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Last active August 7, 2024 11:29
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  • Save Paranoia8972/ef86161061caf3bdc0deaa32fe9ba1f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Paranoia8972/ef86161061caf3bdc0deaa32fe9ba1f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get the highest IQ scrore of 282 when signing up for
  1. Go to and log in with discord
  2. Paste this code into the browser console. You might have to enter allow pasting (CRTL+SHIFT+I or RIGHT CLICK>DEVELOPER TOOLS>INSPECT)
  3. Replace the username and handle with the one you want
  4. Hit enter and refresh the page.
fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    username: "Paranoia",
    handle: "@paranoia",
    AGI: "notartificialgeneralintelligences",
    CatQuestion: false,
    ShortFormContent: "0",
    Chemistry: "francium",
    GPT: "generativepretrainedtransformer",
    MathQuestion: "30",
    ContentCreators: "0",
    MathProblem: "9",
    SequenceSymbol: "idfk",
    SequenceNumber: "42",
    Dexerto: false,
    MathProblemComplex: "355",
    TypingTest: "120",
    AudioRick: false,
    Degree: true,
    AudioAgeOfWar: true,
    British: false,
    Kubernete: false,
    ReactionImage: false,
    GimmickAccount: false
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
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Amazing. Thanks

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bytebone commented Aug 7, 2024

correct me if im wrong but setting ContentCreators and ShortFormContent to negative numbers shouldnt accomplish anything since their values are clamped to positive numbers:

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True true. I was just testing it out. I don't know why I've kept this in.

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bytebone commented Aug 7, 2024

I've gone through all the serverside scoring code yesterday (its all in the one file linked above) and the max IQ that is reachable is 183. I have seen people with higher values on Lyntr but dont know how they're reaching them.

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Face staded in his video

After that I added 20 questions which would result in an IQ score in the range of -52 and 198.

From my calculations below I got a maximum of 202:


  • AGI: 4
  • CatQuestion: 1
  • ShortFormContent: 0 (since Math.min(sanitizeNum(input), 12) is always non-negative)
  • Chemistry: 10
  • GPT: 5
  • MathQuestion: 8
  • ContentCreators: 0 (since Math.min(sanitizeNum(input), 47) is always non-negative)
  • MathProblem: 15
  • SequenceSymbol: 10
  • SequenceNumber: 9
  • Dexerto: 25
  • MathProblemComplex: 25
  • TypingTest: 60 (since Math.min(sanitizeNum(input), 120) * 0.5 can be at most 60)
  • AudioRick: 5
  • Degree: 0
  • AudioAgeOfWar: 15
  • British: 0
  • Kubernete: 0
  • ReactionImage: 5
  • GimmickAccount: 5

Summing these values:

$$4 + 1 + 0 + 10 + 5 + 8 + 0 + 15 + 10 + 9 + 25 + 25 + 60 + 5 + 0 + 15 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 5 = 202$$

Starting with an base IQ of 80:

$$202 + 80 = 282$$

The maximum IQ that can be obtained by answering these questions is 202. And then the default IQ of 80 will be added.
Correct my if im wrong.

Hope this helps!

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