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mirisuzanne / 1_index.html
Created April 4, 2012 22:58
Suggested syntax for responsive Susy layouts
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/screen.css">
<div class="container c1"></div>
<div class="container c2"></div>
swanson / gist:4056578
Created November 11, 2012 22:44
functional-core-imperative-shell/hexagonal-arch notes
bbrowning / TorqueBox on
Last active December 9, 2015 16:19
TorqueBox on Heroku

With Heroku's JRuby support you may have already seen that you can run TorqueBox Lite on Heroku. But, that only gives you the web features of TorqueBox. What about scheduled jobs, backgroundable, messaging, services, and caching?

With a small amount of extra work, you can now run the full TorqueBox (minus STOMP support and clustering) on Heroku as well! I've successfully deployed several test applications, including the example Rails application from our Getting Started Guide which has a scheduled job, a service, and uses backgroundable and messaging.

This example uses TorqueBox 3.0.2, but the instructions may work with other TorqueBox versions.

Steps Required

  1. Create a JRuby application on Heroku, or convert an existing application to JRuby. Make sure your application works on JRuby on Heroku before throwing TorqueBox into the mix.
  2. Add th
kesor / Gemfile
Last active September 30, 2019 09:04
Vagrantfile to create a chef-server (11.x) and a client box that uses it.
source :rubygems
gem 'json', '= 1.5.4' # knife/chef 11.0 and 11.20 is broken with json 1.5.5/1.7.7
gem 'vagrant'
gem 'vagrant-hostmaster'

Immutable Ruby

Libraries I talked about

  • ice_nine: Deep freeze ruby objects
  • Values: Simple immutable value objects for ruby
  • immutable_attributes: specify attributes within an ActiveRecord model that can be set but not modified
  • hamster: Efficient, Immutable, Thread-Safe Collection classes for Ruby

Next Steps

soofaloofa-zz / On choosing a hypermedia type
Last active October 14, 2023 07:23
On choosing a hypermedia type for your API - HAL, JSON-LD, Collection+JSON, SIREN, Oh My!
A comparison of Collection+JSON, HAL, JSON-LD and SIREN media types.
Discussion at
addyosmani / package.json
Last active May 29, 2024 15:54
npm run-scripts boilerplate
"name": "my-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "My test app",
"main": "src/js/index.js",
"scripts": {
"jshint:dist": "jshint src/js/*.js",
"jshint": "npm run jshint:dist",
"jscs": "jscs src/*.js",
"browserify": "browserify -s Validating -o ./dist/js/build.js ./lib/index.js",
barneycarroll / animator.js
Last active June 11, 2021 05:06
A factory for decorating Mithril modules / views / elements with incoming and outgoing animations.
var animating = false;
// Define an animator consisting of optional incoming and outgoing animations.
// alwaysAnimate is false unless specified as true: false means an incoming animation will only trigger if an outgoing animation is also in progress.
// forcing dontClone to true means the outward animation will use the original element rather than a clone. This could improve performance by recycling elements, but can lead to trouble: clones have the advantage of being stripped of all event listeners.
function animator( incoming, outgoing, alwaysAnimate, dontClone ){
// The resulting animator can be applied to any number of components
return function animate( x, y, z ){
var config;
var parent;
barneycarroll / multi.js
Last active March 23, 2016 23:43
Execute multiple functions where one is expected. Useful for event handling.
function multi(){
var handlers = arguments, function( x ){
return x instanceof Function
} )
return function handle(){
for( var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++ )
handlers[ i ].apply( this, arguments )