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Compiling GoSungrow

Updating GoSungrow

This gist is intended to help you deal with the following error messages:

  • Error: appkey is incorrect 'er_invalid_appkey
  • Error: unknown error 'Request is not encrypted'

This gist has four parts. The instructions you should follow depend on what you want to do:

Part Explains how to
Part 1 recompile GoSungrow from its source code. This includes the patches that solve both errors.
Part 2 install a patched version of GoSungrow in Home Assistant.
Part 3 use a pre-compiled patched binary outside of Home Assistant. This lets you run GoSungrow from your Terminal command line.
Part 4 use a pre-built Docker image outside of Home Assistant.

The four parts are independent. In other words, you do not need to follow the steps in Part 1 and recompile GoSungrow yourself before you can use the patched version in Parts 2, 3 or 4.

about this gist

The reason this gist has a multi-part structure is historical.

The first version of this gist answered the question, "how do I recompile GoSungrow from its source code?" That material became Part 1.

Part 2 went through several revisions including using a Dockerfile plus the results of recompiling as per Part 1 to produce a new local image for Home Assistant. When triamazikamno provided patched Docker images, Part 2 was replaced with simpler (!) instructions.

Part 3 was added following a suggestion by xpufx which further leverages the work done by triamazikamno and avoids the need for recompiling GoSungrow from its source code.

Part 4 was added following a comment by Lmecano which identified a use-case for deploying the Docker images outside of the confines of Home Assistant.

Part 1 — Compiling GoSungrow

These instructions have been tested on macOS (Darwin) and Raspberry Pi OS (Debian). The Go compiler can be installed on Windows but I don't have any way of testing that.


  • git is installed.
  • wget is installed.

Prepare your system (Linux+macOS)

  1. Create the "go" sub-directory in your home directory:

    $ mkdir -p ~/go
  2. Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile as is your preference:

    # Senses if the go compiler is installed
    if [ -x "$GO_BIN/go" ] ; then
       export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
       export PATH="$PATH:$GO_BIN:$GOPATH/bin"
    unset GO_BIN


    • If you copy/paste into a Windows text editor, make sure your editor saves with Unix ( : 0x0A) line endings, rather than Windows (␍␊ 0x0D 0x0A). Alternatively, use a tool like dos2unix to post-process the file.

Install/Update Go compiler

Linux (Raspberry Pi OS)

  1. Open your browser at the Go downloads page.

  2. Choose an appropriate image. Example:

    $ URL=
    $ TARGZ=$(basename $URL)
  3. Also make a note of the SHA256 checksum and assign it to a variable. Example:

    $ HASH=e2e8aa88e1b5170a0d495d7d9c766af2b2b6c6925a8f8956d834ad6b4cacbd9a
  4. Download the image:

    $ wget $URL
  5. Verify the checksum:

    $ shasum -a 256 -c <<< "$HASH *$TARGZ"
    go1.21.6.linux-arm64.tar.gz: OK
  6. Install the compiler (replacing any older version):

    $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
    $ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf $TARGZ


  1. Open your browser at the Go download and install page.
  2. Click the "Download" button.
  3. Run the installer package. This installs/updates as appropriate.


  • If you have an older version of Go installed via HomeBrew, you can remove it with:

     $ brew uninstall go

    HomeBrew does not install the Go compiler in /usr/local/go/bin. You will need to adapt the login script commands if you want to use HomeBrew to install/update Go.


See download and install page.

Confirm compiler installation (Linux+macOS)

  1. Logout and login again so the new login script commands run.

  2. Confirm that GOPATH returns a sensible result:

    $ echo $GOPATH
  3. Confirm that the compiler is present:

    • Linux (Raspberry Pi OS):

       $ go version
       go version go1.21.6 linux/arm64
    • macOS:

       $ go version
       go version go1.20.1 darwin/amd64

Compile GoSungrow

  1. Construct the following directory structure:

    $ mkdir -p ~/go-projects/MickMake
  2. Clone the GoUnify repository:

    $ cd ~/go-projects
    $ git clone
  3. Clone the GoSungrow repository:

    $ cd MickMake
    $ git clone
  4. Move into the GoSungrow directory:

    $ cd GoSungrow
  5. Apply the patch to fix the er_invalid_appkey problem:

    $ git remote add -t encryption triamazikamno
    $ git pull triamazikamno encryption
    $ git switch encryption


    1. You also need to update the APPKey and, optionally, make sure you are using the correct gateway host for your inverter. These steps are explained later at:

    2. When (if) MickMake/GoSungrow is updated to deal with this problem, you will want to undo the effect of this change and recompile from the master branch:

      $ git switch master
  6. Compile GoSungrow for your native architecture

    $ go mod tidy
    $ go build

Check your work

The next three steps tell you to run GoSungrow like this:


The ./ prefix means "run the just-recompiled binary from the working directory". Please do not make the mistake of omitting the ./ prefix because that risks executing an older version of GoSungrow that does not have any of the patches.

