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Created July 14, 2021 04:28
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scan a box with default scripts and version detection

nmap -sC -sV <ip address>


find all binaries with setuid

find / -perm /4000 2>/dev/null

reverse / exploitation

execute a shell command inside gdb


get a shell without ASLR

setarch $(uname -m) -R /bin/bash

get coredump info

ulimit -c unlimited
./<executable> <params causing a crash>
gdb <executable> -c <core-file>


use cookies from a text file with curl

curl --cookie-jar cookie.txt <url>:<port>
curl --cookie cookie.txt -X POST --data "param=value&other_param=other_value" <url>:<port>

use a wordlist with gobuster to discover http resources

cat wordlist.txt | gobuster dir -u <url> -t 50 -x htm,php,txt,html -w -
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