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Created March 28, 2021 17:41
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An inefficient/insecure implementation of RSA using very small numbers. Meant for demonstration of the underlying math and using the same variable names as in Stalling's "Cryptography and Network Security" 6th edition.
package main
import (
type RSA struct {
p int
q int
e int
printedN bool
printedPhi bool
printedD bool
func main() {
a := RSA{p: 3, q: 11, e: 7}
ciphertext := a.Encrypt(5)
b := RSA{p: 5, q: 11, e: 3}
ciphertext = b.Encrypt(9)
c := RSA{p: 7, q: 11, e: 17}
ciphertext = c.Encrypt(8)
d := RSA{p: 11, q: 13, e: 11}
ciphertext = d.Encrypt(7)
e := RSA{p: 17, q: 31, e: 7}
ciphertext = e.Encrypt(2)
func (r *RSA) N() int {
answer := r.p * r.q
if !r.printedN {
fmt.Printf("n = p * q\n")
fmt.Printf("%d = %d * %d\n", answer, r.p, r.q)
r.printedN = true
return answer
func (r *RSA) Phi() int {
answer := (r.p - 1) * (r.q - 1)
if !r.printedPhi {
fmt.Printf("ϕ(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1)\n")
fmt.Printf("%d = (%d - 1)(%d - 1)\n", answer, r.p, r.q)
r.printedPhi = true
return answer
func (r *RSA) D() int {
ϕ := r.Phi()
answer := FindD(ϕ, r.e)
if !r.printedD {
fmt.Printf("d ≡ e^-1(mod ϕ(n))\n")
fmt.Printf("%d ≡ %d^-1(mod %d)\n", answer, r.e, ϕ)
r.printedD = true
return answer
func (r RSA) Encrypt(message int) int {
n := r.N()
fmt.Printf("encrypting with public key\n")
fmt.Printf("PU = {e, n} = {%d, %d}\n", r.e, n)
if n <= message {
panic("n must be larger than the message")
answer := ModularExp(message, r.e, n)
fmt.Printf("C = M^e mod n\n")
fmt.Printf("%d = %d^%d mod %d\n", answer, message, r.e, n)
return answer
func (r RSA) Decrypt(ciphertext int) int {
n := r.N()
d := r.D()
fmt.Printf("decrypting with private key\n")
fmt.Printf("PR = {d, n} = {%d, %d}\n", d, n)
message := ModularExp(ciphertext, d, n)
fmt.Printf("M = C^d mod n\n")
fmt.Printf("%d = %d^%d mod %d\n\n", message, ciphertext, d, n)
return message
func GCD(a, b int) int {
for b != 0 {
t := b
b = a % b
a = t
return a
func ExtGCD(a, b int) (int, int, int, int) {
prevx, x := 1, 0
prevy, y := 0, 1
for b != 0 {
q := a / b
x, prevx = prevx-q*x, x
y, prevy = prevy-q*y, y
a, b = b, a%b
return a, prevx, prevy, y
// see also inverse(a, n) at
func FindD(ϕ, e int) int {
_, _, d, y := ExtGCD(ϕ, e)
if d < 0 {
d = y + d
return d
func ModularExp(base, exponent, modulo int) int {
base = base % modulo
result := 1
for i := 0; i < exponent; i++ {
result = (result * base) % modulo
return result
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