1. Confirm GoSungrow compiled

$ ./GoSungrow version
GoSungrow v3.0.7
Self-manage this executable.

  GoSungrow version
  GoSungrow version [command]

	GoSungrow version  

Available Commands:
  check                   Version	- Check and show any version updates.
  list                    Version	- List available versions.
  info                    Version	- Info on current version.
  latest                  Version	- Info on latest version.
  update                  Version	- Update version of this executable.

Flags: Use "GoSungrow help flags" for more info.

Additional help topics:

Use "GoSungrow version help [command]" for more information about a command.

2. Update the APPKey

If you followed the optional step to apply the patch to fix the er_invalid_appkey problem, you will also need to update the APPKey on any system where you intend to run GoSungrow. See APPKey configuration.

3. Set your gateway (optional)

Follow the instructions to set your iSolarCloud gateway configuration.

4. Confirm success

You can confirm everything is working by running:

$ ./GoSungrow api login
Create Date:	Thu Feb 09 13:14:55 CST 2023
Login Last Date:	2023-12-07 12:42:57
Login Last IP:
Login State:	1
User Account:	something
User Id:	999999
User Name:	someone
Is Online:	false
Token:	999999_99999999999999999999999999999999
Token File:	/home/pi/.GoSungrow/AppService_login.json


This section is optional. If you don't need to cross-compile, skip down to using the recompiled binary.

I want to run GoSungrow on a Raspberry Pi. Although I can install the Go compiler (as above) and compile GoSungrow on the Pi, it is much faster to do the work on macOS. All these commands are run on macOS:

  1. Cross-compile for 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS:

    $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o GoSungrow_linux_arm64
  2. Copy compiled binary to target Raspberry Pi system ("iot-hub"):

    $ scp GoSungrow_linux_arm64 iot-hub:./GoSungrow
    GoSungrow_linux_arm64    100%   90MB  90.0MB/s   00:01    
  3. Check result:

    $ ssh iot-hub file GoSungrow
    GoSungrow: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=T7VxiW_Bb7zpmTzK5Gjk/ek581bp4wUYxRJpI4LW7/67TEDExnbLJooHJ3cURP/8Pi_onP5w88QBDpLdkcP, with debug_info, not stripped
  4. Comparison with "native" compile on macOS:

    $ file GoSungrow
    GoSungrow: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

Cross-compiling helper script

Copy the script below and paste into a file named

#!/usr/bin/env bash

compile_for() {

   echo "Compiling for $1/$2"
   GOOS=$1 GOARCH=$2 go build -o GoSungrow-${1}-${2}


go clean

compile_for darwin amd64
compile_for darwin arm64
compile_for linux amd64
compile_for linux arm64

if [ -n "$(which lipo)" ] ; then
   echo "Constructing universal binary for macOS"
   lipo -create -output GoSungrow-mac GoSungrow-darwin-amd64 GoSungrow-darwin-arm64

The script should be at the path:


Give the file execute permission and run it:

$ cd ~/go-projects/MickMake/GoSungrow
$ chmod +x
$ ./

The result of running the script is four binaries:

  • GoSungrow-darwin-amd64 for macOS on Intel chips
  • GoSungrow-darwin-arm64 for macOS on Apple silicon
  • GoSungrow-linux-amd64 for Linux on Intel chips
  • GoSungrow-linux-arm64 for Raspberry Pi

If the lipo tool is available, the script also assembles the first two binaries into:

  • GoSungrow-mac macOS "universal" binary

Using the recompiled binary

There are many ways to use the recompiled binary. About the simplest is to include it in a directory that is in your Unix PATH. The most common pattern for home directories is:

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
$ cp ./GoSungrow ~/.local/bin/.

If the ~/.local/bin directory did not already exist, you may need to logout and login to give your .profile or .bashrc a chance to discover it and add it to your PATH.

