentsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserConsentsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp]
consent: InsertTransactionConsentsBoolExp
consents_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
giver_users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
userByGiverUsersId: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
user_consents_email_plus: InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusBoolExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserConsentsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusBoolExp]
id: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
next_email_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
user_consent: InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp
user_consents_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusInsertInput {
id: bigint
next_email_instant: bigint
user_consent: InsertTransactionUserConsentsObjRelInsertInput
user_consents_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsInsertInput {
consent: InsertTransactionConsentsObjRelInsertInput
consents_id: uuid
data: String
giver_users_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
userByGiverUsersId: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
user_consents_email_plus: InsertTransactionUserConsentsEmailPlusArrRelInsertInput
users_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionUserConsentsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserConsentsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserConsentsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserConsentsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserConsentsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserConsentsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
enum InsertTransactionUserConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserGroupsViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserGroupsViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserGroupsViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserGroupsViewBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
input InsertTransactionUserInsertInput {
attributes: json
auctions: InsertTransactionAuctionArrRelInsertInput
availabilities: InsertTransactionAvailabilityArrRelInsertInput
bids: InsertTransactionBidArrRelInsertInput
bluesnap_vendor_id: String
contacts: InsertTransactionContactArrRelInsertInput
created_at: timestamptz
credits: InsertTransactionCreditArrRelInsertInput
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
email: String
expenses: InsertTransactionTransactionArrRelInsertInput
first_name: String
follows: InsertTransactionFollowArrRelInsertInput
followsByFollowing: InsertTransactionFollowArrRelInsertInput
friendships: InsertTransactionFriendshipArrRelInsertInput
friendshipsByUserId2: InsertTransactionFriendshipArrRelInsertInput
fusionauth_user_id: uuid
group_users: InsertTransactionGroupUserArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
image: String
is_admin: Boolean
is_premium: Boolean
last_name: String
locations: InsertTransactionLocationArrRelInsertInput
password: String
payments: InsertTransactionPaymentArrRelInsertInput
phone: String
posts: InsertTransactionPostArrRelInsertInput
posts_assigned: InsertTransactionPostArrRelInsertInput
products: InsertTransactionProductArrRelInsertInput
rating_actions: InsertTransactionRatingArrRelInsertInput
ratings: InsertTransactionRatingArrRelInsertInput
refunds: InsertTransactionRefundVendorsArrRelInsertInput
reservations: InsertTransactionReservationArrRelInsertInput
revenues: InsertTransactionTransactionArrRelInsertInput
subscriptions: InsertTransactionSubscriptionArrRelInsertInput
tag_users: InsertTransactionTagUserArrRelInsertInput
term_users: InsertTransactionTermUserArrRelInsertInput
updated_at: timestamptz
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
username: String
input InsertTransactionUserObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionUserInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp]
application_role: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesBoolExp
application_roles_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
user_registration: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp
user_registrations_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesInsertInput {
application_role: InsertTransactionApplicationRolesObjRelInsertInput
application_roles_id: uuid
user_registration: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsObjRelInsertInput
user_registrations_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
authentication_token: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
clean_speak_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_login_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
timezone: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
user: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
user_registrations_application_roles: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesBoolExp
username: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
username_status: InsertTransactionSmallintComparisonExp
users_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
verified: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
authentication_token: String
clean_speak_id: uuid
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
timezone: String
user: InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput
user_registrations_application_roles: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsApplicationRolesArrRelInsertInput
username: String
username_status: smallint
users_id: uuid
verified: Boolean
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUserTagsViewBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUserTagsViewBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUserTagsViewBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUserTagsViewBoolExp]
created_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
image: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
relation_type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
type: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
updated_at: InsertTransactionTimestamptzComparisonExp
user_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionUserUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUsersArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionUsersInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUsersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp]
active: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
birth_date: InsertTransactionBpcharComparisonExp
clean_speak_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
expiry: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
external_identifiers: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersBoolExp
failed_login: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsBoolExp
families: InsertTransactionFamiliesBoolExp
first_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
full_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
group_members: InsertTransactionGroupMembersBoolExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
identities: InsertTransactionIdentitiesBoolExp
image_url: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
middle_name: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
mobile_phone: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
parent_email: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
previous_passwords: InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsBoolExp
raw_logins: InsertTransactionRawLoginsBoolExp
refresh_tokens: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensBoolExp
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsBoolExp
tenants_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
timezone: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
userActionLogsByActioneeUsersId: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp
userCommentsByCommenterId: InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp
userConsentsByUsersId: InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp
user_action_logs: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsBoolExp
user_comments: InsertTransactionUserCommentsBoolExp
user_consents: InsertTransactionUserConsentsBoolExp
user_registrations: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsBoolExp
users: InsertTransactionUserBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUsersConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionUsersInsertInput {
active: Boolean
birth_date: bpchar
clean_speak_id: uuid
data: String
expiry: bigint
external_identifiers: InsertTransactionExternalIdentifiersArrRelInsertInput
failed_login: InsertTransactionFailedLoginsObjRelInsertInput
families: InsertTransactionFamiliesArrRelInsertInput
first_name: String
full_name: String
group_members: InsertTransactionGroupMembersArrRelInsertInput
id: uuid
identities: InsertTransactionIdentitiesArrRelInsertInput
image_url: String
insert_instant: bigint
last_name: String
last_update_instant: bigint
middle_name: String
mobile_phone: String
parent_email: String
previous_passwords: InsertTransactionPreviousPasswordsArrRelInsertInput
raw_logins: InsertTransactionRawLoginsArrRelInsertInput
refresh_tokens: InsertTransactionRefreshTokensArrRelInsertInput
tenant: InsertTransactionTenantsObjRelInsertInput
tenants_id: uuid
timezone: String
userActionLogsByActioneeUsersId: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsArrRelInsertInput
userCommentsByCommenterId: InsertTransactionUserCommentsArrRelInsertInput
userConsentsByUsersId: InsertTransactionUserConsentsArrRelInsertInput
user_action_logs: InsertTransactionUserActionLogsArrRelInsertInput
user_comments: InsertTransactionUserCommentsArrRelInsertInput
user_consents: InsertTransactionUserConsentsArrRelInsertInput
user_registrations: InsertTransactionUserRegistrationsArrRelInsertInput
users: InsertTransactionUserArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionUsersObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionUsersInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionUsersOnConflict
input InsertTransactionUsersOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionUsersConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionUsersUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionUsersBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionUsersUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp {
_eq: uuid
_gt: uuid
_gte: uuid
_in: [uuid!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: uuid
_lte: uuid
_neq: uuid
_nin: [uuid!]
input InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsArrRelInsertInput {
data: [InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsInsertInput!]!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsOnConflict
input InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp]
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsBoolExp
applications_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
webhook: InsertTransactionWebhooksBoolExp
webhooks_id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
enum InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsInsertInput {
application: InsertTransactionApplicationsObjRelInsertInput
applications_id: uuid
webhook: InsertTransactionWebhooksObjRelInsertInput
webhooks_id: uuid
input InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input InsertTransactionWebhooksBoolExp {
_and: [InsertTransactionWebhooksBoolExp]
_not: InsertTransactionWebhooksBoolExp
_or: [InsertTransactionWebhooksBoolExp]
connect_timeout: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
data: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
description: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
global: InsertTransactionBooleanComparisonExp
headers: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
http_authentication_password: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
http_authentication_username: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
id: InsertTransactionUuidComparisonExp
insert_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
last_update_instant: InsertTransactionBigintComparisonExp
read_timeout: InsertTransactionIntComparisonExp
ssl_certificate: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
url: InsertTransactionStringComparisonExp
webhooks_applications: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionWebhooksConstraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input InsertTransactionWebhooksInsertInput {
connect_timeout: Int
data: String
description: String
global: Boolean
headers: String
http_authentication_password: String
http_authentication_username: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
read_timeout: Int
ssl_certificate: String
url: String
webhooks_applications: InsertTransactionWebhooksApplicationsArrRelInsertInput
input InsertTransactionWebhooksObjRelInsertInput {
data: InsertTransactionWebhooksInsertInput!
on_conflict: InsertTransactionWebhooksOnConflict
input InsertTransactionWebhooksOnConflict {
constraint: InsertTransactionWebhooksConstraint!
update_columns: [InsertTransactionWebhooksUpdateColumn!]!
where: InsertTransactionWebhooksBoolExp
enum InsertTransactionWebhooksUpdateColumn {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
expression to compare columns of type Int. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Int_comparison_exp {
_eq: Int
_gt: Int
_gte: Int
_in: [Int!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Int
_lte: Int
_neq: Int
_nin: [Int!]
input Level3Data {
customerReferenceNumber: String!
destinationCountryCode: String!
destinationZipCode: String!
discountAmount: Float!
dutyAmount: Float!
freightAmount: Float!
level3DataItems: [Level3DataItems!]!
salesTaxAmount: Float!
shipFromZipCode: String!
taxAmount: Float!
taxRate: Float!
input Level3DataItems {
commodityCode: String!
description: String!
dicsountAmount: Float!
discountIndicator: YN!
grossNetIndicator: YN!
itemQuantity: Float!
lineItemTotal: Float!
productCode: String!
taxAmount: Float!
taxRate: Float!
taxType: String!
unitCost: Float!
unitOfMeasure: String!
input Level3DataItemsResponse {
commodityCode: String!
description: String!
dicsountAmount: Float!
discountIndicator: String!
grossNetIndicator: String!
itemQuantity: Float!
lineItemTotal: Float!
productCode: String!
taxAmount: Float!
taxRate: Float!
taxType: String!
unitCost: Float!
unitOfMeasure: String!
input Level3DataRequest {
customerReferenceNumber: String!
destinationCountryCode: String!
destinationZipCode: String!
discountAmount: Float!
dutyAmount: Float!
freightAmount: Float!
level3DataItems: [Level3DataItemsResponse!]!
salesTaxAmount: Float!
shipFromZipCode: String!
taxAmount: Float!
taxRate: Float!
input MetaData {
metaDescription: String!
metaKey: String!
metaValue: String!
input MetaDataRequest {
metaDescription: String!
metaKey: String!
metaValue: String!
input NetworkTransactionInfo {
originalNetworkTansactionId: String!
input NetworkTransactionInfoRequest {
originalNetworkTansactionId: String!
input PayerInfo {
address: String
address2: String
city: String
companyName: String
country: String
email: String
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
merchantShopperId: String
personalIdentificationNumber: String
phone: String
state: String
zip: String
input PaymentSource {
creditCardInfo: CreditCardInfo
ecpInfo: EcpInfo
sepaDirectDebitInfo: SepaDirectDebitInfo
wallet: Wallet
input PaymentSources {
creditCardInfo: [CreditCardInfo!]
ecpDetails: [EcpDetails!]
ecpInfo: EcpInfo
sepaDirectDebitInfo: [SepaDirectDebitInfo!]
input PayoutInfo {
address: String
bankAccountClass: String!
bankAccountId: String
bankAccountType: String!
bankId: String
bankName: String!
baseCurrency: String!
city: String
country: String!
iban: String
minimalPayoutAmount: Int
nameOnAccount: String!
paymentReference: String
payoutType: String!
refundReserve: Int
state: String
swiftBic: String
zip: String
input RefundInput {
amount: numeric
reason: String
transactionId: String!
type RefundOutput {
refund: refund
refund_id: uuid!
input SepaDirectDebit {
bic: String
iban: String!
ibanFirstFour: String
ibanLastFour: String
input SepaDirectDebitInfo {
billingContactInfo: BillingContactInfo
sepaDirectDebit: SepaDirectDebit
status: SepaDirectDebitInfoStatus
enum SepaDirectDebitInfoStatus {
input ShippingContactInfo {
address1: String!
address2: String
city: String!
country: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
state: String
zip: String!
input ShippingContactInfoRequest {
address1: String!
address2: String
city: String!
country: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
state: String
zip: String!
expression to compare columns of type String. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input String_comparison_exp {
_eq: String
_gt: String
_gte: String
_ilike: String
_in: [String!]
_is_null: Boolean
_like: String
_lt: String
_lte: String
_neq: String
_nilike: String
_nin: [String!]
_nlike: String
_nsimilar: String
_similar: String
input ThreeDSecure {
cavv: String
eci: String
threeDSecureResultToken: String
xid: String
input ThreeDSecureRequest {
cavv: String
eci: String
threeDSecureResultToken: String
xid: String
input TransactionFraudInfo {
company: String
customerCreationDate: String
customerId: String
enterpriseSiteId: String
enterpriseUdfs: [Udf!]
fraudProducts: [FraudProducts!]
fraudSessionId: String!
shippingContactInfo: ShippingContactInfo
shopperIpAddress: String
input TransactionFraudInfoRequest {
company: String
enterpriseSiteId: String
enterpriseUdfs: [UdfRequest!]
fraudSessionId: String!
shippingContactInfo: ShippingContactInfoRequest
shopperIpAddress: String
input TransactionMetaData {
metaData: [MetaData!]
input TransactionMetaDataRequest {
metaData: [MetaDataRequest!]
input Udf {
udfName: String!
udfValue: String!
input UdfRequest {
udfName: String!
udfValue: String!
input VaultedShopper {
address: String
address2: String
city: String
companyName: String
country: String
descriptorPhoneNumber: String
email: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
merchantShopperId: String
paymentSources: PaymentSources
personalIdentificationNumber: String
phone: String
shippingContactInfo: ShippingContactInfo
shopperCurrency: String
softDescriptor: String
state: String
transactionFraudInfo: TransactionFraudInfo
walletId: Float
zip: String
input Vendor {
address: String
city: String
country: String!
defaultPayoutCurrency: String
delay: Int
email: String!
firstName: String
frequency: String
ipnUrl: String
lastName: String
name: String
payoutInfo: [PayoutInfo!]
phone: String
state: String
taxId: String
vatId: String
vendorAgreement: VendorAgreement
vendorPrincipal: VendorPrincipal
vendorUrl: String
zip: String
input VendorAgreement {
accountStatus: String
commissionPercent: numeric
recurringCommission: String
input VendorInfo {
commissionAmount: Float
commissionPercent: Float
vendorId: Float!
input VendorInfoRequest {
commissionAmount: Float
commissionPercent: Float
vendorId: Float!
input VendorPrincipal {
address: String!
address2: String
city: String!
country: String!
dob: String!
driverLicenseNumber: String
email: String
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
passportNumber: String
personalIdentificationNumber: String
zip: String!
input VendorsInfo {
vendorInfo: [VendorInfo!]!
input VendorsInfoRequest {
vendorInfo: [VendorInfoRequest!]!
input Wallet {
encodedPaymentToken: String!
walletType: WalletType!
input WalletRequest {
applePay: ApplePayRequest!
encodedPaymentToken: String!
walletType: String!
enum WalletType {
enum YN {
columns and relationships of "application_daily_active_users"
type application_daily_active_users {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
count: Int!
day: Int!
aggregated selection of "application_daily_active_users"
type application_daily_active_users_aggregate {
aggregate: application_daily_active_users_aggregate_fields
nodes: [application_daily_active_users!]!
aggregate fields of "application_daily_active_users"
type application_daily_active_users_aggregate_fields {
avg: application_daily_active_users_avg_fields
count(columns: [application_daily_active_users_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: application_daily_active_users_max_fields
min: application_daily_active_users_min_fields
stddev: application_daily_active_users_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: application_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: application_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_fields
sum: application_daily_active_users_sum_fields
var_pop: application_daily_active_users_var_pop_fields
var_samp: application_daily_active_users_var_samp_fields
variance: application_daily_active_users_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_aggregate_order_by {
avg: application_daily_active_users_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: application_daily_active_users_max_order_by
min: application_daily_active_users_min_order_by
stddev: application_daily_active_users_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: application_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: application_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: application_daily_active_users_sum_order_by
var_pop: application_daily_active_users_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: application_daily_active_users_var_samp_order_by
variance: application_daily_active_users_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [application_daily_active_users_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: application_daily_active_users_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_avg_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "application_daily_active_users". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input application_daily_active_users_bool_exp {
_and: [application_daily_active_users_bool_exp]
_not: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
_or: [application_daily_active_users_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
count: Int_comparison_exp
day: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "application_daily_active_users"
enum application_daily_active_users_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_inc_input {
count: Int
day: Int
input type for inserting data into table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
day: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
day: Int
order by max() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
day: Int
order by min() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
day: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "application_daily_active_users"
type application_daily_active_users_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [application_daily_active_users!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: application_daily_active_users_insert_input!
on_conflict: application_daily_active_users_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_on_conflict {
constraint: application_daily_active_users_constraint!
update_columns: [application_daily_active_users_update_column!]!
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
day: order_by
select columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
enum application_daily_active_users_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
day: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_stddev_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_sum_fields {
count: Int
day: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
update columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
enum application_daily_active_users_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type application_daily_active_users_variance_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "application_daily_active_users"
input application_daily_active_users_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
columns and relationships of "application_monthly_active_users"
type application_monthly_active_users {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
count: Int!
month: Int!
aggregated selection of "application_monthly_active_users"
type application_monthly_active_users_aggregate {
aggregate: application_monthly_active_users_aggregate_fields
nodes: [application_monthly_active_users!]!
aggregate fields of "application_monthly_active_users"
type application_monthly_active_users_aggregate_fields {
avg: application_monthly_active_users_avg_fields
count(columns: [application_monthly_active_users_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: application_monthly_active_users_max_fields
min: application_monthly_active_users_min_fields
stddev: application_monthly_active_users_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: application_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: application_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_fields
sum: application_monthly_active_users_sum_fields
var_pop: application_monthly_active_users_var_pop_fields
var_samp: application_monthly_active_users_var_samp_fields
variance: application_monthly_active_users_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_aggregate_order_by {
avg: application_monthly_active_users_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: application_monthly_active_users_max_order_by
min: application_monthly_active_users_min_order_by
stddev: application_monthly_active_users_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: application_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: application_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: application_monthly_active_users_sum_order_by
var_pop: application_monthly_active_users_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: application_monthly_active_users_var_samp_order_by
variance: application_monthly_active_users_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [application_monthly_active_users_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_avg_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "application_monthly_active_users". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp {
_and: [application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp]
_not: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
_or: [application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
count: Int_comparison_exp
month: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "application_monthly_active_users"
enum application_monthly_active_users_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_inc_input {
count: Int
month: Int
input type for inserting data into table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
month: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
month: Int
order by max() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
month: Int
order by min() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
month: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "application_monthly_active_users"
type application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [application_monthly_active_users!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: application_monthly_active_users_insert_input!
on_conflict: application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict {
constraint: application_monthly_active_users_constraint!
update_columns: [application_monthly_active_users_update_column!]!
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
month: order_by
select columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
enum application_monthly_active_users_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
month: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_stddev_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_sum_fields {
count: Int
month: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
update columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
enum application_monthly_active_users_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type application_monthly_active_users_variance_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "application_monthly_active_users"
input application_monthly_active_users_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
columns and relationships of "application_registration_counts"
type application_registration_counts {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
count: Int!
decremented_count: Int!
hour: Int!
aggregated selection of "application_registration_counts"
type application_registration_counts_aggregate {
aggregate: application_registration_counts_aggregate_fields
nodes: [application_registration_counts!]!
aggregate fields of "application_registration_counts"
type application_registration_counts_aggregate_fields {
avg: application_registration_counts_avg_fields
count(columns: [application_registration_counts_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: application_registration_counts_max_fields
min: application_registration_counts_min_fields
stddev: application_registration_counts_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: application_registration_counts_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: application_registration_counts_stddev_samp_fields
sum: application_registration_counts_sum_fields
var_pop: application_registration_counts_var_pop_fields
var_samp: application_registration_counts_var_samp_fields
variance: application_registration_counts_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_aggregate_order_by {
avg: application_registration_counts_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: application_registration_counts_max_order_by
min: application_registration_counts_min_order_by
stddev: application_registration_counts_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: application_registration_counts_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: application_registration_counts_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: application_registration_counts_sum_order_by
var_pop: application_registration_counts_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: application_registration_counts_var_samp_order_by
variance: application_registration_counts_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [application_registration_counts_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: application_registration_counts_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_avg_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "application_registration_counts". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input application_registration_counts_bool_exp {
_and: [application_registration_counts_bool_exp]
_not: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
_or: [application_registration_counts_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
count: Int_comparison_exp
decremented_count: Int_comparison_exp
hour: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "application_registration_counts"
enum application_registration_counts_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_inc_input {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
input type for inserting data into table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
order by max() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
order by min() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "application_registration_counts"
type application_registration_counts_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [application_registration_counts!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: application_registration_counts_insert_input!
on_conflict: application_registration_counts_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_on_conflict {
constraint: application_registration_counts_constraint!
update_columns: [application_registration_counts_update_column!]!
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
select columns of table "application_registration_counts"
enum application_registration_counts_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_stddev_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_sum_fields {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
update columns of table "application_registration_counts"
enum application_registration_counts_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type application_registration_counts_variance_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "application_registration_counts"
input application_registration_counts_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
columns and relationships of "application_roles"
type application_roles {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
description: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
): [group_application_roles!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
): group_application_roles_aggregate!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
is_default: Boolean!
is_super_role: Boolean!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_registrations_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_registrations_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_registrations_application_roles_bool_exp
): [user_registrations_application_roles!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_registrations_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_registrations_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_registrations_application_roles_bool_exp
): user_registrations_application_roles_aggregate!
aggregated selection of "application_roles"
type application_roles_aggregate {
aggregate: application_roles_aggregate_fields
nodes: [application_roles!]!
aggregate fields of "application_roles"
type application_roles_aggregate_fields {
avg: application_roles_avg_fields
count(columns: [application_roles_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: application_roles_max_fields
min: application_roles_min_fields
stddev: application_roles_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: application_roles_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: application_roles_stddev_samp_fields
sum: application_roles_sum_fields
var_pop: application_roles_var_pop_fields
var_samp: application_roles_var_samp_fields
variance: application_roles_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_aggregate_order_by {
avg: application_roles_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: application_roles_max_order_by
min: application_roles_min_order_by
stddev: application_roles_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: application_roles_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: application_roles_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: application_roles_sum_order_by
var_pop: application_roles_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: application_roles_var_samp_order_by
variance: application_roles_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "application_roles"
input application_roles_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [application_roles_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: application_roles_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type application_roles_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "application_roles". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input application_roles_bool_exp {
_and: [application_roles_bool_exp]
_not: application_roles_bool_exp
_or: [application_roles_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
description: String_comparison_exp
group_application_roles: group_application_roles_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
is_default: Boolean_comparison_exp
is_super_role: Boolean_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
user_registrations_application_roles: user_registrations_application_roles_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "application_roles"
enum application_roles_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "application_roles"
input application_roles_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "application_roles"
input application_roles_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
description: String
group_application_roles: group_application_roles_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
is_default: Boolean
is_super_role: Boolean
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
user_registrations_application_roles: user_registrations_application_roles_arr_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type application_roles_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
description: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by max() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type application_roles_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
description: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by min() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "application_roles"
type application_roles_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [application_roles!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "application_roles"
input application_roles_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: application_roles_insert_input!
on_conflict: application_roles_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "application_roles"
input application_roles_on_conflict {
constraint: application_roles_constraint!
update_columns: [application_roles_update_column!]!
where: application_roles_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "application_roles"
input application_roles_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
description: order_by
group_application_roles_aggregate: group_application_roles_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
is_default: order_by
is_super_role: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
user_registrations_application_roles_aggregate: user_registrations_application_roles_aggregate_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "application_roles"
input application_roles_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "application_roles"
enum application_roles_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "application_roles"
input application_roles_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
description: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
is_default: Boolean
is_super_role: Boolean
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type application_roles_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type application_roles_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type application_roles_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type application_roles_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "application_roles"
enum application_roles_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type application_roles_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type application_roles_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type application_roles_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "application_roles"
input application_roles_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "applications"
type applications {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
active: Boolean!
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_daily_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_daily_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
): [application_daily_active_users!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_daily_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_daily_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
): application_daily_active_users_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_monthly_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_monthly_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
): [application_monthly_active_users!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_monthly_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_monthly_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
): application_monthly_active_users_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_registration_counts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_registration_counts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
): [application_registration_counts!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_registration_counts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_registration_counts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
): application_registration_counts_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_roles_bool_exp
): [application_roles!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_roles_bool_exp
): application_roles_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [clean_speak_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [clean_speak_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
): [clean_speak_applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [clean_speak_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [clean_speak_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
): clean_speak_applications_aggregate!
data: String!
"""An object relationship"""
emailTemplateByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates
"""An object relationship"""
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: email_templates
"""An object relationship"""
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: email_templates
"""An object relationship"""
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates
"""An object relationship"""
email_template: email_templates
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [external_identifiers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [external_identifiers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp
): [external_identifiers!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [external_identifiers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [external_identifiers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp
): external_identifiers_aggregate!
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
"""An object relationship"""
form: forms
"""An object relationship"""
formByAdminRegistrationFormsId: forms!
forms_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hourly_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hourly_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp
): [hourly_logins!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hourly_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hourly_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp
): hourly_logins_aggregate!
id: uuid!
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): [identity_providers_applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): identity_providers_applications_aggregate!
insert_instant: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
key: keys
"""An object relationship"""
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: keys
"""An object relationship"""
keyBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: keys
"""An object relationship"""
keyBySamlv2KeysId: keys
"""An object relationship"""
lambda: lambdas
"""An object relationship"""
lambdaByAccessTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas
"""An object relationship"""
lambdaByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [raw_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [raw_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: raw_logins_bool_exp
): [raw_logins!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [raw_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [raw_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: raw_logins_bool_exp
): raw_logins_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [refresh_tokens_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [refresh_tokens_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: refresh_tokens_bool_exp
): [refresh_tokens!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [refresh_tokens_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [refresh_tokens_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: refresh_tokens_bool_exp
): refresh_tokens_aggregate!
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_issuer: String
samlv2_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_action_logs_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_action_logs_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_action_logs_applications_bool_exp
): [user_action_logs_applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_action_logs_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_action_logs_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_action_logs_applications_bool_exp
): user_action_logs_applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_registrations_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_registrations_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_registrations_bool_exp
): [user_registrations!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_registrations_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_registrations_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_registrations_bool_exp
): user_registrations_aggregate!
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [webhooks_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [webhooks_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: webhooks_applications_bool_exp
): [webhooks_applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [webhooks_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [webhooks_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: webhooks_applications_bool_exp
): webhooks_applications_aggregate!
aggregated selection of "applications"
type applications_aggregate {
aggregate: applications_aggregate_fields
nodes: [applications!]!
aggregate fields of "applications"
type applications_aggregate_fields {
avg: applications_avg_fields
count(columns: [applications_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: applications_max_fields
min: applications_min_fields
stddev: applications_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: applications_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: applications_stddev_samp_fields
sum: applications_sum_fields
var_pop: applications_var_pop_fields
var_samp: applications_var_samp_fields
variance: applications_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "applications"
input applications_aggregate_order_by {
avg: applications_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: applications_max_order_by
min: applications_min_order_by
stddev: applications_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: applications_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: applications_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: applications_sum_order_by
var_pop: applications_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: applications_var_samp_order_by
variance: applications_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "applications"
input applications_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [applications_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: applications_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type applications_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "applications". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input applications_bool_exp {
_and: [applications_bool_exp]
_not: applications_bool_exp
_or: [applications_bool_exp]
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid_comparison_exp
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
active: Boolean_comparison_exp
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid_comparison_exp
application_daily_active_users: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
application_monthly_active_users: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
application_registration_counts: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
application_roles: application_roles_bool_exp
clean_speak_applications: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
emailTemplateByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_bool_exp
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_bool_exp
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_bool_exp
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_bool_exp
email_template: email_templates_bool_exp
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
external_identifiers: external_identifiers_bool_exp
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
form: forms_bool_exp
formByAdminRegistrationFormsId: forms_bool_exp
forms_id: uuid_comparison_exp
hourly_logins: hourly_logins_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid_comparison_exp
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
identity_providers_applications: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
key: keys_bool_exp
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: keys_bool_exp
keyBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: keys_bool_exp
keyBySamlv2KeysId: keys_bool_exp
lambda: lambdas_bool_exp
lambdaByAccessTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas_bool_exp
lambdaByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas_bool_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
raw_logins: raw_logins_bool_exp
refresh_tokens: refresh_tokens_bool_exp
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
samlv2_issuer: String_comparison_exp
samlv2_keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid_comparison_exp
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
user_action_logs_applications: user_action_logs_applications_bool_exp
user_registrations: user_registrations_bool_exp
verification_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
webhooks_applications: webhooks_applications_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "applications"
enum applications_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "applications"
input applications_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "applications"
input applications_insert_input {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
active: Boolean
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid
application_daily_active_users: application_daily_active_users_arr_rel_insert_input
application_monthly_active_users: application_monthly_active_users_arr_rel_insert_input
application_registration_counts: application_registration_counts_arr_rel_insert_input
application_roles: application_roles_arr_rel_insert_input
clean_speak_applications: clean_speak_applications_arr_rel_insert_input
data: String
emailTemplateByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
email_template: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid
external_identifiers: external_identifiers_arr_rel_insert_input
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
form: forms_obj_rel_insert_input
formByAdminRegistrationFormsId: forms_obj_rel_insert_input
forms_id: uuid
hourly_logins: hourly_logins_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
identity_providers_applications: identity_providers_applications_arr_rel_insert_input
insert_instant: bigint
key: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
keyBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
keyBySamlv2KeysId: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
lambda: lambdas_obj_rel_insert_input
lambdaByAccessTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas_obj_rel_insert_input
lambdaByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas_obj_rel_insert_input
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
raw_logins: raw_logins_arr_rel_insert_input
refresh_tokens: refresh_tokens_arr_rel_insert_input
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_issuer: String
samlv2_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
user_action_logs_applications: user_action_logs_applications_arr_rel_insert_input
user_registrations: user_registrations_arr_rel_insert_input
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
webhooks_applications: webhooks_applications_arr_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type applications_max_fields {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid
data: String
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
id: uuid
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_issuer: String
samlv2_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
tenants_id: uuid
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_max_order_by {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
access_token_signing_keys_id: order_by
admin_registration_forms_id: order_by
data: order_by
email_verification_email_templates_id: order_by
forgot_password_email_templates_id: order_by
forms_id: order_by
id: order_by
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
id_token_signing_keys_id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
passwordless_email_templates_id: order_by
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: order_by
samlv2_issuer: order_by
samlv2_keys_id: order_by
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
set_password_email_templates_id: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
verification_email_templates_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type applications_min_fields {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid
data: String
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
id: uuid
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_issuer: String
samlv2_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
tenants_id: uuid
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_min_order_by {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
access_token_signing_keys_id: order_by
admin_registration_forms_id: order_by
data: order_by
email_verification_email_templates_id: order_by
forgot_password_email_templates_id: order_by
forms_id: order_by
id: order_by
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
id_token_signing_keys_id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
passwordless_email_templates_id: order_by
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: order_by
samlv2_issuer: order_by
samlv2_keys_id: order_by
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
set_password_email_templates_id: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
verification_email_templates_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "applications"
type applications_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [applications!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "applications"
input applications_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: applications_insert_input!
on_conflict: applications_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "applications"
input applications_on_conflict {
constraint: applications_constraint!
update_columns: [applications_update_column!]!
