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Last active April 8, 2017 22:01
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Quickly create and manage publication lists with RefManageR package

Read bibtex file with references:

refs <- ReadBib("C:\\Users\\FRS\\Desktop\\prueba.bib", check = "warn")

Read publications from Google Scholar profiles

mypubs <- ReadGS("LQQrHeEAAAAJ") 

Print publication list

There are different printing styles and sorting possibilities. Check help of print.BibEntry function.

print(mypubs, .opts = list(style="text","authoryear", sorting = "ydnt", max.names=5, first.inits=FALSE))
Frenne, P De, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, M Bernhardt-Römermann and ...
(2014). "Reply to Harwood et al.: Thermophilization estimation is
robust to the scale of species distribution data". In:
_Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 201401414.

Seddon, A WR, A W Mackay, A G Baker, H JB Birks, E Breman, et al.
(2014). "Looking forward through the past: identification of 50
priority research questions in palaeoecology". In: _Journal of
Ecology_ 102.1, pp. 256-267.

Frenne, P De, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, D A Coomes, L Baeten and ...
(2013). "Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate
warming". In: _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_
110.46, pp. 18561-18565.

Frenne, P, B J Graae, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, A Kolb, O Chabrerie, et
al. (2013). "Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to
infer species' responses to temperature". In: _Journal of Ecology_
101.3, pp. 784-795.

Hampe, A, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, S Dobrowski, F S Hu and D G Gavin
(2013). "Climate refugia: from the Last Glacial Maximum to the
twenty-first century". In: _New Phytologist_ 197.1, pp. 16-18.

Jovani, R, J M Aviles and F R OD RÍG UE Z-SÁN CH EZ (2012).
"Age-related sexual plumage dimorphism and badge framing in the
European Robin Erithacus rubecula". In: _Ibis_ 154.1, pp. 147-154.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F, P De Frenne and A Hampe (2012). "Uncertainty
in thermal tolerances and climatic debt". In: _Nature Climate
Change_ 2.9, pp. 636-637.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F (2011). "Un análisis integrado de la
respuesta de las especies al cambio climático: biogeografía y
ecología de árboles relictos en el Mediterráneo". In: _Revista
Ecosistemas_ 20.1.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F and J Arroyo (2011). "Cenozoic climate
changes and the demise of Tethyan laurel forests: lessons for the
future from an integrative reconstruction of the past". In:
_Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics_ 280.

Arroyo, J M, C Rigueiro, R Rodríguez, A Hampe, A Valido, et al.
(2010). "Isolation and characterization of 20 microsatellite loci
for laurel species (Laurus, Lauraceae)". In: _American journal of
botany_ 97.5.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F, A Hampe, P Jordano and J Arroyo (2010).
"Past tree range dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula inferred
through phylogeography and palaeodistribution modelling: a
review". In: _Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology_ 162.3, pp.

Arroyo, J, F Rodríguez-Sánchez and A Hampe (2009). "Los canutos de
las Sierras de Algeciras y el Aljibe, retazos del pasado en un
ambiente mediterráneo". In: _Proyecto Andalucía. Serie Ecología_
3, pp. 311-340.

—–— (2009). _Matorrales ombrófilos arborescentes con Laurus
nobilis (*)_. Tech. rep. Bases ecológicas preliminares para la
conservación de los tipos de hábitat ...

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F, B Guzmán, A Valido, P Vargas and J Arroyo
(2009). "Late Neogene history of the laurel tree (Laurus L,
Lauraceae) based on phylogeographical analyses of Mediterranean
and Macaronesian populations". In: _Journal of Biogeography_ 36.7,
pp. 1270-1281.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F, R Pérez-Barrales, F Ojeda, P Vargas and J
Arroyo (2008). "The Strait of Gibraltar as a melting pot for plant
biodiversity". In: _Quaternary Science Reviews_ 27, pp. 23-24.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F and J Arroyo (2008). "Reconstructing the
demise of Tethyan plants: climate-driven range dynamics of Laurus
since the Pliocene". In: _Global Ecology and Biogeography_ 17.6,
pp. 685-695.

Sánchez, F R and J A Marín (2005). "La necesidad de la
experimentación en ecología y conservación: una aproximación para
la restauración forestal en el parque natural los Alcornoques".
In: _Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños_ 137, pp.

Number of citations from Scholar

rodrguezsnchez2008strait         "58"
rodrguezsnchez2008reconstructing "45"
rodrguezsnchez2009late           "31"
rodrguezsnchez2010past           "30"
frenne2013latitudinal            "10"
frenne2013microclimate           "3" 
hampe2013climate                 "3" 
rodrguezsnchez2012uncertainty    "3" 
arroyo2010isolation              "3" 
seddon2014looking                "2" 
rodrguezsnchez2011cenozoic       "2" 
frenne2014reply                  "0" 
jovani2012related                "0" 
rodrguezsnchez2011análisis       "0" 
arroyo2009canutos                "0" 
rodrguezsnchez2009matorrales     "0" 
snchez2005necesidad              "0" 

Convert to dataframe

pubsdf <-
 [1] "bibtype"     "title"       "author"      "journal"     "cites"      
 [6] "year"        "pages"       "volume"      "number"      "institution"
[11] "type"       

Correct errors in publication data

Let's check for mispelled author names:

ind <- SearchBib(mypubs, author = "!Rodríguez", .opts = list(return.ind = TRUE))
## $seddon2014looking
## [1] "A WR Seddon" "A W Mackay"  "A G Baker"   "H JB Birks"  "E Breman"   
## [6] "C E Buck"    "..."        
## $jovani2012related
## [1] "R Jovani"                  "J M Aviles"               
## [3] "F R OD RÍG UE Z-SÁN CH EZ"
## $snchez2005necesidad
## [1] "F R Sánchez" "J A Marín"

There are two publications with mispelled surnames. Let's correct them:

mypubs[ind[2:3]]$author <- c("Jovani, R. and Aviles, J. M. and Rodriguez-Sanchez, F.", 
                        "Rodriguez-Sanchez, F. and Arroyo, J.")