Once the binary is in a directory that is in your PATH, you can execute it just by typing the command name (ie without the ./ prefix). For example:

$ GoSungrow api login

Part 2 — Using patched images in HomeAssistant

This is based on material I added to MickMake/GoSungrow Issue 101.


  • There seems to be a common misconception that Supervised Home Assistant does not use Docker images. You may not be aware of it but that doesn't mean Home Assistant isn't using Docker.

triamazikamno has provided patched images for GoSungrow on DockerHub. To use the correct image for your instance of Home Assistant, proceed as follows:

  1. The "Advanced SSH & Web Terminal" add-on must be installed:

    Must Be Advanced add-on

    Go to Settings » Add-ons » Advanced SSH & Web Terminal. In the:

    • "Configuration" tab:

      • you need to set a username and password. This example uses "hassio" as the username. It turns up in the ssh command below.
    • "Info" tab:

      • "Show in sidebar" should be turned ON.
      • "Protection mode" needs to be turned OFF.
      • if you changed any settings in either tab, click "RESTART". If you don't see "RESTART" then click "START".
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Either – from your support host (Linux, macOS, Windows), replace hassio with the username you set in the "Configuration" tab above and connect to your HA instance:

       $ ssh hassio@homeassistant.local

      The prompt you get is:

       ~ #

      The # indicates you are running as root and the ~ indicates that your working directory is root's home directory.

    • Or – from the HomeAssistant web GUI, click "Terminal". A terminal window opens and the prompt you get is:

       ~ $

      Although the Unix convention is that a $ prompt means "running unprivileged" while # means "running as root", the HA Terminal window is in fact running as root and the working directory is root's home directory.

    In what follows below, wherever you see a line starting with "#", it means "copy/paste everything except the # and press return". Any line that does not start with "#" indicates the expected response from the preceding command.

  3. You should be able to see the existing (broken) image:

    # docker images | grep -e REPOSITORY -e gosungrow
    REPOSITORY                                        TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7       2f8714749ba2   3 months ago   161MB

    Your output may be slightly different but you should at least be able to identify a line with "gosungrow" and version 3.0.7.


    • If you can't find at least one GoSungrow image then it means something else is wrong with your system. You won't be able to complete these instructions. I recommend deleting and reinstalling the GoSungrow add-on. That will install the broken version but, once that is in place, you should be able to complete these instructions. You may also find it helpful to run the following command:

       # docker system prune -f
  4. Construct the required variables:

    # old_image=$(docker images | grep gosungrow | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}')
    # echo $old_image
    # new_image=$(echo $old_image | awk -F/ '{print"triamazikamno/"$2}')
    # echo $new_image

    You should get sensible responses to the echo commands. Your exact output may differ but you should be able to see that the earlier output from docker images has turned up in the first echo command, and that the first part of the image name (ie ba22da74) has been replaced with triamazikamno in the second echo command.


    • If you don't get sensible responses to the echo commands then it means something is wrong. Go back and re-check your work.
  5. Retag the old image. This prevents it from being removed:

    # docker tag $old_image ${old_image}-backup

    Confirm that that has worked by re-running the images command:

    # docker images | grep -e REPOSITORY -e gosungrow
    REPOSITORY                                        TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7          2f8714749ba2   3 months ago   161MB
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7-backup   2f8714749ba2   3 months ago   161MB

    You can see both repository+tag combinations point to the same ImageID.


    • An ImageID is a hash of the image file so two repository+tag combinations pointing to the same ImageID means they are both pointing to the same image file on disk.
  6. Pull the replacement image from DockerHub:

    # docker pull $new_image
    3.0.7: Pulling from triamazikamno/amd64-addon-gosungrow
    659d66d51139: Already exists 
    7c0ba91aad39: Pull complete 
    fb2a01b55562: Pull complete 
    4425acca1925: Pull complete 
    d50c5eb93aa0: Pull complete 
    adde5526d152: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:216c20966785878ccae85b48e45f31fc5e38295f04589d0b2377a7c8b564c867
    Status: Downloaded newer image for triamazikamno/amd64-addon-gosungrow:3.0.7

    Again, the actual details may vary but images will confirm the result:

    # docker images | grep -e REPOSITORY -e gosungrow
    REPOSITORY                                        TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    triamazikamno/amd64-addon-gosungrow               3.0.7          f2cbc9418287   11 hours ago   161MB
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7          2f8714749ba2   3 months ago   161MB
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7-backup   2f8714749ba2   3 months ago   161MB

    Three repository+tag combinations but now we have two distinct images.

