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Created February 11, 2020 16:19
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enum class DeepLinkInfo(@StringRes val hostStringResId: Int) {
MAIN(R.string.scheme_host_main) {
override fun getIntent(context: Context, deepLinkUri: Uri) =
DETAIL(R.string.scheme_host_detail) {
override fun getIntent(context: Context, deepLinkUri: Uri) =
DetailActivity.getIntent(context, deepLinkUri)
COUNTRY(R.string.scheme_host_country) {
override fun getIntent(context: Context, deepLinkUri: Uri) =
CountryActivity.getIntent(context, deepLinkUri)
private val host: String = TedApplication.instance.getString(hostStringResId)
abstract fun getIntent(context: Context, deepLinkUri: Uri): Intent
companion object {
fun getMainIntent(context: Context) = MainActivity.getIntent(context)
operator fun invoke(uri: Uri): DeepLinkInfo =
values().find { == } ?: run {
logd("등록되지 않은 딥링크")
logd("Not registered deep link host")
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