Check corrected references:

print(mypubs[ind], .opts = list(style="text","authoryear", sorting = "ydnt", max.names=5, first.inits=FALSE))
Seddon, A WR, A W Mackay, A G Baker, H JB Birks, E Breman, et al.
(2014). "Looking forward through the past: identification of 50
priority research questions in palaeoecology". In: _Journal of
Ecology_ 102.1, pp. 256-267.

Jovani, R, J. M. Aviles and F. Rodriguez-Sanchez (2012).
"Age-related sexual plumage dimorphism and badge framing in the
European Robin Erithacus rubecula". In: _Ibis_ 154.1, pp. 147-154.

Rodriguez-Sanchez, F. and J. Arroyo (2005). "La necesidad de la
experimentación en ecología y conservación: una aproximación para
la restauración forestal en el parque natural los Alcornoques".
In: _Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños_ 137, pp.

Write references to bibtex file:

WriteBib(mypubs, file="mypubs.bib", biblatex=FALSE)




First read their google scholar profiles: (or alternatively read bibtex files)

pubs1 <- ReadGS("LQQrHeEAAAAJ", = TRUE)
pubs2 <- ReadGS("TrKYqaEAAAAJ", = TRUE)

Now merge to remove duplicates:

labpubs <- merge(pubs1, pubs2, = "title")
## Duplicate entries found in second BibEntry object in position(s): 26, 32

Print publication list for the last 2 years, for example:

print(labpubs[year = "2012/2013"], .opts = list(style="text","authoryear", sorting = "ydnt", max.names=5, first.inits=FALSE, dashed = FALSE))
Díaz, S, A Purvis, J HC Cornelissen, G M Mace, M J Donoghue, et
al. (2013). "Functional traits, the phylogeny of function, and
ecosystem service vulnerability". In: _Ecology and evolution_ 3.9,
pp. 2958-2975.

Frenne, P De, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, D A Coomes, L Baeten and ...
(2013). "Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate
warming". In: _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_
110.46, pp. 18561-18565.

Frenne, P, B J Graae, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, A Kolb, O Chabrerie, et
al. (2013). "Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to
infer species' responses to temperature". In: _Journal of Ecology_
101.3, pp. 784-795.

Galetti, M, R Guevara, M C Côrtes, R Fadini, S Von Matter, et al.
(2013). "Functional extinction of birds drives rapid evolutionary
changes in seed size". In: _Science_ 340.6136, pp. 1086-1090.

Hampe, A, F Rodríguez-Sánchez, S Dobrowski, F S Hu and D G Gavin
(2013). "Climate refugia: from the Last Glacial Maximum to the
twenty-first century". In: _New Phytologist_ 197.1, pp. 16-18.

Nuismer, S L, P Jordano and J Bascompte (2013). "Coevolution and
the architecture of mutualistic networks". In: _Evolution_ 67.2,
pp. 338-354.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, M C, P Jordano and A Valido (2013). "Quantity
and quality components of effectiveness in insular pollinator
assemblages". In: _Oecologia_ 173.1, pp. 179-190.

Rother, D C, P Jordano, R R Rodrigues and M A Pizo (2013).
"Demographic bottlenecks in tropical plant regeneration: A
comparative analysis of causal influences". In: _Perspectives in
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics_ 15.2, pp. 86-96.

Santos-Gally, R, R Pérez-Barrales, J Arroyo, P Jordano, A Valido,
et al. (2013). "X Reunion Anual Ecoflor". In: _Revista
Ecosistemas_ 22.2.

Hagen, M, W D Kissling, C Rasmussen, D W Carstensen, Y L Dupont,
et al. (2012). "Biodiversity, species interactions and ecological
networks in a fragmented world". In: _Advances in Ecological
Research_ 46, pp. 89-120.

Jordano, P (2012). "Biodiversity: its main components, and
challenges for knowledge". In: _FEBS JOURNAL_ 279, pp. 44-44.

Jovani, R, J M Aviles and F R OD RÍG UE Z-SÁN CH EZ (2012).
"Age-related sexual plumage dimorphism and badge framing in the
European Robin Erithacus rubecula". In: _Ibis_ 154.1, pp. 147-154.

Markl, J S, M Schleuning, P M Forget, P Jordano, J E Lambert, et
al. (2012). "Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Human Disturbance on
Seed Dispersal by Animals". In: _Conservation Biology_ 26.6, pp.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, F, P De Frenne and A Hampe (2012). "Uncertainty
in thermal tolerances and climatic debt". In: _Nature Climate
Change_ 2.9, pp. 636-637.

Sazima, C, P Jordano, P R Guimarães Jr, S F Dos Reis and I Sazima
(2012). "Cleaning associations between birds and herbivorous
mammals in Brazil: Structure and complexity". In: _The Auk_ 129.1,
pp. 36-43.


Check the package vignette to see other possibilities (e.g. cite references in text and generate bibliography, etc).

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