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Last active April 2, 2021 13:02
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My CS:GO Configuration
// Maxim aka BananaGaming Config - Updated 2020-12-06
// When you type "//" the game ignores whatever is written after
// In-game font is called "DIN 1451" -
echo " .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. "
echo "| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |"
echo "| | ______ | || | ____ ____ | || | ___ ____ | || | __ | |"
echo "| | .' ___ | | || | |_ _||_ _| | || | |_ ||_ _| | || | / \ | |"
echo "| | / .' \_| | || | \ \ / / | || | | |_/ / | || | / /\ \ | |"
echo "| | | | | || | \ \/ / | || | | __'. | || | / ____ \ | |"
echo "| | \ `.___.'\ | || | _| |_ | || | _| | \ \_ | || | _/ / \ \_ | |"
echo "| | `._____.' | || | |______| | || | |____||____| | || ||____| |____|| |"
echo "| | | || | | || | | || | | |"
echo "| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |"
echo " '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' "
// Content
// 1. Main Settings
// 2. Bindings
// 3. Crosshair
// 4. Hud
// 5. Radar
// 6. Mouse
// 7. Viewmodel
// 8. Bob
// 9. Rates
// 10. Net
// 11. Video
// 12. Sound
// 13. Other
// 14. Scripts
// 1. Main Settings
con_enable "1" //Enables Console
gameinstructor_enable "0" //Removes in-game instructions
cl_showhelp "0" //Removes on-screen help
cl_autohelp "0" //Removes automatic help
cl_disablefreezecam "1" //Disables Freezecam
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" //Removes "Message of the day" page when joining a server
cl_forcepreload "1" //Preloads map, improves FPS but may increase map loading times
cl_join_advertise "2" //Let friends join your community servers
lobby_default_privacy_bits1 "0" //Set default lobby permissions to "friends need invite"
fps_max_menu "40"
// 2. Bindings
bind "mouse4" "+voicerecord" //You can communicate with the V key instead of K
// buy binds generated by
bind "f1" "buy m4a1; buy ak47; buy vest; buy defuser"
bind "f2" "buy vesthelm;"
bind "f4" "buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang"
bind "f6" "ignoremsg" //Ignore chat by turning off enemies, teams and both
bind "f" "+lookatweapon" //Inspect your weapon with F
bind "k" "say !r" //Used together with CKSurf plugin for Bhop, Surf & Kz
bind "leftarrow" "+left" //Turn left with arrow key
bind "rightarrow" "+right" //Turn right with arrow key
bind "n" "-attack" //ESL workaround for jump-throw
bind "tab" "+score" //Removed netgraph + scoreboard script
unbind "i" //So you do not accidentally enable hud fade, which is very annoying
bind "f9" "toggle cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party"
bind "f10" "toggle voice_enable"
bind "f11" "showconsole"
bind "y" "radio1"
bind "z" "messagemode"
bind "f" "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals"
bind "c" "toggle cl_crosshairsize 0 1000"
bind "w" "+forward; r_cleardecals"
bind "a" "+moveleft; r_cleardecals"
bind "s" "+back; r_cleardecals"
bind "d" "+moveright; r_cleardecals"
bind "1" "slot1; cl_crosshairsize 0"
bind "2" "slot2; cl_crosshairsize 0"
bind "3" "slot3; cl_crosshairsize 0"
// 3. Crosshair (Yellow dot since 2017-05-04)
// Made with Crashz Crosshair Generator
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1.000000"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "2"
cl_crosshairalpha "200.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor "5"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "255"
cl_crosshairdot "1"
cl_crosshairgap "-4.000000"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairscale "0"
cl_crosshairsize "0"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "1.000000"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"
// 4. Hud (Personal preference)
hud_scaling "0.95" //Scales hud elements to maximum value
hud_showtargetid "1" //Enables display of target names, important
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1" //Draws bomb under radar, convenient
cl_hud_color "7" //Makes the hud color yellow, for banana style
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "0" //Shows player avatars instead of numbers left
cl_hud_playercount_pos "1" //Puts player information in the bottom instead of top
cl_hud_healthammo_style "1" //Simplified information on HP/AP and ammo
cl_hud_background_alpha "0.4" //Hidden but still visible black bars, easy on the eyes
cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "1" //Weapon names are colored in loadout to match their rarity, cool feature
cl_showloadout "1" //So it doesnt fade out the weapon slots, very annoying otherwise
cl_teamid_overhead_always "2" //Always show team behind walls with equiptment
safezonex "1" //Screen width percentage for the hud
safezoney "1" //Screen height percentage for the hud
// 5. Radar (Optimized radar settings)
cl_teammate_colors_show 2 //Show letters in radar
