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Last active March 15, 2022 08:52
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let's findout who tells the truth and who lies
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
type Var = String
type Value = String
type Variables = [(Var, Value)]
data Predicate = Is Var Value
| And Predicate Predicate
| Or Predicate Predicate
| Not Predicate
| Boolean Bool
isNot :: Var -> Value -> Predicate
isNot u v = Not (u `Is` v)
implies :: Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
implies p q = Not (p `And` Not q)
orElse :: Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
orElse p q = (p `And` Not q) `Or` (Not p `And` q)
same :: Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
same p q = (p `implies` q) `And` (q `implies` p)
honest = "honset"
lier = "lier"
said :: Var -> Predicate -> Predicate
said u p =
((u `Is` honest) `implies` p) `And`
((u `Is` lier) `implies` Not p)
maybeAnd :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool
maybeAnd (Just False) _ = Just False
maybeAnd _ (Just False) = Just False
maybeAnd x y = liftM2 (&&) x y
maybeOr :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool
maybeOr (Just True) _ = Just True
maybeOr _ (Just True) = Just True
maybeOr x y = liftM2 (||) x y
check :: Variables -> Predicate -> Maybe Bool
check vs (u `Is` v) = do
x <- lookup u vs
return (x == v)
check vs (p `And` q) = maybeAnd (check vs p) (check vs q)
check vs (p `Or` q) = maybeOr (check vs p) (check vs q)
check vs (Not p) = not <$> check vs p
check vs (Boolean b) = Just b
data ProblemState = ProblemState { vars :: Variables, preds :: [Predicate] }
type NDS a = StateT ProblemState [] a
isConsistent :: Bool -> NDS Bool
isConsistent partial = do
ps <- gets preds
vs <- gets vars
let results = map (check vs) ps
return $ all (fromMaybe partial) results
getVar :: Var -> NDS (Maybe Value)
getVar u = do
vs <- gets vars
return $ lookup u vs
setVar :: Var -> Value -> NDS ()
setVar u val = do
vs <- gets vars
let vs' = filter ((/= u) . fst) vs
st <- get
put $ st {vars = (u,val):vs'}
isConsistent True >>= guard
getResult :: NDS Variables
getResult = do
isConsistent False >>= guard
gets vars
tryAll :: Var -> [Value] -> NDS ()
u `tryAll` vs = msum (map (setVar u) vs)
tryPerson :: Var -> NDS ()
tryPerson = (`tryAll` [honest,lier])
runPS :: [Predicate] -> NDS a -> [Variables]
runPS preds s = evalStateT (s >> getResult) (ProblemState [] preds)
showSolution :: Variables -> String
showSolution = unlines . map go where
go (p, s) = p ++ " is " ++ s
count :: [Predicate] -> Int -> Predicate
count ps 0 = foldr (And . Not) (Boolean True) ps
count [] _ = Boolean False
count (p:ps) n =
(p `And` count ps (n-1)) `Or`
(Not p `And` count ps n)
atleast :: [Predicate] -> Int -> Predicate
atleast _ 0 = Boolean True
atleast [] _ = Boolean False
atleast (p:ps) n =
(p `And` atleast ps (n-1)) `Or`
(Not p `And` atleast ps n)
atmost :: [Predicate] -> Int -> Predicate
atmost ps n = atleast (map Not ps) (length ps - n)
(.==) = Is
(.!=) = isNot
(.:) = said
(.&&) = And
(.||) = Or
(.^) = orElse
(.=>) = implies
(.<=>) = same
problem1 = runPS predicate init where
predicate =
[ "Leila" .: ("Maryam" .== lier)
, "Maryam" .: ("Golnoosh" .== lier)
, "Golnoosh" .: (("Maryam" .== lier) .&& ("Leila" .== lier))
, "Ali" .: ("Ali" .== honest)
init = do
mapM_ tryPerson ["Leila","Maryam","Golnoosh","Ali"]
problem2 = runPS predicate init where
statements = ["A","B","C","D"]
predicate =
[ "A" .: ("D" .== honest)
, "B" .: ("A" .== lier)
, "C" .: ("B" .== lier)
, "D" .: ("C" .== honest)
, map (.== lier) statements `count` 1
init = do
mapM_ tryPerson statements
problem3 = runPS predicate init where
crowd = ["alan", "ben", "chris", "dave", "emma"]
eater = "eater"
predicate =
[ (eater .!= "emma") .^ (eater .== "ben")
, (eater .!= "chris") .^ (eater .!= "emma")
, (eater .== "emma") .^ (eater .!= "alan")
, (eater .== "chris") .^ (eater .== "ben")
, (eater .== "dave") .^ (eater .!= "alan")
init = do
eater `tryAll` crowd
problem4 = runPS predicate init where
crowd = ["white", "brown", "gray", "blue", "black"]
predicate = zipWith go crowd [0..4] where
go u i = u .: (map (.== honest) crowd `count` i)
init = do
mapM_ tryPerson crowd
problem5 = runPS [predicate] init where
predicate = ["car" .== "box1", "car" .!= "box2", "car" .!= "box1"] `count` 1
init = do
"car" `tryAll` ["box1", "box2", "box3"]
problem6 = runPS predicate init where
crowd = ["A", "B", "C"]
predicate =
[ "A" .: ("B" .== honest)
, "B" .: ("guilty" .!= "A")
, "C" .: ("guilty" .== "A")
, map (.== honest) crowd `count` 1
init = do
mapM_ tryPerson crowd
"guilty" `tryAll` crowd
problem7 = runPS predicate init where
crowd = ["brian", "chris", "leroy", "mike"]
predicate =
[ "brian" .: (("brian" .== honest) .<=> ("mike" .== lier))
, "chris" .: ("leroy" .== lier)
, "leroy" .: ("chris" .== lier)
, "mike" .: (map (.== honest) crowd `atleast` 2)
init = do
mapM_ tryPerson crowd
problem8 = runPS predicate init where
crowd = ["A", "B", "C"]
predicate =
[ "A" .: ("A" .== honest)
, "B" .: ("B" .== lier)
, "C" .: ("C" .== "spy")
, map (.== honest) crowd `count` 1
, map (.== lier) crowd `count` 1
, map (.== "spy") crowd `count` 1
init = do
mapM_ (`tryAll` [honest,lier,"spy"]) crowd
problem9 = runPS predicate inits where
crowd = ["first","second","third","forth","fifth"]
alg x = "algebra of " ++ x
failedalgs = map ((.== "failed") . alg) crowd
predicate =
[ map (.== honest) (init crowd) `count` 1
, "first" .: (failedalgs `atleast` 1)
, "second" .: (failedalgs `atleast` 2)
, "third" .: (failedalgs `atleast` 3)
, "forth" .: (failedalgs `atleast` 4)
inits = do
"fifth" `setVar` honest
mapM_ tryPerson (init crowd)
mapM_ ((`tryAll` ["failed","passed"]) . alg) crowd
problem10 = runPS predicate inits where
str i = "person " ++ show i
crowd = map str [1..10]
predicate = map go crowd where
go u = u .: (map (.== honest) (filter (/= u) crowd) `count` 3)
inits = do
mapM_ tryPerson crowd
run p = do
forM_ p $ \sol -> do
putStrLn "======"
putStrLn . showSolution $ sol
putStr "Number of Solutions: "
print $ length p
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