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Created August 24, 2020 21:25
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Project-5: Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram
<!Doctype html>
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<meta name="author" content="Anuj Yadav">
<meta name="description" content="This is implementation of heat map using d3.js chart libraray for free code camp solution">
<meta name="keywords" content="d3.js,D3,charts,heatmap,freecodecamp,js,babel,html5">
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<h1 id="title">Top Grossing Movies</h1>
<h3 id="description">Highest revenue generating movies</h3>
* @fileOverview Treemap implementation for comparing total revenue of movies
* grouped together by genres like action,drama,comedy etc and the size of
* each movie rectangle will be propotional to the revenue it generated.
* The data is grouped genre wise and the sizes are represented revenue wise using D3.js library.
* @author Anuj Yadav
* @see Access Source Data {@link|Datasource}
* @see Other Charts {@link|D3.js-Charts}
* @see Cod Pen {@link|Codpen}
* This function calls getMoviesRevenueData function and stores the returned
* fetch promise and on successful resolving of the promise, loadTreeMap
* will be called.
* @function
* @name DOMContentLoadedFunction
* @listens DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
let moviesRevenue = getMoviesRevenueData();
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(data => {
.catch(err => {
* @description The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources
* (including across the network). It will seem familiar to anyone who has used XMLHttpRequest,
* but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.
* @external fetch
* @see
* The function will return a promise that is fetching data from this data source:
* {@link|Datasource}
let getMoviesRevenueData = () => {
return fetch(``);
* This function will load the chart after creating svg, adding rectangles and
* display them on screen.
* @param {Array<object>} moviesRevenueData The dataset for construcing the chart.
let loadTreeMap = (moviesRevenueData)=> {
let svgHeight = getChartHeight();
let svgWidth = getChartWidth();
let padding = getChartPadding();
let svg = loadSvg(svgHeight, svgWidth);
let tooltip=loadTooltip();
let rootData = d3.hierarchy(moviesRevenueData).sum(d => d.value);
.size([svgWidth, svgHeight])
let rectanglesInSvg=addRectanglesInSvg(svg,rootData.leaves());
rectanglesInSvg.attr("x", d => d.x0)
.attr("y", d => d.y0)
.attr("height", d => d.y1 - d.y0)
.attr("width", d => d.x1 - d.x0);
let textsInSvg=addTextsInSvg(svg,rootData.leaves());
let legendSvg=loadSvg(200,200);
const MOVIE_CATEGORIES=getAllMovieCategories();
const MOVIE_CATEGORIES_COLOR=getCategoriesWiseColor();
let rectanglesInLegendSvg=addRectanglesInSvg(legendSvg,MOVIE_CATEGORIES_COLOR);
rectanglesInLegendSvg.attr("x",(d,i)=> 40)
.attr("y",(d,i)=> 20*i)
.attr("height",(d,i)=> 20)
.attr("width",(d,i)=> 20)
let textInLegenSvg=addTextsInSvg(legendSvg,MOVIE_CATEGORIES);
textInLegenSvg.attr("x",(d,i)=> 70)
.attr("height",(d,i)=> 20)
/** Return chart height.*/
let getChartHeight = () => 600;
/** Return chart width.*/
let getChartWidth = () => 1200;
/** Return chart padding.*/
let getChartPadding = () => 30;
/** Add svg in body and return it.*/
let loadSvg = (height, width) => {
return d3
.attr("height", height)
.attr("width", width);
* This will add custom properties such as fill color,stroke, rx
* and data attributes to the input rect elements in svg and add
* the custom attributes.
* @function
* @param {object} rectanglesInSvg This will contain all the rectagles
* inside an svg, svg.selectAll("rect") element.
let addCustomPropertiesInSvgRectangles=(rectanglesInSvg)=>{
rectanglesInSvg.attr("fill", d => categoryWiseColor(
.attr("stroke", d => "black")
.attr("rx",1); // for border radius of the svg rect element
* This function will add rectangles in svg equaling the number of elements in dataset.
