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Last active February 25, 2020 01:03
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package main
import (
type AttributeValue struct {
Entropy float64
PofValue float64
func main() {
// pos neg attr
allDataSize := float64(5)
entropySet := entropy(3, 2, "all")
// age
e1 := entropy(1, 0, "<25 age")
e2 := entropy(1, 0, "25-40 age")
e3 := entropy(1, 2, ">40 age")
AttributeValue{e1, float64(1) / allDataSize},
AttributeValue{e2, float64(1) / allDataSize},
AttributeValue{e3, float64(3) / allDataSize},
// pulse
e1 = entropy(2, 1, "normal pulse")
e2 = entropy(1, 1, "rapid pulse")
AttributeValue{e1, float64(3) / allDataSize},
AttributeValue{e2, float64(2) / allDataSize},
// bp
e1 = entropy(3, 0, "normal bp")
e2 = entropy(0, 2, "high bp")
AttributeValue{e1, float64(3) / allDataSize},
AttributeValue{e2, float64(2) / allDataSize},
func gain(entropySet float64, attrValues ...AttributeValue) float64 {
thisGain := entropySet
formulaString := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", thisGain)
for _, av := range attrValues {
thisGain = thisGain - (av.PofValue * av.Entropy)
formulaString = fmt.Sprintf("%s - (%.2f * %.2f)", formulaString, av.PofValue, av.Entropy)
fmt.Println("G =", formulaString)
fmt.Printf("gain is %.3f\n\n", thisGain)
return thisGain
func entropy(pos, neg float64, attr string) float64 {
var entropy, PofPos, PofNeg float64
if pos == 0 || neg == 0 {
entropy = 0
} else {
total := pos + neg
PofPos = pos / total
PofNeg = neg / total
entropy = (-1 * PofPos * math.Log2(PofPos)) - (PofNeg * math.Log2(PofNeg))
fmt.Printf("E = -1 * (%.2f)(%.2f) - (%.2f)(%.2f)\n", PofPos, math.Log2(PofPos), PofNeg, math.Log2(PofNeg))
fmt.Printf("entropy for %s: %.2f\n", attr, entropy)
return entropy
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