cl_hud_radar_scale "1" //Radar size, not too big and not too small
cl_radar_scale "0.4" //Radar map scale size, 0.4 works on all maps
cl_radar_always_centered "0" //Centers map instead of player
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "1" //Minimum player icon scale
// 6. Mouse (Makes sure mouse is using "Raw Input" & "No Acceleration")
m_rawinput "1" //Enable Raw Input for perfect precision (Raw input is unavailable on OSX)
m_mouseaccel2 "0" //Disables windows mouse acceleration initial threshold, safety precaution
m_mouseaccel1 "0" //Disables windows mouse acceleration initial threshold, safety precaution
m_customaccel "0" //Custom mouse acceleration disabled
m_mousespeed "0" //Windows mouse acceleration disabled, just for precaution
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.818933027098955175" //Fixes your zoom sensitivity to act as your real sensitivity, default value is 1
sensivity 1
// 7. Viewmodel
viewmodel_offset_x "1" //Changes viewmodel view in X scale
viewmodel_offset_y "2" //Changes viewmodel view in Y scale
viewmodel_offset_z "-2" //Changes viewmodel view in Z scale
viewmodel_fov "68" //Highest viewmodel FOV
viewmodel_recoil "0" //Disables viewmodel reactions to weapon recoil & aimpunch (from Update: 2018-03-01)
// 8. Bob (Less movement when you move around with weapons)
cl_bob_lower_amt "5" //How much the viewmodel lowers when running, set to lowest for less distraction
cl_bobamt_lat "0.1" //How much the viewmodel moves side to side when running, set to lowest for less distraction
cl_bobamt_vert "0.1" //How much the viewmodel moves up and down when running, set to lowest for less distraction
cl_bobcycle "0.98" //The frequency at which the viewmodel bobs, set to default
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.5" //Lowers the crouching animation of the viewmodel
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.25" //Lowers the crouching animation of the viewmodel
// 9. Rates (These network settings are optimized for high speed internet)
rate "400000" // Your download rate to the server. Max rate: "786432"
cl_cmdrate "128" //Max number of command packets sent to server per second
cl_updaterate "128" //Number of packets per second you are requesting from the server
cl_interp "0.007813" //Sets the interpolation amount, always set this to 0
cl_interp_ratio "1" //Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate)
cl_lagcompensation "1" //Lag compensation helps by eliminating combat latency from client side view
cl_predict "1" //Skip waiting for server feedback and simulate client side movement in real-time
cl_predictweapons "1" //Skip waiting for server feedback and perform client side prediction of weapon effects
// 10. Net (Netgraph positioning)
net_graph "1" //Shows my network usage data
net_graphheight "10" //Changes height
net_graphmsecs "400" //The latency graph represents this many milliseconds
net_graphpos "2" //Positioning of Net Graph
net_graphproportionalfont "1" //Makes font smaller
net_graphshowinterp "1" //Shows interpolation value
net_graphshowlatency "1" //Shows latency value
net_graphsolid "1" //Solid Net Graph
net_graphtext "1" //Shows text fields
net_maxroutable "1200" //Requested max packet size before packets are split
net_scale "5" //Makes font smaller
// 11. Video (Video settings and FPS Boosts)
fps_max "300" //Max frames per second, setting it to 0 causes long loading times
fps_max_menu "245" //Max frames per second in main-menu
mat_monitorgamma "1.6" //Sets Brightness to highest, highly recommended
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0" //Turn off TV Mode for less off-set light
mat_powersavingsmode "0" //Disables power saving mode
mat_queue_mode "2" //The queue/thread mode the material system should use, setting this to 2 gave me an FPS boost
r_dynamic "0" //Affects dynamic lighting, turned off for more FPS
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0" //Remove first person tracers, does not impact gameplay, just makes it easier to spray
// 12. Sound (Optimized sound settings, does not affect volume, adjust that yourself with "volume")
voice_scale "0.4" //Turns down the volume of other players voice to 40%
snd_musicvolume "0" //Turns off all music, easier to focus
snd_hwcompat 0 //Enables "Advanced 3D Audio Processing"
// 13. Other
lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0" //Turns microphone off in lobby, really useful
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0" //Disables E from opening buy-menu, really useful
cl_autowepswitch 0 //Disable auto-weapon switch
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "50" //Maxping Search in Matchmaking
func_break_max_pieces 0 //Less clutter from breaking vents (especially on Mirage)
echo Config Loaded!!! (2/2) //This just confirms that the config has ended successfully
// 14. Scripts
// SCRIPTS BELOW - Optional!