where: applications_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "applications"
input applications_order_by {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
access_token_signing_keys_id: order_by
active: order_by
admin_registration_forms_id: order_by
application_daily_active_users_aggregate: application_daily_active_users_aggregate_order_by
application_monthly_active_users_aggregate: application_monthly_active_users_aggregate_order_by
application_registration_counts_aggregate: application_registration_counts_aggregate_order_by
application_roles_aggregate: application_roles_aggregate_order_by
clean_speak_applications_aggregate: clean_speak_applications_aggregate_order_by
data: order_by
emailTemplateByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_order_by
emailTemplateByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_order_by
emailTemplateByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_order_by
emailTemplateByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_order_by
email_template: email_templates_order_by
email_verification_email_templates_id: order_by
external_identifiers_aggregate: external_identifiers_aggregate_order_by
forgot_password_email_templates_id: order_by
form: forms_order_by
formByAdminRegistrationFormsId: forms_order_by
forms_id: order_by
hourly_logins_aggregate: hourly_logins_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
id_token_signing_keys_id: order_by
identity_providers_applications_aggregate: identity_providers_applications_aggregate_order_by
insert_instant: order_by
key: keys_order_by
keyByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: keys_order_by
keyBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: keys_order_by
keyBySamlv2KeysId: keys_order_by
lambda: lambdas_order_by
lambdaByAccessTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas_order_by
lambdaByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: lambdas_order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
passwordless_email_templates_id: order_by
raw_logins_aggregate: raw_logins_aggregate_order_by
refresh_tokens_aggregate: refresh_tokens_aggregate_order_by
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: order_by
samlv2_issuer: order_by
samlv2_keys_id: order_by
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: order_by
set_password_email_templates_id: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
user_action_logs_applications_aggregate: user_action_logs_applications_aggregate_order_by
user_registrations_aggregate: user_registrations_aggregate_order_by
verification_email_templates_id: order_by
webhooks_applications_aggregate: webhooks_applications_aggregate_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "applications"
input applications_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "applications"
enum applications_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "applications"
input applications_set_input {
access_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
access_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
active: Boolean
admin_registration_forms_id: uuid
data: String
email_verification_email_templates_id: uuid
forgot_password_email_templates_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
id: uuid
id_token_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
id_token_signing_keys_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
passwordless_email_templates_id: uuid
samlv2_default_verification_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_issuer: String
samlv2_keys_id: uuid
samlv2_populate_lambdas_id: uuid
set_password_email_templates_id: uuid
tenants_id: uuid
verification_email_templates_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type applications_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type applications_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type applications_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type applications_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "applications"
enum applications_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type applications_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type applications_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type applications_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "applications"
input applications_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "auction"
type auction {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [bid_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [bid_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: bid_bool_exp
): [bid!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [bid_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [bid_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: bid_bool_exp
): bid_aggregate!
created_at: timestamptz!
deadline: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
product: product
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
user_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "auction"
type auction_aggregate {
aggregate: auction_aggregate_fields
nodes: [auction!]!
aggregate fields of "auction"
type auction_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [auction_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: auction_max_fields
min: auction_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "auction"
input auction_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: auction_max_order_by
min: auction_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "auction"
input auction_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [auction_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: auction_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "auction". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input auction_bool_exp {
_and: [auction_bool_exp]
_not: auction_bool_exp
_or: [auction_bool_exp]
bids: bid_bool_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
deadline: timestamptz_comparison_exp
deleted_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "auction"
enum auction_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "auction"
input auction_insert_input {
bids: bid_arr_rel_insert_input
created_at: timestamptz
deadline: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type auction_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
deadline: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "auction"
input auction_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deadline: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type auction_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
deadline: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "auction"
input auction_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deadline: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "auction"
type auction_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [auction!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "auction"
input auction_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: auction_insert_input!
on_conflict: auction_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "auction"
input auction_on_conflict {
constraint: auction_constraint!
update_columns: [auction_update_column!]!
where: auction_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "auction"
input auction_order_by {
bids_aggregate: bid_aggregate_order_by
created_at: order_by
deadline: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "auction"
input auction_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "auction"
enum auction_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "auction"
input auction_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
deadline: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
update columns of table "auction"
enum auction_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "audit_logs"
type audit_logs {
data: String
id: bigint!
insert_instant: bigint!
insert_user: String!
message: String!
aggregated selection of "audit_logs"
type audit_logs_aggregate {
aggregate: audit_logs_aggregate_fields
nodes: [audit_logs!]!
aggregate fields of "audit_logs"
type audit_logs_aggregate_fields {
avg: audit_logs_avg_fields
count(columns: [audit_logs_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: audit_logs_max_fields
min: audit_logs_min_fields
stddev: audit_logs_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: audit_logs_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: audit_logs_stddev_samp_fields
sum: audit_logs_sum_fields
var_pop: audit_logs_var_pop_fields
var_samp: audit_logs_var_samp_fields
variance: audit_logs_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_aggregate_order_by {
avg: audit_logs_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: audit_logs_max_order_by
min: audit_logs_min_order_by
stddev: audit_logs_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: audit_logs_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: audit_logs_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: audit_logs_sum_order_by
var_pop: audit_logs_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: audit_logs_var_samp_order_by
variance: audit_logs_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [audit_logs_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: audit_logs_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type audit_logs_avg_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_avg_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "audit_logs". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input audit_logs_bool_exp {
_and: [audit_logs_bool_exp]
_not: audit_logs_bool_exp
_or: [audit_logs_bool_exp]
data: String_comparison_exp
id: bigint_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
insert_user: String_comparison_exp
message: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "audit_logs"
enum audit_logs_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_inc_input {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_insert_input {
data: String
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
insert_user: String
message: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type audit_logs_max_fields {
data: String
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
insert_user: String
message: String
order by max() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_max_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
insert_user: order_by
message: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type audit_logs_min_fields {
data: String
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
insert_user: String
message: String
order by min() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_min_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
insert_user: order_by
message: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "audit_logs"
type audit_logs_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [audit_logs!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: audit_logs_insert_input!
on_conflict: audit_logs_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_on_conflict {
constraint: audit_logs_constraint!
update_columns: [audit_logs_update_column!]!
where: audit_logs_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
insert_user: order_by
message: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_pk_columns_input {
id: bigint!
select columns of table "audit_logs"
enum audit_logs_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_set_input {
data: String
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
insert_user: String
message: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type audit_logs_stddev_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_stddev_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type audit_logs_stddev_pop_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_stddev_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type audit_logs_stddev_samp_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_stddev_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type audit_logs_sum_fields {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_sum_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
update columns of table "audit_logs"
enum audit_logs_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type audit_logs_var_pop_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_var_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type audit_logs_var_samp_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_var_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type audit_logs_variance_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "audit_logs"
input audit_logs_variance_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "authentication_keys"
type authentication_keys {
id: String!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
meta_data: String
permissions: String
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants
tenants_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "authentication_keys"
type authentication_keys_aggregate {
aggregate: authentication_keys_aggregate_fields
nodes: [authentication_keys!]!
aggregate fields of "authentication_keys"
type authentication_keys_aggregate_fields {
avg: authentication_keys_avg_fields
count(columns: [authentication_keys_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: authentication_keys_max_fields
min: authentication_keys_min_fields
stddev: authentication_keys_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: authentication_keys_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: authentication_keys_stddev_samp_fields
sum: authentication_keys_sum_fields
var_pop: authentication_keys_var_pop_fields
var_samp: authentication_keys_var_samp_fields
variance: authentication_keys_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_aggregate_order_by {
avg: authentication_keys_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: authentication_keys_max_order_by
min: authentication_keys_min_order_by
stddev: authentication_keys_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: authentication_keys_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: authentication_keys_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: authentication_keys_sum_order_by
var_pop: authentication_keys_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: authentication_keys_var_samp_order_by
variance: authentication_keys_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [authentication_keys_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: authentication_keys_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type authentication_keys_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "authentication_keys". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input authentication_keys_bool_exp {
_and: [authentication_keys_bool_exp]
_not: authentication_keys_bool_exp
_or: [authentication_keys_bool_exp]
id: String_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
meta_data: String_comparison_exp
permissions: String_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "authentication_keys"
enum authentication_keys_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_insert_input {
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
meta_data: String
permissions: String
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type authentication_keys_max_fields {
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
meta_data: String
permissions: String
tenants_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_max_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
meta_data: order_by
permissions: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type authentication_keys_min_fields {
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
meta_data: String
permissions: String
tenants_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_min_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
meta_data: order_by
permissions: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "authentication_keys"
type authentication_keys_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [authentication_keys!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: authentication_keys_insert_input!
on_conflict: authentication_keys_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_on_conflict {
constraint: authentication_keys_constraint!
update_columns: [authentication_keys_update_column!]!
where: authentication_keys_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
meta_data: order_by
permissions: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_pk_columns_input {
id: String!
select columns of table "authentication_keys"
enum authentication_keys_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_set_input {
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
meta_data: String
permissions: String
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type authentication_keys_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type authentication_keys_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type authentication_keys_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type authentication_keys_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "authentication_keys"
enum authentication_keys_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type authentication_keys_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type authentication_keys_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type authentication_keys_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "authentication_keys"
input authentication_keys_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "availability"
type availability {
created_at: timestamptz!
day: Int
deleted_at: timestamptz
end_at: time
id: uuid!
is_available: Boolean!
"""An object relationship"""
product: product
product_id: uuid
start_at: time
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
user_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "availability"
type availability_aggregate {
aggregate: availability_aggregate_fields
nodes: [availability!]!
aggregate fields of "availability"
type availability_aggregate_fields {
avg: availability_avg_fields
count(columns: [availability_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: availability_max_fields
min: availability_min_fields
stddev: availability_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: availability_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: availability_stddev_samp_fields
sum: availability_sum_fields
var_pop: availability_var_pop_fields
var_samp: availability_var_samp_fields
variance: availability_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "availability"
input availability_aggregate_order_by {
avg: availability_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: availability_max_order_by
min: availability_min_order_by
stddev: availability_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: availability_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: availability_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: availability_sum_order_by
var_pop: availability_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: availability_var_samp_order_by
variance: availability_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "availability"
input availability_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [availability_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: availability_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type availability_avg_fields {
day: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_avg_order_by {
day: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "availability". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input availability_bool_exp {
_and: [availability_bool_exp]
_not: availability_bool_exp
_or: [availability_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
day: Int_comparison_exp
deleted_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
end_at: time_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
is_available: Boolean_comparison_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
start_at: time_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "availability"
enum availability_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "availability"
input availability_inc_input {
day: Int
input type for inserting data into table "availability"
input availability_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
day: Int
deleted_at: timestamptz
end_at: time
id: uuid
is_available: Boolean
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
start_at: time
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type availability_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
day: Int
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
day: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type availability_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
day: Int
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
day: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "availability"
type availability_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [availability!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "availability"
input availability_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: availability_insert_input!
on_conflict: availability_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "availability"
input availability_on_conflict {
constraint: availability_constraint!
update_columns: [availability_update_column!]!
where: availability_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "availability"
input availability_order_by {
created_at: order_by
day: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
end_at: order_by
id: order_by
is_available: order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
start_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "availability"
input availability_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "availability"
enum availability_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "availability"
input availability_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
day: Int
deleted_at: timestamptz
end_at: time
id: uuid
is_available: Boolean
product_id: uuid
start_at: time
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type availability_stddev_fields {
day: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_stddev_order_by {
day: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type availability_stddev_pop_fields {
day: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_stddev_pop_order_by {
day: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type availability_stddev_samp_fields {
day: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_stddev_samp_order_by {
day: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type availability_sum_fields {
day: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_sum_order_by {
day: order_by
update columns of table "availability"
enum availability_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type availability_var_pop_fields {
day: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_var_pop_order_by {
day: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type availability_var_samp_fields {
day: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_var_samp_order_by {
day: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type availability_variance_fields {
day: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "availability"
input availability_variance_order_by {
day: order_by
columns and relationships of "bid"
type bid {
"""An object relationship"""
auction: auction
auction_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz!
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid!
price: numeric
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
user_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "bid"
type bid_aggregate {
aggregate: bid_aggregate_fields
nodes: [bid!]!
aggregate fields of "bid"
type bid_aggregate_fields {
avg: bid_avg_fields
count(columns: [bid_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: bid_max_fields
min: bid_min_fields
stddev: bid_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: bid_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: bid_stddev_samp_fields
sum: bid_sum_fields
var_pop: bid_var_pop_fields
var_samp: bid_var_samp_fields
variance: bid_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "bid"
input bid_aggregate_order_by {
avg: bid_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: bid_max_order_by
min: bid_min_order_by
stddev: bid_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: bid_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: bid_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: bid_sum_order_by
var_pop: bid_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: bid_var_samp_order_by
variance: bid_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "bid"
input bid_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [bid_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: bid_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type bid_avg_fields {
price: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_avg_order_by {
price: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "bid". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input bid_bool_exp {
_and: [bid_bool_exp]
_not: bid_bool_exp
_or: [bid_bool_exp]
auction: auction_bool_exp
auction_id: uuid_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
deleted_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
description: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
price: numeric_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "bid"
enum bid_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "bid"
input bid_inc_input {
price: numeric
input type for inserting data into table "bid"
input bid_insert_input {
auction: auction_obj_rel_insert_input
auction_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
price: numeric
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type bid_max_fields {
auction_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
price: numeric
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_max_order_by {
auction_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
price: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type bid_min_fields {
auction_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
price: numeric
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_min_order_by {
auction_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
price: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "bid"
type bid_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [bid!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "bid"
input bid_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: bid_insert_input!
on_conflict: bid_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "bid"
input bid_on_conflict {
constraint: bid_constraint!
update_columns: [bid_update_column!]!
where: bid_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "bid"
input bid_order_by {
auction: auction_order_by
auction_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
price: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "bid"
input bid_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "bid"
enum bid_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "bid"
input bid_set_input {
auction_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
price: numeric
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type bid_stddev_fields {
price: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_stddev_order_by {
price: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type bid_stddev_pop_fields {
price: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_stddev_pop_order_by {
price: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type bid_stddev_samp_fields {
price: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_stddev_samp_order_by {
price: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type bid_sum_fields {
price: numeric
order by sum() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_sum_order_by {
price: order_by
update columns of table "bid"
enum bid_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type bid_var_pop_fields {
price: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_var_pop_order_by {
price: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type bid_var_samp_fields {
price: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_var_samp_order_by {
price: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type bid_variance_fields {
price: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "bid"
input bid_variance_order_by {
price: order_by
scalar bigint
expression to compare columns of type bigint. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input bigint_comparison_exp {
_eq: bigint
_gt: bigint
_gte: bigint
_in: [bigint!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: bigint
_lte: bigint
_neq: bigint
_nin: [bigint!]
scalar bpchar
expression to compare columns of type bpchar. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input bpchar_comparison_exp {
_eq: bpchar
_gt: bpchar
_gte: bpchar
_in: [bpchar!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: bpchar
_lte: bpchar
_neq: bpchar
_nin: [bpchar!]
columns and relationships of "breached_password_metrics"
type breached_password_metrics {
matched_common_password_count: Int!
matched_exact_count: Int!
matched_password_count: Int!
matched_sub_address_count: Int!
passwords_checked_count: Int!
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "breached_password_metrics"
type breached_password_metrics_aggregate {
aggregate: breached_password_metrics_aggregate_fields
nodes: [breached_password_metrics!]!
aggregate fields of "breached_password_metrics"
type breached_password_metrics_aggregate_fields {
avg: breached_password_metrics_avg_fields
count(columns: [breached_password_metrics_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: breached_password_metrics_max_fields
min: breached_password_metrics_min_fields
stddev: breached_password_metrics_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: breached_password_metrics_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: breached_password_metrics_stddev_samp_fields
sum: breached_password_metrics_sum_fields
var_pop: breached_password_metrics_var_pop_fields
var_samp: breached_password_metrics_var_samp_fields
variance: breached_password_metrics_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_aggregate_order_by {
avg: breached_password_metrics_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: breached_password_metrics_max_order_by
min: breached_password_metrics_min_order_by
stddev: breached_password_metrics_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: breached_password_metrics_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: breached_password_metrics_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: breached_password_metrics_sum_order_by
var_pop: breached_password_metrics_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: breached_password_metrics_var_samp_order_by
variance: breached_password_metrics_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [breached_password_metrics_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: breached_password_metrics_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_avg_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_avg_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "breached_password_metrics". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input breached_password_metrics_bool_exp {
_and: [breached_password_metrics_bool_exp]
_not: breached_password_metrics_bool_exp
_or: [breached_password_metrics_bool_exp]
matched_common_password_count: Int_comparison_exp
matched_exact_count: Int_comparison_exp
matched_password_count: Int_comparison_exp
matched_sub_address_count: Int_comparison_exp
passwords_checked_count: Int_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "breached_password_metrics"
enum breached_password_metrics_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_inc_input {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
input type for inserting data into table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_insert_input {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_max_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
tenants_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_max_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_min_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
tenants_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_min_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "breached_password_metrics"
type breached_password_metrics_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [breached_password_metrics!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: breached_password_metrics_insert_input!
on_conflict: breached_password_metrics_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_on_conflict {
constraint: breached_password_metrics_constraint!
update_columns: [breached_password_metrics_update_column!]!
where: breached_password_metrics_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_pk_columns_input {
tenants_id: uuid!
select columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
enum breached_password_metrics_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_set_input {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_stddev_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_stddev_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_stddev_pop_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_stddev_pop_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_stddev_samp_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_stddev_samp_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_sum_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Int
matched_exact_count: Int
matched_password_count: Int
matched_sub_address_count: Int
passwords_checked_count: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_sum_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
update columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
enum breached_password_metrics_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_var_pop_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_var_pop_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_var_samp_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_var_samp_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type breached_password_metrics_variance_fields {
matched_common_password_count: Float
matched_exact_count: Float
matched_password_count: Float
matched_sub_address_count: Float
passwords_checked_count: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "breached_password_metrics"
input breached_password_metrics_variance_order_by {
matched_common_password_count: order_by
matched_exact_count: order_by
matched_password_count: order_by
matched_sub_address_count: order_by
passwords_checked_count: order_by
columns and relationships of "clean_speak_applications"
type clean_speak_applications {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
clean_speak_application_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "clean_speak_applications"
type clean_speak_applications_aggregate {
aggregate: clean_speak_applications_aggregate_fields
nodes: [clean_speak_applications!]!
aggregate fields of "clean_speak_applications"
type clean_speak_applications_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [clean_speak_applications_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: clean_speak_applications_max_fields
min: clean_speak_applications_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: clean_speak_applications_max_order_by
min: clean_speak_applications_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [clean_speak_applications_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: clean_speak_applications_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "clean_speak_applications". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input clean_speak_applications_bool_exp {
_and: [clean_speak_applications_bool_exp]
_not: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
_or: [clean_speak_applications_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
clean_speak_application_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "clean_speak_applications"
enum clean_speak_applications_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
clean_speak_application_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type clean_speak_applications_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
clean_speak_application_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
clean_speak_application_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type clean_speak_applications_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
clean_speak_application_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
clean_speak_application_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "clean_speak_applications"
type clean_speak_applications_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [clean_speak_applications!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: clean_speak_applications_insert_input!
on_conflict: clean_speak_applications_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_on_conflict {
constraint: clean_speak_applications_constraint!
update_columns: [clean_speak_applications_update_column!]!
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
clean_speak_application_id: order_by
select columns of table "clean_speak_applications"
enum clean_speak_applications_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "clean_speak_applications"
input clean_speak_applications_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
clean_speak_application_id: uuid
update columns of table "clean_speak_applications"
enum clean_speak_applications_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "common_breached_passwords"
type common_breached_passwords {
password: String!
aggregated selection of "common_breached_passwords"
type common_breached_passwords_aggregate {
aggregate: common_breached_passwords_aggregate_fields
nodes: [common_breached_passwords!]!
aggregate fields of "common_breached_passwords"
type common_breached_passwords_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [common_breached_passwords_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: common_breached_passwords_max_fields
min: common_breached_passwords_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: common_breached_passwords_max_order_by
min: common_breached_passwords_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [common_breached_passwords_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: common_breached_passwords_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "common_breached_passwords". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input common_breached_passwords_bool_exp {
_and: [common_breached_passwords_bool_exp]
_not: common_breached_passwords_bool_exp
_or: [common_breached_passwords_bool_exp]
password: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "common_breached_passwords"
enum common_breached_passwords_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_insert_input {
password: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type common_breached_passwords_max_fields {
password: String
order by max() on columns of table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_max_order_by {
password: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type common_breached_passwords_min_fields {
password: String
order by min() on columns of table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_min_order_by {
password: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "common_breached_passwords"
type common_breached_passwords_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [common_breached_passwords!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: common_breached_passwords_insert_input!
on_conflict: common_breached_passwords_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_on_conflict {
constraint: common_breached_passwords_constraint!
update_columns: [common_breached_passwords_update_column!]!
where: common_breached_passwords_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_order_by {
password: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_pk_columns_input {
password: String!
select columns of table "common_breached_passwords"
enum common_breached_passwords_select_column {
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "common_breached_passwords"
input common_breached_passwords_set_input {
password: String
update columns of table "common_breached_passwords"
enum common_breached_passwords_update_column {
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "config"
type config {
"""An object relationship"""
admin: user
admin_commision_percent: Int
admin_email: String
admin_name: String
app_icon: String
app_name: String
back_text: String
catalog_category: String
created_at: timestamptz
currency_name: String
currency_sign: String
currency_type: String
default_image: String
default_image_png: String
default_profile_image: String
default_profileimage_png: String
full_background_image: String
has_cart: Boolean
has_subscription: String
has_uploader: Boolean
id: smallint!
is_marketplace: Boolean
is_not_installable: Boolean
is_prod: Boolean
logo_color: String
logo_white: String
main_object: String
mini_logo_color: String
mini_logo_white: String
no_result_image: String
not_found_image: String
open_for_guests: Boolean
payment_type: String
payments_url: String
paypal_client_id: String
paypal_subscription_plan: String
plan_id: String
post_image: String
redirect_to: String
rtl: Boolean
semi_open_for_guests: Boolean
spiritt_application_id: String
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
thin_background_image: String
updated_at: timestamptz
use_paypal_directly: Boolean
aggregated selection of "config"
type config_aggregate {
aggregate: config_aggregate_fields
nodes: [config!]!
aggregate fields of "config"
type config_aggregate_fields {
avg: config_avg_fields
count(columns: [config_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: config_max_fields
min: config_min_fields
stddev: config_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: config_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: config_stddev_samp_fields
sum: config_sum_fields
var_pop: config_var_pop_fields
var_samp: config_var_samp_fields
variance: config_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "config"
input config_aggregate_order_by {
avg: config_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: config_max_order_by
min: config_min_order_by
stddev: config_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: config_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: config_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: config_sum_order_by
var_pop: config_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: config_var_samp_order_by
variance: config_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "config"
input config_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [config_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: config_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type config_avg_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "config"
input config_avg_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "config". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input config_bool_exp {
_and: [config_bool_exp]
_not: config_bool_exp
_or: [config_bool_exp]
admin: user_bool_exp
admin_commision_percent: Int_comparison_exp
admin_email: String_comparison_exp
admin_name: String_comparison_exp
app_icon: String_comparison_exp
app_name: String_comparison_exp
back_text: String_comparison_exp
catalog_category: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
currency_name: String_comparison_exp
currency_sign: String_comparison_exp
currency_type: String_comparison_exp
default_image: String_comparison_exp
default_image_png: String_comparison_exp
default_profile_image: String_comparison_exp
default_profileimage_png: String_comparison_exp
full_background_image: String_comparison_exp
has_cart: Boolean_comparison_exp
has_subscription: String_comparison_exp
has_uploader: Boolean_comparison_exp
id: smallint_comparison_exp
is_marketplace: Boolean_comparison_exp
is_not_installable: Boolean_comparison_exp
is_prod: Boolean_comparison_exp
logo_color: String_comparison_exp
logo_white: String_comparison_exp
main_object: String_comparison_exp
mini_logo_color: String_comparison_exp
mini_logo_white: String_comparison_exp
no_result_image: String_comparison_exp
not_found_image: String_comparison_exp
open_for_guests: Boolean_comparison_exp
payment_type: String_comparison_exp
payments_url: String_comparison_exp
paypal_client_id: String_comparison_exp
paypal_subscription_plan: String_comparison_exp
plan_id: String_comparison_exp
post_image: String_comparison_exp
redirect_to: String_comparison_exp
rtl: Boolean_comparison_exp
semi_open_for_guests: Boolean_comparison_exp
spiritt_application_id: String_comparison_exp
spiritt_commision_percent: Int_comparison_exp
thin_background_image: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
use_paypal_directly: Boolean_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "config"
enum config_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "config"
input config_inc_input {
admin_commision_percent: Int
id: smallint
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
input type for inserting data into table "config"
input config_insert_input {
admin: user_obj_rel_insert_input
admin_commision_percent: Int
admin_email: String
admin_name: String
app_icon: String
app_name: String
back_text: String
catalog_category: String
created_at: timestamptz
currency_name: String
currency_sign: String
currency_type: String
default_image: String
default_image_png: String
default_profile_image: String
default_profileimage_png: String
full_background_image: String
has_cart: Boolean
has_subscription: String
has_uploader: Boolean
id: smallint
is_marketplace: Boolean
is_not_installable: Boolean
is_prod: Boolean
logo_color: String
logo_white: String
main_object: String
mini_logo_color: String
mini_logo_white: String
no_result_image: String
not_found_image: String
open_for_guests: Boolean
payment_type: String
payments_url: String
paypal_client_id: String
paypal_subscription_plan: String
plan_id: String
post_image: String
redirect_to: String
rtl: Boolean
semi_open_for_guests: Boolean
spiritt_application_id: String
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
thin_background_image: String
updated_at: timestamptz
use_paypal_directly: Boolean
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type config_max_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Int
admin_email: String
admin_name: String
app_icon: String
app_name: String
back_text: String
catalog_category: String
created_at: timestamptz
currency_name: String
currency_sign: String
currency_type: String
default_image: String
default_image_png: String
default_profile_image: String
default_profileimage_png: String
full_background_image: String
has_subscription: String
id: smallint
logo_color: String
logo_white: String
main_object: String
mini_logo_color: String
mini_logo_white: String
no_result_image: String
not_found_image: String
payment_type: String
payments_url: String
paypal_client_id: String
paypal_subscription_plan: String
plan_id: String
post_image: String
redirect_to: String
spiritt_application_id: String
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
thin_background_image: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "config"
input config_max_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
admin_email: order_by
admin_name: order_by
app_icon: order_by
app_name: order_by
back_text: order_by
catalog_category: order_by
created_at: order_by
currency_name: order_by
currency_sign: order_by
currency_type: order_by
default_image: order_by
default_image_png: order_by
default_profile_image: order_by
default_profileimage_png: order_by
full_background_image: order_by
has_subscription: order_by
id: order_by
logo_color: order_by
logo_white: order_by
main_object: order_by
mini_logo_color: order_by
mini_logo_white: order_by
no_result_image: order_by
not_found_image: order_by
payment_type: order_by
payments_url: order_by
paypal_client_id: order_by
paypal_subscription_plan: order_by
plan_id: order_by
post_image: order_by
redirect_to: order_by
spiritt_application_id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
thin_background_image: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type config_min_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Int
admin_email: String
admin_name: String
app_icon: String
app_name: String
back_text: String
catalog_category: String
created_at: timestamptz
currency_name: String
currency_sign: String
currency_type: String
default_image: String
default_image_png: String
default_profile_image: String
default_profileimage_png: String
full_background_image: String
has_subscription: String
id: smallint
logo_color: String
logo_white: String
main_object: String
mini_logo_color: String
mini_logo_white: String
no_result_image: String
not_found_image: String
payment_type: String
payments_url: String
paypal_client_id: String
paypal_subscription_plan: String
plan_id: String
post_image: String
redirect_to: String
spiritt_application_id: String
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
thin_background_image: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "config"
input config_min_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
admin_email: order_by
admin_name: order_by
app_icon: order_by
app_name: order_by
back_text: order_by
catalog_category: order_by
created_at: order_by
currency_name: order_by
currency_sign: order_by
currency_type: order_by
default_image: order_by
default_image_png: order_by
default_profile_image: order_by
default_profileimage_png: order_by
full_background_image: order_by
has_subscription: order_by
id: order_by
logo_color: order_by
logo_white: order_by
main_object: order_by
mini_logo_color: order_by
mini_logo_white: order_by
no_result_image: order_by
not_found_image: order_by
payment_type: order_by
payments_url: order_by
paypal_client_id: order_by
paypal_subscription_plan: order_by
plan_id: order_by
post_image: order_by
redirect_to: order_by
spiritt_application_id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
thin_background_image: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "config"
type config_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [config!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "config"
input config_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: config_insert_input!
on_conflict: config_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "config"
input config_on_conflict {
constraint: config_constraint!
update_columns: [config_update_column!]!
where: config_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "config"
input config_order_by {
admin: user_order_by
admin_commision_percent: order_by
admin_email: order_by
admin_name: order_by
app_icon: order_by
app_name: order_by
back_text: order_by
catalog_category: order_by
created_at: order_by
currency_name: order_by
currency_sign: order_by
currency_type: order_by
default_image: order_by
default_image_png: order_by
default_profile_image: order_by
default_profileimage_png: order_by
full_background_image: order_by
has_cart: order_by
has_subscription: order_by
has_uploader: order_by
id: order_by
is_marketplace: order_by
is_not_installable: order_by
is_prod: order_by
logo_color: order_by
logo_white: order_by
main_object: order_by
mini_logo_color: order_by
mini_logo_white: order_by
no_result_image: order_by
not_found_image: order_by
open_for_guests: order_by
payment_type: order_by
payments_url: order_by
paypal_client_id: order_by
paypal_subscription_plan: order_by
plan_id: order_by
post_image: order_by
redirect_to: order_by
rtl: order_by
semi_open_for_guests: order_by
spiritt_application_id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
thin_background_image: order_by
updated_at: order_by
use_paypal_directly: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "config"
input config_pk_columns_input {
id: smallint!
select columns of table "config"
enum config_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "config"
input config_set_input {
admin_commision_percent: Int
admin_email: String
admin_name: String
app_icon: String
app_name: String
back_text: String
catalog_category: String
created_at: timestamptz
currency_name: String
currency_sign: String
currency_type: String
default_image: String
default_image_png: String
default_profile_image: String
default_profileimage_png: String
full_background_image: String
has_cart: Boolean
has_subscription: String
has_uploader: Boolean
id: smallint
is_marketplace: Boolean
is_not_installable: Boolean
is_prod: Boolean
logo_color: String
logo_white: String
main_object: String
mini_logo_color: String
mini_logo_white: String
no_result_image: String
not_found_image: String
open_for_guests: Boolean
payment_type: String
payments_url: String
paypal_client_id: String
paypal_subscription_plan: String
plan_id: String
post_image: String
redirect_to: String
rtl: Boolean
semi_open_for_guests: Boolean
spiritt_application_id: String
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
thin_background_image: String
updated_at: timestamptz
use_paypal_directly: Boolean
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type config_stddev_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "config"
input config_stddev_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type config_stddev_pop_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "config"
input config_stddev_pop_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type config_stddev_samp_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "config"
input config_stddev_samp_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type config_sum_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Int
id: smallint
spiritt_commision_percent: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "config"
input config_sum_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
update columns of table "config"
enum config_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type config_var_pop_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "config"
input config_var_pop_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type config_var_samp_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "config"
input config_var_samp_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type config_variance_fields {
admin_commision_percent: Float
id: Float
spiritt_commision_percent: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "config"
input config_variance_order_by {
admin_commision_percent: order_by
id: order_by
spiritt_commision_percent: order_by
columns and relationships of "connectors"
type connectors {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
): [connectors_tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
): connectors_tenants_aggregate!
data: String!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
key: keys
"""An object relationship"""
lambda: lambdas
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid
type: smallint!
aggregated selection of "connectors"
type connectors_aggregate {
aggregate: connectors_aggregate_fields
nodes: [connectors!]!
aggregate fields of "connectors"
type connectors_aggregate_fields {
avg: connectors_avg_fields
count(columns: [connectors_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: connectors_max_fields
min: connectors_min_fields
stddev: connectors_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: connectors_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: connectors_stddev_samp_fields
sum: connectors_sum_fields
var_pop: connectors_var_pop_fields
var_samp: connectors_var_samp_fields
variance: connectors_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "connectors"
input connectors_aggregate_order_by {
avg: connectors_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: connectors_max_order_by
min: connectors_min_order_by
stddev: connectors_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: connectors_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: connectors_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: connectors_sum_order_by
var_pop: connectors_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: connectors_var_samp_order_by
variance: connectors_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "connectors"
input connectors_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [connectors_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: connectors_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type connectors_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "connectors". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input connectors_bool_exp {
_and: [connectors_bool_exp]
_not: connectors_bool_exp
_or: [connectors_bool_exp]
connectors_tenants: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
key: keys_bool_exp
lambda: lambdas_bool_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid_comparison_exp
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
type: smallint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "connectors"
enum connectors_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "connectors"
input connectors_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
type: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "connectors"
input connectors_insert_input {
connectors_tenants: connectors_tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
key: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
lambda: lambdas_obj_rel_insert_input
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid
type: smallint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type connectors_max_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid
type: smallint
order by max() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_max_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
reconcile_lambdas_id: order_by
ssl_certificate_keys_id: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type connectors_min_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid
type: smallint
order by min() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_min_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
reconcile_lambdas_id: order_by
ssl_certificate_keys_id: order_by
type: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "connectors"
type connectors_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [connectors!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "connectors"
input connectors_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: connectors_insert_input!
on_conflict: connectors_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "connectors"
input connectors_on_conflict {
constraint: connectors_constraint!
update_columns: [connectors_update_column!]!
where: connectors_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "connectors"
input connectors_order_by {
connectors_tenants_aggregate: connectors_tenants_aggregate_order_by
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
key: keys_order_by
lambda: lambdas_order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
reconcile_lambdas_id: order_by
ssl_certificate_keys_id: order_by
type: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "connectors"
input connectors_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "connectors"
enum connectors_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "connectors"
input connectors_set_input {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
ssl_certificate_keys_id: uuid
type: smallint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type connectors_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type connectors_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type connectors_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type connectors_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
type: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
columns and relationships of "connectors_tenants"
type connectors_tenants {
"""An object relationship"""
connector: connectors!
connectors_id: uuid!
data: String!
sequence: smallint!
