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Last active August 10, 2023 08:44
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  • Save ParisaTork/0827154adf74dfd434f1cd3a4b4fd433 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import { GuAlarm, GuStack } from '@guardian/cdk';
import { Metric, ComparisonOperator } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';
const Backend5XXAlarmThreshold = 100;
const Backend5XXAlarmPeriod = 1;
const Backend5XXConsecutivePeriod = 5;
const criticalAlertsTopic = sns.Topic.fromTopicArn(this, 'CriticalAlertsTopic', 'arn:aws:sns:<region>:<account-id>:Frontend-PROD-CriticalAlerts'); // modify to CODE in the meantime? I don't think we have one for CODE, so we may need to set this up
const alarm = new GuAlarm(stack, 'Backend5xxAlarm', {
app: 'rendering',
stack: 'frontend',
stage: stack.stage,
metric: new Metric({
namespace: 'AWS/ELB',
metricName: 'HTTPCode_Backend_5XX',
dimensions: { LoadBalancerName: lb.InternalLoadBalancer },
statistic: 'Sum',
period: cdk.Duration.minutes(Backend5XXAlarmPeriod),
alarmDescription: `Alarm if 5XX backend errors are greater than ${Backend5XXAlarmThreshold} over last ${Backend5XXAlarmPeriod} seconds`,
threshold: Backend5XXAlarmThreshold,
evaluationPeriods: Backend5XXConsecutivePeriod,
comparisonOperator: ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,
alarmActions: [criticalAlertsTopic.topicArn], // Placeholder - default is set to '', but in AWS, it shows SNS topic
okActions: [criticalAlertsTopic.topicArn], // Placeholder - default is set to '', but in AWS, it shows SNS topic
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