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Save ParticleG/a4853c99f32f689eaa856c9b406a2610 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Redis helper for drogon framework
// Created by ParticleG on 2022/2/9.
#include <helpers/RedisHelper.h>
#include <ranges>
#include <structures/Exceptions.h>
#include <utils/crypto.h>
#include <utils/datetime.h>
using namespace drogon;
using namespace std;
using namespace studio26f::helpers;
using namespace studio26f::structures;
using namespace studio26f::utils;
RedisHelper::RedisHelper(std::string BaseKey) :
_redisClient(app().getRedisClient()) {}
RedisHelper::~RedisHelper() {
LOG_INFO << "Redis disconnected.";
bool RedisHelper::tokenBucket(
const string &key,
const chrono::microseconds &restoreInterval,
const uint64_t &maxCount
) const {
const auto countKey = _baseKey + ":tokenBucket:count:" + key;
const auto updatedKey = _baseKey + ":tokenBucket:updated:" + key;
const auto maxTtl = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(restoreInterval * maxCount);
uint64_t countValue;
if (exists({countKey}))
try {
countValue = stoull(get(countKey));
} catch (...) {
set(countKey, to_string(maxCount - 1));
countValue = maxCount;
bool hasToken = true;
try {
const auto lastUpdated = get(updatedKey);
const auto nowMicroseconds = datetime::toDate().microSecondsSinceEpoch();
const auto generatedCount =
(nowMicroseconds -
) / restoreInterval.count() - 1;
if (generatedCount >= 1) {
set(updatedKey, datetime::toString(nowMicroseconds));
incrBy(countKey, static_cast<int>(generatedCount) - 1);
hasToken = true;
} else if (countValue > 0) {
hasToken = true;
} else {
hasToken = false;
} catch (...) {
set({{updatedKey, datetime::toString()},
{countKey, to_string(maxCount - 1)}});
// Use sync methods to make sure the operation is completed.
expire({{countKey, maxTtl},
{updatedKey, maxTtl}});
return hasToken;
void RedisHelper::del(const vector<string> &keys, const function<void(int64_t)> &callback) const noexcept {
if (keys.empty()) {
stringstream keyStream;
ranges::copy(keys | views::transform([this](const auto &key) {
return _baseKey + ":" + key;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(keyStream, " "));
[&, size = keys.size()](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"del %s", keyStream.str().c_str()
int64_t RedisHelper::del(const vector<string> &keys) const {
if (keys.empty()) {
return 0;
stringstream keyStream;
ranges::copy(keys | views::transform([this](const auto &key) {
return _baseKey + ":" + key;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(keyStream, " "));
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<int64_t>(
[size = keys.size()](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger();
"del %s", keyStream.str().c_str()
void RedisHelper::exists(const vector<string> &keys, const function<void(bool)> &callback) const noexcept {
if (keys.empty()) {
stringstream keyStream;
ranges::copy(keys | views::transform([this](const auto &key) {
return _baseKey + ":" + key;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(keyStream, " "));
[&, size = keys.size()](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
callback(result.asInteger() == size);
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"exists %s", keyStream.str().c_str()
bool RedisHelper::exists(const vector<string> &keys) const {
if (keys.empty()) {
return false;
stringstream keyStream;
ranges::copy(keys | views::transform([this](const auto &key) {
return _baseKey + ":" + key;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(keyStream, " "));
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<bool>(
[size = keys.size()](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger() == size;
"exists %s", keyStream.str().c_str()
void RedisHelper::expire(
const string &key,
const chrono::seconds &ttl,
const function<void(bool)> &callback
) const noexcept {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"expire %s %d", tempKey.c_str(), ttl.count()
bool RedisHelper::expire(const string &key, const chrono::seconds &ttl) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<bool>(
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger();
"expire %s %d", tempKey.c_str(), ttl.count()
void RedisHelper::expire(
const KeyPairs <chrono::seconds> &params,
const function<void(vector<bool> &&)> &callback
) const noexcept {
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (const auto &[key, ttl]: params) {
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
[](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"expire %s %d", (_baseKey + ":" + key).c_str(), ttl.count()
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
const auto &resultsArray = result.asArray();
const auto view = resultsArray | views::transform(
[](const auto &item) -> bool { return item.asInteger(); }
callback({view.begin(), view.end()});
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
vector<bool> RedisHelper::expire(const KeyPairs <chrono::seconds> &params) const {
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (const auto &[key, ttl]: params) {
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
[](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"expire %s %d", (_baseKey + ":" + key).c_str(), ttl.count()
promise<vector<bool>> resultsPromise;
auto resultsFuture = resultsPromise.get_future();
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
const auto &resultsArray = result.asArray();
const auto view = resultsArray | views::transform(
[](const auto &item) -> bool { return item.asInteger(); }
resultsPromise.set_value({view.begin(), view.end()});
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
return resultsFuture.get();
