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Last active May 21, 2024 12:53
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ForEach Parallel wrapper with multi-threaded Progress Bars
function Invoke-ForEachParallel {
This is a wrapper around foreach-parallel from PS v7, but with progress bars.
This is a wrapper around foreach-parallel from PS v7, but with progress bars.
You can run a scriptblock against an array of objects, just like foreach,
but it also shows multi-threaded progress bars, one for every thread.
The end-user can also use a custom automatic variable, $ProgressStatus,
which updates the progress message.
$test = 'test123'
$list = Get-Service | Select-Object -First 15
Invoke-ForEachParallel -InputObject $list -ScriptBlock {
$ProgressStatus = 'Initializing...'
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 2000)
$ProgressStatus = 'Enumerating...'
[pscustomobject] @{
Name = $_.Name
Status = $_.Status
Test = $using:test
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 2000)
} -ThrottleLimit 5 -ActivityProperty Name
# this will spin up 5 parallel threads for the user's scriptblock
# it uses the automatic variable $ProgressStatus to show progress messages
# it also uses the ActivityProperty to define the activity label
# if the user does not provide an ActivityProperty, then a default label will be shown
# finally, in the scriptblock we also have a $using: variable to pass ad-hoc data inside.
The initial idea and code comes from:
param (
[int]$ThrottleLimit = 10
#requires -Version 7.0
# Note: The foreach -Parallel parameter is available on PS 7+
# we need to check that the ActivityProperty is actually a property of the InputObject
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ActivityProperty')) {
$HasProperty = ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Name -contains $ActivityProperty
if (-not $HasProperty) {
Write-Warning "The property $ActivityProperty was not found in the given input object"
else {$HasProperty = $false} # <-- that means we need to add a default activity label of our own
# Progress Bar with ForEach Parallel, related variables and setup
$ProgressParams = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[int,hashtable]]::new()
$ProgressIDNum = 0
$InputListWithID = $InputObject | foreach {
if ($HasProperty) {$Label = $_.$ActivityProperty}
else {$Label = "Thread #$ProgressIDNum"}
[pscustomobject] @{
ProgressID = $ProgressIDNum
ActivityLabel = $Label
UserObject = $_
$ActivityLength = ($InputListWithID.ActivityLabel | Measure-Object -Property Length -Maximum).Maximum
$ParallelBlock = {
# Progress Bar related variables
$_HashCopy = $using:ProgressParams # <-- copy of the Concurrent Dictionary [int,hashtable]
$_progress = $_HashCopy.$($_.ProgressID) # <-- $progress is a hashtable
$_Padding = $using:ActivityLength - $_.ActivityLabel.Length
$_progress.Id = $_.ProgressID
$_progress.Activity = "[{0}{1}]" -f $_.ActivityLabel,(' '*$_Padding)
# the $ProgressStatus custom automatic variable that updates the progress message
$_BreakAction = {$global:_progress.Status = (Get-Variable ProgressStatus).Value}
Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable ProgressStatus -Action $_BreakAction -Mode Write | Out-Null
[string]$ProgressStatus = 'Processing...' # <-- that's the default progress message
# user's scriptblock
$PSItem = $PSItem.UserObject # <-- set the current item to the user's object
## the user can use the automatic variable $ProgressStatus to show progress messages
## we need to place the user's code as-is, else any $using variables won't be respected
# in the end, mark progress as completed
$_progress.Completed = $true
# build the parallel scriptblock
$SB = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new($ParallelBlock.ToString())
$NewBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($SB.ToString())
# run the command with multi-threading and progress bars
$params = @{
Parallel = $NewBlock
ThrottleLimit = $ThrottleLimit
Verbose = $true
AsJob = $true
$Job = $InputListWithID | ForEach-Object @params
while ($Job.State -eq 'Running') {
$ProgressParams.Keys | foreach {
if (([array]$ProgressParams.$_.Keys).Count -ge 1) {
$params = $ProgressParams.$_
Write-Progress @params
# Wait to refresh to not overload gui
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# show the results
$Job | Receive-Job -Verbose -AutoRemoveJob -Wait
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