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Created August 24, 2020 21:24
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Rock Paper Scissors
<div class="container">
<header class="header">
<h1>Rock Paper Scissors</h1>
<button id="restart" class="restart-btn">Restart Game</button>
<div id="score" class="score">
<p>Player: 0</p>
<p>Computer: 0</p>
<h2>Make Your Selection</h2>
<div class="choices">
<i id="rock" class="choice fas fa-hand-rock fa-10x"></i>
<i id="paper" class="choice fas fa-hand-paper fa-10x"></i>
<i id="scissors" class="choice fas fa-hand-scissors fa-10x"></i>
<!-- Modal -->
<div class="modal">
<div id="result" class="modal-content"></div>
const choices = document.querySelectorAll('.choice');
const score = document.getElementById('score');
const result = document.getElementById('result');
const restart = document.getElementById('restart');
const modal = document.querySelector('.modal');
const scoreboard = {
player: 0,
computer: 0
// Play game
function play(e) { = 'inline-block';
const playerChoice =;
const computerChoice = getComputerChoice();
const winner = getWinner(playerChoice, computerChoice);
showWinner(winner, computerChoice);
// Get computers choice
function getComputerChoice() {
const rand = Math.random();
if (rand < 0.34) {
return 'rock';
} else if (rand <= 0.67) {
return 'paper';
} else {
return 'scissors';
// Get game winner
function getWinner(p, c) {
if (p === c) {
return 'draw';
} else if (p === 'rock') {
if (c === 'paper') {
return 'computer';
} else {
return 'player';
} else if (p === 'paper') {
if (c === 'scissors') {
return 'computer';
} else {
return 'player';
} else if (p === 'scissors') {
if (c === 'rock') {
return 'computer';
} else {
return 'player';
function showWinner(winner, computerChoice) {
if (winner === 'player') {
// Inc player score
// Show modal result
result.innerHTML = `
<h1 class="text-win">You Win</h1>
<i class="fas fa-hand-${computerChoice} fa-10x"></i>
<p>Computer Chose <strong>${computerChoice.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
} else if (winner === 'computer') {
// Inc computer score;
// Show modal result
result.innerHTML = `
<h1 class="text-lose">You Lose</h1>
<i class="fas fa-hand-${computerChoice} fa-10x"></i>
<p>Computer Chose <strong>${computerChoice.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
} else {
result.innerHTML = `
<h1>It's A Draw</h1>
<i class="fas fa-hand-${computerChoice} fa-10x"></i>
<p>Computer Chose <strong>${computerChoice.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
// Show score
score.innerHTML = `
<p>Player: ${scoreboard.player}</p>
<p>Computer: ${}</p>
`; = 'block';
// Restart game
function restartGame() {
scoreboard.player = 0; = 0;
score.innerHTML = `
<p>Player: 0</p>
<p>Computer: 0</p>
// Clear modal
function clearModal(e) {
if ( == modal) { = 'none';
// Event listeners
choices.forEach(choice => choice.addEventListener('click', play));
window.addEventListener('click', clearModal);
restart.addEventListener('click', restartGame);
<script src=""></script>
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color: #fff;
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background: var(--primary-color);
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display: grid;
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grid-gap: 2rem;
margin-top: 3rem;
text-align: center;
.choice {
cursor: pointer;
.choice:hover {
color: var(--primary-color);
.text-win {
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.text-lose {
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@media (max-width: 500px) {
.choice {
font-size: 80px;
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