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Created June 30, 2022 20:53
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How to AlpineJS - Simple reusable components for AlpineJS
import plupload from "plupload";
export let alert = (
message = "Success",
details = [],
type = "default",
duration = 5000,
position = "bottom-center",
autoDismiss = true
) => ({
init() {
this.message = message;
this.details = details;
this.type = type;
this.duration = duration;
this.position = position;
autoDismiss && this.autoDismissAlert();
message: "Success",
details: [],
type: "default",
duration: 5000,
position: "bottom-center",
dismissAlert() {
autoDismissAlert() {
setTimeout(() => this.$root.remove(), this.duration);
export let mediaUpload = (
browseButton = "browse",
url = "http://localhost/media/upload"
) => ({
init() {
uploader: new plupload.Uploader({}),
setup() {
let token = document.getElementsByName("_token")[0].value;
console.log("token", token);
this.uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
browse_button: browseButton,
url: url,
file_data_name: "media",
multi_selection: false,
filters: {
mime_types: [{ title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png" }],
prevent_duplicates: true
max_retries: 3,
chunk_size: "10kb",
multipart_params: {
_token: token
init: {
PostInit: (up) => {
// arrow syntax infers this from it global scope
console.log("internal post init this:", this); // this = instance of Alpine data proxy
// Alternative Syntax
// Example 1: // ES syntax methods bound this to it local scope
PostInit(up) {
console.log('internal post init this:', this); //this = instance of uploader
// Example 2: traditional function bounds this to it local scope
PostInit: function (up) {
console.log('internal post init this:', this); //this = instance of uploader
// More examples below
FilesAdded: (up, files) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", () => {
console.log("data url: ", reader.result);
document.getElementById("image-preview").src = reader.result;
// this.$dispatch('upload_started', this.uploader)
ChunkUploaded: (up, file, info) => {
console.log("Chunk uploaded: ", info);
UploadProgress: (up, file) => {
console.log("UploadProgress: ", file.percent, "%");
FileUploaded: (up, file, result) => {
const responseResult = JSON.parse(result.response);
if (!responseResult.ok) {
console.log("Upload Error: ",;
if (result.status !== 200) {
console.log("File Uploaded Failed");
if (responseResult.ok === 1 && result.status === 200) {
console.log("File Uploaded Successfully");
UploadComplete: (up, file) => {
console.log("File Uploaded Successfully!!", file);
Error: (up, err) => {
console.log("error: ", err, up);
// More alternative syntax
// Example 3: arrow syntax infers this from it global scope
uploader.bind('PostInit', (up) => {
console.log('post init this: ', this) // this = instance of Alpine data proxy
// Example 4: traditional function bounds this to it local scope
uploader.bind('PostInit', function (up) {
console.log("post init this: ", this) // //this = instance of uploader
// Example 5: Overriding the local scope of `this` bounded by the traditional function
// by passing in the 3rd argument:`scope`
uploader.bind('PostInit', function (up) {
console.log("post init this: ", this) // this = instance of Alpine data proxy
}, this);
// Example 6: arrow syntax infers this from it global scope
// again, the 3rd arugument scope is passed
//(this is a little extraneous but here for demo purpose)
uploader.bind('PostInit', (up) => {
console.log("post init this: ", this) // this = instance of Alpine data proxy
}, this);
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