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XAMPP - Replace MariaDB with MySQL

XAMPP - Replace MariaDB with MySQL

Since XAMPP 5.5.30 and 5.6.14, XAMPP ships MariaDB instead of MySQL. MariaDB is not 100% compatible with MySQL and can be replaced with the "orginal" MySQL server.


  • Backup the old database into a sql dump file
  • Stop the MariaDB service
  • Rename the folder: c:\xampp\mysql to c:\xampp\mariadb


  • Download MySQL Community Server:
  • Goto: Other Downloads > ZIP Archive 5.7.19 306.2M ( > No thanks, just start my download.
  • Create a new and empty folder: c:\xampp\mysql
  • Extract to: c:\xampp\mysql
  • Create a new and empty folder: c:\xampp\mysql\data
  • Create a new file: c:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini and copy this content:
# set basedir to your installation path
# set datadir to the location of your data directory

Initializing the data directory

Initialize a MySQL installation by creating the data directory and populating the tables in the mysql system database.

Open the console (cmd) and enter:

cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin
mysqld --initialize
mysqld --initialize-insecure

The server creates a 'root'@'localhost' and a random password.

Check to make sure that the c:\xampp\mysql\data directory was created. If successful you will find a a [computer name].err file in the data folder with the temporary one time use password for you to login as root for the first time.

Open with Notepad++: c:\xampp\data\[computer name].err

[Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: **************

Copy the password

Start the server

You can use the XAMPP Control Panel (MySQL > Start) to start the MySQL service.

Connect to the server

Open a new console (cmd) window and enter:

cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin
mysql -u root -p

Enter the password you have found in the .err file and press enter.

Now reset the root password to '' (empty).

mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';

Exit the mysql command:

mysql> exit


Restore the data from the backup file


Click at the Github ★ Star :-)

Upgrading from an older version (optional)

Repair all corrupted tables:

mysqlcheck.exe -u root -p --auto-repair --all-databases

Update structure to latest version:

mysql_upgrade.exe -u root -p

Tuning my.ini

You can increase the innodb buffer pool size to gain more performance. The sql-mode setting is only necessary for MySQL versions < 5.7.

# set basedir to your installation path
# set datadir to the location of your data directory

# Default: 134217728 (128 MB)
# New: 1024 MB
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M

# Default since version 5.7
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