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "connectors_tenants"
type connectors_tenants_aggregate {
aggregate: connectors_tenants_aggregate_fields
nodes: [connectors_tenants!]!
aggregate fields of "connectors_tenants"
type connectors_tenants_aggregate_fields {
avg: connectors_tenants_avg_fields
count(columns: [connectors_tenants_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: connectors_tenants_max_fields
min: connectors_tenants_min_fields
stddev: connectors_tenants_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: connectors_tenants_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: connectors_tenants_stddev_samp_fields
sum: connectors_tenants_sum_fields
var_pop: connectors_tenants_var_pop_fields
var_samp: connectors_tenants_var_samp_fields
variance: connectors_tenants_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_aggregate_order_by {
avg: connectors_tenants_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: connectors_tenants_max_order_by
min: connectors_tenants_min_order_by
stddev: connectors_tenants_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: connectors_tenants_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: connectors_tenants_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: connectors_tenants_sum_order_by
var_pop: connectors_tenants_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: connectors_tenants_var_samp_order_by
variance: connectors_tenants_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [connectors_tenants_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: connectors_tenants_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_avg_fields {
sequence: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_avg_order_by {
sequence: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "connectors_tenants". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input connectors_tenants_bool_exp {
_and: [connectors_tenants_bool_exp]
_not: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
_or: [connectors_tenants_bool_exp]
connector: connectors_bool_exp
connectors_id: uuid_comparison_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
sequence: smallint_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "connectors_tenants"
enum connectors_tenants_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_inc_input {
sequence: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_insert_input {
connector: connectors_obj_rel_insert_input
connectors_id: uuid
data: String
sequence: smallint
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_max_fields {
connectors_id: uuid
data: String
sequence: smallint
tenants_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_max_order_by {
connectors_id: order_by
data: order_by
sequence: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_min_fields {
connectors_id: uuid
data: String
sequence: smallint
tenants_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_min_order_by {
connectors_id: order_by
data: order_by
sequence: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "connectors_tenants"
type connectors_tenants_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [connectors_tenants!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: connectors_tenants_insert_input!
on_conflict: connectors_tenants_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_on_conflict {
constraint: connectors_tenants_constraint!
update_columns: [connectors_tenants_update_column!]!
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_order_by {
connector: connectors_order_by
connectors_id: order_by
data: order_by
sequence: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_pk_columns_input {
connectors_id: uuid!
tenants_id: uuid!
select columns of table "connectors_tenants"
enum connectors_tenants_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_set_input {
connectors_id: uuid
data: String
sequence: smallint
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_stddev_fields {
sequence: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_stddev_order_by {
sequence: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_stddev_pop_fields {
sequence: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_stddev_pop_order_by {
sequence: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_stddev_samp_fields {
sequence: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_stddev_samp_order_by {
sequence: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_sum_fields {
sequence: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_sum_order_by {
sequence: order_by
update columns of table "connectors_tenants"
enum connectors_tenants_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_var_pop_fields {
sequence: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_var_pop_order_by {
sequence: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_var_samp_fields {
sequence: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_var_samp_order_by {
sequence: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type connectors_tenants_variance_fields {
sequence: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "connectors_tenants"
input connectors_tenants_variance_order_by {
sequence: order_by
update columns of table "connectors"
enum connectors_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type connectors_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type connectors_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type connectors_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "connectors"
input connectors_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
columns and relationships of "consents"
type consents {
consent_email_templates_id: uuid
data: String
"""An object relationship"""
emailTemplateByConsentEmailTemplatesId: email_templates
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid
"""An object relationship"""
email_template: email_templates
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_fields_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_fields_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_fields_bool_exp
): [form_fields!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_fields_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_fields_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_fields_bool_exp
): form_fields_aggregate!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_consents_bool_exp
): [user_consents!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_consents_bool_exp
): user_consents_aggregate!
aggregated selection of "consents"
type consents_aggregate {
aggregate: consents_aggregate_fields
nodes: [consents!]!
aggregate fields of "consents"
type consents_aggregate_fields {
avg: consents_avg_fields
count(columns: [consents_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: consents_max_fields
min: consents_min_fields
stddev: consents_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: consents_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: consents_stddev_samp_fields
sum: consents_sum_fields
var_pop: consents_var_pop_fields
var_samp: consents_var_samp_fields
variance: consents_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "consents"
input consents_aggregate_order_by {
avg: consents_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: consents_max_order_by
min: consents_min_order_by
stddev: consents_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: consents_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: consents_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: consents_sum_order_by
var_pop: consents_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: consents_var_samp_order_by
variance: consents_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "consents"
input consents_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [consents_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: consents_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type consents_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "consents". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input consents_bool_exp {
_and: [consents_bool_exp]
_not: consents_bool_exp
_or: [consents_bool_exp]
consent_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
emailTemplateByConsentEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_bool_exp
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid_comparison_exp
email_template: email_templates_bool_exp
form_fields: form_fields_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
user_consents: user_consents_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "consents"
enum consents_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "consents"
input consents_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "consents"
input consents_insert_input {
consent_email_templates_id: uuid
data: String
emailTemplateByConsentEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid
email_template: email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input
form_fields: form_fields_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
user_consents: user_consents_arr_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type consents_max_fields {
consent_email_templates_id: uuid
data: String
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by max() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_max_order_by {
consent_email_templates_id: order_by
data: order_by
email_plus_email_templates_id: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type consents_min_fields {
consent_email_templates_id: uuid
data: String
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by min() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_min_order_by {
consent_email_templates_id: order_by
data: order_by
email_plus_email_templates_id: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "consents"
type consents_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [consents!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "consents"
input consents_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: consents_insert_input!
on_conflict: consents_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "consents"
input consents_on_conflict {
constraint: consents_constraint!
update_columns: [consents_update_column!]!
where: consents_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "consents"
input consents_order_by {
consent_email_templates_id: order_by
data: order_by
emailTemplateByConsentEmailTemplatesId: email_templates_order_by
email_plus_email_templates_id: order_by
email_template: email_templates_order_by
form_fields_aggregate: form_fields_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
user_consents_aggregate: user_consents_aggregate_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "consents"
input consents_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "consents"
enum consents_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "consents"
input consents_set_input {
consent_email_templates_id: uuid
data: String
email_plus_email_templates_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type consents_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type consents_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type consents_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type consents_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "consents"
enum consents_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type consents_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type consents_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type consents_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "consents"
input consents_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "contact"
type contact {
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid!
name: String
phone: String
target_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
user_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "contact"
type contact_aggregate {
aggregate: contact_aggregate_fields
nodes: [contact!]!
aggregate fields of "contact"
type contact_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [contact_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: contact_max_fields
min: contact_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "contact"
input contact_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: contact_max_order_by
min: contact_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "contact"
input contact_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [contact_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: contact_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "contact". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input contact_bool_exp {
_and: [contact_bool_exp]
_not: contact_bool_exp
_or: [contact_bool_exp]
content: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
email: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
phone: String_comparison_exp
target_id: uuid_comparison_exp
title: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "contact"
enum contact_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "contact"
input contact_insert_input {
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid
name: String
phone: String
target_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type contact_max_fields {
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid
name: String
phone: String
target_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "contact"
input contact_max_order_by {
content: order_by
created_at: order_by
email: order_by
id: order_by
name: order_by
phone: order_by
target_id: order_by
title: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type contact_min_fields {
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid
name: String
phone: String
target_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "contact"
input contact_min_order_by {
content: order_by
created_at: order_by
email: order_by
id: order_by
name: order_by
phone: order_by
target_id: order_by
title: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "contact"
type contact_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [contact!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "contact"
input contact_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: contact_insert_input!
on_conflict: contact_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "contact"
input contact_on_conflict {
constraint: contact_constraint!
update_columns: [contact_update_column!]!
where: contact_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "contact"
input contact_order_by {
content: order_by
created_at: order_by
email: order_by
id: order_by
name: order_by
phone: order_by
target_id: order_by
title: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "contact"
input contact_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "contact"
enum contact_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "contact"
input contact_set_input {
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid
name: String
phone: String
target_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
update columns of table "contact"
enum contact_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "credit"
type credit {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String!
created_at: timestamptz
hint: String!
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transaction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transaction_bool_exp
): [transaction!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transaction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transaction_bool_exp
): transaction_aggregate!
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
user: user!
user_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "credit"
type credit_aggregate {
aggregate: credit_aggregate_fields
nodes: [credit!]!
aggregate fields of "credit"
type credit_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [credit_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: credit_max_fields
min: credit_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "credit"
input credit_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: credit_max_order_by
min: credit_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "credit"
input credit_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [credit_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: credit_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "credit". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input credit_bool_exp {
_and: [credit_bool_exp]
_not: credit_bool_exp
_or: [credit_bool_exp]
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
hint: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
transactions: transaction_bool_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "credit"
enum credit_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "credit"
input credit_insert_input {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
hint: String
id: uuid
transactions: transaction_arr_rel_insert_input
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type credit_max_fields {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
hint: String
id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "credit"
input credit_max_order_by {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
hint: order_by
id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type credit_min_fields {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
hint: String
id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "credit"
input credit_min_order_by {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
hint: order_by
id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "credit"
type credit_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [credit!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "credit"
input credit_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: credit_insert_input!
on_conflict: credit_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "credit"
input credit_on_conflict {
constraint: credit_constraint!
update_columns: [credit_update_column!]!
where: credit_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "credit"
input credit_order_by {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
hint: order_by
id: order_by
transactions_aggregate: transaction_aggregate_order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "credit"
input credit_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "credit"
enum credit_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "credit"
input credit_set_input {
bluesnap_vaulted_shopper_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
hint: String
id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
update columns of table "credit"
enum credit_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "data_sets"
type data_sets {
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
aggregated selection of "data_sets"
type data_sets_aggregate {
aggregate: data_sets_aggregate_fields
nodes: [data_sets!]!
aggregate fields of "data_sets"
type data_sets_aggregate_fields {
avg: data_sets_avg_fields
count(columns: [data_sets_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: data_sets_max_fields
min: data_sets_min_fields
stddev: data_sets_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: data_sets_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: data_sets_stddev_samp_fields
sum: data_sets_sum_fields
var_pop: data_sets_var_pop_fields
var_samp: data_sets_var_samp_fields
variance: data_sets_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_aggregate_order_by {
avg: data_sets_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: data_sets_max_order_by
min: data_sets_min_order_by
stddev: data_sets_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: data_sets_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: data_sets_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: data_sets_sum_order_by
var_pop: data_sets_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: data_sets_var_samp_order_by
variance: data_sets_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "data_sets"
input data_sets_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [data_sets_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: data_sets_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type data_sets_avg_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_avg_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "data_sets". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input data_sets_bool_exp {
_and: [data_sets_bool_exp]
_not: data_sets_bool_exp
_or: [data_sets_bool_exp]
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "data_sets"
enum data_sets_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "data_sets"
input data_sets_inc_input {
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "data_sets"
input data_sets_insert_input {
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type data_sets_max_fields {
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by max() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_max_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type data_sets_min_fields {
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by min() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_min_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "data_sets"
type data_sets_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [data_sets!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "data_sets"
input data_sets_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: data_sets_insert_input!
on_conflict: data_sets_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "data_sets"
input data_sets_on_conflict {
constraint: data_sets_constraint!
update_columns: [data_sets_update_column!]!
where: data_sets_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "data_sets"
input data_sets_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "data_sets"
input data_sets_pk_columns_input {
name: String!
select columns of table "data_sets"
enum data_sets_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "data_sets"
input data_sets_set_input {
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type data_sets_stddev_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_stddev_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type data_sets_stddev_pop_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_stddev_pop_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type data_sets_stddev_samp_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_stddev_samp_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type data_sets_sum_fields {
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_sum_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "data_sets"
enum data_sets_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type data_sets_var_pop_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_var_pop_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type data_sets_var_samp_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_var_samp_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type data_sets_variance_fields {
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "data_sets"
input data_sets_variance_order_by {
last_update_instant: order_by
scalar date
expression to compare columns of type date. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input date_comparison_exp {
_eq: date
_gt: date
_gte: date
_in: [date!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: date
_lte: date
_neq: date
_nin: [date!]
columns and relationships of "email_templates"
type email_templates {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: consents_bool_exp
): [consents!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: consents_bool_exp
): [consents!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: consents_bool_exp
): consents_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: consents_bool_exp
): consents_aggregate!
default_from_name: String
default_html_template: String!
default_subject: String!
default_text_template: String!
from_email: String
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
localized_from_names: String
localized_html_templates: String!
localized_subjects: String!
localized_text_templates: String!
name: String!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): [user_actions!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): user_actions_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): [user_actions!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): user_actions_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): [user_actions!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): user_actions_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): [user_actions!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [user_actions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [user_actions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp
): user_actions_aggregate!
aggregated selection of "email_templates"
type email_templates_aggregate {
aggregate: email_templates_aggregate_fields
nodes: [email_templates!]!
aggregate fields of "email_templates"
type email_templates_aggregate_fields {
avg: email_templates_avg_fields
count(columns: [email_templates_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: email_templates_max_fields
min: email_templates_min_fields
stddev: email_templates_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: email_templates_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: email_templates_stddev_samp_fields
sum: email_templates_sum_fields
var_pop: email_templates_var_pop_fields
var_samp: email_templates_var_samp_fields
variance: email_templates_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_aggregate_order_by {
avg: email_templates_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: email_templates_max_order_by
min: email_templates_min_order_by
stddev: email_templates_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: email_templates_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: email_templates_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: email_templates_sum_order_by
var_pop: email_templates_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: email_templates_var_samp_order_by
variance: email_templates_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "email_templates"
input email_templates_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [email_templates_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: email_templates_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type email_templates_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "email_templates". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input email_templates_bool_exp {
_and: [email_templates_bool_exp]
_not: email_templates_bool_exp
_or: [email_templates_bool_exp]
applications: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: applications_bool_exp
applicationsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: applications_bool_exp
consents: consents_bool_exp
consentsByEmailPlusEmailTemplatesId: consents_bool_exp
default_from_name: String_comparison_exp
default_html_template: String_comparison_exp
default_subject: String_comparison_exp
default_text_template: String_comparison_exp
from_email: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
localized_from_names: String_comparison_exp
localized_html_templates: String_comparison_exp
localized_subjects: String_comparison_exp
localized_text_templates: String_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
tenants: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsByParentRegistrationEmailTemplateId: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: tenants_bool_exp
userActionsByEndEmailTemplatesId: user_actions_bool_exp
userActionsByModifyEmailTemplatesId: user_actions_bool_exp
userActionsByStartEmailTemplatesId: user_actions_bool_exp
user_actions: user_actions_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "email_templates"
enum email_templates_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "email_templates"
input email_templates_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "email_templates"
input email_templates_insert_input {
applications: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
consents: consents_arr_rel_insert_input
consentsByEmailPlusEmailTemplatesId: consents_arr_rel_insert_input
default_from_name: String
default_html_template: String
default_subject: String
default_text_template: String
from_email: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
localized_from_names: String
localized_html_templates: String
localized_subjects: String
localized_text_templates: String
name: String
tenants: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsByParentRegistrationEmailTemplateId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsByVerificationEmailTemplatesId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
userActionsByEndEmailTemplatesId: user_actions_arr_rel_insert_input
userActionsByModifyEmailTemplatesId: user_actions_arr_rel_insert_input
userActionsByStartEmailTemplatesId: user_actions_arr_rel_insert_input
user_actions: user_actions_arr_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type email_templates_max_fields {
default_from_name: String
default_html_template: String
default_subject: String
default_text_template: String
from_email: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
localized_from_names: String
localized_html_templates: String
localized_subjects: String
localized_text_templates: String
name: String
order by max() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_max_order_by {
default_from_name: order_by
default_html_template: order_by
default_subject: order_by
default_text_template: order_by
from_email: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
localized_from_names: order_by
localized_html_templates: order_by
localized_subjects: order_by
localized_text_templates: order_by
name: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type email_templates_min_fields {
default_from_name: String
default_html_template: String
default_subject: String
default_text_template: String
from_email: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
localized_from_names: String
localized_html_templates: String
localized_subjects: String
localized_text_templates: String
name: String
order by min() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_min_order_by {
default_from_name: order_by
default_html_template: order_by
default_subject: order_by
default_text_template: order_by
from_email: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
localized_from_names: order_by
localized_html_templates: order_by
localized_subjects: order_by
localized_text_templates: order_by
name: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "email_templates"
type email_templates_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [email_templates!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "email_templates"
input email_templates_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: email_templates_insert_input!
on_conflict: email_templates_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "email_templates"
input email_templates_on_conflict {
constraint: email_templates_constraint!
update_columns: [email_templates_update_column!]!
where: email_templates_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "email_templates"
input email_templates_order_by {
applicationsByEmailVerificationEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applicationsByForgotPasswordEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applicationsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applicationsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applications_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
consentsByEmailPlusEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: consents_aggregate_order_by
consents_aggregate: consents_aggregate_order_by
default_from_name: order_by
default_html_template: order_by
default_subject: order_by
default_text_template: order_by
from_email: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
localized_from_names: order_by
localized_html_templates: order_by
localized_subjects: order_by
localized_text_templates: order_by
name: order_by
tenantsByConfirmChildEmailTemplateId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenantsByFamilyRequestEmailTemplateId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenantsByParentRegistrationEmailTemplateId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenantsByPasswordlessEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenantsBySetPasswordEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenantsByVerificationEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenants_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
userActionsByEndEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: user_actions_aggregate_order_by
userActionsByModifyEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: user_actions_aggregate_order_by
userActionsByStartEmailTemplatesId_aggregate: user_actions_aggregate_order_by
user_actions_aggregate: user_actions_aggregate_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "email_templates"
input email_templates_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "email_templates"
enum email_templates_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "email_templates"
input email_templates_set_input {
default_from_name: String
default_html_template: String
default_subject: String
default_text_template: String
from_email: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
localized_from_names: String
localized_html_templates: String
localized_subjects: String
localized_text_templates: String
name: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type email_templates_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type email_templates_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type email_templates_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type email_templates_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "email_templates"
enum email_templates_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type email_templates_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type email_templates_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type email_templates_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "email_templates"
input email_templates_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "event"
type event {
created_at: timestamptz!
id: uuid!
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz!
aggregated selection of "event"
type event_aggregate {
aggregate: event_aggregate_fields
nodes: [event!]!
aggregate fields of "event"
type event_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [event_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: event_max_fields
min: event_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "event"
input event_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: event_max_order_by
min: event_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "event"
input event_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [event_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: event_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "event". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input event_bool_exp {
_and: [event_bool_exp]
_not: event_bool_exp
_or: [event_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "event"
enum event_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "event"
input event_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
columns and relationships of "event_logs"
type event_logs {
id: bigint!
insert_instant: bigint!
message: String!
type: smallint!
aggregated selection of "event_logs"
type event_logs_aggregate {
aggregate: event_logs_aggregate_fields
nodes: [event_logs!]!
aggregate fields of "event_logs"
type event_logs_aggregate_fields {
avg: event_logs_avg_fields
count(columns: [event_logs_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: event_logs_max_fields
min: event_logs_min_fields
stddev: event_logs_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: event_logs_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: event_logs_stddev_samp_fields
sum: event_logs_sum_fields
var_pop: event_logs_var_pop_fields
var_samp: event_logs_var_samp_fields
variance: event_logs_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_aggregate_order_by {
avg: event_logs_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: event_logs_max_order_by
min: event_logs_min_order_by
stddev: event_logs_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: event_logs_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: event_logs_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: event_logs_sum_order_by
var_pop: event_logs_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: event_logs_var_samp_order_by
variance: event_logs_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "event_logs"
input event_logs_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [event_logs_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: event_logs_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type event_logs_avg_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_avg_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "event_logs". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input event_logs_bool_exp {
_and: [event_logs_bool_exp]
_not: event_logs_bool_exp
_or: [event_logs_bool_exp]
id: bigint_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
message: String_comparison_exp
type: smallint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "event_logs"
enum event_logs_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "event_logs"
input event_logs_inc_input {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
type: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "event_logs"
input event_logs_insert_input {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
message: String
type: smallint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type event_logs_max_fields {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
message: String
type: smallint
order by max() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_max_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
message: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type event_logs_min_fields {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
message: String
type: smallint
order by min() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_min_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
message: order_by
type: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "event_logs"
type event_logs_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [event_logs!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "event_logs"
input event_logs_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: event_logs_insert_input!
on_conflict: event_logs_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "event_logs"
input event_logs_on_conflict {
constraint: event_logs_constraint!
update_columns: [event_logs_update_column!]!
where: event_logs_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "event_logs"
input event_logs_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
message: order_by
type: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "event_logs"
input event_logs_pk_columns_input {
id: bigint!
select columns of table "event_logs"
enum event_logs_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "event_logs"
input event_logs_set_input {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
message: String
type: smallint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type event_logs_stddev_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_stddev_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type event_logs_stddev_pop_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_stddev_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type event_logs_stddev_samp_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_stddev_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type event_logs_sum_fields {
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
type: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_sum_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
update columns of table "event_logs"
enum event_logs_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type event_logs_var_pop_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_var_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type event_logs_var_samp_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_var_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type event_logs_variance_fields {
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "event_logs"
input event_logs_variance_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type event_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "event"
input event_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type event_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "event"
input event_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "event"
type event_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [event!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "event"
input event_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: event_insert_input!
on_conflict: event_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "event"
input event_on_conflict {
constraint: event_constraint!
update_columns: [event_update_column!]!
where: event_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "event"
input event_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "event"
input event_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "event"
enum event_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "event"
input event_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "event"
enum event_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "event_user"
type event_user {
created_at: timestamptz
event_id: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "event_user"
type event_user_aggregate {
aggregate: event_user_aggregate_fields
nodes: [event_user!]!
aggregate fields of "event_user"
type event_user_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [event_user_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: event_user_max_fields
min: event_user_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "event_user"
input event_user_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: event_user_max_order_by
min: event_user_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "event_user"
input event_user_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [event_user_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: event_user_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "event_user". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input event_user_bool_exp {
_and: [event_user_bool_exp]
_not: event_user_bool_exp
_or: [event_user_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
event_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "event_user"
enum event_user_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "event_user"
input event_user_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
event_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type event_user_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
event_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "event_user"
input event_user_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
event_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type event_user_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
event_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "event_user"
input event_user_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
event_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "event_user"
type event_user_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [event_user!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "event_user"
input event_user_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: event_user_insert_input!
on_conflict: event_user_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "event_user"
input event_user_on_conflict {
constraint: event_user_constraint!
update_columns: [event_user_update_column!]!
where: event_user_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "event_user"
input event_user_order_by {
created_at: order_by
event_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "event_user"
input event_user_pk_columns_input {
event_id: uuid!
user_id: uuid!
select columns of table "event_user"
enum event_user_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "event_user"
input event_user_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
event_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
update columns of table "event_user"
enum event_user_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "external_identifiers"
type external_identifiers {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: String!
insert_instant: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
type: smallint!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users
users_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "external_identifiers"
type external_identifiers_aggregate {
aggregate: external_identifiers_aggregate_fields
nodes: [external_identifiers!]!
aggregate fields of "external_identifiers"
type external_identifiers_aggregate_fields {
avg: external_identifiers_avg_fields
count(columns: [external_identifiers_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: external_identifiers_max_fields
min: external_identifiers_min_fields
stddev: external_identifiers_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: external_identifiers_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: external_identifiers_stddev_samp_fields
sum: external_identifiers_sum_fields
var_pop: external_identifiers_var_pop_fields
var_samp: external_identifiers_var_samp_fields
variance: external_identifiers_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_aggregate_order_by {
avg: external_identifiers_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: external_identifiers_max_order_by
min: external_identifiers_min_order_by
stddev: external_identifiers_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: external_identifiers_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: external_identifiers_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: external_identifiers_sum_order_by
var_pop: external_identifiers_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: external_identifiers_var_samp_order_by
variance: external_identifiers_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [external_identifiers_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: external_identifiers_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type external_identifiers_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "external_identifiers". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input external_identifiers_bool_exp {
_and: [external_identifiers_bool_exp]
_not: external_identifiers_bool_exp
_or: [external_identifiers_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
id: String_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
type: smallint_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
users_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "external_identifiers"
enum external_identifiers_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
type: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
type: smallint
user: users_obj_rel_insert_input
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type external_identifiers_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
tenants_id: uuid
type: smallint
users_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
type: order_by
users_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type external_identifiers_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
tenants_id: uuid
type: smallint
users_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
type: order_by
users_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "external_identifiers"
type external_identifiers_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [external_identifiers!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: external_identifiers_insert_input!
on_conflict: external_identifiers_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_on_conflict {
constraint: external_identifiers_constraint!
update_columns: [external_identifiers_update_column!]!
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
type: order_by
user: users_order_by
users_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_pk_columns_input {
id: String!
select columns of table "external_identifiers"
enum external_identifiers_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
data: String
id: String
insert_instant: bigint
tenants_id: uuid
type: smallint
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type external_identifiers_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type external_identifiers_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type external_identifiers_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type external_identifiers_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
type: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
update columns of table "external_identifiers"
enum external_identifiers_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type external_identifiers_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type external_identifiers_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type external_identifiers_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
type: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "external_identifiers"
input external_identifiers_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
type: order_by
columns and relationships of "failed_logins"
type failed_logins {
count: Int!
last_failed_instant: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
users_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "failed_logins"
type failed_logins_aggregate {
aggregate: failed_logins_aggregate_fields
nodes: [failed_logins!]!
aggregate fields of "failed_logins"
type failed_logins_aggregate_fields {
avg: failed_logins_avg_fields
count(columns: [failed_logins_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: failed_logins_max_fields
min: failed_logins_min_fields
stddev: failed_logins_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: failed_logins_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: failed_logins_stddev_samp_fields
sum: failed_logins_sum_fields
var_pop: failed_logins_var_pop_fields
var_samp: failed_logins_var_samp_fields
variance: failed_logins_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_aggregate_order_by {
avg: failed_logins_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: failed_logins_max_order_by
min: failed_logins_min_order_by
stddev: failed_logins_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: failed_logins_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: failed_logins_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: failed_logins_sum_order_by
var_pop: failed_logins_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: failed_logins_var_samp_order_by
variance: failed_logins_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [failed_logins_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: failed_logins_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type failed_logins_avg_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "failed_logins". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input failed_logins_bool_exp {
_and: [failed_logins_bool_exp]
_not: failed_logins_bool_exp
_or: [failed_logins_bool_exp]
count: Int_comparison_exp
last_failed_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
users_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "failed_logins"
enum failed_logins_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_inc_input {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_insert_input {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
user: users_obj_rel_insert_input
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type failed_logins_max_fields {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
tenants_id: uuid
users_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_max_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
users_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type failed_logins_min_fields {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
tenants_id: uuid
users_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_min_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
users_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "failed_logins"
type failed_logins_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [failed_logins!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: failed_logins_insert_input!
on_conflict: failed_logins_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_on_conflict {
constraint: failed_logins_constraint!
update_columns: [failed_logins_update_column!]!
where: failed_logins_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
user: users_order_by
users_id: order_by
select columns of table "failed_logins"
enum failed_logins_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_set_input {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
tenants_id: uuid
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type failed_logins_stddev_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type failed_logins_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type failed_logins_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type failed_logins_sum_fields {
count: Int
last_failed_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
update columns of table "failed_logins"
enum failed_logins_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type failed_logins_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type failed_logins_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type failed_logins_variance_fields {
count: Float
last_failed_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "failed_logins"
input failed_logins_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
last_failed_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "families"
type families {
data: String
family_id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
owner: Boolean!
role: smallint!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
users_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "families"
type families_aggregate {
aggregate: families_aggregate_fields
nodes: [families!]!
aggregate fields of "families"
type families_aggregate_fields {
avg: families_avg_fields
count(columns: [families_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: families_max_fields
min: families_min_fields
stddev: families_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: families_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: families_stddev_samp_fields
sum: families_sum_fields
var_pop: families_var_pop_fields
var_samp: families_var_samp_fields
variance: families_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "families"
input families_aggregate_order_by {
avg: families_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: families_max_order_by
min: families_min_order_by
stddev: families_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: families_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: families_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: families_sum_order_by
var_pop: families_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: families_var_samp_order_by
variance: families_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "families"
input families_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [families_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: families_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type families_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "families"
input families_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "families". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input families_bool_exp {
_and: [families_bool_exp]
_not: families_bool_exp
_or: [families_bool_exp]
data: String_comparison_exp
family_id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
owner: Boolean_comparison_exp
role: smallint_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
users_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "families"
enum families_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "families"
input families_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
role: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "families"
input families_insert_input {
data: String
family_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
owner: Boolean
role: smallint
user: users_obj_rel_insert_input
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type families_max_fields {
data: String
family_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
role: smallint
users_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "families"
input families_max_order_by {
data: order_by
family_id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
users_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type families_min_fields {
data: String
family_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
role: smallint
users_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "families"
input families_min_order_by {
data: order_by
family_id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
users_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "families"
type families_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [families!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "families"
input families_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: families_insert_input!
on_conflict: families_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "families"
input families_on_conflict {
constraint: families_constraint!
update_columns: [families_update_column!]!
where: families_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "families"
input families_order_by {
data: order_by
family_id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
owner: order_by
role: order_by
user: users_order_by
users_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "families"
input families_pk_columns_input {
family_id: uuid!
users_id: uuid!
select columns of table "families"
enum families_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "families"
input families_set_input {
data: String
family_id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
owner: Boolean
role: smallint
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type families_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "families"
input families_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type families_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "families"
input families_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type families_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "families"
input families_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type families_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
role: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "families"
input families_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
update columns of table "families"
enum families_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type families_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "families"
input families_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type families_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "families"
input families_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type families_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
role: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "families"
input families_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
role: order_by
columns and relationships of "federated_domains"
type federated_domains {
domain: String!