  7. Now we change the middle tag to point to the new image:

    # docker tag $new_image $old_image

    And confirm that again with images:

    # docker images | grep -e REPOSITORY -e gosungrow
    REPOSITORY                                        TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7          f2cbc9418287   11 hours ago   161MB
    triamazikamno/amd64-addon-gosungrow               3.0.7          f2cbc9418287   11 hours ago   161MB
    ba22da74/amd64-addon-gosungrow                    3.0.7-backup   2f8714749ba2   3 months ago   161MB


    • This step of using the old repository+tag combination to point to the new ImageID is what causes Home Assistant to load the new patched image rather than the old broken image.
  8. Go back to the Home Assistant GUI:

  9. If HA seems to freeze, try quitting your browser and reconnecting to the GUI. Worst case you may need to restart HA, and then start GoSungrow again.

Part 3 — Using a patched binary

triamazikamno has provided patched versions of GoSungrow on GitHub. If you want to obtain a patched version of GoSungrow for use outside of Home Assistant but you do not want to recompile GoSungrow yourself, proceed as follows:

  1. Use your browser to open the following URL:

  2. Scroll down to "Assets" and expand the disclosure triangle if necessary.

  3. Identify the asset which is appropriate to your platform. Examples:

    • macOS on Intel = GoSungrow-darwin_amd64.tar.gz
    • macOS on Apple silicon = GoSungrow-darwin_arm64.tar.gz
    • Linux on Intel = GoSungrow-linux_amd64.tar.gz
    • Linux on 64-bit Raspberry Pi = GoSungrow-linux_arm64.tar.gz
  4. Download the asset to your system. You can either do that from within your browser or you can copy the asset URL to your clipboard, then paste it into a wget command. Something like this would get the job done:

    $ mkdir ~/GoSungrow-patched
    $ cd ~/GoSungrow-patched
    $ wget

    Just make sure you use the correct asset URL in the wget command.

  5. Unpack the .tar.gz (a tape archive – sometimes called a "tarball" – with gzip compression):

    • On macOS (assuming you asked your browser to do the download), the asset will be in your Downloads folder. Double-clicking the downloaded asset creates a folder of the same base name as the asset and extracts the asset's contents into that folder.

    • On Linux (assuming you have just done the wget as above and your working directory is still ~/GoSungrow-patched), you can extract the asset's contents into the working directory like this:

       $ tar -xzf *.tar.gz

    Either way, you wind up with a folder containing the GoSungrow binary plus some other odds and ends which you can ignore.

  6. Complete the following steps from Part 1:

Part 4 — Using a patched Docker image

triamazikamno has provided patched images for GoSungrow on DockerHub. Although the images were intended for use with Home Assistant, they are just Docker images and can also be used outside of Home Assistant.

Initial setup

  1. Create a directory to hold the GoSungrow configuration and its runtime artifacts. These instructions assume the following but the actual directory can have any name and be located be anywhere:

    $ mkdir -p $HOME/GoSungrow
  2. Use the following JSON as a template:

      "sungrow_host": "«Host URL»",
      "sungrow_user": "«USERNAME»",
      "sungrow_password": "«PASSWORD»",
      "sungrow_appkey": "«APPKEY»",
      "mqtt_host": "localhost",
      "mqtt_port": "1883",
      "mqtt_user": "",
      "mqtt_password": "",
      "debug": false,
      "sungrow_timeout": 60
  3. Edit the JSON:

    • "sungrow_host": see iSolarCloud gateway configuration and replace «Host URL» with the appropriate Host URL.
    • "sungrow_user" and "sungrow_password": replace both «USERNAME» and «PASSWORD» with your iSolarCloud credentials.
    • "sungrow_appkey": see APPKey configuration and replace «APPKEY» with the appropriate key.
    • "mqtt_host": the default value of "localhost" assumes the broker is running on the same host as the GoSungrow container but this field can contain a hostname, domain name or IP address.
    • "mqtt_port": the default port for MQTT is 1883 so only change this if you know your broker is running on a non-standard port.
    • "mqtt_user" and "mqtt_password": default to null strings, which assumes your broker does not check credentials. Set appropriate values if your broker authenticates messages.
    • "debug" and "sungrow_timeout": should be left as is.
  4. Save the edited JSON to the path:


