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Last active July 22, 2022 15:59
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Quick elevation maps with R
## Define area
coords <- data.frame(x = c(-5.5, -5.5, -5.3, -5.3),
y = c(36.7, 36.8, 36.7, 36.8))
coords.sf <- st_as_sf(coords, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)
## Download elevation data
elev.ras <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(coords.sf, z = 13)
elev <- rast(elev.ras)
## Calculate hillshade
slopes <- terrain(elev, "slope", unit = "radians")
aspect <- terrain(elev, "aspect", unit = "radians")
hs <- shade(slopes, aspect)
## Plot hillshading as basemap
# (here using terra::plot, but could use tmap)
plot(hs, col = gray(0:100 / 100), legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE,
xlim = c(-5.50, -5.30), ylim = c(36.69, 36.82))
# overlay with elevation
plot(elev, col = terrain.colors(25), alpha = 0.5, legend = FALSE,
axes = FALSE, add = TRUE)
# add contour lines
contour(elev, col = "grey40", add = TRUE)
#### Overlaying orthoimage ####
## Could use own image, but here downloading w/ maptiles
ortho <- get_tiles(ext(-5.50, -5.30, 36.7, 36.8),
provider = "Esri.WorldImagery", zoom = 13)
## Plot
plot(hs, col = gray(0:100 / 100), legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE,
xlim = c(-5.50, -5.30), ylim = c(36.69, 36.82))
# overlay with elevation
plot(ortho, alpha = 150, add = TRUE)
#### 3-D map with rayshader and rayvista ####
graz.3D <- plot_3d_vista(dem = elev)
render_snapshot(filename = "rayvista.png")
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ajlyons commented Dec 16, 2021

I'm getting the same CRS/PROJ errors with elevatr as @BrentPease1 describes, but the geodata alternative worked.
Thanks for sharing this!

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