void RedisHelper::get(const string &key, const RedisHelper::SimpleResultCb &callback) const noexcept {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
if (result.isNil()) {
callback({false, {}});
} else {
callback({true, result.asString()});
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
callback({false, err.what()});
"get %s", tempKey.c_str()
string RedisHelper::get(const string &key) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<string>(
[=](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
if (result.isNil()) {
throw redis_exception::KeyNotFound(tempKey);
return result.asString();
"get %s", tempKey.c_str()
int64_t RedisHelper::incrBy(const string &key, const int64_t &value) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<int64_t>(
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger();
"incrBy %s %lld", tempKey.c_str(), value
int64_t RedisHelper::decrBy(const string &key, const int64_t &value) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<int64_t>(
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger();
"decrBy %s %lld", tempKey.c_str(), value
void RedisHelper::sAdd(const string &key, const vector<string> &values) const {
if (values.empty()) {
stringstream valueStream;
ranges::copy(values | views::transform([this](const auto &key) {
return _baseKey + ":" + key;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(valueStream, " "));
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"sAdd %s %s", key.c_str(), valueStream.str().c_str()
void RedisHelper::sAdd(const vector<pair<string, vector<string>>> &params) const {
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (const auto &[key, values]: params) {
if (values.empty()) {
stringstream valueStream;
ranges::copy(values | views::transform([this](const auto &tempKey) {
return _baseKey + ":" + tempKey;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(valueStream, " "));
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"sAdd %s %s", key.c_str(), valueStream.str().c_str()
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
int64_t RedisHelper::sCard(const string &key) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<int64_t>(
[=](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger();
"get %s", tempKey.c_str()
vector<string> RedisHelper::sMembers(const string &key) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<vector<string>>(
[=](const nosql::RedisResult &result) -> vector<string> {
if (result.isNil()) {
return {};
const auto array = result.asArray();
const auto memberView = array | views::transform([](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asString();
}) | views::common;
return {memberView.begin(), memberView.end()};
"sMembers %s", tempKey.c_str()
vector<vector<string>> RedisHelper::sMembers(const vector<string> &keys) const {
vector<vector<string>> result;
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (const auto &key: keys) {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
[=](const nosql::RedisResult &result) -> vector<string> {
if (result.isNil()) {
return {};
const auto array = result.asArray();
const auto memberView = array | views::transform([](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asString();
}) | views::common;
return {memberView.begin(), memberView.end()};
"sMembers %s", tempKey.c_str()
promise<int64_t> p1;
auto f1 = p1.get_future();
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
[&](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
LOG_TRACE << f1.get();
return result;
bool RedisHelper::sIsMember(const string &key, const string &value) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<bool>(
[=](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asInteger();
"sIsMember %s", tempKey.c_str()
void RedisHelper::sRemove(const string &key, const vector<string> &values) const {
if (values.empty()) {
stringstream valueStream;
ranges::copy(values | views::transform([this](const auto &key) {
return _baseKey + ":" + key;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(valueStream, " "));
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"sRem %s %s", key.c_str(), valueStream.str().c_str()
void RedisHelper::sRemove(const vector<pair<string, vector<string>>> &params) const {
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (const auto &[key, values]: params) {
if (values.empty()) {
stringstream valueStream;
ranges::copy(values | views::transform([this](const auto &tempKey) {
return _baseKey + ":" + tempKey;
}), ostream_iterator<string>(valueStream, " "));
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
"sRem %s %s", key.c_str(), valueStream.str().c_str()
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
void RedisHelper::set(const string &key, const string &value, const SimpleResultCb &callback) const noexcept {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
const auto resultString = result.asString();
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
callback({true, result.asString()});
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
callback({false, err.what()});
"set %s %s", tempKey.c_str(), value.c_str()
RedisHelper::SimpleResult RedisHelper::set(const string &key, const string &value) const noexcept(false) {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
return _redisClient->execCommandSync<SimpleResult>(
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) -> SimpleResult {
const auto resultString = result.asString();
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
return {true, result.asString()};
"set %s %s", tempKey.c_str(), value.c_str()
void RedisHelper::set(const KeyPairs <string> &params, const SimpleResultsCb &callback) const noexcept {
SimpleResults execResults;
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (int64_t index = 0; index < params.size(); ++index) {