Running the container

  1. From the following list, choose the image which is appropriate for your host's architecture:

    Image Typical Platform
    triamazikamno/armhf-addon-gosungrow:3.0.7 Raspberry Pi 3
    triamazikamno/armv7-addon-gosungrow:3.0.7 Raspberry Pi 4 in 32-bit user mode (kernel mode is irrelevant)
    triamazikamno/aarch64-addon-gosungrow:3.0.7 Raspberry Pi 4/5 in full 64-bit mode
    triamazikamno/amd64-addon-gosungrow:3.0.7 Debian guest on Proxmox-VE running on Intel
  2. In the following command, replace «IMAGE» with the image you chose in the previous step:

    $ docker run -d --name gosungrow --net=host \
       -v "/etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro" \
       -v "$HOME/GoSungrow:/data" \
  3. Execute the command. For example, on a Raspberry Pi 4 running full 64-bit Bullseye or Bookworm, the command would be:

    $ docker run -d --name gosungrow --net=host \
       -v "/etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro" \
       -v "$HOME/GoSungrow:/data" \


  • --net=host is only needed to facilitate the use of "mqtt_host": "localhost" in the options.json file. If you run the GoSungrow container as part of a stack in which Mosquitto is also running, you can employ non-host mode and change "localhost" to "mosquitto".

  • The first -v maps the host's SSL certificates into the container. The container will inherit any changes made by routine updates to your operating system.

  • When you execute the docker run command on a non-Intel platform, you may see the following message:

     WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested

    You can ignore that message. See GoSungrow Issue 32 for more information.


iSolarCloud gateway configuration

Sungrow appears to operate the iSolarCloud servers shown in the table below. There may be more. If you discover another server then please add a comment to this gist and I will update the list.

Clicking a link in the "Web URL" column will take you to a web portal where you can login. The "Host URL" column is the URL you need to use for GoSungrow.

URLs marked with "†" are guesses based on the .eu pattern. Each domain name resolves in the Domain Name System but I have no way of testing whether any gateway other than the Australian host works in practice. If you use one of these servers and are able to confirm the Host URL is correct, please let me know in the comments below.

"Server" Web URL Host URL

To apply a "Host URL":

  • If you are using the GoSungrow add-on in Home Assistant:

    1. Open the Home Assistant GUI.
    2. Click "Settings".
    3. Click "Add-ons".
    4. Click "GoSungrow".
    5. Click the "Configuration" tab.
    6. Enter the Host URL from the table into the sungrow_host field.
    7. Click "Save" then follow your nose.
  • If you are using the GoSungrow binary, run:

     $ ./GoSungrow config write --host "«Host URL»"


     $ ./GoSungrow config write --host ""
  • If you are editing a JSON configuration file, replace the «Host URL» field with the value from the table:

       "sungrow_host": "«Host URL»",


       "sungrow_host": "",

APPKey configuration

The situation with APPKeys is confusing. Some people report success with one key, other people another key. Below is a list of known keys. Try them in order until you find one that works:

  • B0455FBE7AA0328DB57B59AA729F05D8
  • ANDROIDE13EC118BD7892FE7AB5A3F20

If you discover new APPKeys, please let me know and I'll add them to this list.

To apply an "APPKey":

  • If you are using the GoSungrow add-on in Home Assistant:

    1. Open the Home Assistant GUI.
    2. Click "Settings".
    3. Click "Add-ons".
    4. Click "GoSungrow".
    5. Click the "Configuration" tab.
    6. Enter the APPKey from the table into the sungrow_appkey field.
    7. Click "Save" then follow your nose.
  • If you are using the GoSungrow binary, run:

     $ ./GoSungrow config write --appkey «APPKey»


     $ ./GoSungrow config write --appkey B0455FBE7AA0328DB57B59AA729F05D8
  • If you are editing a JSON configuration file, replace the «APPKEY» field with the value from the table:

       "sungrow_appkey": "«APPKEY»",


       "sungrow_appkey": "B0455FBE7AA0328DB57B59AA729F05D8",

Change History

  • 2024-05-02

    • Evidence now suggests there is no correlation between iSolarCloud servers and AppKeys. Text adjusted.
  • 2024-05-01

    • Consolidate all information about iSolarCloud gateways and APPKeys into a new section and cross-reference existing sections to the consolidated material.
  • 2024-03-15

    • Adds Part 4 to leverage existing updated DockerHub images for anyone who wants to run GoSungrow in a Docker container outside of Home Assistant.
  • 2024-03-13

    • Adds Part 3 to leverage existing recompiled binaries (which are inputs to the updated DockerHub images) for anyone who simply wants to obtain a patched version of GoSungrow without having to recompile it themselves.
  • 2024-02-28

    • Includes reminder to click SAVE when changing settings.
  • 2024-01-30

    • Adds reminder to set cloud gateway for non-AU systems.
  • 2024-01-22

    • Move go mod tidy before go build.
  • 2024-01-14

    • Emphasise need to use ./ prefix when testing the recompiled binary.
    • Add short section on using GoSungrow from ~/.local/bin.
  • 2023-12-24 - restructure to make clear the distinction between recompiling and using replacement images in Home Assistant.

