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Last active July 20, 2021 14:34
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import boto3
ec2Client = boto3.client('ec2')
ec2Resource = boto3.resource('ec2')
for instance in ec2Resource.instances.all():
for tag in instance.tags:
if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
list_of_snapshots = []
check_value = []
check_value.append(tag['Value'] + '*')
snapshotsByTag = ec2Client.describe_snapshots(Filters=[{'Name':'tag:Name', 'Values': [check_value[0]]}])['Snapshots']
snapshotsByDescription = ec2Client.describe_snapshots(Filters=[{'Name':'description', 'Values': [check_value[0]]}])['Snapshots']
for tag in instance.tags:
if tag['Key'] == 'Environment':
for snapshot in snapshotsByTag:
if snapshot:
ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[snapshot['SnapshotId']], Tags=[{'Key':'Environment', 'Value':tag['Value']}], DryRun=False)
for snapshot in snapshotsByDescription:
if snapshot:
ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[snapshot['SnapshotId']], Tags=[{'Key':'Environment', 'Value':tag['Value']}], DryRun=False)
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