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Created March 2, 2018 03:33
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from tkinter import *
master = Tk()
frame = Frame(master)
frame.pack(padx = 10,pady =10)
v1= StringVar()
v2 = StringVar()
v3 = StringVar()
def test(content):
return content.isdigit()
testCMD = frame.register(test)
e1 = Entry(frame,textvariable=v1,validate = "key",\
validatecommand = (testCMD,"%P")).grid(row = 0,\
column = 0)
Label(frame,text = "+").grid(row = 0,column = 1)
e2 = Entry(frame,textvariable=v2,validate = "focusout",\
validatecommand = (testCMD,"%P")).grid(row = 0,\
column = 2)
Label(frame,text = "=").grid(row = 0,column = 3)
e3 = Entry(frame,textvariable = v3,state = "readonly").grid(row = 0,\
column = 4)
def calc():
result = int(v1.get())+ int(v2.get())
Button(frame,text = "计算结果",command = calc).grid(row = 1,column = 2,pady = 5)
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