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Created March 12, 2021 17:23
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Better RPC (with example)
public static class BetterRPC
using Reactor.Extensions;
using Reactor.Unstrip;
using Reactor.BetterRPC;
using UnityEngine;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace YourCoolMod
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HudManager), nameof(HudManager.Start))]
public static class ExampleButton
private static CooldownButton btn;
public static void Postfix(HudManager __instance)
btn = new CooldownButton(
() =>
// Do cool stuff when the button is pressed
5f, // The cooldown for this button is five seconds
Properties.Resources.yournamehere, // change yournamehere to the name you set in step 2
new Vector2(0.125f, 0.125f), // The position of the button, 1 unit is 100 pixels
() =>
// Who has access to the button? This allows alive crewmates to use the new button while the game is started
return !PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsDead && !PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsImpostor && (AmongUsClient.Instance.GameState == InnerNetClient.GameStates.Started || AmongUsClient.Instance.GameMode == GameModes.FreePlay);
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