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Created June 19, 2012 20:06
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  • Save Palmik/2956244 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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-- | You can follow the progress here:
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Network.Wai as W
-- | Application (server application, such as the example echo) related stuff
type Application m = Source m B.ByteString -- ^ Source for incoming messages (_ => Application)
-> Sink B.ByteString m () -- ^ Sink for outgoing messages (Application => _)
-> m ()
-- | Session related stuff
type SessionID = T.Text
-- | Session contains all the neccessary timers, buffers (downstream and upstream), status flags, etc.
-- Session should also be tagged by specific transport.
data Session = Session
newtype Environment = Environment { unEnvironment :: MVar (HM.HashMap SessionID (MVar Session)) }
newSession :: MonadBase IO m
=> SessionID
-> m Session
newSession = undefined
addSession :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> SessionID
-> Session
-> Environment
-> m ()
addSession = undefined
modifySession :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (Session -> Session)
-> SessionID
-> Environment
-> m ()
modifySession = undefined
-- | Retrieves session with the given ID (if there is no such session, it's created first)
getSession :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> SessionID
-> Environmnet
-> MVar Session
getSession = undefined
-- | Frame related stuff
data Frame = Frame -- nothing unusual here
-- | Transport related stuff
class Transport tag where
-- | Used for _ => Application communication.
-- The request is checked whether it conforms the transport's rules and is then saved to a buffer.
-- The '_' could stand for e.g. some web app communication with out server Application
handleIncoming :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> Proxy tag
-> Evironment -- Or we could use simply Session, if it turns out, that we can handle session creation globally.
-> W.Request
-> m ()
-- | Used for Application => _ communication
-- The frame is checked whether it conforms the transport's rules and is then send (no buffering here).
-- The '_' could stand for e.g. some web app communication with out server Application
send :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> Proxy tag
-> Frame
-> m ()
-- | Handler related stuff
-- | Internally uses Transport's send (potentially hidden behind some intermediate buffer).
sessionSink :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> Session
-> Sink B.ByteString m ()
sessionSink = undefined
-- | Internally uses the Session's buffer (which was written into by Transport's handleIncoming)
sessionSource :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> Session
-> Source m B.ByteString
sessionSource = undefined
runApplication :: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> Application m
-> Session
-> m ()
runApplication = undefined
main = undefined
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