"""An object relationship"""
identity_provider: identity_providers!
identity_providers_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "federated_domains"
type federated_domains_aggregate {
aggregate: federated_domains_aggregate_fields
nodes: [federated_domains!]!
aggregate fields of "federated_domains"
type federated_domains_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [federated_domains_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: federated_domains_max_fields
min: federated_domains_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: federated_domains_max_order_by
min: federated_domains_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [federated_domains_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: federated_domains_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "federated_domains". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input federated_domains_bool_exp {
_and: [federated_domains_bool_exp]
_not: federated_domains_bool_exp
_or: [federated_domains_bool_exp]
domain: String_comparison_exp
identity_provider: identity_providers_bool_exp
identity_providers_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "federated_domains"
enum federated_domains_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_insert_input {
domain: String
identity_provider: identity_providers_obj_rel_insert_input
identity_providers_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type federated_domains_max_fields {
domain: String
identity_providers_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_max_order_by {
domain: order_by
identity_providers_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type federated_domains_min_fields {
domain: String
identity_providers_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_min_order_by {
domain: order_by
identity_providers_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "federated_domains"
type federated_domains_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [federated_domains!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: federated_domains_insert_input!
on_conflict: federated_domains_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_on_conflict {
constraint: federated_domains_constraint!
update_columns: [federated_domains_update_column!]!
where: federated_domains_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_order_by {
domain: order_by
identity_provider: identity_providers_order_by
identity_providers_id: order_by
select columns of table "federated_domains"
enum federated_domains_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "federated_domains"
input federated_domains_set_input {
domain: String
identity_providers_id: uuid
update columns of table "federated_domains"
enum federated_domains_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "follow"
type follow {
confirmed: Boolean!
created_at: timestamptz
follower: uuid!
following: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
user: user!
"""An object relationship"""
userByFollowing: user!
aggregated selection of "follow"
type follow_aggregate {
aggregate: follow_aggregate_fields
nodes: [follow!]!
aggregate fields of "follow"
type follow_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [follow_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: follow_max_fields
min: follow_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "follow"
input follow_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: follow_max_order_by
min: follow_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "follow"
input follow_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [follow_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: follow_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "follow". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input follow_bool_exp {
_and: [follow_bool_exp]
_not: follow_bool_exp
_or: [follow_bool_exp]
confirmed: Boolean_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
follower: uuid_comparison_exp
following: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
userByFollowing: user_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "follow"
enum follow_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "follow"
input follow_insert_input {
confirmed: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
follower: uuid
following: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
userByFollowing: user_obj_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type follow_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
follower: uuid
following: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "follow"
input follow_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
follower: order_by
following: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type follow_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
follower: uuid
following: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "follow"
input follow_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
follower: order_by
following: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "follow"
type follow_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [follow!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "follow"
input follow_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: follow_insert_input!
on_conflict: follow_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "follow"
input follow_on_conflict {
constraint: follow_constraint!
update_columns: [follow_update_column!]!
where: follow_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "follow"
input follow_order_by {
confirmed: order_by
created_at: order_by
follower: order_by
following: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
userByFollowing: user_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "follow"
input follow_pk_columns_input {
follower: uuid!
following: uuid!
select columns of table "follow"
enum follow_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "follow"
input follow_set_input {
confirmed: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
follower: uuid
following: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "follow"
enum follow_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "form_fields"
type form_fields {
"""An object relationship"""
consent: consents
consents_id: uuid
data: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_steps_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_steps_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp
): [form_steps!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_steps_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_steps_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp
): form_steps_aggregate!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
aggregated selection of "form_fields"
type form_fields_aggregate {
aggregate: form_fields_aggregate_fields
nodes: [form_fields!]!
aggregate fields of "form_fields"
type form_fields_aggregate_fields {
avg: form_fields_avg_fields
count(columns: [form_fields_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: form_fields_max_fields
min: form_fields_min_fields
stddev: form_fields_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: form_fields_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: form_fields_stddev_samp_fields
sum: form_fields_sum_fields
var_pop: form_fields_var_pop_fields
var_samp: form_fields_var_samp_fields
variance: form_fields_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_aggregate_order_by {
avg: form_fields_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: form_fields_max_order_by
min: form_fields_min_order_by
stddev: form_fields_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: form_fields_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: form_fields_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: form_fields_sum_order_by
var_pop: form_fields_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: form_fields_var_samp_order_by
variance: form_fields_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "form_fields"
input form_fields_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [form_fields_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: form_fields_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type form_fields_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "form_fields". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input form_fields_bool_exp {
_and: [form_fields_bool_exp]
_not: form_fields_bool_exp
_or: [form_fields_bool_exp]
consent: consents_bool_exp
consents_id: uuid_comparison_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
form_steps: form_steps_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "form_fields"
enum form_fields_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "form_fields"
input form_fields_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "form_fields"
input form_fields_insert_input {
consent: consents_obj_rel_insert_input
consents_id: uuid
data: String
form_steps: form_steps_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type form_fields_max_fields {
consents_id: uuid
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by max() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_max_order_by {
consents_id: order_by
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type form_fields_min_fields {
consents_id: uuid
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
order by min() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_min_order_by {
consents_id: order_by
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "form_fields"
type form_fields_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [form_fields!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "form_fields"
input form_fields_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: form_fields_insert_input!
on_conflict: form_fields_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "form_fields"
input form_fields_on_conflict {
constraint: form_fields_constraint!
update_columns: [form_fields_update_column!]!
where: form_fields_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "form_fields"
input form_fields_order_by {
consent: consents_order_by
consents_id: order_by
data: order_by
form_steps_aggregate: form_steps_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "form_fields"
input form_fields_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "form_fields"
enum form_fields_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "form_fields"
input form_fields_set_input {
consents_id: uuid
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type form_fields_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type form_fields_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type form_fields_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type form_fields_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "form_fields"
enum form_fields_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type form_fields_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type form_fields_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type form_fields_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "form_fields"
input form_fields_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "form_steps"
type form_steps {
"""An object relationship"""
form: forms!
"""An object relationship"""
form_field: form_fields!
form_fields_id: uuid!
forms_id: uuid!
sequence: smallint!
step: smallint!
aggregated selection of "form_steps"
type form_steps_aggregate {
aggregate: form_steps_aggregate_fields
nodes: [form_steps!]!
aggregate fields of "form_steps"
type form_steps_aggregate_fields {
avg: form_steps_avg_fields
count(columns: [form_steps_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: form_steps_max_fields
min: form_steps_min_fields
stddev: form_steps_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: form_steps_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: form_steps_stddev_samp_fields
sum: form_steps_sum_fields
var_pop: form_steps_var_pop_fields
var_samp: form_steps_var_samp_fields
variance: form_steps_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_aggregate_order_by {
avg: form_steps_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: form_steps_max_order_by
min: form_steps_min_order_by
stddev: form_steps_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: form_steps_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: form_steps_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: form_steps_sum_order_by
var_pop: form_steps_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: form_steps_var_samp_order_by
variance: form_steps_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "form_steps"
input form_steps_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [form_steps_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: form_steps_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type form_steps_avg_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_avg_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "form_steps". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input form_steps_bool_exp {
_and: [form_steps_bool_exp]
_not: form_steps_bool_exp
_or: [form_steps_bool_exp]
form: forms_bool_exp
form_field: form_fields_bool_exp
form_fields_id: uuid_comparison_exp
forms_id: uuid_comparison_exp
sequence: smallint_comparison_exp
step: smallint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "form_steps"
enum form_steps_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "form_steps"
input form_steps_inc_input {
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "form_steps"
input form_steps_insert_input {
form: forms_obj_rel_insert_input
form_field: form_fields_obj_rel_insert_input
form_fields_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type form_steps_max_fields {
form_fields_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
order by max() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_max_order_by {
form_fields_id: order_by
forms_id: order_by
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type form_steps_min_fields {
form_fields_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
order by min() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_min_order_by {
form_fields_id: order_by
forms_id: order_by
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "form_steps"
type form_steps_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [form_steps!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "form_steps"
input form_steps_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: form_steps_insert_input!
on_conflict: form_steps_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "form_steps"
input form_steps_on_conflict {
constraint: form_steps_constraint!
update_columns: [form_steps_update_column!]!
where: form_steps_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "form_steps"
input form_steps_order_by {
form: forms_order_by
form_field: form_fields_order_by
form_fields_id: order_by
forms_id: order_by
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "form_steps"
input form_steps_pk_columns_input {
form_fields_id: uuid!
forms_id: uuid!
select columns of table "form_steps"
enum form_steps_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "form_steps"
input form_steps_set_input {
form_fields_id: uuid
forms_id: uuid
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type form_steps_stddev_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_stddev_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type form_steps_stddev_pop_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_stddev_pop_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type form_steps_stddev_samp_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_stddev_samp_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type form_steps_sum_fields {
sequence: smallint
step: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_sum_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
update columns of table "form_steps"
enum form_steps_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type form_steps_var_pop_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_var_pop_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type form_steps_var_samp_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_var_samp_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type form_steps_variance_fields {
sequence: Float
step: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "form_steps"
input form_steps_variance_order_by {
sequence: order_by
step: order_by
columns and relationships of "forms"
type forms {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
data: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_steps_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_steps_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp
): [form_steps!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_steps_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_steps_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp
): form_steps_aggregate!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
type: smallint!
aggregated selection of "forms"
type forms_aggregate {
aggregate: forms_aggregate_fields
nodes: [forms!]!
aggregate fields of "forms"
type forms_aggregate_fields {
avg: forms_avg_fields
count(columns: [forms_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: forms_max_fields
min: forms_min_fields
stddev: forms_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: forms_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: forms_stddev_samp_fields
sum: forms_sum_fields
var_pop: forms_var_pop_fields
var_samp: forms_var_samp_fields
variance: forms_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "forms"
input forms_aggregate_order_by {
avg: forms_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: forms_max_order_by
min: forms_min_order_by
stddev: forms_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: forms_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: forms_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: forms_sum_order_by
var_pop: forms_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: forms_var_samp_order_by
variance: forms_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "forms"
input forms_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [forms_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: forms_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type forms_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "forms". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input forms_bool_exp {
_and: [forms_bool_exp]
_not: forms_bool_exp
_or: [forms_bool_exp]
applications: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByAdminRegistrationFormsId: applications_bool_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
form_steps: form_steps_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
tenants: tenants_bool_exp
type: smallint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "forms"
enum forms_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "forms"
input forms_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
type: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "forms"
input forms_insert_input {
applications: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByAdminRegistrationFormsId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
data: String
form_steps: form_steps_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenants: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
type: smallint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type forms_max_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
order by max() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_max_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type forms_min_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
order by min() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_min_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
type: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "forms"
type forms_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [forms!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "forms"
input forms_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: forms_insert_input!
on_conflict: forms_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "forms"
input forms_on_conflict {
constraint: forms_constraint!
update_columns: [forms_update_column!]!
where: forms_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "forms"
input forms_order_by {
applicationsByAdminRegistrationFormsId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applications_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
data: order_by
form_steps_aggregate: form_steps_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
tenants_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
type: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "forms"
input forms_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "forms"
enum forms_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "forms"
input forms_set_input {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type forms_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type forms_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type forms_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type forms_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
type: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
update columns of table "forms"
enum forms_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type forms_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type forms_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type forms_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "forms"
input forms_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
columns and relationships of "friendship"
type friendship {
confirmed: Boolean!
created_at: timestamptz
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
user: user!
"""An object relationship"""
userByUserId2: user!
user_id1: uuid!
user_id2: uuid!
aggregated selection of "friendship"
type friendship_aggregate {
aggregate: friendship_aggregate_fields
nodes: [friendship!]!
aggregate fields of "friendship"
type friendship_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [friendship_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: friendship_max_fields
min: friendship_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "friendship"
input friendship_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: friendship_max_order_by
min: friendship_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "friendship"
input friendship_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [friendship_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: friendship_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "friendship". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input friendship_bool_exp {
_and: [friendship_bool_exp]
_not: friendship_bool_exp
_or: [friendship_bool_exp]
confirmed: Boolean_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
userByUserId2: user_bool_exp
user_id1: uuid_comparison_exp
user_id2: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "friendship"
enum friendship_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "friendship"
input friendship_insert_input {
confirmed: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
userByUserId2: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id1: uuid
user_id2: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type friendship_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id1: uuid
user_id2: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "friendship"
input friendship_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id1: order_by
user_id2: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type friendship_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id1: uuid
user_id2: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "friendship"
input friendship_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id1: order_by
user_id2: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "friendship"
type friendship_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [friendship!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "friendship"
input friendship_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: friendship_insert_input!
on_conflict: friendship_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "friendship"
input friendship_on_conflict {
constraint: friendship_constraint!
update_columns: [friendship_update_column!]!
where: friendship_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "friendship"
input friendship_order_by {
confirmed: order_by
created_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
userByUserId2: user_order_by
user_id1: order_by
user_id2: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "friendship"
input friendship_pk_columns_input {
user_id1: uuid!
user_id2: uuid!
select columns of table "friendship"
enum friendship_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "friendship"
input friendship_set_input {
confirmed: Boolean
created_at: timestamptz
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id1: uuid
user_id2: uuid
update columns of table "friendship"
enum friendship_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "global_daily_active_users"
type global_daily_active_users {
count: Int!
day: Int!
aggregated selection of "global_daily_active_users"
type global_daily_active_users_aggregate {
aggregate: global_daily_active_users_aggregate_fields
nodes: [global_daily_active_users!]!
aggregate fields of "global_daily_active_users"
type global_daily_active_users_aggregate_fields {
avg: global_daily_active_users_avg_fields
count(columns: [global_daily_active_users_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: global_daily_active_users_max_fields
min: global_daily_active_users_min_fields
stddev: global_daily_active_users_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: global_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: global_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_fields
sum: global_daily_active_users_sum_fields
var_pop: global_daily_active_users_var_pop_fields
var_samp: global_daily_active_users_var_samp_fields
variance: global_daily_active_users_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_aggregate_order_by {
avg: global_daily_active_users_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: global_daily_active_users_max_order_by
min: global_daily_active_users_min_order_by
stddev: global_daily_active_users_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: global_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: global_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: global_daily_active_users_sum_order_by
var_pop: global_daily_active_users_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: global_daily_active_users_var_samp_order_by
variance: global_daily_active_users_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [global_daily_active_users_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: global_daily_active_users_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_avg_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "global_daily_active_users". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input global_daily_active_users_bool_exp {
_and: [global_daily_active_users_bool_exp]
_not: global_daily_active_users_bool_exp
_or: [global_daily_active_users_bool_exp]
count: Int_comparison_exp
day: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "global_daily_active_users"
enum global_daily_active_users_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_inc_input {
count: Int
day: Int
input type for inserting data into table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_insert_input {
count: Int
day: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_max_fields {
count: Int
day: Int
order by max() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_max_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_min_fields {
count: Int
day: Int
order by min() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_min_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "global_daily_active_users"
type global_daily_active_users_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [global_daily_active_users!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: global_daily_active_users_insert_input!
on_conflict: global_daily_active_users_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_on_conflict {
constraint: global_daily_active_users_constraint!
update_columns: [global_daily_active_users_update_column!]!
where: global_daily_active_users_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
select columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
enum global_daily_active_users_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_set_input {
count: Int
day: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_stddev_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_sum_fields {
count: Int
day: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
update columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
enum global_daily_active_users_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type global_daily_active_users_variance_fields {
count: Float
day: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "global_daily_active_users"
input global_daily_active_users_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
day: order_by
columns and relationships of "global_monthly_active_users"
type global_monthly_active_users {
count: Int!
month: Int!
aggregated selection of "global_monthly_active_users"
type global_monthly_active_users_aggregate {
aggregate: global_monthly_active_users_aggregate_fields
nodes: [global_monthly_active_users!]!
aggregate fields of "global_monthly_active_users"
type global_monthly_active_users_aggregate_fields {
avg: global_monthly_active_users_avg_fields
count(columns: [global_monthly_active_users_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: global_monthly_active_users_max_fields
min: global_monthly_active_users_min_fields
stddev: global_monthly_active_users_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: global_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: global_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_fields
sum: global_monthly_active_users_sum_fields
var_pop: global_monthly_active_users_var_pop_fields
var_samp: global_monthly_active_users_var_samp_fields
variance: global_monthly_active_users_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_aggregate_order_by {
avg: global_monthly_active_users_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: global_monthly_active_users_max_order_by
min: global_monthly_active_users_min_order_by
stddev: global_monthly_active_users_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: global_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: global_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: global_monthly_active_users_sum_order_by
var_pop: global_monthly_active_users_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: global_monthly_active_users_var_samp_order_by
variance: global_monthly_active_users_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [global_monthly_active_users_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_avg_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "global_monthly_active_users". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp {
_and: [global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp]
_not: global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
_or: [global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp]
count: Int_comparison_exp
month: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "global_monthly_active_users"
enum global_monthly_active_users_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_inc_input {
count: Int
month: Int
input type for inserting data into table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_insert_input {
count: Int
month: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_max_fields {
count: Int
month: Int
order by max() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_max_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_min_fields {
count: Int
month: Int
order by min() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_min_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "global_monthly_active_users"
type global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [global_monthly_active_users!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: global_monthly_active_users_insert_input!
on_conflict: global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict {
constraint: global_monthly_active_users_constraint!
update_columns: [global_monthly_active_users_update_column!]!
where: global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
select columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
enum global_monthly_active_users_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_set_input {
count: Int
month: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_stddev_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_sum_fields {
count: Int
month: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
update columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
enum global_monthly_active_users_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type global_monthly_active_users_variance_fields {
count: Float
month: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "global_monthly_active_users"
input global_monthly_active_users_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
month: order_by
columns and relationships of "global_registration_counts"
type global_registration_counts {
count: Int!
decremented_count: Int!
hour: Int!
aggregated selection of "global_registration_counts"
type global_registration_counts_aggregate {
aggregate: global_registration_counts_aggregate_fields
nodes: [global_registration_counts!]!
aggregate fields of "global_registration_counts"
type global_registration_counts_aggregate_fields {
avg: global_registration_counts_avg_fields
count(columns: [global_registration_counts_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: global_registration_counts_max_fields
min: global_registration_counts_min_fields
stddev: global_registration_counts_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: global_registration_counts_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: global_registration_counts_stddev_samp_fields
sum: global_registration_counts_sum_fields
var_pop: global_registration_counts_var_pop_fields
var_samp: global_registration_counts_var_samp_fields
variance: global_registration_counts_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_aggregate_order_by {
avg: global_registration_counts_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: global_registration_counts_max_order_by
min: global_registration_counts_min_order_by
stddev: global_registration_counts_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: global_registration_counts_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: global_registration_counts_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: global_registration_counts_sum_order_by
var_pop: global_registration_counts_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: global_registration_counts_var_samp_order_by
variance: global_registration_counts_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [global_registration_counts_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: global_registration_counts_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_avg_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "global_registration_counts". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input global_registration_counts_bool_exp {
_and: [global_registration_counts_bool_exp]
_not: global_registration_counts_bool_exp
_or: [global_registration_counts_bool_exp]
count: Int_comparison_exp
decremented_count: Int_comparison_exp
hour: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "global_registration_counts"
enum global_registration_counts_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_inc_input {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
input type for inserting data into table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_insert_input {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_max_fields {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
order by max() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_max_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_min_fields {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
order by min() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_min_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "global_registration_counts"
type global_registration_counts_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [global_registration_counts!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: global_registration_counts_insert_input!
on_conflict: global_registration_counts_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_on_conflict {
constraint: global_registration_counts_constraint!
update_columns: [global_registration_counts_update_column!]!
where: global_registration_counts_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
select columns of table "global_registration_counts"
enum global_registration_counts_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_set_input {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_stddev_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_sum_fields {
count: Int
decremented_count: Int
hour: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
update columns of table "global_registration_counts"
enum global_registration_counts_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type global_registration_counts_variance_fields {
count: Float
decremented_count: Float
hour: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "global_registration_counts"
input global_registration_counts_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
decremented_count: order_by
hour: order_by
columns and relationships of "group"
type group {
created_at: timestamptz!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_user_bool_exp
): [group_user!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_user_bool_exp
): group_user_aggregate!
id: uuid!
name: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [payment_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [payment_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: payment_bool_exp
): [payment!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [payment_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [payment_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: payment_bool_exp
): payment_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_bool_exp
): [post!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_bool_exp
): post_aggregate!
product_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transaction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transaction_bool_exp
): [transaction!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transaction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transaction_bool_exp
): transaction_aggregate!
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_users_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_users_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_users_view_bool_exp
): [group_users_view!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_users_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_users_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_users_view_bool_exp
): group_users_view_aggregate!
aggregated selection of "group"
type group_aggregate {
aggregate: group_aggregate_fields
nodes: [group!]!
aggregate fields of "group"
type group_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [group_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: group_max_fields
min: group_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "group"
input group_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: group_max_order_by
min: group_min_order_by
columns and relationships of "group_application_roles"
type group_application_roles {
"""An object relationship"""
application_role: application_roles!
application_roles_id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
group: groups!
groups_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "group_application_roles"
type group_application_roles_aggregate {
aggregate: group_application_roles_aggregate_fields
nodes: [group_application_roles!]!
aggregate fields of "group_application_roles"
type group_application_roles_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [group_application_roles_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: group_application_roles_max_fields
min: group_application_roles_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: group_application_roles_max_order_by
min: group_application_roles_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [group_application_roles_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: group_application_roles_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "group_application_roles". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input group_application_roles_bool_exp {
_and: [group_application_roles_bool_exp]
_not: group_application_roles_bool_exp
_or: [group_application_roles_bool_exp]
application_role: application_roles_bool_exp
application_roles_id: uuid_comparison_exp
group: groups_bool_exp
groups_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "group_application_roles"
enum group_application_roles_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_insert_input {
application_role: application_roles_obj_rel_insert_input
application_roles_id: uuid
group: groups_obj_rel_insert_input
groups_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type group_application_roles_max_fields {
application_roles_id: uuid
groups_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_max_order_by {
application_roles_id: order_by
groups_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type group_application_roles_min_fields {
application_roles_id: uuid
groups_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_min_order_by {
application_roles_id: order_by
groups_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "group_application_roles"
type group_application_roles_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [group_application_roles!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: group_application_roles_insert_input!
on_conflict: group_application_roles_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_on_conflict {
constraint: group_application_roles_constraint!
update_columns: [group_application_roles_update_column!]!
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_order_by {
application_role: application_roles_order_by
application_roles_id: order_by
group: groups_order_by
groups_id: order_by
select columns of table "group_application_roles"
enum group_application_roles_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "group_application_roles"
input group_application_roles_set_input {
application_roles_id: uuid
groups_id: uuid
update columns of table "group_application_roles"
enum group_application_roles_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "group"
input group_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [group_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: group_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "group". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input group_bool_exp {
_and: [group_bool_exp]
_not: group_bool_exp
_or: [group_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
group_users: group_user_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
payments: payment_bool_exp
posts: post_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
transactions: transaction_bool_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
users: group_users_view_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "group"
enum group_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "group"
input group_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
group_users: group_user_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
name: String
payments: payment_arr_rel_insert_input
posts: post_arr_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
transactions: transaction_arr_rel_insert_input
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type group_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
name: String
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "group"
input group_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
name: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
columns and relationships of "group_members"
type group_members {
data: String
"""An object relationship"""
group: groups!
groups_id: uuid!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
users_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "group_members"
type group_members_aggregate {
aggregate: group_members_aggregate_fields
nodes: [group_members!]!
aggregate fields of "group_members"
type group_members_aggregate_fields {
avg: group_members_avg_fields
count(columns: [group_members_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: group_members_max_fields
min: group_members_min_fields
stddev: group_members_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: group_members_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: group_members_stddev_samp_fields
sum: group_members_sum_fields
var_pop: group_members_var_pop_fields
var_samp: group_members_var_samp_fields
variance: group_members_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "group_members"
input group_members_aggregate_order_by {
avg: group_members_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: group_members_max_order_by
min: group_members_min_order_by
stddev: group_members_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: group_members_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: group_members_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: group_members_sum_order_by
var_pop: group_members_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: group_members_var_samp_order_by
variance: group_members_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "group_members"
input group_members_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [group_members_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: group_members_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type group_members_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "group_members". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input group_members_bool_exp {
_and: [group_members_bool_exp]
_not: group_members_bool_exp
_or: [group_members_bool_exp]
data: String_comparison_exp
group: groups_bool_exp
groups_id: uuid_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
users_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "group_members"
enum group_members_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "group_members"
input group_members_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "group_members"
input group_members_insert_input {
data: String
group: groups_obj_rel_insert_input
groups_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
user: users_obj_rel_insert_input
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type group_members_max_fields {
data: String
groups_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
users_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_max_order_by {
data: order_by
groups_id: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
users_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type group_members_min_fields {
data: String
groups_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
users_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_min_order_by {
data: order_by
groups_id: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
users_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "group_members"
type group_members_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [group_members!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "group_members"
input group_members_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: group_members_insert_input!
on_conflict: group_members_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "group_members"
input group_members_on_conflict {
constraint: group_members_constraint!
update_columns: [group_members_update_column!]!
where: group_members_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "group_members"
input group_members_order_by {
data: order_by
group: groups_order_by
groups_id: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
user: users_order_by
users_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "group_members"
input group_members_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "group_members"
enum group_members_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "group_members"
input group_members_set_input {
data: String
groups_id: uuid
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type group_members_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type group_members_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type group_members_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type group_members_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
update columns of table "group_members"
enum group_members_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type group_members_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type group_members_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type group_members_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "group_members"
input group_members_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type group_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
name: String
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "group"
input group_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
name: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "group"
type group_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [group!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "group"
input group_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: group_insert_input!
on_conflict: group_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "group"
input group_on_conflict {
constraint: group_constraint!
update_columns: [group_update_column!]!
where: group_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "group"
input group_order_by {
created_at: order_by
group_users_aggregate: group_user_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
name: order_by
payments_aggregate: payment_aggregate_order_by
posts_aggregate: post_aggregate_order_by
product_id: order_by
transactions_aggregate: transaction_aggregate_order_by
updated_at: order_by
users_aggregate: group_users_view_aggregate_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "group"
input group_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "group"
enum group_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "group"
input group_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
name: String
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "group"
enum group_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "group_user"
type group_user {
created_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
group: group!
group_id: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
user: user!
user_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "group_user"
type group_user_aggregate {
aggregate: group_user_aggregate_fields
nodes: [group_user!]!
aggregate fields of "group_user"
type group_user_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [group_user_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: group_user_max_fields
min: group_user_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "group_user"
input group_user_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: group_user_max_order_by
min: group_user_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "group_user"
input group_user_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [group_user_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: group_user_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "group_user". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input group_user_bool_exp {
_and: [group_user_bool_exp]
_not: group_user_bool_exp
_or: [group_user_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
group: group_bool_exp
group_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "group_user"
enum group_user_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "group_user"
input group_user_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
group: group_obj_rel_insert_input
group_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type group_user_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
group_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "group_user"
input group_user_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
group_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type group_user_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
group_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "group_user"
input group_user_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
group_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "group_user"
type group_user_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [group_user!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "group_user"
input group_user_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: group_user_insert_input!
on_conflict: group_user_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "group_user"
input group_user_on_conflict {
constraint: group_user_constraint!
update_columns: [group_user_update_column!]!
where: group_user_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "group_user"
input group_user_order_by {
created_at: order_by
group: group_order_by
group_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "group_user"
input group_user_pk_columns_input {
group_id: uuid!
user_id: uuid!
select columns of table "group_user"
enum group_user_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "group_user"
input group_user_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
group_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
update columns of table "group_user"
enum group_user_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "group_users_view"
type group_users_view {
description: String
first_name: String
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
image: String
last_name: String
phone: String
aggregated selection of "group_users_view"
type group_users_view_aggregate {
aggregate: group_users_view_aggregate_fields
nodes: [group_users_view!]!
aggregate fields of "group_users_view"
type group_users_view_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [group_users_view_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: group_users_view_max_fields
min: group_users_view_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "group_users_view"
input group_users_view_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: group_users_view_max_order_by
min: group_users_view_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "group_users_view". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input group_users_view_bool_exp {
_and: [group_users_view_bool_exp]
_not: group_users_view_bool_exp
_or: [group_users_view_bool_exp]
description: String_comparison_exp
first_name: String_comparison_exp
group_id: uuid_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
image: String_comparison_exp
last_name: String_comparison_exp
phone: String_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type group_users_view_max_fields {
description: String
first_name: String
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
image: String
last_name: String
phone: String
order by max() on columns of table "group_users_view"
input group_users_view_max_order_by {
description: order_by
first_name: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
last_name: order_by
phone: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type group_users_view_min_fields {
description: String
first_name: String
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
image: String
last_name: String
phone: String
order by min() on columns of table "group_users_view"
input group_users_view_min_order_by {
description: order_by
first_name: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
last_name: order_by
phone: order_by
ordering options when selecting data from "group_users_view"
input group_users_view_order_by {
description: order_by
first_name: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
last_name: order_by
phone: order_by
select columns of table "group_users_view"
enum group_users_view_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "groups"
type groups {
data: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
): [group_application_roles!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
): group_application_roles_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_members_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_members_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_members_bool_exp
): [group_members!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_members_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_members_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_members_bool_exp
): group_members_aggregate!
