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Last active April 12, 2024 11:23
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Save Packetdancer/a246fe43175b053305ee99b6cff5f0ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unreal Engine Blueprint node to generate Windows key presses.
// Rachel "Packetdancer" Blackman @ Rooibot Games
// This is intended to allow people to trigger external applications via global hotkeys, similar to how Unreal
// itself handles Control-Alt-F11 for Live Coding rebuild. It *only* works on Windows, as a side note, but people
// can certainly feel free to modify it to add macOS or Linux hotkey support as well. It is mostly useful for
// editor scripting to help with workflow.
// Original thread:
// This code is free for anyone to use, modify, turn into origami, translate into Perl, or abuse in other manners.
// It was written solely to post in a thread on the Unreal Engine development forums, and thus is released into
// the world to see whence the digital winds scatter it. No attribution is necessary (though it'd be nice), use it
// in closed source projects, whatever. Enjoy!
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Since this has been asked multiple times, I'm afraid this will ONLY work in a C++ project.
// Blueprints can only call things that are exposed by the C++ code, and since this functionality doesn't
// already exist in the engine, it has to be added via C++.
// To use this, just download the raw file as SimpleHotkeyLibrary.h and drop it into your project's Source tree
// somewhere; the UnrealBuildTool system will automatically pick it up and include it on the next build. Then
// you can simply use the Generate Key Press Event node in your Blueprints, in order to send various keys.
// The node functions by giving you a boolean toggle for "Press" vs "Release"; this is because various external
// hotkey systems will ignore keypresses that are too short, or need a delay between modifier keys and actual
// keys, or whatever. By giving you the ability to press and release specific keys wherever you need in a blueprint,
// you can work around those limitations.
#pragma once
// Make sure we're using the "lean and mean" versions of Windows header files.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif // WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
// Since windows.h contains the same TEXT() macro that Unreal itself does, it
// would generate a warning about redefining the macro. Let's just turn that
// particular Visual C++ compiler warning off.
#pragma warning(disable:4005)
#include <windows.h>
#include <WinUser.h>
// Turn the redefinition warnings back on
#pragma warning(default:4005)
#endif // _MSC_VER
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "SimpleHotkeyLibrary.generated.h"
class USimpleHotkeyLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(ToolTip = "Given an Unreal key, generate a Windows input event."))
static bool GenerateKeyPressEvent(const TArray<FKey>& InKeys, const bool bPressed)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (void* User32Dll = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(TEXT("user32.dll")))
typedef UINT(WINAPI *SendInputFn)(UINT InputCount, LPINPUT Inputs, int InputStructSize);
if (const SendInputFn SendWindowsInput = (SendInputFn)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(User32Dll, TEXT("SendInput")))
const auto Manager = FInputKeyManager::Get();
const LPINPUT KeyArray = new INPUT[InKeys.Num()];
for (int i = 0; i < InKeys.Num(); i++)
KeyArray[i] = {};
const uint32 *KeyCode = nullptr;
const uint32 *CharCode = nullptr;
Manager.GetCodesFromKey(InKeys[i], KeyCode, CharCode);
const uint32 KeyCodeVal = (KeyCode != nullptr) ? *KeyCode : -1;
const uint32 CharCodeVal = (CharCode != nullptr) ? *CharCode : -1;
KeyArray[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
KeyArray[i].ki.dwFlags = (bPressed ? 0 : KEYEVENTF_KEYUP);
KeyArray[i].ki.wVk = (KeyCodeVal != -1) ? KeyCodeVal : CharCodeVal;
const int16 Result = SendWindowsInput(InKeys.Num(), KeyArray, sizeof(INPUT));
// Clean up
delete[] KeyArray;
// Make sure we sent the right number of keys.
return Result == InKeys.Num();
return false;
#else // _MSC_VER
// If we're not running Windows, just return false; this function only works on Windows.
return false;
#endif // _MSV_VER
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