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Created November 7, 2023 14:38
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Dynamically generate the PowerShell class code from a pscustomobject or hashtable
function ConvertTo-ClassDefinition {
$hash = @{name='aa';size=10}
$code = $hash | ConvertTo-ClassDefinition
Invoke-Expression $code
$h = [My_Hashtable]::new()
# create and load a class from a hashtable
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{name='aa';size=10}
Invoke-Expression ($obj | ConvertTo-ClassDefinition)
$p = [My_PSCustomObject]::new()
# create and load a class from a ps custom object
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{name='aa';size=10}
$obj | ConvertTo-ClassDefinition -Hidden size
# create a class definition with a hidden property
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{name='aa';size=10}
$code = $obj | ConvertTo-ClassDefinition -Hidden size
Invoke-Expression $code
$p = [My_PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'aa' ; Size = 12}
$p | Select-Object -Property ($p | Get-Member -MemberType Property -Force).Name
# create a class with a hidden property, then instiate it into a new object
# and finally show all of its properties, even the hidden one.
[OutputType([string])] # <-- the powershell class definition as plain text
[string[]]$IncludeProperty = '*',
# if input has many items, then get only the 1st item
if (([array]$InputObject).Count -ge 2) {$InputObject = $InputObject[0]}
# make sure the input object is either a pscustomobject or a hashtable (ordered or not)
$SupportedTypes = 'System.Collections.Hashtable',
$ObjectType = $InputObject.psobject.TypeNames[0]
if ($ObjectType -notin $SupportedTypes) {
Write-Warning 'Please provide a supported data type of either a hashtable (ordered or not) or pscustomobject'
# convert hashtable into a ps custom object
$HashTypes = 'System.Collections.Hashtable','System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary'
if ($ObjectType -in $HashTypes) {
$InputObject = [pscustomobject]$InputObject
# set the name of the class
$ShortTypeName = $ObjectType.Split('.')[-1]
if ($ClassName) {$BaseClassName = $ClassName}
else {$BaseClassName = 'My_' + $ShortTypeName} # <-- unfortunately PS classes can't take dots in the name
# get properties
$AllProps = $
$Filter = {
$_.Name -in $IncludeProperty -and
$_.Name -notin $ExcludeProperty
if ($IncludeProperty -ne '*') {$Properties = $AllProps | Where $Filter}
else {$Properties = $AllProps | Where Name -notin $ExcludeProperty}
# start building the class definition
$SB = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
[void]$SB.AppendLine("class $BaseClassName {`n")
# add all properties
foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
$Name = $Property.Name
$Type = $Property.TypeNameOfValue
if ($Name -in $HiddenProperty) {
[void]$SB.AppendLine(" hidden [$Type]`$$Name")
else {
[void]$SB.AppendLine(" [$Type]`$$Name")
# add constructor and end the class
[void]$SB.AppendLine("`n $BaseClassName () {}`n")
# output the class definition
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