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "groups"
type groups_aggregate {
aggregate: groups_aggregate_fields
nodes: [groups!]!
aggregate fields of "groups"
type groups_aggregate_fields {
avg: groups_avg_fields
count(columns: [groups_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: groups_max_fields
min: groups_min_fields
stddev: groups_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: groups_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: groups_stddev_samp_fields
sum: groups_sum_fields
var_pop: groups_var_pop_fields
var_samp: groups_var_samp_fields
variance: groups_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "groups"
input groups_aggregate_order_by {
avg: groups_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: groups_max_order_by
min: groups_min_order_by
stddev: groups_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: groups_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: groups_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: groups_sum_order_by
var_pop: groups_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: groups_var_samp_order_by
variance: groups_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "groups"
input groups_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [groups_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: groups_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type groups_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "groups". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input groups_bool_exp {
_and: [groups_bool_exp]
_not: groups_bool_exp
_or: [groups_bool_exp]
data: String_comparison_exp
group_application_roles: group_application_roles_bool_exp
group_members: group_members_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "groups"
enum groups_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "groups"
input groups_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "groups"
input groups_insert_input {
data: String
group_application_roles: group_application_roles_arr_rel_insert_input
group_members: group_members_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type groups_max_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenants_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_max_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type groups_min_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenants_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_min_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "groups"
type groups_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [groups!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "groups"
input groups_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: groups_insert_input!
on_conflict: groups_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "groups"
input groups_on_conflict {
constraint: groups_constraint!
update_columns: [groups_update_column!]!
where: groups_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "groups"
input groups_order_by {
data: order_by
group_application_roles_aggregate: group_application_roles_aggregate_order_by
group_members_aggregate: group_members_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "groups"
input groups_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "groups"
enum groups_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "groups"
input groups_set_input {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
tenants_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type groups_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type groups_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type groups_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type groups_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "groups"
enum groups_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type groups_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type groups_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type groups_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "groups"
input groups_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "hourly_logins"
type hourly_logins {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
count: Int!
data: String
hour: Int!
aggregated selection of "hourly_logins"
type hourly_logins_aggregate {
aggregate: hourly_logins_aggregate_fields
nodes: [hourly_logins!]!
aggregate fields of "hourly_logins"
type hourly_logins_aggregate_fields {
avg: hourly_logins_avg_fields
count(columns: [hourly_logins_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: hourly_logins_max_fields
min: hourly_logins_min_fields
stddev: hourly_logins_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: hourly_logins_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: hourly_logins_stddev_samp_fields
sum: hourly_logins_sum_fields
var_pop: hourly_logins_var_pop_fields
var_samp: hourly_logins_var_samp_fields
variance: hourly_logins_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_aggregate_order_by {
avg: hourly_logins_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: hourly_logins_max_order_by
min: hourly_logins_min_order_by
stddev: hourly_logins_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: hourly_logins_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: hourly_logins_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: hourly_logins_sum_order_by
var_pop: hourly_logins_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: hourly_logins_var_samp_order_by
variance: hourly_logins_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [hourly_logins_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: hourly_logins_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type hourly_logins_avg_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_avg_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "hourly_logins". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input hourly_logins_bool_exp {
_and: [hourly_logins_bool_exp]
_not: hourly_logins_bool_exp
_or: [hourly_logins_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
count: Int_comparison_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
hour: Int_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "hourly_logins"
enum hourly_logins_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_inc_input {
count: Int
hour: Int
input type for inserting data into table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
data: String
hour: Int
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type hourly_logins_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
data: String
hour: Int
order by max() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
data: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type hourly_logins_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
data: String
hour: Int
order by min() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
data: order_by
hour: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "hourly_logins"
type hourly_logins_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [hourly_logins!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: hourly_logins_insert_input!
on_conflict: hourly_logins_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_on_conflict {
constraint: hourly_logins_constraint!
update_columns: [hourly_logins_update_column!]!
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
count: order_by
data: order_by
hour: order_by
select columns of table "hourly_logins"
enum hourly_logins_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
count: Int
data: String
hour: Int
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type hourly_logins_stddev_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_stddev_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type hourly_logins_stddev_pop_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_stddev_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type hourly_logins_stddev_samp_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_stddev_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type hourly_logins_sum_fields {
count: Int
hour: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_sum_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
update columns of table "hourly_logins"
enum hourly_logins_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type hourly_logins_var_pop_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_var_pop_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type hourly_logins_var_samp_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_var_samp_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type hourly_logins_variance_fields {
count: Float
hour: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "hourly_logins"
input hourly_logins_variance_order_by {
count: order_by
hour: order_by
columns and relationships of "identities"
type identities {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
connectors_id: uuid!
email: String
encryption_scheme: String!
factor: Int!
id: bigint!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint!
password: String!
password_change_reason: smallint
password_change_required: Boolean!
password_last_update_instant: bigint!
salt: String!
status: smallint!
"""An object relationship"""
tenant: tenants!
tenants_id: uuid!
two_factor_delivery: smallint!
two_factor_enabled: Boolean!
two_factor_secret: String
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
username: String
username_index: String
username_status: smallint!
users_id: uuid!
verified: Boolean!
aggregated selection of "identities"
type identities_aggregate {
aggregate: identities_aggregate_fields
nodes: [identities!]!
aggregate fields of "identities"
type identities_aggregate_fields {
avg: identities_avg_fields
count(columns: [identities_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: identities_max_fields
min: identities_min_fields
stddev: identities_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: identities_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: identities_stddev_samp_fields
sum: identities_sum_fields
var_pop: identities_var_pop_fields
var_samp: identities_var_samp_fields
variance: identities_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "identities"
input identities_aggregate_order_by {
avg: identities_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: identities_max_order_by
min: identities_min_order_by
stddev: identities_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: identities_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: identities_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: identities_sum_order_by
var_pop: identities_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: identities_var_samp_order_by
variance: identities_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "identities"
input identities_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [identities_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: identities_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type identities_avg_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_avg_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "identities". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input identities_bool_exp {
_and: [identities_bool_exp]
_not: identities_bool_exp
_or: [identities_bool_exp]
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
breached_password_status: smallint_comparison_exp
connectors_id: uuid_comparison_exp
email: String_comparison_exp
encryption_scheme: String_comparison_exp
factor: Int_comparison_exp
id: bigint_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_login_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
password: String_comparison_exp
password_change_reason: smallint_comparison_exp
password_change_required: Boolean_comparison_exp
password_last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
salt: String_comparison_exp
status: smallint_comparison_exp
tenant: tenants_bool_exp
tenants_id: uuid_comparison_exp
two_factor_delivery: smallint_comparison_exp
two_factor_enabled: Boolean_comparison_exp
two_factor_secret: String_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
username: String_comparison_exp
username_index: String_comparison_exp
username_status: smallint_comparison_exp
users_id: uuid_comparison_exp
verified: Boolean_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "identities"
enum identities_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "identities"
input identities_inc_input {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password_change_reason: smallint
password_last_update_instant: bigint
status: smallint
two_factor_delivery: smallint
username_status: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "identities"
input identities_insert_input {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
connectors_id: uuid
email: String
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password: String
password_change_reason: smallint
password_change_required: Boolean
password_last_update_instant: bigint
salt: String
status: smallint
tenant: tenants_obj_rel_insert_input
tenants_id: uuid
two_factor_delivery: smallint
two_factor_enabled: Boolean
two_factor_secret: String
user: users_obj_rel_insert_input
username: String
username_index: String
username_status: smallint
users_id: uuid
verified: Boolean
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type identities_max_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
connectors_id: uuid
email: String
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password: String
password_change_reason: smallint
password_last_update_instant: bigint
salt: String
status: smallint
tenants_id: uuid
two_factor_delivery: smallint
two_factor_secret: String
username: String
username_index: String
username_status: smallint
users_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_max_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
connectors_id: order_by
email: order_by
encryption_scheme: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
salt: order_by
status: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
two_factor_secret: order_by
username: order_by
username_index: order_by
username_status: order_by
users_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type identities_min_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
connectors_id: uuid
email: String
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password: String
password_change_reason: smallint
password_last_update_instant: bigint
salt: String
status: smallint
tenants_id: uuid
two_factor_delivery: smallint
two_factor_secret: String
username: String
username_index: String
username_status: smallint
users_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_min_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
connectors_id: order_by
email: order_by
encryption_scheme: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
salt: order_by
status: order_by
tenants_id: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
two_factor_secret: order_by
username: order_by
username_index: order_by
username_status: order_by
users_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "identities"
type identities_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [identities!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "identities"
input identities_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: identities_insert_input!
on_conflict: identities_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "identities"
input identities_on_conflict {
constraint: identities_constraint!
update_columns: [identities_update_column!]!
where: identities_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "identities"
input identities_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
connectors_id: order_by
email: order_by
encryption_scheme: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_change_required: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
salt: order_by
status: order_by
tenant: tenants_order_by
tenants_id: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
two_factor_enabled: order_by
two_factor_secret: order_by
user: users_order_by
username: order_by
username_index: order_by
username_status: order_by
users_id: order_by
verified: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "identities"
input identities_pk_columns_input {
id: bigint!
select columns of table "identities"
enum identities_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "identities"
input identities_set_input {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
connectors_id: uuid
email: String
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password: String
password_change_reason: smallint
password_change_required: Boolean
password_last_update_instant: bigint
salt: String
status: smallint
tenants_id: uuid
two_factor_delivery: smallint
two_factor_enabled: Boolean
two_factor_secret: String
username: String
username_index: String
username_status: smallint
users_id: uuid
verified: Boolean
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type identities_stddev_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_stddev_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type identities_stddev_pop_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_stddev_pop_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type identities_stddev_samp_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_stddev_samp_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type identities_sum_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: bigint
breached_password_status: smallint
factor: Int
id: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_login_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
password_change_reason: smallint
password_last_update_instant: bigint
status: smallint
two_factor_delivery: smallint
username_status: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_sum_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
update columns of table "identities"
enum identities_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type identities_var_pop_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_var_pop_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type identities_var_samp_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_var_samp_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type identities_variance_fields {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: Float
breached_password_status: Float
factor: Float
id: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_login_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
password_change_reason: Float
password_last_update_instant: Float
status: Float
two_factor_delivery: Float
username_status: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "identities"
input identities_variance_order_by {
breached_password_last_checked_instant: order_by
breached_password_status: order_by
factor: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_login_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
password_change_reason: order_by
password_last_update_instant: order_by
status: order_by
two_factor_delivery: order_by
username_status: order_by
columns and relationships of "identity_providers"
type identity_providers {
data: String!
enabled: Boolean!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [federated_domains_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [federated_domains_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: federated_domains_bool_exp
): [federated_domains!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [federated_domains_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [federated_domains_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: federated_domains_bool_exp
): federated_domains_aggregate!
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): [identity_providers_applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): identity_providers_applications_aggregate!
insert_instant: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
key: keys
"""An object relationship"""
keyByKeysId: keys
keys_id: uuid
"""An object relationship"""
lambda: lambdas
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
request_signing_keys_id: uuid
type: String!
aggregated selection of "identity_providers"
type identity_providers_aggregate {
aggregate: identity_providers_aggregate_fields
nodes: [identity_providers!]!
aggregate fields of "identity_providers"
type identity_providers_aggregate_fields {
avg: identity_providers_avg_fields
count(columns: [identity_providers_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: identity_providers_max_fields
min: identity_providers_min_fields
stddev: identity_providers_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: identity_providers_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: identity_providers_stddev_samp_fields
sum: identity_providers_sum_fields
var_pop: identity_providers_var_pop_fields
var_samp: identity_providers_var_samp_fields
variance: identity_providers_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_aggregate_order_by {
avg: identity_providers_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: identity_providers_max_order_by
min: identity_providers_min_order_by
stddev: identity_providers_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: identity_providers_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: identity_providers_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: identity_providers_sum_order_by
var_pop: identity_providers_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: identity_providers_var_samp_order_by
variance: identity_providers_variance_order_by
columns and relationships of "identity_providers_applications"
type identity_providers_applications {
"""An object relationship"""
application: applications!
applications_id: uuid!
data: String!
enabled: Boolean!
"""An object relationship"""
identity_provider: identity_providers!
identity_providers_id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
key: keys
keys_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "identity_providers_applications"
type identity_providers_applications_aggregate {
aggregate: identity_providers_applications_aggregate_fields
nodes: [identity_providers_applications!]!
aggregate fields of "identity_providers_applications"
type identity_providers_applications_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: identity_providers_applications_max_fields
min: identity_providers_applications_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: identity_providers_applications_max_order_by
min: identity_providers_applications_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [identity_providers_applications_insert_input!]!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "identity_providers_applications". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input identity_providers_applications_bool_exp {
_and: [identity_providers_applications_bool_exp]
_not: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
_or: [identity_providers_applications_bool_exp]
application: applications_bool_exp
applications_id: uuid_comparison_exp
data: String_comparison_exp
enabled: Boolean_comparison_exp
identity_provider: identity_providers_bool_exp
identity_providers_id: uuid_comparison_exp
key: keys_bool_exp
keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
input type for inserting data into table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_insert_input {
application: applications_obj_rel_insert_input
applications_id: uuid
data: String
enabled: Boolean
identity_provider: identity_providers_obj_rel_insert_input
identity_providers_id: uuid
key: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
keys_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type identity_providers_applications_max_fields {
applications_id: uuid
data: String
identity_providers_id: uuid
keys_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_max_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
data: order_by
identity_providers_id: order_by
keys_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type identity_providers_applications_min_fields {
applications_id: uuid
data: String
identity_providers_id: uuid
keys_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_min_order_by {
applications_id: order_by
data: order_by
identity_providers_id: order_by
keys_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "identity_providers_applications"
type identity_providers_applications_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [identity_providers_applications!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: identity_providers_applications_insert_input!
ordering options when selecting data from "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_order_by {
application: applications_order_by
applications_id: order_by
data: order_by
enabled: order_by
identity_provider: identity_providers_order_by
identity_providers_id: order_by
key: keys_order_by
keys_id: order_by
select columns of table "identity_providers_applications"
enum identity_providers_applications_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "identity_providers_applications"
input identity_providers_applications_set_input {
applications_id: uuid
data: String
enabled: Boolean
identity_providers_id: uuid
keys_id: uuid
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [identity_providers_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: identity_providers_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type identity_providers_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "identity_providers". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input identity_providers_bool_exp {
_and: [identity_providers_bool_exp]
_not: identity_providers_bool_exp
_or: [identity_providers_bool_exp]
data: String_comparison_exp
enabled: Boolean_comparison_exp
federated_domains: federated_domains_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
identity_providers_applications: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
key: keys_bool_exp
keyByKeysId: keys_bool_exp
keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
lambda: lambdas_bool_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid_comparison_exp
request_signing_keys_id: uuid_comparison_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "identity_providers"
enum identity_providers_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_insert_input {
data: String
enabled: Boolean
federated_domains: federated_domains_arr_rel_insert_input
id: uuid
identity_providers_applications: identity_providers_applications_arr_rel_insert_input
insert_instant: bigint
key: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
keyByKeysId: keys_obj_rel_insert_input
keys_id: uuid
lambda: lambdas_obj_rel_insert_input
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
request_signing_keys_id: uuid
type: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type identity_providers_max_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
keys_id: uuid
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
request_signing_keys_id: uuid
type: String
order by max() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_max_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
keys_id: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
reconcile_lambdas_id: order_by
request_signing_keys_id: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type identity_providers_min_fields {
data: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
keys_id: uuid
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
request_signing_keys_id: uuid
type: String
order by min() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_min_order_by {
data: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
keys_id: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
reconcile_lambdas_id: order_by
request_signing_keys_id: order_by
type: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "identity_providers"
type identity_providers_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [identity_providers!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: identity_providers_insert_input!
on_conflict: identity_providers_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_on_conflict {
constraint: identity_providers_constraint!
update_columns: [identity_providers_update_column!]!
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_order_by {
data: order_by
enabled: order_by
federated_domains_aggregate: federated_domains_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
identity_providers_applications_aggregate: identity_providers_applications_aggregate_order_by
insert_instant: order_by
key: keys_order_by
keyByKeysId: keys_order_by
keys_id: order_by
lambda: lambdas_order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
reconcile_lambdas_id: order_by
request_signing_keys_id: order_by
type: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "identity_providers"
enum identity_providers_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_set_input {
data: String
enabled: Boolean
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
keys_id: uuid
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
reconcile_lambdas_id: uuid
request_signing_keys_id: uuid
type: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type identity_providers_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type identity_providers_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type identity_providers_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type identity_providers_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "identity_providers"
enum identity_providers_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type identity_providers_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type identity_providers_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type identity_providers_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "identity_providers"
input identity_providers_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "instance"
type instance {
encryption_key: String
id: uuid!
license_id: String
aggregated selection of "instance"
type instance_aggregate {
aggregate: instance_aggregate_fields
nodes: [instance!]!
aggregate fields of "instance"
type instance_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [instance_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: instance_max_fields
min: instance_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "instance"
input instance_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: instance_max_order_by
min: instance_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "instance"
input instance_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [instance_insert_input!]!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "instance". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input instance_bool_exp {
_and: [instance_bool_exp]
_not: instance_bool_exp
_or: [instance_bool_exp]
encryption_key: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
license_id: String_comparison_exp
input type for inserting data into table "instance"
input instance_insert_input {
encryption_key: String
id: uuid
license_id: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type instance_max_fields {
encryption_key: String
id: uuid
license_id: String
order by max() on columns of table "instance"
input instance_max_order_by {
encryption_key: order_by
id: order_by
license_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type instance_min_fields {
encryption_key: String
id: uuid
license_id: String
order by min() on columns of table "instance"
input instance_min_order_by {
encryption_key: order_by
id: order_by
license_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "instance"
type instance_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [instance!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "instance"
input instance_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: instance_insert_input!
ordering options when selecting data from "instance"
input instance_order_by {
encryption_key: order_by
id: order_by
license_id: order_by
select columns of table "instance"
enum instance_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "instance"
input instance_set_input {
encryption_key: String
id: uuid
license_id: String
columns and relationships of "integrations"
type integrations {
data: String!
aggregated selection of "integrations"
type integrations_aggregate {
aggregate: integrations_aggregate_fields
nodes: [integrations!]!
aggregate fields of "integrations"
type integrations_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [integrations_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: integrations_max_fields
min: integrations_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "integrations"
input integrations_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: integrations_max_order_by
min: integrations_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "integrations"
input integrations_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [integrations_insert_input!]!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "integrations". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input integrations_bool_exp {
_and: [integrations_bool_exp]
_not: integrations_bool_exp
_or: [integrations_bool_exp]
data: String_comparison_exp
input type for inserting data into table "integrations"
input integrations_insert_input {
data: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type integrations_max_fields {
data: String
order by max() on columns of table "integrations"
input integrations_max_order_by {
data: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type integrations_min_fields {
data: String
order by min() on columns of table "integrations"
input integrations_min_order_by {
data: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "integrations"
type integrations_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [integrations!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "integrations"
input integrations_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: integrations_insert_input!
ordering options when selecting data from "integrations"
input integrations_order_by {
data: order_by
select columns of table "integrations"
enum integrations_select_column {
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "integrations"
input integrations_set_input {
data: String
scalar json
expression to compare columns of type json. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input json_comparison_exp {
_eq: json
_gt: json
_gte: json
_in: [json!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: json
_lte: json
_neq: json
_nin: [json!]
scalar jsonb
expression to compare columns of type jsonb. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input jsonb_comparison_exp {
"""is the column contained in the given json value"""
_contained_in: jsonb
"""does the column contain the given json value at the top level"""
_contains: jsonb
_eq: jsonb
_gt: jsonb
_gte: jsonb
"""does the string exist as a top-level key in the column"""
_has_key: String
"""do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column"""
_has_keys_all: [String!]
"""do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column"""
_has_keys_any: [String!]
_in: [jsonb!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: jsonb
_lte: jsonb
_neq: jsonb
_nin: [jsonb!]
columns and relationships of "keys"
type keys {
algorithm: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
certificate: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_bool_exp
): [connectors!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_bool_exp
): connectors_aggregate!
expiration_instant: bigint
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): [identity_providers!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): identity_providers_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): [identity_providers!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): identity_providers_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): [identity_providers_applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): identity_providers_applications_aggregate!
insert_instant: bigint!
issuer: String
kid: String!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
private_key: String
public_key: String
secret: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): [tenants!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tenants_bool_exp
): tenants_aggregate!
type: String!
aggregated selection of "keys"
type keys_aggregate {
aggregate: keys_aggregate_fields
nodes: [keys!]!
aggregate fields of "keys"
type keys_aggregate_fields {
avg: keys_avg_fields
count(columns: [keys_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: keys_max_fields
min: keys_min_fields
stddev: keys_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: keys_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: keys_stddev_samp_fields
sum: keys_sum_fields
var_pop: keys_var_pop_fields
var_samp: keys_var_samp_fields
variance: keys_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "keys"
input keys_aggregate_order_by {
avg: keys_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: keys_max_order_by
min: keys_min_order_by
stddev: keys_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: keys_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: keys_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: keys_sum_order_by
var_pop: keys_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: keys_var_samp_order_by
variance: keys_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "keys"
input keys_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [keys_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: keys_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type keys_avg_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_avg_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "keys". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input keys_bool_exp {
_and: [keys_bool_exp]
_not: keys_bool_exp
_or: [keys_bool_exp]
algorithm: String_comparison_exp
applications: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: applications_bool_exp
applicationsBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: applications_bool_exp
certificate: String_comparison_exp
connectors: connectors_bool_exp
expiration_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
identityProvidersByRequestSigningKeysId: identity_providers_bool_exp
identity_providers: identity_providers_bool_exp
identity_providers_applications: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
issuer: String_comparison_exp
kid: String_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
private_key: String_comparison_exp
public_key: String_comparison_exp
secret: String_comparison_exp
tenants: tenants_bool_exp
tenantsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: tenants_bool_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "keys"
enum keys_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "keys"
input keys_inc_input {
expiration_instant: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "keys"
input keys_insert_input {
algorithm: String
applications: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByAccessTokenSigningKeysId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
certificate: String
connectors: connectors_arr_rel_insert_input
expiration_instant: bigint
id: uuid
identityProvidersByRequestSigningKeysId: identity_providers_arr_rel_insert_input
identity_providers: identity_providers_arr_rel_insert_input
identity_providers_applications: identity_providers_applications_arr_rel_insert_input
insert_instant: bigint
issuer: String
kid: String
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
private_key: String
public_key: String
secret: String
tenants: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
tenantsByIdTokenSigningKeysId: tenants_arr_rel_insert_input
type: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type keys_max_fields {
algorithm: String
certificate: String
expiration_instant: bigint
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
issuer: String
kid: String
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
private_key: String
public_key: String
secret: String
type: String
order by max() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_max_order_by {
algorithm: order_by
certificate: order_by
expiration_instant: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
issuer: order_by
kid: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
private_key: order_by
public_key: order_by
secret: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type keys_min_fields {
algorithm: String
certificate: String
expiration_instant: bigint
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
issuer: String
kid: String
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
private_key: String
public_key: String
secret: String
type: String
order by min() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_min_order_by {
algorithm: order_by
certificate: order_by
expiration_instant: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
issuer: order_by
kid: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
private_key: order_by
public_key: order_by
secret: order_by
type: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "keys"
type keys_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [keys!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "keys"
input keys_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: keys_insert_input!
on_conflict: keys_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "keys"
input keys_on_conflict {
constraint: keys_constraint!
update_columns: [keys_update_column!]!
where: keys_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "keys"
input keys_order_by {
algorithm: order_by
applicationsByAccessTokenSigningKeysId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applicationsByIdTokenSigningKeysId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applicationsBySamlv2DefaultVerificationKeysId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applications_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
certificate: order_by
connectors_aggregate: connectors_aggregate_order_by
expiration_instant: order_by
id: order_by
identityProvidersByRequestSigningKeysId_aggregate: identity_providers_aggregate_order_by
identity_providers_aggregate: identity_providers_aggregate_order_by
identity_providers_applications_aggregate: identity_providers_applications_aggregate_order_by
insert_instant: order_by
issuer: order_by
kid: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
private_key: order_by
public_key: order_by
secret: order_by
tenantsByIdTokenSigningKeysId_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
tenants_aggregate: tenants_aggregate_order_by
type: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "keys"
input keys_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "keys"
enum keys_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "keys"
input keys_set_input {
algorithm: String
certificate: String
expiration_instant: bigint
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
issuer: String
kid: String
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
private_key: String
public_key: String
secret: String
type: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type keys_stddev_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_stddev_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type keys_stddev_pop_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_stddev_pop_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type keys_stddev_samp_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_stddev_samp_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type keys_sum_fields {
expiration_instant: bigint
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_sum_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "keys"
enum keys_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type keys_var_pop_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_var_pop_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type keys_var_samp_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_var_samp_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type keys_variance_fields {
expiration_instant: Float
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "keys"
input keys_variance_order_by {
expiration_instant: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "lambdas"
type lambdas {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
body: String!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_bool_exp
): [connectors!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_bool_exp
): connectors_aggregate!
debug: Boolean!
enabled: Boolean!
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): [identity_providers!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): identity_providers_aggregate!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_update_instant: bigint!
name: String!
type: smallint!
aggregated selection of "lambdas"
type lambdas_aggregate {
aggregate: lambdas_aggregate_fields
nodes: [lambdas!]!
aggregate fields of "lambdas"
type lambdas_aggregate_fields {
avg: lambdas_avg_fields
count(columns: [lambdas_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: lambdas_max_fields
min: lambdas_min_fields
stddev: lambdas_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: lambdas_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: lambdas_stddev_samp_fields
sum: lambdas_sum_fields
var_pop: lambdas_var_pop_fields
var_samp: lambdas_var_samp_fields
variance: lambdas_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_aggregate_order_by {
avg: lambdas_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: lambdas_max_order_by
min: lambdas_min_order_by
stddev: lambdas_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: lambdas_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: lambdas_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: lambdas_sum_order_by
var_pop: lambdas_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: lambdas_var_samp_order_by
variance: lambdas_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "lambdas"
input lambdas_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [lambdas_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: lambdas_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type lambdas_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "lambdas". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input lambdas_bool_exp {
_and: [lambdas_bool_exp]
_not: lambdas_bool_exp
_or: [lambdas_bool_exp]
applications: applications_bool_exp
applicationsByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: applications_bool_exp
applicationsBySamlv2PopulateLambdasId: applications_bool_exp
body: String_comparison_exp
connectors: connectors_bool_exp
debug: Boolean_comparison_exp
enabled: Boolean_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
identity_providers: identity_providers_bool_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
type: smallint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "lambdas"
enum lambdas_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "lambdas"
input lambdas_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
type: smallint
input type for inserting data into table "lambdas"
input lambdas_insert_input {
applications: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
applicationsBySamlv2PopulateLambdasId: applications_arr_rel_insert_input
body: String
connectors: connectors_arr_rel_insert_input
debug: Boolean
enabled: Boolean
id: uuid
identity_providers: identity_providers_arr_rel_insert_input
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type lambdas_max_fields {
body: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
order by max() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_max_order_by {
body: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type lambdas_min_fields {
body: String
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
order by min() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_min_order_by {
body: order_by
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
type: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "lambdas"
type lambdas_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [lambdas!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "lambdas"
input lambdas_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: lambdas_insert_input!
on_conflict: lambdas_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "lambdas"
input lambdas_on_conflict {
constraint: lambdas_constraint!
update_columns: [lambdas_update_column!]!
where: lambdas_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "lambdas"
input lambdas_order_by {
applicationsByIdTokenPopulateLambdasId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applicationsBySamlv2PopulateLambdasId_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
applications_aggregate: applications_aggregate_order_by
body: order_by
connectors_aggregate: connectors_aggregate_order_by
debug: order_by
enabled: order_by
id: order_by
identity_providers_aggregate: identity_providers_aggregate_order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
name: order_by
type: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "lambdas"
input lambdas_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "lambdas"
enum lambdas_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "lambdas"
input lambdas_set_input {
body: String
debug: Boolean
enabled: Boolean
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
name: String
type: smallint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type lambdas_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type lambdas_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type lambdas_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type lambdas_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_update_instant: bigint
type: smallint
order by sum() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
update columns of table "lambdas"
enum lambdas_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type lambdas_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type lambdas_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type lambdas_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_update_instant: Float
type: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "lambdas"
input lambdas_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_update_instant: order_by
type: order_by
columns and relationships of "location"
type location {
created_at: timestamptz!
description: String
id: uuid!
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
locationable_id: uuid
name: String
"""An object relationship"""
post: post
post_id: uuid
"""An object relationship"""
product: product
product_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [reservation_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [reservation_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: reservation_bool_exp
): [reservation!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [reservation_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [reservation_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: reservation_bool_exp
): reservation_aggregate!
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
aggregated selection of "location"
type location_aggregate {
aggregate: location_aggregate_fields
nodes: [location!]!
aggregate fields of "location"
type location_aggregate_fields {
avg: location_avg_fields
count(columns: [location_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: location_max_fields
min: location_min_fields
stddev: location_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: location_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: location_stddev_samp_fields
sum: location_sum_fields
var_pop: location_var_pop_fields
var_samp: location_var_samp_fields
variance: location_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "location"
input location_aggregate_order_by {
avg: location_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: location_max_order_by
min: location_min_order_by
stddev: location_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: location_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: location_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: location_sum_order_by
var_pop: location_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: location_var_samp_order_by
variance: location_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "location"
input location_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [location_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: location_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type location_avg_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "location"
input location_avg_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "location". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input location_bool_exp {
_and: [location_bool_exp]
_not: location_bool_exp
_or: [location_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
description: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
lat: numeric_comparison_exp
lng: numeric_comparison_exp
locationable_id: uuid_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
post: post_bool_exp
post_id: uuid_comparison_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
reservations: reservation_bool_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "location"
enum location_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "location"
input location_inc_input {
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
input type for inserting data into table "location"
input location_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
locationable_id: uuid
name: String
post: post_obj_rel_insert_input
post_id: uuid
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
reservations: reservation_arr_rel_insert_input
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type location_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
locationable_id: uuid
name: String
post_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "location"
input location_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
locationable_id: order_by
name: order_by
post_id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type location_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
locationable_id: uuid
name: String
post_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "location"
input location_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
locationable_id: order_by
name: order_by
post_id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "location"
type location_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [location!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "location"
input location_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: location_insert_input!
on_conflict: location_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "location"
input location_on_conflict {
constraint: location_constraint!
update_columns: [location_update_column!]!
where: location_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "location"
input location_order_by {
created_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
locationable_id: order_by
name: order_by
post: post_order_by
post_id: order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
reservations_aggregate: reservation_aggregate_order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "location"
input location_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "location"
enum location_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "location"
input location_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
locationable_id: uuid
name: String
post_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type location_stddev_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "location"
input location_stddev_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type location_stddev_pop_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "location"
input location_stddev_pop_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type location_stddev_samp_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "location"
input location_stddev_samp_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type location_sum_fields {
lat: numeric
lng: numeric
order by sum() on columns of table "location"
input location_sum_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
update columns of table "location"
enum location_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type location_var_pop_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "location"
input location_var_pop_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type location_var_samp_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "location"
input location_var_samp_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type location_variance_fields {
lat: Float
lng: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "location"
input location_variance_order_by {
lat: order_by
lng: order_by
columns and relationships of "locks"
type locks {
type: String!
update_instant: bigint
aggregated selection of "locks"
type locks_aggregate {
aggregate: locks_aggregate_fields
nodes: [locks!]!
aggregate fields of "locks"
type locks_aggregate_fields {
avg: locks_avg_fields
count(columns: [locks_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: locks_max_fields
min: locks_min_fields
stddev: locks_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: locks_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: locks_stddev_samp_fields
sum: locks_sum_fields
var_pop: locks_var_pop_fields
var_samp: locks_var_samp_fields
variance: locks_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "locks"
input locks_aggregate_order_by {
avg: locks_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: locks_max_order_by
min: locks_min_order_by
stddev: locks_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: locks_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: locks_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: locks_sum_order_by
var_pop: locks_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: locks_var_samp_order_by
variance: locks_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "locks"
input locks_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [locks_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: locks_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type locks_avg_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_avg_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "locks". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input locks_bool_exp {
_and: [locks_bool_exp]
_not: locks_bool_exp
_or: [locks_bool_exp]
type: String_comparison_exp
update_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "locks"
enum locks_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "locks"
input locks_inc_input {
update_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "locks"
input locks_insert_input {
type: String
update_instant: bigint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type locks_max_fields {
type: String
update_instant: bigint
order by max() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_max_order_by {
type: order_by
update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type locks_min_fields {
type: String
update_instant: bigint
order by min() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_min_order_by {
type: order_by
update_instant: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "locks"
type locks_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [locks!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "locks"
input locks_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: locks_insert_input!
on_conflict: locks_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "locks"
input locks_on_conflict {
constraint: locks_constraint!
update_columns: [locks_update_column!]!
where: locks_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "locks"
input locks_order_by {
type: order_by
update_instant: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "locks"
input locks_pk_columns_input {
type: String!
select columns of table "locks"
enum locks_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "locks"
input locks_set_input {
type: String
update_instant: bigint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type locks_stddev_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_stddev_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type locks_stddev_pop_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_stddev_pop_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type locks_stddev_samp_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_stddev_samp_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type locks_sum_fields {
update_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_sum_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
update columns of table "locks"
enum locks_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type locks_var_pop_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_var_pop_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type locks_var_samp_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_var_samp_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type locks_variance_fields {
update_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "locks"
input locks_variance_order_by {
update_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "master_record"
type master_record {
id: uuid!
instant: bigint!
aggregated selection of "master_record"
type master_record_aggregate {
aggregate: master_record_aggregate_fields
nodes: [master_record!]!
aggregate fields of "master_record"
type master_record_aggregate_fields {
avg: master_record_avg_fields
count(columns: [master_record_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: master_record_max_fields
min: master_record_min_fields
stddev: master_record_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: master_record_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: master_record_stddev_samp_fields
sum: master_record_sum_fields
var_pop: master_record_var_pop_fields
var_samp: master_record_var_samp_fields
variance: master_record_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "master_record"
input master_record_aggregate_order_by {
avg: master_record_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: master_record_max_order_by
min: master_record_min_order_by
stddev: master_record_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: master_record_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: master_record_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: master_record_sum_order_by
var_pop: master_record_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: master_record_var_samp_order_by
variance: master_record_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "master_record"
input master_record_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [master_record_insert_input!]!
