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Last active July 23, 2024 05:31
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Using Neovim as a merge tool


Using diffview.nvim

# ~/.gitconfig
  tool = diffview
  prompt = false
  keepBackup = false
[mergetool "diffview"]
  cmd = nvim -n -c "DiffviewOpen" "$MERGE"

Using git default nvimdiff

# ~/.gitconfig
  tool = nvimdiff
  prompt = false
  keepBackup = false
[mergetool "nvimdiff"]


$ git merge other-branch
# oops, conflicts!
$ git mergetool


Using diffview.nvim

# ~/.hgrc
merge = internal:merge
purge =
mergetool = !nvim -n -c "DiffviewOpen" && hg resolve --mark && hg purge -I **/*.orig --all

Using neovim diff-mode

# ~/.hgrc
merge = nvimdiff
purge =
post-merge = hg purge -I **/*.orig --all
nvimdiff.executable = nvim
nvimdiff.args = -d $output -M $local $base $other -c "wincmd J" -c "set modifiable" -c "set write" -c "nnoremap co :diffget 2<cr>" -c "nnoremap ct :diffget 4<cr>"
nvimdiff.premerge = keep
nvimdiff.check = conflicts


$ hg merge other-branch
# oops, conflicts!
# If using diff-mode, the neovim will be opened automatically after conflicts occurred
$ hg mergetool  # for diffview.nvim


  1. diff-mode
  2. sindrets/diffview.nvim
  3. mergetools/vimdiff.txt
  4. hgrc merge-tools
  5. MergingWithVim
  6. How to use git mergetool to resolve conflicts in Vim / NeoVim
  7. Neovim As Git Mergetool
  8. Using Vim or NeoVim as a Git mergetool
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