//Load whatever gamemode you want with the "map" command. For example "map de_dust2; competitive"
alias "casual" "game_type 0; game_mode 0"
alias "competitive" "game_type 0; game_mode 1"
alias "wingman" "game_type 0; game_mode 2"
alias "armsrace" "game_type 1; game_mode 0"
alias "demolition" "game_type 1; game_mode 1"
alias "deathmatch" "game_type 1; game_mode 2"
alias "custom" "game_type 3; game_mode 0"
echo Scripts Loaded (1/2)
// Shortcut for disconnet
alias "dc" "disconnect"
// Display Advanced Damage Details
alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on"
alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage Given To; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; playvol buttons\\blip1 0.5; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off""
alias displaydamage_off "con_filter_enable 0; developer 0; playvol buttons\\blip2 0.5; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on""
bind "F5" "displaydamage" //Bind to whatever you prefer (Default F5)
// Jump Throw (For Smokes)
alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
bind "mouse5" "+jumpthrow" //Bind to whatever you prefer (Default Mouse5)
// Voice Toggle
alias "togglevoice" "togglev"
alias "togglev" "voice_1"
alias "voice_1" "voice_scale 0.4; playvol buttons\\blip1 0.5; alias togglev voice_0"
alias "voice_0" "voice_scale 0.0; playvol buttons\\blip2 0.5; alias togglev voice_1"
// Volume Toggle
alias "togglevolume" "volume_0"
alias "volume_1" "volume 1; alias togglevolume volume_0"
alias "volume_0" "volume 0.1; alias togglevolume volume_1"
// Advanced Bind Script - Fast grenade switch by Maxim aka BananaGaming
//Part 1
//Make sure that what is inside the quotes is what you are currently using. You may also change the letters/numbers
//Note: "v" is the key I use to talk with, not "k" by default
alias defA "bind q lastinv"
alias defB "bind e +use"
alias defC "bind f +lookatweapon"
alias defD "bind g drop"
alias defE "bind v +voicerecord"
alias defF "bind 1 slot1"
alias defG "bind 2 slot2"
alias defH "bind 3 slot3"
alias defI "bind x radio2"
alias defJ "bind space +jump; -jump" //Added -jump to turn off +jump in part 3
//Part 2
//If you changed any letters/numbers in part 1 make sure you make the same changes here
//Do not change the keyXX part
alias keyA "bind q keyAA"
alias keyB "bind e keyBB"
alias keyC "bind f keyCC"
alias keyD "bind g keyDD"
alias keyE "bind v keyEE"
alias keyF "bind 1 keyFF"
alias keyG "bind 2 keyGG"
alias keyH "bind 3 keyHH"
alias keyI "bind x keyII"
alias keyJ "bind space keyJJ"
//Part 3
//Here you can change what the bindings do when you hold down your key
//This is the fun part :)
alias keyAA "use weapon_flashbang"
alias keyBB "use weapon_hegrenade"
alias keyCC "use weapon_smokegrenade"
alias keyDD "use weapon_decoy; use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade"
alias keyEE "togglevoice"
alias keyFF "use weapon_smokegrenade"
alias keyGG "use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade"
alias keyHH "use weapon_decoy"
alias keyII "ToggleInfo"
alias keyJJ "+jump;-attack" //+commands need to be turned off with -commands in part 1 to work
//Part 4 - Do not touch!