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type master_record_avg_fields {
instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_avg_order_by {
instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "master_record". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input master_record_bool_exp {
_and: [master_record_bool_exp]
_not: master_record_bool_exp
_or: [master_record_bool_exp]
id: uuid_comparison_exp
instant: bigint_comparison_exp
input type for incrementing integer column in table "master_record"
input master_record_inc_input {
instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "master_record"
input master_record_insert_input {
id: uuid
instant: bigint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type master_record_max_fields {
id: uuid
instant: bigint
order by max() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_max_order_by {
id: order_by
instant: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type master_record_min_fields {
id: uuid
instant: bigint
order by min() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_min_order_by {
id: order_by
instant: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "master_record"
type master_record_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [master_record!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "master_record"
input master_record_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: master_record_insert_input!
ordering options when selecting data from "master_record"
input master_record_order_by {
id: order_by
instant: order_by
select columns of table "master_record"
enum master_record_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "master_record"
input master_record_set_input {
id: uuid
instant: bigint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type master_record_stddev_fields {
instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_stddev_order_by {
instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type master_record_stddev_pop_fields {
instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_stddev_pop_order_by {
instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type master_record_stddev_samp_fields {
instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_stddev_samp_order_by {
instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type master_record_sum_fields {
instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_sum_order_by {
instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type master_record_var_pop_fields {
instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_var_pop_order_by {
instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type master_record_var_samp_fields {
instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_var_samp_order_by {
instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type master_record_variance_fields {
instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "master_record"
input master_record_variance_order_by {
instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "media"
type media {
created_at: timestamptz!
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid!
mediaable_id: uuid
"""An object relationship"""
post: post
"""An object relationship"""
product: product
product_id: uuid
src: String
updated_at: timestamptz!
aggregated selection of "media"
type media_aggregate {
aggregate: media_aggregate_fields
nodes: [media!]!
aggregate fields of "media"
type media_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [media_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: media_max_fields
min: media_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "media"
input media_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: media_max_order_by
min: media_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "media"
input media_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [media_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: media_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "media". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input media_bool_exp {
_and: [media_bool_exp]
_not: media_bool_exp
_or: [media_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
deleted_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
mediaable_id: uuid_comparison_exp
post: post_bool_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
src: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "media"
enum media_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "media"
input media_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
mediaable_id: uuid
post: post_obj_rel_insert_input
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
src: String
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type media_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
mediaable_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
src: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "media"
input media_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
mediaable_id: order_by
product_id: order_by
src: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type media_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
mediaable_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
src: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "media"
input media_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
mediaable_id: order_by
product_id: order_by
src: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "media"
type media_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [media!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "media"
input media_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: media_insert_input!
on_conflict: media_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "media"
input media_on_conflict {
constraint: media_constraint!
update_columns: [media_update_column!]!
where: media_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "media"
input media_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
id: order_by
mediaable_id: order_by
post: post_order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
src: order_by
updated_at: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "media"
input media_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "media"
enum media_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "media"
input media_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
mediaable_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
src: String
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "media"
enum media_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "migrations"
type migrations {
name: String!
run_instant: bigint!
aggregated selection of "migrations"
type migrations_aggregate {
aggregate: migrations_aggregate_fields
nodes: [migrations!]!
aggregate fields of "migrations"
type migrations_aggregate_fields {
avg: migrations_avg_fields
count(columns: [migrations_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: migrations_max_fields
min: migrations_min_fields
stddev: migrations_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: migrations_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: migrations_stddev_samp_fields
sum: migrations_sum_fields
var_pop: migrations_var_pop_fields
var_samp: migrations_var_samp_fields
variance: migrations_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "migrations"
input migrations_aggregate_order_by {
avg: migrations_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: migrations_max_order_by
min: migrations_min_order_by
stddev: migrations_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: migrations_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: migrations_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: migrations_sum_order_by
var_pop: migrations_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: migrations_var_samp_order_by
variance: migrations_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "migrations"
input migrations_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [migrations_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: migrations_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type migrations_avg_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_avg_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "migrations". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input migrations_bool_exp {
_and: [migrations_bool_exp]
_not: migrations_bool_exp
_or: [migrations_bool_exp]
name: String_comparison_exp
run_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "migrations"
enum migrations_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "migrations"
input migrations_inc_input {
run_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "migrations"
input migrations_insert_input {
name: String
run_instant: bigint
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type migrations_max_fields {
name: String
run_instant: bigint
order by max() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_max_order_by {
name: order_by
run_instant: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type migrations_min_fields {
name: String
run_instant: bigint
order by min() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_min_order_by {
name: order_by
run_instant: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "migrations"
type migrations_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [migrations!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "migrations"
input migrations_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: migrations_insert_input!
on_conflict: migrations_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "migrations"
input migrations_on_conflict {
constraint: migrations_constraint!
update_columns: [migrations_update_column!]!
where: migrations_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "migrations"
input migrations_order_by {
name: order_by
run_instant: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "migrations"
input migrations_pk_columns_input {
name: String!
select columns of table "migrations"
enum migrations_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "migrations"
input migrations_set_input {
name: String
run_instant: bigint
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type migrations_stddev_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_stddev_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type migrations_stddev_pop_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_stddev_pop_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type migrations_stddev_samp_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_stddev_samp_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type migrations_sum_fields {
run_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_sum_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
update columns of table "migrations"
enum migrations_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type migrations_var_pop_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_var_pop_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type migrations_var_samp_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_var_samp_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type migrations_variance_fields {
run_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "migrations"
input migrations_variance_order_by {
run_instant: order_by
"""mutation root"""
type mutation_root {
perform the action: "create_pending_transaction"
create_pending_transaction(transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionInsertInput!, vaultedShopper: VaultedShopper): CreatePendingTransactionOutput
perform the action: "create_subscription"
create_subscription(subscription: BluesnapSubscription!, userId: uuid!): CreateSubscriptionOutput
perform the action: "create_transaction"
create_transaction(cardTransaction: CardTransaction!, transaction: InsertTransactionTransactionInsertInput!): CreateTransactionOutput
perform the action: "create_vaulted_shopper"
create_vaulted_shopper(vaultedShopper: VaultedShopper!): CreateVaultedShopperOutput
perform the action: "create_vendor"
create_vendor(userId: uuid!, vendor: Vendor!): CreateVendorOutput
delete data from the table: "application_daily_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): application_daily_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "application_monthly_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "application_registration_counts"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp!
): application_registration_counts_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "application_roles"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: application_roles_bool_exp!
): application_roles_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "application_roles"
delete_application_roles_by_pk(id: uuid!): application_roles
delete data from the table: "applications"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: applications_bool_exp!
): applications_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "applications"
delete_applications_by_pk(id: uuid!): applications
delete data from the table: "auction"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: auction_bool_exp!
): auction_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "auction"
delete_auction_by_pk(id: uuid!): auction
delete data from the table: "audit_logs"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: audit_logs_bool_exp!
): audit_logs_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "audit_logs"
delete_audit_logs_by_pk(id: bigint!): audit_logs
delete data from the table: "authentication_keys"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: authentication_keys_bool_exp!
): authentication_keys_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "authentication_keys"
delete_authentication_keys_by_pk(id: String!): authentication_keys
delete data from the table: "availability"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: availability_bool_exp!
): availability_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "availability"
delete_availability_by_pk(id: uuid!): availability
delete data from the table: "bid"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: bid_bool_exp!
): bid_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "bid"
delete_bid_by_pk(id: uuid!): bid
delete data from the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: breached_password_metrics_bool_exp!
): breached_password_metrics_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "breached_password_metrics"
delete_breached_password_metrics_by_pk(tenants_id: uuid!): breached_password_metrics
delete data from the table: "clean_speak_applications"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp!
): clean_speak_applications_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: common_breached_passwords_bool_exp!
): common_breached_passwords_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "common_breached_passwords"
delete_common_breached_passwords_by_pk(password: String!): common_breached_passwords
delete data from the table: "config"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: config_bool_exp!
): config_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "config"
delete_config_by_pk(id: smallint!): config
delete data from the table: "connectors"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: connectors_bool_exp!
): connectors_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "connectors"
delete_connectors_by_pk(id: uuid!): connectors
delete data from the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp!
): connectors_tenants_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "connectors_tenants"
delete_connectors_tenants_by_pk(connectors_id: uuid!, tenants_id: uuid!): connectors_tenants
delete data from the table: "consents"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: consents_bool_exp!
): consents_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "consents"
delete_consents_by_pk(id: uuid!): consents
delete data from the table: "contact"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: contact_bool_exp!
): contact_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "contact"
delete_contact_by_pk(id: uuid!): contact
delete data from the table: "credit"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: credit_bool_exp!
): credit_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "credit"
delete_credit_by_pk(id: uuid!): credit
delete data from the table: "data_sets"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: data_sets_bool_exp!
): data_sets_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "data_sets"
delete_data_sets_by_pk(name: String!): data_sets
delete data from the table: "email_templates"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: email_templates_bool_exp!
): email_templates_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "email_templates"
delete_email_templates_by_pk(id: uuid!): email_templates
delete data from the table: "event"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: event_bool_exp!
): event_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "event"
delete_event_by_pk(id: uuid!): event
delete data from the table: "event_logs"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: event_logs_bool_exp!
): event_logs_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "event_logs"
delete_event_logs_by_pk(id: bigint!): event_logs
delete data from the table: "event_user"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: event_user_bool_exp!
): event_user_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "event_user"
delete_event_user_by_pk(event_id: uuid!, user_id: uuid!): event_user
delete data from the table: "external_identifiers"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp!
): external_identifiers_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "external_identifiers"
delete_external_identifiers_by_pk(id: String!): external_identifiers
delete data from the table: "failed_logins"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: failed_logins_bool_exp!
): failed_logins_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "families"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: families_bool_exp!
): families_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "families"
delete_families_by_pk(family_id: uuid!, users_id: uuid!): families
delete data from the table: "federated_domains"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: federated_domains_bool_exp!
): federated_domains_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "follow"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: follow_bool_exp!
): follow_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "follow"
delete_follow_by_pk(follower: uuid!, following: uuid!): follow
delete data from the table: "form_fields"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: form_fields_bool_exp!
): form_fields_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "form_fields"
delete_form_fields_by_pk(id: uuid!): form_fields
delete data from the table: "form_steps"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp!
): form_steps_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "form_steps"
delete_form_steps_by_pk(form_fields_id: uuid!, forms_id: uuid!): form_steps
delete data from the table: "forms"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: forms_bool_exp!
): forms_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "forms"
delete_forms_by_pk(id: uuid!): forms
delete data from the table: "friendship"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: friendship_bool_exp!
): friendship_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "friendship"
delete_friendship_by_pk(user_id1: uuid!, user_id2: uuid!): friendship
delete data from the table: "global_daily_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: global_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): global_daily_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "global_monthly_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "global_registration_counts"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: global_registration_counts_bool_exp!
): global_registration_counts_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "group"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: group_bool_exp!
): group_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "group_application_roles"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp!
): group_application_roles_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "group"
delete_group_by_pk(id: uuid!): group
delete data from the table: "group_members"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: group_members_bool_exp!
): group_members_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "group_members"
delete_group_members_by_pk(id: uuid!): group_members
delete data from the table: "group_user"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: group_user_bool_exp!
): group_user_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "group_user"
delete_group_user_by_pk(group_id: uuid!, user_id: uuid!): group_user
delete data from the table: "groups"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: groups_bool_exp!
): groups_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "groups"
delete_groups_by_pk(id: uuid!): groups
delete data from the table: "hourly_logins"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp!
): hourly_logins_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "identities"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: identities_bool_exp!
): identities_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "identities"
delete_identities_by_pk(id: bigint!): identities
delete data from the table: "identity_providers"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp!
): identity_providers_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "identity_providers_applications"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp!
): identity_providers_applications_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "identity_providers"
delete_identity_providers_by_pk(id: uuid!): identity_providers
delete data from the table: "instance"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: instance_bool_exp!
): instance_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "integrations"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: integrations_bool_exp!
): integrations_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "keys"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: keys_bool_exp!
): keys_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "keys"
delete_keys_by_pk(id: uuid!): keys
delete data from the table: "lambdas"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: lambdas_bool_exp!
): lambdas_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "lambdas"
delete_lambdas_by_pk(id: uuid!): lambdas
delete data from the table: "location"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: location_bool_exp!
): location_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "location"
delete_location_by_pk(id: uuid!): location
delete data from the table: "locks"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: locks_bool_exp!
): locks_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "locks"
delete_locks_by_pk(type: String!): locks
delete data from the table: "master_record"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: master_record_bool_exp!
): master_record_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "media"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: media_bool_exp!
): media_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "media"
delete_media_by_pk(id: uuid!): media
delete data from the table: "migrations"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: migrations_bool_exp!
): migrations_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "migrations"
delete_migrations_by_pk(name: String!): migrations
delete data from the table: "nodes"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: nodes_bool_exp!
): nodes_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "nodes"
delete_nodes_by_pk(id: uuid!): nodes
delete data from the table: "payment"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: payment_bool_exp!
): payment_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "payment"
delete_payment_by_pk(id: uuid!): payment
delete data from the table: "post"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: post_bool_exp!
): post_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "post"
delete_post_by_pk(id: uuid!): post
delete data from the table: "post_tag"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: post_tag_bool_exp!
): post_tag_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "post_tag"
delete_post_tag_by_pk(post_id: uuid!, tag_id: uuid!): post_tag
delete data from the table: "previous_passwords"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: previous_passwords_bool_exp!
): previous_passwords_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "product"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: product_bool_exp!
): product_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "product"
delete_product_by_pk(id: uuid!): product
delete data from the table: "product_tag"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: product_tag_bool_exp!
): product_tag_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "product_tag"
delete_product_tag_by_pk(product_id: uuid!, tag_id: uuid!): product_tag
delete data from the table: "product_transaction"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: product_transaction_bool_exp!
): product_transaction_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "product_transaction"
delete_product_transaction_by_pk(id: uuid!): product_transaction
delete data from the table: "rating"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: rating_bool_exp!
): rating_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "rating"
delete_rating_by_pk(id: uuid!): rating
delete data from the table: "raw_application_daily_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: raw_application_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_application_daily_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "raw_application_monthly_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: raw_application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "raw_global_daily_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: raw_global_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_global_daily_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "raw_global_monthly_active_users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: raw_global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "raw_logins"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: raw_logins_bool_exp!
): raw_logins_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "refresh_tokens"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: refresh_tokens_bool_exp!
): refresh_tokens_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "refresh_tokens"
delete_refresh_tokens_by_pk(id: uuid!): refresh_tokens
delete data from the table: "refund"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: refund_bool_exp!
): refund_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "refund"
delete_refund_by_pk(id: uuid!): refund
delete data from the table: "refund_vendors"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: refund_vendors_bool_exp!
): refund_vendors_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "refund_vendors"
delete_refund_vendors_by_pk(id: uuid!): refund_vendors
delete data from the table: "reservation"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: reservation_bool_exp!
): reservation_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "reservation"
delete_reservation_by_pk(id: uuid!): reservation
delete data from the table: "subscription"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: subscription_bool_exp!
): subscription_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "subscription"
delete_subscription_by_pk(id: uuid!): subscription
delete data from the table: "system_configuration"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: system_configuration_bool_exp!
): system_configuration_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "tag"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: tag_bool_exp!
): tag_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "tag"
delete_tag_by_pk(id: uuid!): tag
delete data from the table: "tag_user"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: tag_user_bool_exp!
): tag_user_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "tag_user"
delete_tag_user_by_pk(tag_id: uuid!, user_id: uuid!): tag_user
delete data from the table: "tenants"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: tenants_bool_exp!
): tenants_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "tenants"
delete_tenants_by_pk(id: uuid!): tenants
delete data from the table: "term"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: term_bool_exp!
): term_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "term"
delete_term_by_pk(id: uuid!): term
delete data from the table: "term_user"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: term_user_bool_exp!
): term_user_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "themes"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: themes_bool_exp!
): themes_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "themes"
delete_themes_by_pk(id: uuid!): themes
delete data from the table: "transaction"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: transaction_bool_exp!
): transaction_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "transaction"
delete_transaction_by_pk(id: uuid!): transaction
delete data from the table: "transaction_status"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: transaction_status_bool_exp!
): transaction_status_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "transaction_status"
delete_transaction_status_by_pk(value: String!): transaction_status
delete data from the table: "user"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_bool_exp!
): user_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "user_action_logs"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_action_logs_bool_exp!
): user_action_logs_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "user_action_logs_applications"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_action_logs_applications_bool_exp!
): user_action_logs_applications_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_action_logs"
delete_user_action_logs_by_pk(id: uuid!): user_action_logs
delete data from the table: "user_action_reasons"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_action_reasons_bool_exp!
): user_action_reasons_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_action_reasons"
delete_user_action_reasons_by_pk(id: uuid!): user_action_reasons
delete data from the table: "user_actions"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp!
): user_actions_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_actions"
delete_user_actions_by_pk(id: uuid!): user_actions
delete single row from the table: "user"
delete_user_by_pk(id: uuid!): user
delete data from the table: "user_comments"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_comments_bool_exp!
): user_comments_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_comments"
delete_user_comments_by_pk(id: uuid!): user_comments
delete data from the table: "user_consents"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_consents_bool_exp!
): user_consents_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_consents"
delete_user_consents_by_pk(id: uuid!): user_consents
delete data from the table: "user_consents_email_plus"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_consents_email_plus_bool_exp!
): user_consents_email_plus_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_consents_email_plus"
delete_user_consents_email_plus_by_pk(id: bigint!): user_consents_email_plus
delete data from the table: "user_registrations"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_registrations_bool_exp!
): user_registrations_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "user_registrations_application_roles"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: user_registrations_application_roles_bool_exp!
): user_registrations_application_roles_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "user_registrations"
delete_user_registrations_by_pk(id: uuid!): user_registrations
delete data from the table: "users"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: users_bool_exp!
): users_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "users"
delete_users_by_pk(id: uuid!): users
delete data from the table: "version"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: version_bool_exp!
): version_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "webhooks"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: webhooks_bool_exp!
): webhooks_mutation_response
delete data from the table: "webhooks_applications"
"""filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
where: webhooks_applications_bool_exp!
): webhooks_applications_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "webhooks_applications"
delete_webhooks_applications_by_pk(applications_id: uuid!, webhooks_id: uuid!): webhooks_applications
delete single row from the table: "webhooks"
delete_webhooks_by_pk(id: uuid!): webhooks
insert data into the table: "application_daily_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [application_daily_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): application_daily_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "application_daily_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: application_daily_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): application_daily_active_users
insert data into the table: "application_monthly_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [application_monthly_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "application_monthly_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: application_monthly_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): application_monthly_active_users
insert data into the table: "application_registration_counts"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [application_registration_counts_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_registration_counts_on_conflict
): application_registration_counts_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "application_registration_counts"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: application_registration_counts_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_registration_counts_on_conflict
): application_registration_counts
insert data into the table: "application_roles"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [application_roles_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_roles_on_conflict
): application_roles_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "application_roles"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: application_roles_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: application_roles_on_conflict
): application_roles
insert data into the table: "applications"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [applications_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: applications_on_conflict
): applications_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "applications"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: applications_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: applications_on_conflict
): applications
insert data into the table: "auction"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [auction_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: auction_on_conflict
): auction_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "auction"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: auction_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: auction_on_conflict
): auction
insert data into the table: "audit_logs"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [audit_logs_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: audit_logs_on_conflict
): audit_logs_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "audit_logs"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: audit_logs_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: audit_logs_on_conflict
): audit_logs
insert data into the table: "authentication_keys"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [authentication_keys_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: authentication_keys_on_conflict
): authentication_keys_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "authentication_keys"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: authentication_keys_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: authentication_keys_on_conflict
): authentication_keys
insert data into the table: "availability"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [availability_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: availability_on_conflict
): availability_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "availability"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: availability_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: availability_on_conflict
): availability
insert data into the table: "bid"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [bid_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: bid_on_conflict
): bid_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "bid"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: bid_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: bid_on_conflict
): bid
insert data into the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [breached_password_metrics_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: breached_password_metrics_on_conflict
): breached_password_metrics_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: breached_password_metrics_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: breached_password_metrics_on_conflict
): breached_password_metrics
insert data into the table: "clean_speak_applications"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [clean_speak_applications_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: clean_speak_applications_on_conflict
): clean_speak_applications_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "clean_speak_applications"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: clean_speak_applications_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: clean_speak_applications_on_conflict
): clean_speak_applications
insert data into the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [common_breached_passwords_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: common_breached_passwords_on_conflict
): common_breached_passwords_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: common_breached_passwords_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: common_breached_passwords_on_conflict
): common_breached_passwords
insert data into the table: "config"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [config_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: config_on_conflict
): config_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "config"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: config_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: config_on_conflict
): config
insert data into the table: "connectors"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [connectors_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: connectors_on_conflict
): connectors_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "connectors"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: connectors_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: connectors_on_conflict
): connectors
insert data into the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [connectors_tenants_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: connectors_tenants_on_conflict
): connectors_tenants_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: connectors_tenants_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: connectors_tenants_on_conflict
): connectors_tenants
insert data into the table: "consents"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [consents_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: consents_on_conflict
): consents_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "consents"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: consents_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: consents_on_conflict
): consents
insert data into the table: "contact"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [contact_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: contact_on_conflict
): contact_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "contact"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: contact_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: contact_on_conflict
): contact
insert data into the table: "credit"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [credit_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: credit_on_conflict
): credit_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "credit"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: credit_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: credit_on_conflict
): credit
insert data into the table: "data_sets"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [data_sets_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: data_sets_on_conflict
): data_sets_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "data_sets"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: data_sets_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: data_sets_on_conflict
): data_sets
insert data into the table: "email_templates"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [email_templates_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: email_templates_on_conflict
): email_templates_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "email_templates"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: email_templates_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: email_templates_on_conflict
): email_templates
insert data into the table: "event"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [event_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: event_on_conflict
): event_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "event_logs"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [event_logs_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: event_logs_on_conflict
): event_logs_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "event_logs"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: event_logs_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: event_logs_on_conflict
): event_logs
insert a single row into the table: "event"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: event_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: event_on_conflict
): event
insert data into the table: "event_user"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [event_user_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: event_user_on_conflict
): event_user_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "event_user"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: event_user_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: event_user_on_conflict
): event_user
insert data into the table: "external_identifiers"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [external_identifiers_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: external_identifiers_on_conflict
): external_identifiers_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "external_identifiers"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: external_identifiers_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: external_identifiers_on_conflict
): external_identifiers
insert data into the table: "failed_logins"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [failed_logins_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: failed_logins_on_conflict
): failed_logins_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "failed_logins"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: failed_logins_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: failed_logins_on_conflict
): failed_logins
insert data into the table: "families"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [families_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: families_on_conflict
): families_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "families"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: families_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: families_on_conflict
): families
insert data into the table: "federated_domains"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [federated_domains_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: federated_domains_on_conflict
): federated_domains_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "federated_domains"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: federated_domains_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: federated_domains_on_conflict
): federated_domains
insert data into the table: "follow"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [follow_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: follow_on_conflict
): follow_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "follow"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: follow_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: follow_on_conflict
): follow
insert data into the table: "form_fields"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [form_fields_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: form_fields_on_conflict
): form_fields_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "form_fields"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: form_fields_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: form_fields_on_conflict
): form_fields
insert data into the table: "form_steps"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [form_steps_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: form_steps_on_conflict
): form_steps_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "form_steps"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: form_steps_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: form_steps_on_conflict
): form_steps
insert data into the table: "forms"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [forms_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: forms_on_conflict
): forms_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "forms"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: forms_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: forms_on_conflict
): forms
insert data into the table: "friendship"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [friendship_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: friendship_on_conflict
): friendship_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "friendship"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: friendship_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: friendship_on_conflict
): friendship
insert data into the table: "global_daily_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [global_daily_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: global_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): global_daily_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "global_daily_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: global_daily_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: global_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): global_daily_active_users
insert data into the table: "global_monthly_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [global_monthly_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "global_monthly_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: global_monthly_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): global_monthly_active_users
insert data into the table: "global_registration_counts"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [global_registration_counts_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: global_registration_counts_on_conflict
): global_registration_counts_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "global_registration_counts"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: global_registration_counts_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: global_registration_counts_on_conflict
): global_registration_counts
insert data into the table: "group"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [group_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_on_conflict
): group_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "group_application_roles"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [group_application_roles_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_application_roles_on_conflict
): group_application_roles_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "group_application_roles"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: group_application_roles_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_application_roles_on_conflict
): group_application_roles
insert data into the table: "group_members"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [group_members_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_members_on_conflict
): group_members_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "group_members"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: group_members_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_members_on_conflict
): group_members
insert a single row into the table: "group"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: group_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_on_conflict
): group
insert data into the table: "group_user"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [group_user_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_user_on_conflict
): group_user_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "group_user"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: group_user_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: group_user_on_conflict
): group_user
insert data into the table: "groups"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [groups_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: groups_on_conflict
): groups_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "groups"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: groups_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: groups_on_conflict
): groups
insert data into the table: "hourly_logins"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [hourly_logins_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: hourly_logins_on_conflict
): hourly_logins_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "hourly_logins"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: hourly_logins_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: hourly_logins_on_conflict
): hourly_logins
insert data into the table: "identities"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [identities_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: identities_on_conflict
): identities_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "identities"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: identities_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: identities_on_conflict
): identities
insert data into the table: "identity_providers"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [identity_providers_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: identity_providers_on_conflict
): identity_providers_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "identity_providers_applications"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [identity_providers_applications_insert_input!]!
): identity_providers_applications_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "identity_providers_applications"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: identity_providers_applications_insert_input!
): identity_providers_applications
insert a single row into the table: "identity_providers"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: identity_providers_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: identity_providers_on_conflict
): identity_providers
insert data into the table: "instance"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [instance_insert_input!]!
): instance_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "instance"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: instance_insert_input!
): instance
insert data into the table: "integrations"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [integrations_insert_input!]!
): integrations_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "integrations"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: integrations_insert_input!
): integrations
insert data into the table: "keys"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [keys_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: keys_on_conflict
): keys_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "keys"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: keys_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: keys_on_conflict
): keys
insert data into the table: "lambdas"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [lambdas_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: lambdas_on_conflict
): lambdas_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "lambdas"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: lambdas_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: lambdas_on_conflict
): lambdas
insert data into the table: "location"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [location_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: location_on_conflict
): location_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "location"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: location_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: location_on_conflict
): location
insert data into the table: "locks"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [locks_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: locks_on_conflict
): locks_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "locks"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: locks_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: locks_on_conflict
): locks
insert data into the table: "master_record"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [master_record_insert_input!]!
): master_record_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "master_record"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: master_record_insert_input!
): master_record
insert data into the table: "media"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [media_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: media_on_conflict
): media_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "media"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: media_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: media_on_conflict
): media
insert data into the table: "migrations"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [migrations_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: migrations_on_conflict
): migrations_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "migrations"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: migrations_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: migrations_on_conflict
): migrations
insert data into the table: "nodes"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [nodes_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: nodes_on_conflict
): nodes_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "nodes"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: nodes_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: nodes_on_conflict
): nodes
insert data into the table: "payment"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [payment_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: payment_on_conflict
): payment_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "payment"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: payment_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: payment_on_conflict
): payment
insert data into the table: "post"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [post_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: post_on_conflict
): post_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "post"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: post_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: post_on_conflict
): post
insert data into the table: "post_tag"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [post_tag_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: post_tag_on_conflict
): post_tag_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "post_tag"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: post_tag_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: post_tag_on_conflict
): post_tag
insert data into the table: "previous_passwords"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [previous_passwords_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: previous_passwords_on_conflict
): previous_passwords_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "previous_passwords"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: previous_passwords_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: previous_passwords_on_conflict
): previous_passwords
insert data into the table: "product"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [product_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: product_on_conflict
): product_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "product"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: product_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: product_on_conflict
): product
insert data into the table: "product_tag"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [product_tag_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: product_tag_on_conflict
): product_tag_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "product_tag"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: product_tag_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: product_tag_on_conflict
): product_tag
insert data into the table: "product_transaction"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [product_transaction_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: product_transaction_on_conflict
): product_transaction_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "product_transaction"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: product_transaction_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: product_transaction_on_conflict
): product_transaction
insert data into the table: "rating"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [rating_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: rating_on_conflict
): rating_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "rating"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: rating_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: rating_on_conflict
): rating
insert data into the table: "raw_application_daily_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [raw_application_daily_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_application_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_application_daily_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "raw_application_daily_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: raw_application_daily_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_application_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_application_daily_active_users
insert data into the table: "raw_application_monthly_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [raw_application_monthly_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "raw_application_monthly_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: raw_application_monthly_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_application_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_application_monthly_active_users
insert data into the table: "raw_global_daily_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [raw_global_daily_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_global_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_global_daily_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "raw_global_daily_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: raw_global_daily_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_global_daily_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_global_daily_active_users
insert data into the table: "raw_global_monthly_active_users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [raw_global_monthly_active_users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "raw_global_monthly_active_users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: raw_global_monthly_active_users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: raw_global_monthly_active_users_on_conflict
): raw_global_monthly_active_users
insert data into the table: "raw_logins"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [raw_logins_insert_input!]!
): raw_logins_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "raw_logins"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: raw_logins_insert_input!
): raw_logins
insert data into the table: "refresh_tokens"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [refresh_tokens_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: refresh_tokens_on_conflict
): refresh_tokens_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "refresh_tokens"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: refresh_tokens_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: refresh_tokens_on_conflict
): refresh_tokens
insert data into the table: "refund"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [refund_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: refund_on_conflict
): refund_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "refund"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: refund_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: refund_on_conflict
): refund
insert data into the table: "refund_vendors"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [refund_vendors_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: refund_vendors_on_conflict
): refund_vendors_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "refund_vendors"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: refund_vendors_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: refund_vendors_on_conflict
): refund_vendors
insert data into the table: "reservation"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [reservation_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: reservation_on_conflict
): reservation_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "reservation"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: reservation_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: reservation_on_conflict
): reservation
insert data into the table: "subscription"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [subscription_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: subscription_on_conflict
): subscription_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "subscription"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: subscription_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: subscription_on_conflict
): subscription
insert data into the table: "system_configuration"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [system_configuration_insert_input!]!
): system_configuration_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "system_configuration"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: system_configuration_insert_input!
