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Last active February 1, 2022 13:19
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<script src=""></script>
Hello Camper!
For now, the test suite only works in Chrome! Please read the README below in the JS Editor before beginning. Feel free to delete this message once you have read it. Good luck and Happy Coding!
- The freeCodeCamp Team
<!-- usar id title-->
<h1 id="title">Moraes Moreira</h1>
<h2>compositor e poeta</h2>
<main id="main">
<div id="img-div">
<img id="image" src="" alt="Moraes Moreira Brazilian musician">
<figcaption id="img-caption"> Moraes Moreira Brazilian musician</figcaption>
<!-- img-div id="img=caption" contains a textual content describing the image shown in img-div
The img element should responsively resize, relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size.
The img element should be centered within its parent element. -->
<h2>A musician who brought the Brazilian music to our hearts</h2>
<p text-align: center>
<!-- justificar colocar link de referência -->
"Deus me faça brasileiro, criador e criatura <br />
Um documento da raça pela graça da mistura<br />
Do meu corpo em movimento, as três graças do Brasil<br />
Têm a cor da formosura"<br />
Moraes Moreira
Antônio Carlos Moreira Pires (July 8, 1947 – April 13, 2020), better known as Moraes Moreira [mo.ˈɾajs mu.ˈɾej.ɾa], was a Brazilian musician and singer. During the 1970s he played guitar and sang in the band Novos Baianos, after which he embarked on a solo career recording 29 albums. Moreira was involved in recording 40 full-length albums with Os Novos Baianos and Trio Elétrico Dodô e Osmar, and two more albums with guitarist Pepeu Gomes. Moreira was one of the most versatile composers of Brazil, mixing the genres of rock, samba, choro, frevo, baião, and classical. (From Wikipedia)
<h2>Moraes Moreira last messages to us</h2>
<a href="post"><iframe src="" width="500" height="204" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></a>
<a href="post"><iframe src="" width="500" height="261" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></a>
<p id="tribute-info"> This is tribute page to remember the Brazilian musician Moraes Moreira, who died on April 2020 during terible times of a world pademy. A person with a briliant mind, and a huge heart who died alone at his home as much os many of our friends and relatives on thos terible times. </p>
<!-- id="tribute-info", which contains textual content describing the subject of the tribute page. -->
<!-- a element with a corresponding id="tribute-link", which links to an outside site that contains additional information about the subject of the tribute page. HINT: You must give your element an attribute of target and set it to _blank in order for your link to open in a new tab (i.e. target="_blank"). -->
<a id="tribute-link" href="" target="_blank">More info from Wikpedia</a>
// You may add additional external JS and CSS as needed to complete the project, however the current external resource MUST remain in place for the tests to work. BABEL must also be left in place.
- Select the project you would
like to complete from the dropdown
- Click the "RUN TESTS" button to
run the tests against the blank
- Click the "TESTS" button to see
the individual test cases.
(should all be failing at first)
- Start coding! As you fulfill each
test case, you will see them go
from red to green.
- As you start to build out your
project, when tests are failing,
you should get helpful errors
along the way!
// PLEASE NOTE: Adding global style rules using the * selector, or by adding rules to body {..} or html {..}, or to all elements within body or html, i.e. h1 {..}, has the potential to pollute the test suite's CSS. Try adding: * { color: red }, for a quick example!
// Once you have read the above messages, you can delete all comments.
background-color: silver;
text-align: center;
#img-div {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#image {
width: 100%;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
color: blue;
font-size: 45px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 25px;
text-align: center;
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