alias +keybinds "keyA; keyB; keyC; keyD; keyE; keyF; keyG; keyH; keyI; keyJ"
alias -keybinds "defA; defB; defC; defD; defE; defF; defG; defH; defI; defJ"
// Display Rollator
alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_1"
alias rollatorgaming_1 "say Rollator Gaming: They see us strollin' - They hatin'; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_2"
alias rollatorgaming_2 "say Rollator Gaming: Leg' den Aal!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_3""
alias rollatorgaming_3 "say Rollator Gaming: Get rekt, Jungspund!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_4""
alias rollatorgaming_4 "say Rollator Gaming: When I was your age, I at least had friends!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_5""
alias rollatorgaming_5 "say Rollator Gaming: Drive-By in style!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_6""
alias rollatorgaming_6 "say Rollator Gaming: Immer mit der Ruhe!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_7""
alias rollatorgaming_7 "say Rollator Gaming: Playing Bingo like a pro!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_8""
alias rollatorgaming_8 "say Rollator Gaming: Don't hate the (elderly) player, hate the game!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_9""
alias rollatorgaming_9 "say Rollator Gaming: Rage-Deleting Counter Strike since 1898; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_10""
alias rollatorgaming_10 "say Rollator Gaming: Sorry, we usually play Minecraft!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_11"
alias rollatorgaming_11 "say Rollator Gaming: Blue? What are you doning?! BLUE?!?! DROP A DOUBLEU P, MAN!; alias rollatorgaming "rollatorgaming_1"
bind "k" "rollatorgaming"
alias justdoit "justdoit_1"
alias justdoit_1 "say Do it! Just do it!; alias justdoit justdoit_2"
alias justdoit_2 "say Don't let your dreams be dreams!; alias justdoit justdoit_3"
alias justdoit_3 "say Yesterday you said tommorow, so: Just do it!; alias justdoit justdoit_4"
alias justdoit_4 "say Make your dreams come true!; alias justdoit justdoit_5"
alias justdoit_5 "say Just dooooo it!; alias justdoit justdoit_6"
alias justdoit_6 "say Some people dream of success, while you're gonna wake up and work hard at it!; alias justdoit justdoit_7"
alias justdoit_7 "say Nothing is impossible!; alias justdoit justdoit_8"
alias justdoit_8 "say You should get to the point, where anyone else would quit, but you're not gonna stop there! No!; alias justdoit justdoit_9"
alias justdoit_9 "say What are you waiting for - Just DOOOOO it!; alias justdoit justdoit_10"
alias justdoit_10 "say DO IT! JUST DO IT! Yes, you can!; alias justdoit justdoit_11"
alias justdoit_11 "say If you are tired of starting over ... STOP - GIVING - UP!; alias justdoit justdoit_12"
alias justdoit_12 "say *weird Shia LaBeouf stance*; alias justdoit_1"
bind "l" "justdoit"
// Nade Server Settings
// bind "n" "sv_cheats 1; sv_infinite_ammo 1; ammo_grenade_limit_total 5; mp_warmup_end; mp_freezetime 0; mp_roundtime 60; mp_roundtime_defuse 60; sv_grenade_trajectory 1; sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10; sv_showimpacts 1; mp_limitteams 0; mp_autoteambalance 0; mp_maxmoney 60000; mp_startmoney 60000; mp_buytime 9999; mp_buy_anywhere 1; mp_restartgame 1"
bind "n" "togglevolume"
bind "i" "slot12"
bind "mouse3" "player_ping"
//Part 5 - Bind whatever key you want, this will be your main key
bind mouse4 +keybinds
echo " .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. "
echo "| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |"
echo "| | ______ | || | _____ | || | ____ ____ | || | __ | || | _________ | |"
echo "| | |_ _ \ | || | |_ _| | || | |_ _||_ _| | || | / \ | || | | _ _ | | |"
echo "| | | |_) | | || | | | | || | \ \ / / | || | / /\ \ | || | |_/ | | \_| | |"
echo "| | | __'. | || | | | _ | || | \ \/ / | || | / ____ \ | || | | | | |"
echo "| | _| |__) | | || | _| |__/ | | || | _| |_ | || | _/ / \ \_ | || | _| |_ | |"
echo "| | |_______/ | || | |________| | || | |______| | || ||____| |____|| || | |_____| | |"
echo "| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | |"
echo "| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |"
echo " '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' "
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