): system_configuration
insert data into the table: "tag"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [tag_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: tag_on_conflict
): tag_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "tag"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: tag_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: tag_on_conflict
): tag
insert data into the table: "tag_user"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [tag_user_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: tag_user_on_conflict
): tag_user_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "tag_user"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: tag_user_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: tag_user_on_conflict
): tag_user
insert data into the table: "tenants"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [tenants_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: tenants_on_conflict
): tenants_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "tenants"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: tenants_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: tenants_on_conflict
): tenants
insert data into the table: "term"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [term_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: term_on_conflict
): term_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "term"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: term_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: term_on_conflict
): term
insert data into the table: "term_user"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [term_user_insert_input!]!
): term_user_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "term_user"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: term_user_insert_input!
): term_user
insert data into the table: "themes"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [themes_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: themes_on_conflict
): themes_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "themes"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: themes_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: themes_on_conflict
): themes
insert data into the table: "transaction"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [transaction_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: transaction_on_conflict
): transaction_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "transaction"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: transaction_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: transaction_on_conflict
): transaction
insert data into the table: "transaction_status"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [transaction_status_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: transaction_status_on_conflict
): transaction_status_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "transaction_status"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: transaction_status_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: transaction_status_on_conflict
): transaction_status
insert data into the table: "user"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_on_conflict
): user_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "user_action_logs"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_action_logs_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_action_logs_on_conflict
): user_action_logs_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "user_action_logs_applications"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_action_logs_applications_insert_input!]!
): user_action_logs_applications_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "user_action_logs_applications"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_action_logs_applications_insert_input!
): user_action_logs_applications
insert a single row into the table: "user_action_logs"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_action_logs_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_action_logs_on_conflict
): user_action_logs
insert data into the table: "user_action_reasons"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_action_reasons_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_action_reasons_on_conflict
): user_action_reasons_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "user_action_reasons"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_action_reasons_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_action_reasons_on_conflict
): user_action_reasons
insert data into the table: "user_actions"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_actions_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_actions_on_conflict
): user_actions_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "user_actions"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_actions_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_actions_on_conflict
): user_actions
insert data into the table: "user_comments"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_comments_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_comments_on_conflict
): user_comments_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "user_comments"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_comments_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_comments_on_conflict
): user_comments
insert data into the table: "user_consents"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_consents_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_consents_on_conflict
): user_consents_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "user_consents_email_plus"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_consents_email_plus_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_consents_email_plus_on_conflict
): user_consents_email_plus_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "user_consents_email_plus"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_consents_email_plus_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_consents_email_plus_on_conflict
): user_consents_email_plus
insert a single row into the table: "user_consents"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_consents_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_consents_on_conflict
): user_consents
insert a single row into the table: "user"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_on_conflict
): user
insert data into the table: "user_registrations"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_registrations_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_registrations_on_conflict
): user_registrations_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "user_registrations_application_roles"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [user_registrations_application_roles_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_registrations_application_roles_on_conflict
): user_registrations_application_roles_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "user_registrations_application_roles"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_registrations_application_roles_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_registrations_application_roles_on_conflict
): user_registrations_application_roles
insert a single row into the table: "user_registrations"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: user_registrations_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: user_registrations_on_conflict
): user_registrations
insert data into the table: "users"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [users_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: users_on_conflict
): users_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "users"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: users_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: users_on_conflict
): users
insert data into the table: "version"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [version_insert_input!]!
): version_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "version"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: version_insert_input!
): version
insert data into the table: "webhooks"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [webhooks_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: webhooks_on_conflict
): webhooks_mutation_response
insert data into the table: "webhooks_applications"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [webhooks_applications_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: webhooks_applications_on_conflict
): webhooks_applications_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "webhooks_applications"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: webhooks_applications_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: webhooks_applications_on_conflict
): webhooks_applications
insert a single row into the table: "webhooks"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: webhooks_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: webhooks_on_conflict
): webhooks
perform the action: "payment_fields_tokens"
payment_fields_tokens: paymentFieldsTokensOutput
perform the action: "refund"
refund(amount: numeric, reason: String, transactionId: uuid!): RefundOutput
update data of the table: "application_daily_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: application_daily_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: application_daily_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): application_daily_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "application_monthly_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: application_monthly_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: application_monthly_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "application_registration_counts"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: application_registration_counts_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: application_registration_counts_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp!
): application_registration_counts_mutation_response
update data of the table: "application_roles"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: application_roles_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: application_roles_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: application_roles_bool_exp!
): application_roles_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "application_roles"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: application_roles_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: application_roles_set_input
pk_columns: application_roles_pk_columns_input!
): application_roles
update data of the table: "applications"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: applications_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: applications_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: applications_bool_exp!
): applications_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "applications"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: applications_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: applications_set_input
pk_columns: applications_pk_columns_input!
): applications
update data of the table: "auction"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: auction_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: auction_bool_exp!
): auction_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "auction"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: auction_set_input
pk_columns: auction_pk_columns_input!
): auction
update data of the table: "audit_logs"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: audit_logs_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: audit_logs_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: audit_logs_bool_exp!
): audit_logs_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "audit_logs"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: audit_logs_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: audit_logs_set_input
pk_columns: audit_logs_pk_columns_input!
): audit_logs
update data of the table: "authentication_keys"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: authentication_keys_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: authentication_keys_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: authentication_keys_bool_exp!
): authentication_keys_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "authentication_keys"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: authentication_keys_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: authentication_keys_set_input
pk_columns: authentication_keys_pk_columns_input!
): authentication_keys
update data of the table: "availability"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: availability_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: availability_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: availability_bool_exp!
): availability_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "availability"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: availability_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: availability_set_input
pk_columns: availability_pk_columns_input!
): availability
update data of the table: "bid"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: bid_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: bid_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: bid_bool_exp!
): bid_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "bid"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: bid_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: bid_set_input
pk_columns: bid_pk_columns_input!
): bid
update data of the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: breached_password_metrics_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: breached_password_metrics_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: breached_password_metrics_bool_exp!
): breached_password_metrics_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: breached_password_metrics_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: breached_password_metrics_set_input
pk_columns: breached_password_metrics_pk_columns_input!
): breached_password_metrics
update data of the table: "clean_speak_applications"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: clean_speak_applications_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp!
): clean_speak_applications_mutation_response
update data of the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: common_breached_passwords_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: common_breached_passwords_bool_exp!
): common_breached_passwords_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: common_breached_passwords_set_input
pk_columns: common_breached_passwords_pk_columns_input!
): common_breached_passwords
update data of the table: "config"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: config_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: config_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: config_bool_exp!
): config_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "config"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: config_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: config_set_input
pk_columns: config_pk_columns_input!
): config
update data of the table: "connectors"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: connectors_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: connectors_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: connectors_bool_exp!
): connectors_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "connectors"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: connectors_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: connectors_set_input
pk_columns: connectors_pk_columns_input!
): connectors
update data of the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: connectors_tenants_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: connectors_tenants_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp!
): connectors_tenants_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: connectors_tenants_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: connectors_tenants_set_input
pk_columns: connectors_tenants_pk_columns_input!
): connectors_tenants
update data of the table: "consents"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: consents_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: consents_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: consents_bool_exp!
): consents_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "consents"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: consents_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: consents_set_input
pk_columns: consents_pk_columns_input!
): consents
update data of the table: "contact"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: contact_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: contact_bool_exp!
): contact_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "contact"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: contact_set_input
pk_columns: contact_pk_columns_input!
): contact
update data of the table: "credit"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: credit_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: credit_bool_exp!
): credit_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "credit"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: credit_set_input
pk_columns: credit_pk_columns_input!
): credit
update data of the table: "data_sets"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: data_sets_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: data_sets_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: data_sets_bool_exp!
): data_sets_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "data_sets"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: data_sets_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: data_sets_set_input
pk_columns: data_sets_pk_columns_input!
): data_sets
update data of the table: "email_templates"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: email_templates_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: email_templates_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: email_templates_bool_exp!
): email_templates_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "email_templates"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: email_templates_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: email_templates_set_input
pk_columns: email_templates_pk_columns_input!
): email_templates
update data of the table: "event"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: event_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: event_bool_exp!
): event_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "event"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: event_set_input
pk_columns: event_pk_columns_input!
): event
update data of the table: "event_logs"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: event_logs_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: event_logs_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: event_logs_bool_exp!
): event_logs_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "event_logs"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: event_logs_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: event_logs_set_input
pk_columns: event_logs_pk_columns_input!
): event_logs
update data of the table: "event_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: event_user_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: event_user_bool_exp!
): event_user_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "event_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: event_user_set_input
pk_columns: event_user_pk_columns_input!
): event_user
update data of the table: "external_identifiers"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: external_identifiers_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: external_identifiers_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp!
): external_identifiers_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "external_identifiers"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: external_identifiers_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: external_identifiers_set_input
pk_columns: external_identifiers_pk_columns_input!
): external_identifiers
update data of the table: "failed_logins"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: failed_logins_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: failed_logins_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: failed_logins_bool_exp!
): failed_logins_mutation_response
update data of the table: "families"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: families_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: families_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: families_bool_exp!
): families_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "families"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: families_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: families_set_input
pk_columns: families_pk_columns_input!
): families
update data of the table: "federated_domains"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: federated_domains_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: federated_domains_bool_exp!
): federated_domains_mutation_response
update data of the table: "follow"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: follow_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: follow_bool_exp!
): follow_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "follow"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: follow_set_input
pk_columns: follow_pk_columns_input!
): follow
update data of the table: "form_fields"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: form_fields_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: form_fields_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: form_fields_bool_exp!
): form_fields_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "form_fields"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: form_fields_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: form_fields_set_input
pk_columns: form_fields_pk_columns_input!
): form_fields
update data of the table: "form_steps"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: form_steps_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: form_steps_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp!
): form_steps_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "form_steps"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: form_steps_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: form_steps_set_input
pk_columns: form_steps_pk_columns_input!
): form_steps
update data of the table: "forms"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: forms_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: forms_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: forms_bool_exp!
): forms_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "forms"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: forms_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: forms_set_input
pk_columns: forms_pk_columns_input!
): forms
update data of the table: "friendship"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: friendship_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: friendship_bool_exp!
): friendship_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "friendship"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: friendship_set_input
pk_columns: friendship_pk_columns_input!
): friendship
update data of the table: "global_daily_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: global_daily_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: global_daily_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: global_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): global_daily_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "global_monthly_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: global_monthly_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: global_monthly_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "global_registration_counts"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: global_registration_counts_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: global_registration_counts_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: global_registration_counts_bool_exp!
): global_registration_counts_mutation_response
update data of the table: "group"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: group_bool_exp!
): group_mutation_response
update data of the table: "group_application_roles"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_application_roles_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp!
): group_application_roles_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "group"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_set_input
pk_columns: group_pk_columns_input!
): group
update data of the table: "group_members"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: group_members_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_members_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: group_members_bool_exp!
): group_members_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "group_members"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: group_members_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_members_set_input
pk_columns: group_members_pk_columns_input!
): group_members
update data of the table: "group_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_user_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: group_user_bool_exp!
): group_user_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "group_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: group_user_set_input
pk_columns: group_user_pk_columns_input!
): group_user
update data of the table: "groups"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: groups_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: groups_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: groups_bool_exp!
): groups_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "groups"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: groups_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: groups_set_input
pk_columns: groups_pk_columns_input!
): groups
update data of the table: "hourly_logins"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: hourly_logins_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: hourly_logins_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp!
): hourly_logins_mutation_response
update data of the table: "identities"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: identities_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: identities_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: identities_bool_exp!
): identities_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "identities"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: identities_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: identities_set_input
pk_columns: identities_pk_columns_input!
): identities
update data of the table: "identity_providers"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: identity_providers_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: identity_providers_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp!
): identity_providers_mutation_response
update data of the table: "identity_providers_applications"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: identity_providers_applications_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp!
): identity_providers_applications_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "identity_providers"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: identity_providers_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: identity_providers_set_input
pk_columns: identity_providers_pk_columns_input!
): identity_providers
update data of the table: "instance"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: instance_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: instance_bool_exp!
): instance_mutation_response
update data of the table: "integrations"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: integrations_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: integrations_bool_exp!
): integrations_mutation_response
update data of the table: "keys"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: keys_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: keys_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: keys_bool_exp!
): keys_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "keys"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: keys_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: keys_set_input
pk_columns: keys_pk_columns_input!
): keys
update data of the table: "lambdas"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: lambdas_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: lambdas_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: lambdas_bool_exp!
): lambdas_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "lambdas"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: lambdas_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: lambdas_set_input
pk_columns: lambdas_pk_columns_input!
): lambdas
update data of the table: "location"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: location_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: location_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: location_bool_exp!
): location_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "location"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: location_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: location_set_input
pk_columns: location_pk_columns_input!
): location
update data of the table: "locks"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: locks_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: locks_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: locks_bool_exp!
): locks_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "locks"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: locks_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: locks_set_input
pk_columns: locks_pk_columns_input!
): locks
update data of the table: "master_record"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: master_record_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: master_record_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: master_record_bool_exp!
): master_record_mutation_response
update data of the table: "media"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: media_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: media_bool_exp!
): media_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "media"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: media_set_input
pk_columns: media_pk_columns_input!
): media
update data of the table: "migrations"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: migrations_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: migrations_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: migrations_bool_exp!
): migrations_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "migrations"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: migrations_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: migrations_set_input
pk_columns: migrations_pk_columns_input!
): migrations
update data of the table: "nodes"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: nodes_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: nodes_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: nodes_bool_exp!
): nodes_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "nodes"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: nodes_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: nodes_set_input
pk_columns: nodes_pk_columns_input!
): nodes
update data of the table: "payment"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: payment_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: payment_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: payment_bool_exp!
): payment_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "payment"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: payment_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: payment_set_input
pk_columns: payment_pk_columns_input!
): payment
update data of the table: "post"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: post_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: post_bool_exp!
): post_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "post"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: post_set_input
pk_columns: post_pk_columns_input!
): post
update data of the table: "post_tag"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: post_tag_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: post_tag_bool_exp!
): post_tag_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "post_tag"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: post_tag_set_input
pk_columns: post_tag_pk_columns_input!
): post_tag
update data of the table: "previous_passwords"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: previous_passwords_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: previous_passwords_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: previous_passwords_bool_exp!
): previous_passwords_mutation_response
update data of the table: "product"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: product_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: product_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: product_bool_exp!
): product_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "product"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: product_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: product_set_input
pk_columns: product_pk_columns_input!
): product
update data of the table: "product_tag"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: product_tag_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: product_tag_bool_exp!
): product_tag_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "product_tag"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: product_tag_set_input
pk_columns: product_tag_pk_columns_input!
): product_tag
update data of the table: "product_transaction"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: product_transaction_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: product_transaction_bool_exp!
): product_transaction_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "product_transaction"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: product_transaction_set_input
pk_columns: product_transaction_pk_columns_input!
): product_transaction
update data of the table: "rating"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: rating_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: rating_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: rating_bool_exp!
): rating_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "rating"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: rating_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: rating_set_input
pk_columns: rating_pk_columns_input!
): rating
update data of the table: "raw_application_daily_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: raw_application_daily_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: raw_application_daily_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: raw_application_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_application_daily_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "raw_application_monthly_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: raw_application_monthly_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: raw_application_monthly_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: raw_application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_application_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "raw_global_daily_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: raw_global_daily_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: raw_global_daily_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: raw_global_daily_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_global_daily_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "raw_global_monthly_active_users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: raw_global_monthly_active_users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: raw_global_monthly_active_users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: raw_global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp!
): raw_global_monthly_active_users_mutation_response
update data of the table: "raw_logins"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: raw_logins_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: raw_logins_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: raw_logins_bool_exp!
): raw_logins_mutation_response
update data of the table: "refresh_tokens"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: refresh_tokens_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: refresh_tokens_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: refresh_tokens_bool_exp!
): refresh_tokens_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "refresh_tokens"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: refresh_tokens_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: refresh_tokens_set_input
pk_columns: refresh_tokens_pk_columns_input!
): refresh_tokens
update data of the table: "refund"
"""append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value"""
_append: refund_append_input
delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end)
_delete_at_path: refund_delete_at_path_input
delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array
_delete_elem: refund_delete_elem_input
delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value
_delete_key: refund_delete_key_input
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: refund_inc_input
"""prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value"""
_prepend: refund_prepend_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: refund_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: refund_bool_exp!
): refund_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "refund"
"""append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value"""
_append: refund_append_input
delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end)
_delete_at_path: refund_delete_at_path_input
delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array
_delete_elem: refund_delete_elem_input
delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value
_delete_key: refund_delete_key_input
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: refund_inc_input
"""prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value"""
_prepend: refund_prepend_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: refund_set_input
pk_columns: refund_pk_columns_input!
): refund
update data of the table: "refund_vendors"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: refund_vendors_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: refund_vendors_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: refund_vendors_bool_exp!
): refund_vendors_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "refund_vendors"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: refund_vendors_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: refund_vendors_set_input
pk_columns: refund_vendors_pk_columns_input!
): refund_vendors
update data of the table: "reservation"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: reservation_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: reservation_bool_exp!
): reservation_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "reservation"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: reservation_set_input
pk_columns: reservation_pk_columns_input!
): reservation
update data of the table: "subscription"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: subscription_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: subscription_bool_exp!
): subscription_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "subscription"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: subscription_set_input
pk_columns: subscription_pk_columns_input!
): subscription
update data of the table: "system_configuration"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: system_configuration_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: system_configuration_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: system_configuration_bool_exp!
): system_configuration_mutation_response
update data of the table: "tag"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: tag_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: tag_bool_exp!
): tag_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "tag"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: tag_set_input
pk_columns: tag_pk_columns_input!
): tag
update data of the table: "tag_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: tag_user_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: tag_user_bool_exp!
): tag_user_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "tag_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: tag_user_set_input
pk_columns: tag_user_pk_columns_input!
): tag_user
update data of the table: "tenants"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: tenants_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: tenants_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: tenants_bool_exp!
): tenants_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "tenants"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: tenants_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: tenants_set_input
pk_columns: tenants_pk_columns_input!
): tenants
update data of the table: "term"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: term_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: term_bool_exp!
): term_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "term"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: term_set_input
pk_columns: term_pk_columns_input!
): term
update data of the table: "term_user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: term_user_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: term_user_bool_exp!
): term_user_mutation_response
update data of the table: "themes"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: themes_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: themes_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: themes_bool_exp!
): themes_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "themes"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: themes_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: themes_set_input
pk_columns: themes_pk_columns_input!
): themes
update data of the table: "transaction"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: transaction_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: transaction_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: transaction_bool_exp!
): transaction_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "transaction"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: transaction_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: transaction_set_input
pk_columns: transaction_pk_columns_input!
): transaction
update data of the table: "transaction_status"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: transaction_status_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: transaction_status_bool_exp!
): transaction_status_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "transaction_status"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: transaction_status_set_input
pk_columns: transaction_status_pk_columns_input!
): transaction_status
update data of the table: "user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_bool_exp!
): user_mutation_response
update data of the table: "user_action_logs"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_action_logs_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_action_logs_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_action_logs_bool_exp!
): user_action_logs_mutation_response
update data of the table: "user_action_logs_applications"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_action_logs_applications_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_action_logs_applications_bool_exp!
): user_action_logs_applications_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_action_logs"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_action_logs_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_action_logs_set_input
pk_columns: user_action_logs_pk_columns_input!
): user_action_logs
update data of the table: "user_action_reasons"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_action_reasons_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_action_reasons_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_action_reasons_bool_exp!
): user_action_reasons_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_action_reasons"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_action_reasons_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_action_reasons_set_input
pk_columns: user_action_reasons_pk_columns_input!
): user_action_reasons
update data of the table: "user_actions"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_actions_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_actions_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_actions_bool_exp!
): user_actions_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_actions"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_actions_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_actions_set_input
pk_columns: user_actions_pk_columns_input!
): user_actions
update single row of the table: "user"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_set_input
pk_columns: user_pk_columns_input!
): user
update data of the table: "user_comments"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_comments_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_comments_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_comments_bool_exp!
): user_comments_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_comments"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_comments_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_comments_set_input
pk_columns: user_comments_pk_columns_input!
): user_comments
update data of the table: "user_consents"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_consents_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_consents_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_consents_bool_exp!
): user_consents_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_consents"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_consents_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_consents_set_input
pk_columns: user_consents_pk_columns_input!
): user_consents
update data of the table: "user_consents_email_plus"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_consents_email_plus_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_consents_email_plus_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_consents_email_plus_bool_exp!
): user_consents_email_plus_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_consents_email_plus"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_consents_email_plus_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_consents_email_plus_set_input
pk_columns: user_consents_email_plus_pk_columns_input!
): user_consents_email_plus
update data of the table: "user_registrations"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_registrations_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_registrations_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_registrations_bool_exp!
): user_registrations_mutation_response
update data of the table: "user_registrations_application_roles"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_registrations_application_roles_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: user_registrations_application_roles_bool_exp!
): user_registrations_application_roles_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "user_registrations"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: user_registrations_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: user_registrations_set_input
pk_columns: user_registrations_pk_columns_input!
): user_registrations
update data of the table: "users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: users_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: users_bool_exp!
): users_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "users"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: users_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: users_set_input
pk_columns: users_pk_columns_input!
): users
update data of the table: "version"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: version_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: version_bool_exp!
): version_mutation_response
update data of the table: "webhooks"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: webhooks_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: webhooks_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: webhooks_bool_exp!
): webhooks_mutation_response
update data of the table: "webhooks_applications"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: webhooks_applications_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: webhooks_applications_bool_exp!
): webhooks_applications_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "webhooks_applications"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: webhooks_applications_set_input
pk_columns: webhooks_applications_pk_columns_input!
): webhooks_applications
update single row of the table: "webhooks"
"""increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"""
_inc: webhooks_inc_input
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: webhooks_set_input
pk_columns: webhooks_pk_columns_input!
): webhooks
columns and relationships of "nodes"
type nodes {
id: uuid!
insert_instant: bigint!
last_checkin_instant: bigint!
runtime_mode: String!
url: String!
aggregated selection of "nodes"
type nodes_aggregate {
aggregate: nodes_aggregate_fields
nodes: [nodes!]!
aggregate fields of "nodes"
type nodes_aggregate_fields {
avg: nodes_avg_fields
count(columns: [nodes_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: nodes_max_fields
min: nodes_min_fields
stddev: nodes_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: nodes_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: nodes_stddev_samp_fields
sum: nodes_sum_fields
var_pop: nodes_var_pop_fields
var_samp: nodes_var_samp_fields
variance: nodes_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "nodes"
input nodes_aggregate_order_by {
avg: nodes_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: nodes_max_order_by
min: nodes_min_order_by
stddev: nodes_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: nodes_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: nodes_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: nodes_sum_order_by
var_pop: nodes_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: nodes_var_samp_order_by
variance: nodes_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "nodes"
input nodes_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [nodes_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: nodes_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type nodes_avg_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_avg_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nodes". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nodes_bool_exp {
_and: [nodes_bool_exp]
_not: nodes_bool_exp
_or: [nodes_bool_exp]
id: uuid_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
last_checkin_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
runtime_mode: String_comparison_exp
url: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "nodes"
enum nodes_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "nodes"
input nodes_inc_input {
insert_instant: bigint
last_checkin_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "nodes"
input nodes_insert_input {
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_checkin_instant: bigint
runtime_mode: String
url: String
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type nodes_max_fields {
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_checkin_instant: bigint
runtime_mode: String
url: String
order by max() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_max_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
runtime_mode: order_by
url: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type nodes_min_fields {
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_checkin_instant: bigint
runtime_mode: String
url: String
order by min() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_min_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
runtime_mode: order_by
url: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "nodes"
type nodes_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [nodes!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "nodes"
input nodes_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: nodes_insert_input!
on_conflict: nodes_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "nodes"
input nodes_on_conflict {
constraint: nodes_constraint!
update_columns: [nodes_update_column!]!
where: nodes_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "nodes"
input nodes_order_by {
id: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
runtime_mode: order_by
url: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "nodes"
input nodes_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "nodes"
enum nodes_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "nodes"
input nodes_set_input {
id: uuid
insert_instant: bigint
last_checkin_instant: bigint
runtime_mode: String
url: String
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type nodes_stddev_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_stddev_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type nodes_stddev_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_stddev_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type nodes_stddev_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_stddev_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type nodes_sum_fields {
insert_instant: bigint
last_checkin_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_sum_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
update columns of table "nodes"
enum nodes_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type nodes_var_pop_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_var_pop_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type nodes_var_samp_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_var_samp_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type nodes_variance_fields {
insert_instant: Float
last_checkin_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "nodes"
input nodes_variance_order_by {
insert_instant: order_by
last_checkin_instant: order_by
scalar numeric
expression to compare columns of type numeric. All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input numeric_comparison_exp {
_eq: numeric
_gt: numeric
_gte: numeric
_in: [numeric!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: numeric
_lte: numeric
_neq: numeric
_nin: [numeric!]
"""column ordering options"""
enum order_by {
"""in the ascending order, nulls last"""
"""in the ascending order, nulls first"""
"""in the ascending order, nulls last"""
"""in the descending order, nulls first"""
"""in the descending order, nulls first"""
"""in the descending order, nulls last"""
columns and relationships of "payment"
type payment {
amount: Int
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz!
delivery_time: Int
"""An object relationship"""
group: group
group_id: uuid
id: uuid!
is_success: Boolean
"""An object relationship"""
product: product
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
type paymentFieldsTokensOutput {
token: String!
aggregated selection of "payment"
type payment_aggregate {
aggregate: payment_aggregate_fields
nodes: [payment!]!
aggregate fields of "payment"
type payment_aggregate_fields {
avg: payment_avg_fields
count(columns: [payment_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: payment_max_fields
min: payment_min_fields
stddev: payment_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: payment_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: payment_stddev_samp_fields
sum: payment_sum_fields
var_pop: payment_var_pop_fields
var_samp: payment_var_samp_fields
variance: payment_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "payment"
input payment_aggregate_order_by {
avg: payment_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: payment_max_order_by
min: payment_min_order_by
stddev: payment_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: payment_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: payment_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: payment_sum_order_by
var_pop: payment_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: payment_var_samp_order_by
variance: payment_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "payment"
input payment_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [payment_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: payment_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type payment_avg_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_avg_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "payment". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input payment_bool_exp {
_and: [payment_bool_exp]
_not: payment_bool_exp
_or: [payment_bool_exp]
amount: Int_comparison_exp
buyer_id: uuid_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
delivery_time: Int_comparison_exp
group: group_bool_exp
group_id: uuid_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
is_success: Boolean_comparison_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "payment"
enum payment_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "payment"
input payment_inc_input {
amount: Int
delivery_time: Int
input type for inserting data into table "payment"
input payment_insert_input {
amount: Int
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group: group_obj_rel_insert_input
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
is_success: Boolean
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type payment_max_fields {
amount: Int
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_max_order_by {
amount: order_by
buyer_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type payment_min_fields {
amount: Int
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_min_order_by {
amount: order_by
buyer_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "payment"
type payment_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [payment!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "payment"
input payment_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: payment_insert_input!
on_conflict: payment_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "payment"
input payment_on_conflict {
constraint: payment_constraint!
update_columns: [payment_update_column!]!
where: payment_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "payment"
input payment_order_by {
amount: order_by
buyer_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
group: group_order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
is_success: order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
primary key columns input for table: "payment"
input payment_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "payment"
enum payment_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "payment"
input payment_set_input {
amount: Int
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
is_success: Boolean
product_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type payment_stddev_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_stddev_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type payment_stddev_pop_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_stddev_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type payment_stddev_samp_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_stddev_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type payment_sum_fields {
amount: Int
delivery_time: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_sum_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
update columns of table "payment"
enum payment_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type payment_var_pop_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_var_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type payment_var_samp_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_var_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type payment_variance_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "payment"
input payment_variance_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
columns and relationships of "post"
type post {
assignment_id: uuid
content: String
created_at: timestamptz!
deleted_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
group: group
group_id: uuid
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [location_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [location_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: location_bool_exp
): [location!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [location_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [location_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: location_bool_exp
): location_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [media_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [media_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: media_bool_exp
): [media!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [media_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [media_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: media_bool_exp
): media_aggregate!
"""An object relationship"""
parent: post
parent_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_tag_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_tag_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_tag_bool_exp
): [post_tag!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_tag_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_tag_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_tag_bool_exp
): post_tag_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_bool_exp
): [post!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_bool_exp
): post_aggregate!
"""An object relationship"""
product: product
product_id: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [rating_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [rating_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: rating_bool_exp
): [rating!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [rating_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [rating_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: rating_bool_exp
): rating_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_tags_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_tags_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_tags_view_bool_exp
): [post_tags_view!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_tags_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_tags_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_tags_view_bool_exp
): post_tags_view_aggregate!