* @param {object} svg The svg element.
* @param {Array<object>} dataset The movie revenue dataset.
* @return {object} The svg.selectAll("rect") element or all the rectangles inside svg element.
let addRectanglesInSvg=(svg,dataset)=>{
return svg.selectAll("rect")
* This function will add mouse events like mouseover and mouseout to input recanglesInSvg
* param (all rect elements in svg) and will show tooltip on mouseover and hide tooltip on
* mouseout, the tooltip will reflect the data on hover of individual rectangle.
* @function
* @param {object} rectanglesInSvg All the selected rect elements (rect is a svg element).
* @param {object} tooltip The tooltip is a object that is a div appended in body element.
let addMouseEventsInSvgRectangles=(rectanglesInSvg,tooltip)=>{
.style("top", `${d.y1-20}px`)
* This function will add texts in svg equaling the number of elements in dataset.
* @param {object} svg The svg element.
* @param {Array<object>} dataset The movie revenue dataset.
* @return {object} The svg.selectAll("text") element after appending them in svg.
let addTextsInSvg=(svg,dataset)=>{
return svg.selectAll("text")
* This function will add mouse events like mouseover and mouseout to input text
* elements param (all text elements in svg) and will show tooltip at different place
* as compare to the tooltip getting loaded on rectangle hover in case of mouseover
* and hide tooltip on mouseout, the tooltip will reflect the data on hover of individual
* text, the tooltip data is same as tooltip generated on hovering rectangle movie sections.
* @function
* @param {object} textsInSvg All the selected text elements (text is a svg element).
* @param {object} tooltip The tooltip is a object that is a div appended in body element.
let addMouseEventsInSvgTexts=(textsInSvg,tooltip)=>{
.style("top", `${d3.event.pageY-20}px`)
* This will add custom properties such as fill color,font size
* and text data and also set the x and y coordinate to the input text elements
* in svg and add the custom attributes.
* @function
* @param {object} textsInSvg This will contain all the text elements
* (svg.selectAll("text")) in svg element.
let addCustomPropertiesInSvgTexts=(textsInSvg)=>{
.data(d => {
return[A-Z][^A-Z])/g) // split the name of movie
.map(v => {
return {
text: v,
x0: d.x0, // keep x0 reference
y0: d.y0 // keep y0 reference
.attr("x", (d) => d.x0 + 5)
.attr("y", (d, i) => d.y0 + 15 + (i * 10)) // offset by index
.text((d) => d.text)
.attr("font-size", "0.6em")
.attr("fill", "white");
* This function will get the movie category values as input parameter
* and return the color corresponding to the movie genre.
* @function
* @param {string} movieCategory Movie Category.
let categoryWiseColor=(movieCategory)=>{
const CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR=getCategoriesWiseColor();
let resultColor="black";
case "Action": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[0];break;
case "Drama": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[1];break;
case "Adventure": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[2];break;
case "Family": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[3];break;
case "Animation": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[4];break;
case "Comedy": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[5];break;
case "Biography": resultColor=CATEGORY_WISE_COLOR[6];break;
return resultColor;
/** Return tooltip that will show inforamtion about a rectangle when it is hovered.*/
let loadTooltip=()=>{
/** Return all the movie categories.*/
let getAllMovieCategories=()=>{
return ["Action","Drama","Adventure","Family","Animation","Comedy","Biography"];
/** Return all the genre wise color hash codes.*/
let getCategoriesWiseColor=()=>{
return ["#DB8A00","#8523dc","#13AD37","#e51a9b","#1c6ee3","#bb6744","#4bc43b"];
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
h1, h3{
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
background-color: #ffc600;
color: #000000;
font-size: 15px;
max-width: 200px;
border-radius: 2%;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #0cf3cd;
border-radius: 2px;
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