  • 2023-12-06 - revise "hack" to clarify that the hack can be applied without opening a connection via SSH.

  • 2023-12-09 - revise "hack" to use images provided by triamazikamno on DockerHub.

  • 2023-12-07 - add steps to recompile from triamazikamno fork to resolve er_invalid_appkey problem:

  • 2023-11-29 - re-tested using go 1.21.4 on:

    • M2 MacBook Pro running macOS Ventura 13.6.2
    • Intel Mac Mini running Debian Bookworm guest on Proxmox VE
    • Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye
    • Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm
  • 2023-09-18 - satisfy GoUnify dependency.

Copy link

Can you please guide me how to run it from the command line?

The basic problem is that when the GoSungrow container starts, it launches GoSungrow (the binary inside the container) like this:

GoSungrow mqtt sync

That mqtt mode is what's crashing and, although that would be easy to avoid in a normal Docker environment, I don't know of a way of avoiding it in the Home Assistant environment.

The Home Assistant environment is tightly locked down. Although the Advanced SSH and Terminal is quite powerful, it ultimately has to obey the constraints of the Home Assistant environment.

You really need to follow one of the other parts of this gist.

If you compile GoSungrow from its source code (Part 1) or use a pre-compiled patched binary (Part 3), you will be running GoSungrow "natively" and you won't have to worry about Docker, Home Assistant or anything else.

If you try to follow Part 4 and use a pre-built Docker image outside of Home Assistant then the container will still start in mqtt mode and, if it's crashing now in Home Assistant, it will probably continue to crash outside of Home Assistant too.

However, if you find that GoSungrow running natively on another machine doesn't crash when you try to run it in mqtt mode then (a) it tells you that it's probably something about your HA environment, and (b) you will have an immediate workaround because there is nothing stopping you from running GoSungrow separately from HA and just pointing it to the MQTT broker running inside HA.

Alternatively, if you see the same (crashing) behaviour from GoSungrow when it's running natively then it tells you it's something to do with the data about your Sungrow inverter being sent to you by iSolarCloud. That's not necessarily going to lead to a fix but, as I said before, running the various GoSungrow commands may get you closer to finding just what it is that is returning that string with an underscore where a string representation of an integer is expected.

It's a real pity that MickMake has gone quiet because he's the person who understands this stuff and could probably fix it. I have no means of contacting MickMake and the longer he remains quiet, the more I fear that something might have happened to him.

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msmitka commented May 28, 2024

So I installed Docker for Windows on another PC according to point 4 and it behaves the same. I just connected to another MQTT.