const auto &[key, value] = params[index];
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
const auto resultString = result.asString();
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
execResults.emplace(execResults.begin() + index, true, result.asString());
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
execResults.emplace(execResults.begin() + index, false, string{err.what()});
"set %s %s", tempKey.c_str(), value.c_str()
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
RedisHelper::SimpleResults RedisHelper::set(const KeyPairs <string> &params) const noexcept(false) {
SimpleResults execResults;
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (int64_t index = 0; index < params.size(); ++index) {
const auto &[key, value] = params[index];
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
const auto resultString = result.asString();
LOG_TRACE << result.getStringForDisplayingWithIndent();
execResults.emplace(execResults.begin() + index, true, result.asString());
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
execResults.emplace(execResults.begin() + index, false, string{err.what()});
"set %s %s", tempKey.c_str(), value.c_str()
promise<int64_t> p1;
auto f1 = p1.get_future();
[&](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[&](const exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
LOG_TRACE << f1.get();
return execResults;
void RedisHelper::setEx(const string &key, int64_t ttl, const string &value) const {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
LOG_TRACE << _redisClient->execCommandSync<string>(
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asString();
"setEx %s %lld %s", tempKey.c_str(), ttl, value.c_str()
void RedisHelper::setEx(const vector<tuple<string, int64_t, string>> &params) const {
const auto transaction = _redisClient->newTransaction();
for (const auto &[key, ttl, value]: params) {
const auto tempKey = _baseKey + ":" + key;
LOG_TRACE << transaction->execCommandSync<string>(
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
return result.asString();
"setEx %s %lld %s", tempKey.c_str(), ttl, value.c_str()
[](const nosql::RedisResult &result) {
LOG_TRACE << result.asInteger();
[](const std::exception &err) {
LOG_ERROR << err.what();
// Created by ParticleG on 2022/2/9.
#pragma once
#include <drogon/drogon.h>
namespace studio26f::helpers {
class RedisHelper {
explicit RedisHelper(std::string BaseKey = CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME);
[[nodiscard]] bool tokenBucket(
const std::string &key,
const std::chrono::microseconds &restoreInterval,
const uint64_t &maxCount
) const;
virtual ~RedisHelper();
template<typename T>
using KeyPair = std::pair<std::string, T>;
template<typename T>
using KeyPairs = std::vector<KeyPair<T>>;
using SimpleResult = std::pair<bool, std::string>;
using SimpleResultCb = std::function<void(SimpleResult &&)>;
using SimpleResults = std::vector<SimpleResult>;
using SimpleResultsCb = std::function<void(SimpleResults &&)>;
void del(const std::vector<std::string> &keys, const std::function<void(int64_t)> &callback) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] int64_t del(const std::vector<std::string> &keys) const;
void exists(const std::vector<std::string> &keys, const std::function<void(bool)> &callback) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] bool exists(const std::vector<std::string> &keys) const;
void expire(
const std::string &key,
const std::chrono::seconds &ttl,
const std::function<void(bool)> &callback
) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] bool expire(const std::string &key, const std::chrono::seconds &ttl) const;
void expire(
const KeyPairs<std::chrono::seconds> &params,
const std::function<void(std::vector<bool> &&)> &callback
) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<bool> expire(const KeyPairs<std::chrono::seconds> &params) const;
void get(const std::string &key, const SimpleResultCb &callback) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] std::string get(const std::string &key) const;
[[nodiscard]] int64_t incrBy(const std::string &key, const int64_t &value = 1) const;
[[nodiscard]] int64_t decrBy(const std::string &key, const int64_t &value = 1) const;
void sAdd(const std::string &key, const std::vector<std::string> &values) const;
void sAdd(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>> &tempKey) const;
[[nodiscard]] int64_t sCard(const std::string &key) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<std::string> sMembers(const std::string &key) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> sMembers(const std::vector<std::string> &keys) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool sIsMember(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) const;
void sRemove(const std::string &key, const std::vector<std::string> &values) const;
void sRemove(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>> &params) const;
void set(const std::string &key, const std::string &value, const SimpleResultCb &callback) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] SimpleResult set(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) const;
void set(const KeyPairs<std::string> &params, const SimpleResultsCb &callback) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] SimpleResults set(const KeyPairs<std::string> &params) const;
void setEx(const std::string &key, int64_t ttl, const std::string &value) const;
void setEx(const std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int64_t, std::string>> &params) const;
std::string _baseKey;
drogon::nosql::RedisClientPtr _redisClient;
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