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
"""An object relationship"""
user_assigned: user
user_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "post"
type post_aggregate {
aggregate: post_aggregate_fields
nodes: [post!]!
aggregate fields of "post"
type post_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [post_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: post_max_fields
min: post_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "post"
input post_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: post_max_order_by
min: post_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "post"
input post_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [post_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: post_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "post". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input post_bool_exp {
_and: [post_bool_exp]
_not: post_bool_exp
_or: [post_bool_exp]
assignment_id: uuid_comparison_exp
content: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
deleted_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
group: group_bool_exp
group_id: uuid_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
locations: location_bool_exp
media: media_bool_exp
parent: post_bool_exp
parent_id: uuid_comparison_exp
post_tags: post_tag_bool_exp
posts: post_bool_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
ratings: rating_bool_exp
tags: post_tags_view_bool_exp
title: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_assigned: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "post"
enum post_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "post"
input post_insert_input {
assignment_id: uuid
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
group: group_obj_rel_insert_input
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
locations: location_arr_rel_insert_input
media: media_arr_rel_insert_input
parent: post_obj_rel_insert_input
parent_id: uuid
post_tags: post_tag_arr_rel_insert_input
posts: post_arr_rel_insert_input
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
ratings: rating_arr_rel_insert_input
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_assigned: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type post_max_fields {
assignment_id: uuid
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
parent_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "post"
input post_max_order_by {
assignment_id: order_by
content: order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
parent_id: order_by
product_id: order_by
title: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type post_min_fields {
assignment_id: uuid
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
parent_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "post"
input post_min_order_by {
assignment_id: order_by
content: order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
parent_id: order_by
product_id: order_by
title: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "post"
type post_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [post!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "post"
input post_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: post_insert_input!
on_conflict: post_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "post"
input post_on_conflict {
constraint: post_constraint!
update_columns: [post_update_column!]!
where: post_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "post"
input post_order_by {
assignment_id: order_by
content: order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
group: group_order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
locations_aggregate: location_aggregate_order_by
media_aggregate: media_aggregate_order_by
parent: post_order_by
parent_id: order_by
post_tags_aggregate: post_tag_aggregate_order_by
posts_aggregate: post_aggregate_order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
ratings_aggregate: rating_aggregate_order_by
tags_aggregate: post_tags_view_aggregate_order_by
title: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_assigned: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "post"
input post_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "post"
enum post_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "post"
input post_set_input {
assignment_id: uuid
content: String
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
parent_id: uuid
product_id: uuid
title: String
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
columns and relationships of "post_tag"
type post_tag {
created_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
post: post!
post_id: uuid!
relation_type: String
"""An object relationship"""
tag: tag!
tag_id: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz!
aggregated selection of "post_tag"
type post_tag_aggregate {
aggregate: post_tag_aggregate_fields
nodes: [post_tag!]!
aggregate fields of "post_tag"
type post_tag_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [post_tag_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: post_tag_max_fields
min: post_tag_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "post_tag"
input post_tag_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: post_tag_max_order_by
min: post_tag_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "post_tag"
input post_tag_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [post_tag_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: post_tag_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "post_tag". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input post_tag_bool_exp {
_and: [post_tag_bool_exp]
_not: post_tag_bool_exp
_or: [post_tag_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
post: post_bool_exp
post_id: uuid_comparison_exp
relation_type: String_comparison_exp
tag: tag_bool_exp
tag_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "post_tag"
enum post_tag_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "post_tag"
input post_tag_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
post: post_obj_rel_insert_input
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag: tag_obj_rel_insert_input
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type post_tag_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "post_tag"
input post_tag_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
post_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
tag_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type post_tag_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "post_tag"
input post_tag_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
post_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
tag_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "post_tag"
type post_tag_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [post_tag!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "post_tag"
input post_tag_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: post_tag_insert_input!
on_conflict: post_tag_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "post_tag"
input post_tag_on_conflict {
constraint: post_tag_constraint!
update_columns: [post_tag_update_column!]!
where: post_tag_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "post_tag"
input post_tag_order_by {
created_at: order_by
post: post_order_by
post_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
tag: tag_order_by
tag_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "post_tag"
input post_tag_pk_columns_input {
post_id: uuid!
tag_id: uuid!
select columns of table "post_tag"
enum post_tag_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "post_tag"
input post_tag_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "post_tag"
enum post_tag_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "post_tags_view"
type post_tags_view {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
aggregated selection of "post_tags_view"
type post_tags_view_aggregate {
aggregate: post_tags_view_aggregate_fields
nodes: [post_tags_view!]!
aggregate fields of "post_tags_view"
type post_tags_view_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [post_tags_view_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: post_tags_view_max_fields
min: post_tags_view_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "post_tags_view"
input post_tags_view_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: post_tags_view_max_order_by
min: post_tags_view_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "post_tags_view". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input post_tags_view_bool_exp {
_and: [post_tags_view_bool_exp]
_not: post_tags_view_bool_exp
_or: [post_tags_view_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
image: String_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
post_id: uuid_comparison_exp
relation_type: String_comparison_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type post_tags_view_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "post_tags_view"
input post_tags_view_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
name: order_by
post_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type post_tags_view_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
post_id: uuid
relation_type: String
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "post_tags_view"
input post_tags_view_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
name: order_by
post_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
ordering options when selecting data from "post_tags_view"
input post_tags_view_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
name: order_by
post_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "post_tags_view"
enum post_tags_view_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
update columns of table "post"
enum post_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "previous_passwords"
type previous_passwords {
encryption_scheme: String!
factor: Int!
insert_instant: bigint!
password: String!
salt: String!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
users_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "previous_passwords"
type previous_passwords_aggregate {
aggregate: previous_passwords_aggregate_fields
nodes: [previous_passwords!]!
aggregate fields of "previous_passwords"
type previous_passwords_aggregate_fields {
avg: previous_passwords_avg_fields
count(columns: [previous_passwords_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: previous_passwords_max_fields
min: previous_passwords_min_fields
stddev: previous_passwords_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: previous_passwords_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: previous_passwords_stddev_samp_fields
sum: previous_passwords_sum_fields
var_pop: previous_passwords_var_pop_fields
var_samp: previous_passwords_var_samp_fields
variance: previous_passwords_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_aggregate_order_by {
avg: previous_passwords_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: previous_passwords_max_order_by
min: previous_passwords_min_order_by
stddev: previous_passwords_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: previous_passwords_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: previous_passwords_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: previous_passwords_sum_order_by
var_pop: previous_passwords_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: previous_passwords_var_samp_order_by
variance: previous_passwords_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [previous_passwords_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: previous_passwords_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type previous_passwords_avg_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_avg_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "previous_passwords". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input previous_passwords_bool_exp {
_and: [previous_passwords_bool_exp]
_not: previous_passwords_bool_exp
_or: [previous_passwords_bool_exp]
encryption_scheme: String_comparison_exp
factor: Int_comparison_exp
insert_instant: bigint_comparison_exp
password: String_comparison_exp
salt: String_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
users_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "previous_passwords"
enum previous_passwords_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_inc_input {
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
input type for inserting data into table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_insert_input {
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
password: String
salt: String
user: users_obj_rel_insert_input
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type previous_passwords_max_fields {
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
password: String
salt: String
users_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_max_order_by {
encryption_scheme: order_by
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
password: order_by
salt: order_by
users_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type previous_passwords_min_fields {
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
password: String
salt: String
users_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_min_order_by {
encryption_scheme: order_by
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
password: order_by
salt: order_by
users_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "previous_passwords"
type previous_passwords_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [previous_passwords!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: previous_passwords_insert_input!
on_conflict: previous_passwords_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_on_conflict {
constraint: previous_passwords_constraint!
update_columns: [previous_passwords_update_column!]!
where: previous_passwords_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_order_by {
encryption_scheme: order_by
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
password: order_by
salt: order_by
user: users_order_by
users_id: order_by
select columns of table "previous_passwords"
enum previous_passwords_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_set_input {
encryption_scheme: String
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
password: String
salt: String
users_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type previous_passwords_stddev_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_stddev_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type previous_passwords_stddev_pop_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_stddev_pop_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type previous_passwords_stddev_samp_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_stddev_samp_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type previous_passwords_sum_fields {
factor: Int
insert_instant: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_sum_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
update columns of table "previous_passwords"
enum previous_passwords_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type previous_passwords_var_pop_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_var_pop_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type previous_passwords_var_samp_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_var_samp_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type previous_passwords_variance_fields {
factor: Float
insert_instant: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "previous_passwords"
input previous_passwords_variance_order_by {
factor: order_by
insert_instant: order_by
columns and relationships of "product"
type product {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auction_bool_exp
): [auction!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auction_bool_exp
): auction_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [availability_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [availability_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: availability_bool_exp
): [availability!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [availability_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [availability_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: availability_bool_exp
): availability_aggregate!
created_at: timestamptz!
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid!
in_stock: Int
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [location_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [location_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: location_bool_exp
): [location!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [location_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [location_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: location_bool_exp
): location_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [media_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [media_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: media_bool_exp
): [media!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [media_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [media_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: media_bool_exp
): media_aggregate!
name: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [payment_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [payment_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: payment_bool_exp
): [payment!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [payment_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [payment_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: payment_bool_exp
): payment_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_bool_exp
): [post!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [post_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [post_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: post_bool_exp
): post_aggregate!
price: numeric
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_tag_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_tag_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_tag_bool_exp
): [product_tag!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_tag_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_tag_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_tag_bool_exp
): product_tag_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_transaction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_transaction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_transaction_bool_exp
): [product_transaction!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_transaction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_transaction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_transaction_bool_exp
): product_transaction_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [rating_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [rating_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: rating_bool_exp
): [rating!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [rating_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [rating_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: rating_bool_exp
): rating_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [reservation_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [reservation_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: reservation_bool_exp
): [reservation!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [reservation_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [reservation_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: reservation_bool_exp
): reservation_aggregate!
supply_time: Int
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_tags_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_tags_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_tags_view_bool_exp
): [product_tags_view!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_tags_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_tags_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_tags_view_bool_exp
): product_tags_view_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_transactions_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_transactions_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_transactions_view_bool_exp
): [product_transactions_view!]!
"""An aggregated array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [product_transactions_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [product_transactions_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: product_transactions_view_bool_exp
): product_transactions_view_aggregate!
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
user: user
user_id: uuid
aggregated selection of "product"
type product_aggregate {
aggregate: product_aggregate_fields
nodes: [product!]!
aggregate fields of "product"
type product_aggregate_fields {
avg: product_avg_fields
count(columns: [product_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: product_max_fields
min: product_min_fields
stddev: product_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: product_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: product_stddev_samp_fields
sum: product_sum_fields
var_pop: product_var_pop_fields
var_samp: product_var_samp_fields
variance: product_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "product"
input product_aggregate_order_by {
avg: product_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: product_max_order_by
min: product_min_order_by
stddev: product_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: product_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: product_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: product_sum_order_by
var_pop: product_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: product_var_samp_order_by
variance: product_variance_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "product"
input product_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [product_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: product_on_conflict
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type product_avg_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "product"
input product_avg_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "product". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input product_bool_exp {
_and: [product_bool_exp]
_not: product_bool_exp
_or: [product_bool_exp]
auctions: auction_bool_exp
availabilities: availability_bool_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
deleted_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
description: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
in_stock: Int_comparison_exp
locations: location_bool_exp
media: media_bool_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
payments: payment_bool_exp
posts: post_bool_exp
price: numeric_comparison_exp
product_tags: product_tag_bool_exp
product_transactions: product_transaction_bool_exp
ratings: rating_bool_exp
reservations: reservation_bool_exp
supply_time: Int_comparison_exp
tags: product_tags_view_bool_exp
transactions: product_transactions_view_bool_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: user_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "product"
enum product_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for incrementing integer column in table "product"
input product_inc_input {
in_stock: Int
price: numeric
supply_time: Int
input type for inserting data into table "product"
input product_insert_input {
auctions: auction_arr_rel_insert_input
availabilities: availability_arr_rel_insert_input
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
in_stock: Int
locations: location_arr_rel_insert_input
media: media_arr_rel_insert_input
name: String
payments: payment_arr_rel_insert_input
posts: post_arr_rel_insert_input
price: numeric
product_tags: product_tag_arr_rel_insert_input
product_transactions: product_transaction_arr_rel_insert_input
ratings: rating_arr_rel_insert_input
reservations: reservation_arr_rel_insert_input
supply_time: Int
updated_at: timestamptz
user: user_obj_rel_insert_input
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type product_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
in_stock: Int
name: String
price: numeric
supply_time: Int
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "product"
input product_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
in_stock: order_by
name: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type product_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
in_stock: Int
name: String
price: numeric
supply_time: Int
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "product"
input product_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
in_stock: order_by
name: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "product"
type product_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [product!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "product"
input product_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: product_insert_input!
on_conflict: product_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "product"
input product_on_conflict {
constraint: product_constraint!
update_columns: [product_update_column!]!
where: product_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "product"
input product_order_by {
auctions_aggregate: auction_aggregate_order_by
availabilities_aggregate: availability_aggregate_order_by
created_at: order_by
deleted_at: order_by
description: order_by
id: order_by
in_stock: order_by
locations_aggregate: location_aggregate_order_by
media_aggregate: media_aggregate_order_by
name: order_by
payments_aggregate: payment_aggregate_order_by
posts_aggregate: post_aggregate_order_by
price: order_by
product_tags_aggregate: product_tag_aggregate_order_by
product_transactions_aggregate: product_transaction_aggregate_order_by
ratings_aggregate: rating_aggregate_order_by
reservations_aggregate: reservation_aggregate_order_by
supply_time: order_by
tags_aggregate: product_tags_view_aggregate_order_by
transactions_aggregate: product_transactions_view_aggregate_order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: user_order_by
user_id: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "product"
input product_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "product"
enum product_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "product"
input product_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
deleted_at: timestamptz
description: String
id: uuid
in_stock: Int
name: String
price: numeric
supply_time: Int
updated_at: timestamptz
user_id: uuid
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type product_stddev_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "product"
input product_stddev_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type product_stddev_pop_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "product"
input product_stddev_pop_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type product_stddev_samp_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "product"
input product_stddev_samp_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type product_sum_fields {
in_stock: Int
price: numeric
supply_time: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "product"
input product_sum_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
columns and relationships of "product_tag"
type product_tag {
created_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
product: product!
product_id: uuid!
relation_type: String
"""An object relationship"""
tag: tag!
tag_id: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz
aggregated selection of "product_tag"
type product_tag_aggregate {
aggregate: product_tag_aggregate_fields
nodes: [product_tag!]!
aggregate fields of "product_tag"
type product_tag_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [product_tag_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: product_tag_max_fields
min: product_tag_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "product_tag"
input product_tag_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: product_tag_max_order_by
min: product_tag_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "product_tag"
input product_tag_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [product_tag_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: product_tag_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "product_tag". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input product_tag_bool_exp {
_and: [product_tag_bool_exp]
_not: product_tag_bool_exp
_or: [product_tag_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
relation_type: String_comparison_exp
tag: tag_bool_exp
tag_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "product_tag"
enum product_tag_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "product_tag"
input product_tag_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag: tag_obj_rel_insert_input
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type product_tag_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "product_tag"
input product_tag_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
product_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
tag_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type product_tag_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "product_tag"
input product_tag_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
product_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
tag_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "product_tag"
type product_tag_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [product_tag!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "product_tag"
input product_tag_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: product_tag_insert_input!
on_conflict: product_tag_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "product_tag"
input product_tag_on_conflict {
constraint: product_tag_constraint!
update_columns: [product_tag_update_column!]!
where: product_tag_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "product_tag"
input product_tag_order_by {
created_at: order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
tag: tag_order_by
tag_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "product_tag"
input product_tag_pk_columns_input {
product_id: uuid!
tag_id: uuid!
select columns of table "product_tag"
enum product_tag_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "product_tag"
input product_tag_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
tag_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "product_tag"
enum product_tag_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "product_tags_view"
type product_tags_view {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
aggregated selection of "product_tags_view"
type product_tags_view_aggregate {
aggregate: product_tags_view_aggregate_fields
nodes: [product_tags_view!]!
aggregate fields of "product_tags_view"
type product_tags_view_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [product_tags_view_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: product_tags_view_max_fields
min: product_tags_view_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "product_tags_view"
input product_tags_view_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: product_tags_view_max_order_by
min: product_tags_view_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "product_tags_view". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input product_tags_view_bool_exp {
_and: [product_tags_view_bool_exp]
_not: product_tags_view_bool_exp
_or: [product_tags_view_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
image: String_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
relation_type: String_comparison_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type product_tags_view_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "product_tags_view"
input product_tags_view_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
name: order_by
product_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type product_tags_view_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
image: String
name: String
product_id: uuid
relation_type: String
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "product_tags_view"
input product_tags_view_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
name: order_by
product_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
ordering options when selecting data from "product_tags_view"
input product_tags_view_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
image: order_by
name: order_by
product_id: order_by
relation_type: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "product_tags_view"
enum product_tags_view_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "product_transaction"
type product_transaction {
created_at: timestamptz!
id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
product: product!
product_id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
transaction: transaction!
transaction_id: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz!
aggregated selection of "product_transaction"
type product_transaction_aggregate {
aggregate: product_transaction_aggregate_fields
nodes: [product_transaction!]!
aggregate fields of "product_transaction"
type product_transaction_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [product_transaction_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: product_transaction_max_fields
min: product_transaction_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: product_transaction_max_order_by
min: product_transaction_min_order_by
input type for inserting array relation for remote table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [product_transaction_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: product_transaction_on_conflict
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "product_transaction". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input product_transaction_bool_exp {
_and: [product_transaction_bool_exp]
_not: product_transaction_bool_exp
_or: [product_transaction_bool_exp]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
product: product_bool_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
transaction: transaction_bool_exp
transaction_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "product_transaction"
enum product_transaction_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_insert_input {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product: product_obj_rel_insert_input
product_id: uuid
transaction: transaction_obj_rel_insert_input
transaction_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type product_transaction_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
transaction_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
transaction_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type product_transaction_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
transaction_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
transaction_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
response of any mutation on the table "product_transaction"
type product_transaction_mutation_response {
"""number of affected rows by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data of the affected rows by the mutation"""
returning: [product_transaction!]!
input type for inserting object relation for remote table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: product_transaction_insert_input!
on_conflict: product_transaction_on_conflict
on conflict condition type for table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_on_conflict {
constraint: product_transaction_constraint!
update_columns: [product_transaction_update_column!]!
where: product_transaction_bool_exp
ordering options when selecting data from "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
product: product_order_by
product_id: order_by
transaction: transaction_order_by
transaction_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
primary key columns input for table: "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_pk_columns_input {
id: uuid!
select columns of table "product_transaction"
enum product_transaction_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "product_transaction"
input product_transaction_set_input {
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
transaction_id: uuid
updated_at: timestamptz
update columns of table "product_transaction"
enum product_transaction_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "product_transactions_view"
type product_transactions_view {
amount: numeric
bluesnap_transaction_id: String
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
is_success: Boolean
product_id: uuid
seller_id: uuid
status: String
updated_at: timestamptz
aggregated selection of "product_transactions_view"
type product_transactions_view_aggregate {
aggregate: product_transactions_view_aggregate_fields
nodes: [product_transactions_view!]!
aggregate fields of "product_transactions_view"
type product_transactions_view_aggregate_fields {
avg: product_transactions_view_avg_fields
count(columns: [product_transactions_view_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int
max: product_transactions_view_max_fields
min: product_transactions_view_min_fields
stddev: product_transactions_view_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: product_transactions_view_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: product_transactions_view_stddev_samp_fields
sum: product_transactions_view_sum_fields
var_pop: product_transactions_view_var_pop_fields
var_samp: product_transactions_view_var_samp_fields
variance: product_transactions_view_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_aggregate_order_by {
avg: product_transactions_view_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: product_transactions_view_max_order_by
min: product_transactions_view_min_order_by
stddev: product_transactions_view_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: product_transactions_view_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: product_transactions_view_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: product_transactions_view_sum_order_by
var_pop: product_transactions_view_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: product_transactions_view_var_samp_order_by
variance: product_transactions_view_variance_order_by
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_avg_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_avg_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "product_transactions_view". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input product_transactions_view_bool_exp {
_and: [product_transactions_view_bool_exp]
_not: product_transactions_view_bool_exp
_or: [product_transactions_view_bool_exp]
amount: numeric_comparison_exp
bluesnap_transaction_id: String_comparison_exp
buyer_id: uuid_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
delivery_time: Int_comparison_exp
group_id: uuid_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
is_success: Boolean_comparison_exp
product_id: uuid_comparison_exp
seller_id: uuid_comparison_exp
status: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_max_fields {
amount: numeric
bluesnap_transaction_id: String
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
seller_id: uuid
status: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by max() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_max_order_by {
amount: order_by
bluesnap_transaction_id: order_by
buyer_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
seller_id: order_by
status: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_min_fields {
amount: numeric
bluesnap_transaction_id: String
buyer_id: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
delivery_time: Int
group_id: uuid
id: uuid
product_id: uuid
seller_id: uuid
status: String
updated_at: timestamptz
order by min() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_min_order_by {
amount: order_by
bluesnap_transaction_id: order_by
buyer_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
product_id: order_by
seller_id: order_by
status: order_by
updated_at: order_by
ordering options when selecting data from "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_order_by {
amount: order_by
bluesnap_transaction_id: order_by
buyer_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
group_id: order_by
id: order_by
is_success: order_by
product_id: order_by
seller_id: order_by
status: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "product_transactions_view"
enum product_transactions_view_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_stddev_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_stddev_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_stddev_pop_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_stddev_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_stddev_samp_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_stddev_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_sum_fields {
amount: numeric
delivery_time: Int
order by sum() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_sum_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_var_pop_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_var_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_var_samp_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_var_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type product_transactions_view_variance_fields {
amount: Float
delivery_time: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "product_transactions_view"
input product_transactions_view_variance_order_by {
amount: order_by
delivery_time: order_by
update columns of table "product"
enum product_update_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type product_var_pop_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "product"
input product_var_pop_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type product_var_samp_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "product"
input product_var_samp_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type product_variance_fields {
in_stock: Float
price: Float
supply_time: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "product"
input product_variance_order_by {
in_stock: order_by
price: order_by
supply_time: order_by
"""query root"""
type query_root {
fetch data from the table: "application_daily_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_daily_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_daily_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
): [application_daily_active_users!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "application_daily_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_daily_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_daily_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_daily_active_users_bool_exp
): application_daily_active_users_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "application_monthly_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_monthly_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_monthly_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
): [application_monthly_active_users!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "application_monthly_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_monthly_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_monthly_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
): application_monthly_active_users_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "application_registration_counts"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_registration_counts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_registration_counts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
): [application_registration_counts!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "application_registration_counts"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_registration_counts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_registration_counts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_registration_counts_bool_exp
): application_registration_counts_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "application_roles"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_roles_bool_exp
): [application_roles!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "application_roles"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: application_roles_bool_exp
): application_roles_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "application_roles" using primary key columns
application_roles_by_pk(id: uuid!): application_roles
fetch data from the table: "applications"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): [applications!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "applications"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: applications_bool_exp
): applications_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "applications" using primary key columns"""
applications_by_pk(id: uuid!): applications
fetch data from the table: "auction"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auction_bool_exp
): [auction!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "auction"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auction_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auction_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auction_bool_exp
): auction_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "auction" using primary key columns"""
auction_by_pk(id: uuid!): auction
fetch data from the table: "audit_logs"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [audit_logs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [audit_logs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: audit_logs_bool_exp
): [audit_logs!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "audit_logs"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [audit_logs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [audit_logs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: audit_logs_bool_exp
): audit_logs_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "audit_logs" using primary key columns"""
audit_logs_by_pk(id: bigint!): audit_logs
fetch data from the table: "authentication_keys"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [authentication_keys_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [authentication_keys_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: authentication_keys_bool_exp
): [authentication_keys!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "authentication_keys"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [authentication_keys_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [authentication_keys_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: authentication_keys_bool_exp
): authentication_keys_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "authentication_keys" using primary key columns
authentication_keys_by_pk(id: String!): authentication_keys
fetch data from the table: "availability"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [availability_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [availability_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: availability_bool_exp
): [availability!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "availability"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [availability_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [availability_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: availability_bool_exp
): availability_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "availability" using primary key columns"""
availability_by_pk(id: uuid!): availability
fetch data from the table: "bid"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [bid_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [bid_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: bid_bool_exp
): [bid!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "bid"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [bid_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [bid_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: bid_bool_exp
): bid_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "bid" using primary key columns"""
bid_by_pk(id: uuid!): bid
fetch data from the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [breached_password_metrics_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [breached_password_metrics_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: breached_password_metrics_bool_exp
): [breached_password_metrics!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "breached_password_metrics"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [breached_password_metrics_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [breached_password_metrics_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: breached_password_metrics_bool_exp
): breached_password_metrics_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "breached_password_metrics" using primary key columns
breached_password_metrics_by_pk(tenants_id: uuid!): breached_password_metrics
fetch data from the table: "clean_speak_applications"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [clean_speak_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [clean_speak_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
): [clean_speak_applications!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "clean_speak_applications"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [clean_speak_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [clean_speak_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: clean_speak_applications_bool_exp
): clean_speak_applications_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [common_breached_passwords_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [common_breached_passwords_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: common_breached_passwords_bool_exp
): [common_breached_passwords!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "common_breached_passwords"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [common_breached_passwords_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [common_breached_passwords_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: common_breached_passwords_bool_exp
): common_breached_passwords_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "common_breached_passwords" using primary key columns
common_breached_passwords_by_pk(password: String!): common_breached_passwords
fetch data from the table: "config"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [config_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [config_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: config_bool_exp
): [config!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "config"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [config_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [config_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: config_bool_exp
): config_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "config" using primary key columns"""
config_by_pk(id: smallint!): config
fetch data from the table: "connectors"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_bool_exp
): [connectors!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "connectors"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_bool_exp
): connectors_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "connectors" using primary key columns"""
connectors_by_pk(id: uuid!): connectors
fetch data from the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
): [connectors_tenants!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "connectors_tenants"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [connectors_tenants_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [connectors_tenants_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: connectors_tenants_bool_exp
): connectors_tenants_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "connectors_tenants" using primary key columns
connectors_tenants_by_pk(connectors_id: uuid!, tenants_id: uuid!): connectors_tenants
fetch data from the table: "consents"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: consents_bool_exp
): [consents!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "consents"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [consents_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [consents_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: consents_bool_exp
): consents_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "consents" using primary key columns"""
consents_by_pk(id: uuid!): consents
fetch data from the table: "contact"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [contact_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [contact_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: contact_bool_exp
): [contact!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "contact"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [contact_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [contact_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: contact_bool_exp
): contact_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "contact" using primary key columns"""
contact_by_pk(id: uuid!): contact
fetch data from the table: "credit"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [credit_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [credit_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: credit_bool_exp
): [credit!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "credit"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [credit_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [credit_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: credit_bool_exp
): credit_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "credit" using primary key columns"""
credit_by_pk(id: uuid!): credit
fetch data from the table: "data_sets"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [data_sets_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [data_sets_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: data_sets_bool_exp
): [data_sets!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "data_sets"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [data_sets_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [data_sets_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: data_sets_bool_exp
): data_sets_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "data_sets" using primary key columns"""
data_sets_by_pk(name: String!): data_sets
fetch data from the table: "email_templates"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [email_templates_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [email_templates_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: email_templates_bool_exp
): [email_templates!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "email_templates"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [email_templates_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [email_templates_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: email_templates_bool_exp
): email_templates_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "email_templates" using primary key columns"""
email_templates_by_pk(id: uuid!): email_templates
fetch data from the table: "event"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [event_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [event_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: event_bool_exp
): [event!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "event"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [event_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [event_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: event_bool_exp
): event_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "event" using primary key columns"""
event_by_pk(id: uuid!): event
fetch data from the table: "event_logs"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [event_logs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [event_logs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: event_logs_bool_exp
): [event_logs!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "event_logs"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [event_logs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [event_logs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: event_logs_bool_exp
): event_logs_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "event_logs" using primary key columns"""
event_logs_by_pk(id: bigint!): event_logs
fetch data from the table: "event_user"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [event_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [event_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: event_user_bool_exp
): [event_user!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "event_user"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [event_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [event_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: event_user_bool_exp
): event_user_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "event_user" using primary key columns"""
event_user_by_pk(event_id: uuid!, user_id: uuid!): event_user
fetch data from the table: "external_identifiers"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [external_identifiers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [external_identifiers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp
): [external_identifiers!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "external_identifiers"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [external_identifiers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [external_identifiers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: external_identifiers_bool_exp
): external_identifiers_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "external_identifiers" using primary key columns
external_identifiers_by_pk(id: String!): external_identifiers
fetch data from the table: "failed_logins"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [failed_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [failed_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: failed_logins_bool_exp
): [failed_logins!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "failed_logins"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [failed_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [failed_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: failed_logins_bool_exp
): failed_logins_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "families"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [families_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [families_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: families_bool_exp
): [families!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "families"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [families_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [families_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: families_bool_exp
): families_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "families" using primary key columns"""
families_by_pk(family_id: uuid!, users_id: uuid!): families
fetch data from the table: "federated_domains"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [federated_domains_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [federated_domains_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: federated_domains_bool_exp
): [federated_domains!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "federated_domains"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [federated_domains_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [federated_domains_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: federated_domains_bool_exp
): federated_domains_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "follow"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [follow_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [follow_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: follow_bool_exp
): [follow!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "follow"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [follow_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [follow_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: follow_bool_exp
): follow_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "follow" using primary key columns"""
follow_by_pk(follower: uuid!, following: uuid!): follow
fetch data from the table: "form_fields"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_fields_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_fields_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_fields_bool_exp
): [form_fields!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "form_fields"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_fields_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_fields_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_fields_bool_exp
): form_fields_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "form_fields" using primary key columns"""
form_fields_by_pk(id: uuid!): form_fields
fetch data from the table: "form_steps"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_steps_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_steps_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp
): [form_steps!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "form_steps"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [form_steps_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [form_steps_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: form_steps_bool_exp
): form_steps_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "form_steps" using primary key columns"""
form_steps_by_pk(form_fields_id: uuid!, forms_id: uuid!): form_steps
fetch data from the table: "forms"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [forms_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [forms_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: forms_bool_exp
): [forms!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "forms"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [forms_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [forms_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: forms_bool_exp
): forms_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "forms" using primary key columns"""
forms_by_pk(id: uuid!): forms
fetch data from the table: "friendship"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [friendship_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [friendship_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: friendship_bool_exp
): [friendship!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "friendship"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [friendship_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [friendship_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: friendship_bool_exp
): friendship_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "friendship" using primary key columns"""
friendship_by_pk(user_id1: uuid!, user_id2: uuid!): friendship
fetch data from the table: "global_daily_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [global_daily_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [global_daily_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: global_daily_active_users_bool_exp
): [global_daily_active_users!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "global_daily_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [global_daily_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [global_daily_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: global_daily_active_users_bool_exp
): global_daily_active_users_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "global_monthly_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [global_monthly_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [global_monthly_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
): [global_monthly_active_users!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "global_monthly_active_users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [global_monthly_active_users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [global_monthly_active_users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: global_monthly_active_users_bool_exp
): global_monthly_active_users_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "global_registration_counts"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [global_registration_counts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [global_registration_counts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: global_registration_counts_bool_exp
): [global_registration_counts!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "global_registration_counts"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [global_registration_counts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [global_registration_counts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: global_registration_counts_bool_exp
): global_registration_counts_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "group"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_bool_exp
): [group!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "group"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_bool_exp
): group_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "group_application_roles"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
): [group_application_roles!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "group_application_roles"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_application_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_application_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_application_roles_bool_exp
): group_application_roles_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "group" using primary key columns"""
group_by_pk(id: uuid!): group
fetch data from the table: "group_members"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_members_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_members_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_members_bool_exp
): [group_members!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "group_members"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_members_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_members_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_members_bool_exp
): group_members_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "group_members" using primary key columns"""
group_members_by_pk(id: uuid!): group_members
fetch data from the table: "group_user"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_user_bool_exp
): [group_user!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "group_user"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_user_bool_exp
): group_user_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "group_user" using primary key columns"""
group_user_by_pk(group_id: uuid!, user_id: uuid!): group_user
fetch data from the table: "group_users_view"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_users_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_users_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_users_view_bool_exp
): [group_users_view!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "group_users_view"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [group_users_view_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [group_users_view_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: group_users_view_bool_exp
): group_users_view_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "groups"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [groups_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [groups_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: groups_bool_exp
): [groups!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "groups"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [groups_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [groups_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: groups_bool_exp
): groups_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "groups" using primary key columns"""
groups_by_pk(id: uuid!): groups
fetch data from the table: "hourly_logins"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hourly_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hourly_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp
): [hourly_logins!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "hourly_logins"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hourly_logins_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hourly_logins_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hourly_logins_bool_exp
): hourly_logins_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "identities"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identities_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identities_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identities_bool_exp
): [identities!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identities"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identities_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identities_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identities_bool_exp
): identities_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "identities" using primary key columns"""
identities_by_pk(id: bigint!): identities
fetch data from the table: "identity_providers"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): [identity_providers!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identity_providers"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_bool_exp
): identity_providers_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "identity_providers_applications"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): [identity_providers_applications!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identity_providers_applications"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [identity_providers_applications_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [identity_providers_applications_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: identity_providers_applications_bool_exp
): identity_providers_applications_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "identity_providers" using primary key columns
identity_providers_by_pk(id: uuid!): identity_providers
fetch data from the table: "instance"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [instance_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [instance_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: instance_bool_exp
): [instance!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "instance"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [instance_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [instance_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: instance_bool_exp
): instance_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "integrations"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [integrations_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [integrations_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: integrations_bool_exp
): [integrations!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "integrations"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [integrations_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [integrations_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: integrations_bool_exp
): integrations_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "keys"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [keys_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [keys_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: keys_bool_exp
): [keys!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "keys"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [keys_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [keys_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: keys_bool_exp
): keys_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "keys" using primary key columns"""
keys_by_pk(id: uuid!): keys
fetch data from the table: "lambdas"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [lambdas_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [lambdas_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: lambdas_bool_exp
): [lambdas!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "lambdas"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [lambdas_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [lambdas_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: lambdas_bool_exp
): lambdas_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "lambdas" using primary key columns"""
lambdas_by_pk(id: uuid!): lambdas
fetch data from the table: "location"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [location_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [location_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: location_bool_exp
): [location!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "location"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [location_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [location_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: location_bool_exp
): location_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "location" using primary key columns"""
location_by_pk(id: uuid!): location
fetch data from the table: "locks"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [locks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [locks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: locks_bool_exp
): [locks!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "locks"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [locks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [locks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: locks_bool_exp
): locks_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "locks" using primary key columns"""
locks_by_pk(type: String!
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