2024-05-28 14:33:40 [12:33:40] INFO: Setting up GoSungrow config ...
2024-05-28 14:33:45 [12:33:45] INFO: Writing GoSungrow config ...
2024-05-28 14:33:45 Using config file '/data/.GoSungrow/config.json'
2024-05-28 14:33:45 New config:
2024-05-28 14:33:45 +-------------------+------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+
2024-05-28 14:33:45 |       FLAG        | SHORT FLAG |        ENVIRONMENT        |          DESCRIPTION           |       VALUE (* = DEFAULT)        |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 +-------------------+------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --config          |            | GOSUNGROW_CONFIG          | GoSungrow: config file.        | /data/.GoSungrow/config.json     |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --debug           |            | GOSUNGROW_DEBUG           | GoSungrow: Debug mode.         | false *                          |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --quiet           |            | GOSUNGROW_QUIET           | GoSungrow: Silence all         | false *                          |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 |                   |            |                           | messages.                      |                                  |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --timeout         |            | GOSUNGROW_TIMEOUT         | Web timeout.                   | 1m0s                             |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --user            | -u         | GOSUNGROW_USER            | SunGrow: api username.         | xxx         |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --password        | -p         | GOSUNGROW_PASSWORD        | SunGrow: api password.         | xxx                         |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --appkey          |            | GOSUNGROW_APPKEY          | SunGrow: api application key.  | B0455FBE7AA0328DB57B59AA729F05D8 |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --host            |            | GOSUNGROW_HOST            | SunGrow: Provider API URL.     |   |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --token-expiry    |            | GOSUNGROW_TOKEN_EXPIRY    | SunGrow: last login.           | 2024-05-28T20:30:26              |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --save            | -s         | GOSUNGROW_SAVE            | Save output as a file.         | false *                          |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --dir             |            | GOSUNGROW_DIR             | Save output base directory.    |  *                               |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --mqtt-user       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER       | HASSIO: mqtt username.         | mqtt                             |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --mqtt-password   |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD   | HASSIO: mqtt password.         | mqtt                             |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --mqtt-host       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST       | HASSIO: mqtt host.             |                  |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --mqtt-port       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT       | HASSIO: mqtt port.             |                             1883 |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --modbus-user     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_USER     | Modbus username.               |  *                               |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --modbus-password |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PASSWORD | Modbus password.               |  *                               |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --modbus-host     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_HOST     | Modbus host.                   |  *                               |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 | --modbus-port     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PORT     | Modbus port.                   | 502 *                            |
2024-05-28 14:33:45 +-------------------+------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+
2024-05-28 14:33:46 [12:33:46] INFO: Login to iSolarCloud using gateway ...
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Email:     xxx
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Create Date:        Tue May 21 15:10:04 CST 2024
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Login Last Date:    2024-05-28 20:34:30
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Login Last IP:
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Login State:        1
2024-05-28 14:33:47 User Account:       xxx
2024-05-28 14:33:47 User Id:    xxx
2024-05-28 14:33:47 User Name:  xxx
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Is Online:  false
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Token:      47f57dd
2024-05-28 14:33:47 Token File: /data/.GoSungrow/AppService_login.json
2024-05-28 14:33:47 [12:33:47] INFO: Syncing data from gateway ...
2024-05-28 14:33:47 2024/05/28 12:33:47 INFO: Connecting to MQTT HASSIO Service...
2024-05-28 14:33:47 2024/05/28 12:33:47 INFO: Connecting to SunGrow...
2024-05-28 14:33:47 2024/05/28 12:33:47 INFO: Found SunGrow 8 devices
2024-05-28 14:33:47 2024/05/28 12:33:47 INFO: Caching Sungrow metadata...
2024-05-28 14:33:48 2024/05/28 12:33:48 INFO: Cached 1171 Sungrow data points...
2024-05-28 14:33:49 PsId: required
2024-05-28 14:33:49 JSON request:       {"ps_id":5490784}
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 2024/05/28 12:33:49 ERROR: SetResponse: strconv.Atoi: parsing "4050146_4050147": invalid syntax
2024-05-28 14:33:49 Error: SetResponse: strconv.Atoi: parsing "4050146_4050147": invalid syntax
2024-05-28 14:33:49 Usage:
2024-05-28 14:33:49   GoSungrow mqtt run [flags]
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 Aliases:
2024-05-28 14:33:49   run, 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 Examples:
2024-05-28 14:33:49     GoSungrow mqtt run  
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 Flags: Use "GoSungrow help flags" for more info.
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 Additional help topics:
2024-05-28 14:33:49 
2024-05-28 14:33:49 ERROR: SetResponse: strconv.Atoi: parsing "4050146_4050147": invalid syntax
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
2024-05-28 14:33:49 s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped


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Well, at least you're now at the point where you have a basis for some further experimentation.

At this point (based on Part 4 of the Gist), you've got the container running and, even though it is crashing, it will have initialised the $HOME/GoSungrow folder. You can check that by looking for a hidden folder:


which will contain a bunch of stuff including config.json which is populated from the options.json file, albeit with different keys on the left hand side.

I have no idea why GoSungrow uses such a convoluted approach but I assume it has something to do with how the Home Assistant environment gets set up.

Because the container crashed, it will be in a kind of limbo state so it's a good idea to clean that up:

$ docker stop gosungrow
$ docker rm gosungrow

If you get any complaints from Docker, try adding -f after the rm to force the issue.

Then, unless you're trying to run Windows on ARM I'm guessing an Intel chip, so the command you ran to start the container in the first place will have been this, right?

$ docker run -d --name gosungrow --net=host \
   -v "/etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro" \
   -v "$HOME/GoSungrow:/data" \

what you need is a subtle variation on that:

$ docker run -d --name gosungrow --net=host \
   -v "/etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro" \
   -v "$HOME/GoSungrow:/data" \
   triamazikamno/amd64-addon-gosungrow:3.0.7 \
   sleep 3600

That launches the container but, instead of going into MQTT mode, the container just runs that sleep command. Because it's "running" a command (as opposed to crashing) you can get into it:

$ docker exec -it gosungrow bash

and the prompt you will see is something like:


and from here I'm going to use # to mean the system prompt inside the container

Now you can start running commands. The only "trick" is to always pass the path to the config file that GoSungrow set up the first time you ran it and it crashed. Here's an example:

# GoSungrow --config /data/.GoSungrow/config.json api login

With any luck it will log you in successfully. Then you can try:

# GoSungrow --config /data/.GoSungrow/config.json show ps list

Once you get the hang of this, take yourself to Using GoSungeow and see what you can find. Keep an eye out for evidence of the string that is causing you trouble (4050146_4050147).

It's possible that if you can collect enough evidence you can open an issue on the GoSungrow repo and maybe (just maybe) someone will be able to figure out why it is happening, and maybe (just maybe) someone with the requisite skills (eg triamazikamno) will be able to provide a patch.

Once you've finished experimenting, exit the container and clobber it:

# exit
$ docker stop gosungrow
$ docker rm gosungrow

Some more thoughts:

  1. Does Issue 107 sound like it could be the same problem? If yes then perhaps add a comment to that issue addressed to @illuzn and @copetogo to see if they made progress and, if so, how.

  2. If you wade through this post then part way down you'll find (screenshot):

    Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10 30 41

    Reading through those linked issues (which include 107 as above) might provoke an "ahah" moment.

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msmitka commented May 29, 2024

Hi, so the program ends at show device list:

bash-5.1# GoSungrow --config /data/.GoSungrow/config.json show ps list
┃ Ps Key        ┃ Ps Id   ┃ Device Type ┃ Device Code ┃ Channel Id ┃ Serial #    ┃ Factory Name ┃ Device Model ┃
┃ 5490784_1_1_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 1           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_7_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 7           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_9_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 9           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_2_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 2           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_8_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 8           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_6_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 6           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_4_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 4           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_3_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 3           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃

bash-5.1# GoSungrow --config /data/.GoSungrow/config.json show device list
Error: SetResponse: strconv.Atoi: parsing "4050146_4050147": invalid syntax
  GoSungrow show device list [flags]

  list, ls

        GoSungrow show device list

Flags: Use "GoSungrow help flags" for more info.

Additional help topics:

ERROR: SetResponse: strconv.Atoi: parsing "4050146_4050147": invalid syntax

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msmitka commented May 29, 2024

"device_area":"4050146_4050147" In file in dir cache devicelist is:


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When I search my own cache I see:

$ grep '"device_area"' *
AppService_getDeviceList-42aa5791c953124dc8c0e4bf0fe43e79.json:                         "device_area":"1367847",
AppService_getDeviceList-42aa5791c953124dc8c0e4bf0fe43e79.json:                         "device_area":"1367847",
AppService_getDeviceList-42aa5791c953124dc8c0e4bf0fe43e79.json:                         "device_area":"1367850",
AppService_queryDeviceList-42aa5791c953124dc8c0e4bf0fe43e79.json:                               "device_area":"1367847",
AppService_queryDeviceList-42aa5791c953124dc8c0e4bf0fe43e79.json:                               "device_area":"1367847",
AppService_queryDeviceList-42aa5791c953124dc8c0e4bf0fe43e79.json:                               "device_area":"1367850",

So, in my case, the values are always string representations of integers. But, I only have three devices in my show ps list, the inverter, the WiFi adapter and the (so called) smart meter. You have more. I don't know if that is significant.

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msmitka commented May 29, 2024

bash-5.1# GoSungrow --config /data/.GoSungrow/config.json show ps list
┃ Ps Key        ┃ Ps Id   ┃ Device Type ┃ Device Code ┃ Channel Id ┃ Serial #    ┃ Factory Name ┃ Device Model ┃
┃ 5490784_1_1_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 1           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_7_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 7           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_9_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 9           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_2_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 2           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_8_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 8           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_6_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 6           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_4_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 4           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃
┃ 5490784_1_3_1 │ 5490784 │ 1           │ 3           │ 1          │ B2353176487 │ SUNGROW      │ SG50CX-P2    ┃


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msmitka commented May 29, 2024


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msmitka commented May 30, 2024

Sorry, I misunderstood, I thought I should have sent a show ps list.
I apologize for my English.

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