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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
import SpriteKit
import XCPlayground
/** Possible values for new cells **/
let kPossibleRandomValues = [2,4]
struct Position
var column = -1;
var row = -1;
struct Size
let colums:Int
let rows:Int
var length:Int {
return colums * rows
/** Possible playground move directions **/
enum MoveDirection
case Left
case Right
case Top
case Bottom
/** 2048 Game Main Class **/
class Playground
class Cell : Printable
var value = 0
var position:Position
var description:String {
return "Cell(\(self.position.column),\(self.position.row)"
self.position = position
var size:Size
var cells:[Cell]
subscript(c:Int, r:Int) -> Cell? {
get {
return cells[c + r * size.colums]
set {
cells[ c + r * size.colums] = newValue!
/** Creates 2048 Game Playground with provided size
:param: size size of playground board
self.size = size
self.cells = [Cell](count: size.length, repeatedValue: Cell(position: Position(column: 0, row: 0)))
for c in 0..<size.colums {
for r in 0..<size.rows {
self[c,r] = Cell(position: Position(column: c, row: r))
/** inits playground with default size 5 by 5 **/
convenience init()
var s = Size(colums: 5, rows: 5);
self.init(size: s)
:returns: Array of cells that have value equal to 0
func emptyCells() -> [Cell]
var result = [Cell]()
for r in 0..<self.size.rows {
for c in 0..<self.size.colums
if let cell = self[c,r] {
if cell.value == 0 {
return result
Adds random number from kPossibleRandomValues in empty place
:returns: if empty field was found**/
func add() -> Bool
let emptyCellsArray = emptyCells();
if emptyCellsArray.count <= 0 { return false }
let rndIdx = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(emptyCellsArray.count)))
let rndValueIdx = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(kPossibleRandomValues.count)))
emptyCellsArray[rndIdx].value = kPossibleRandomValues[rndValueIdx];
return true
Move cells in designated direction
:param: direction direction of move
func move(direction:MoveDirection)
func moveCells(inout c:Int,inout r:Int, dir:(horizontal:Int,vertical:Int))
let cell = self[c, r]!
var cellToCheck:Cell? = nil
var pnt = Position(column: c, row: r)
while cellToCheck == nil
pnt.column += dir.horizontal;
pnt.row += dir.vertical;
if pnt.column >= 0 && pnt.column < size.colums &&
pnt.row >= 0 && pnt.row < size.rows
cellToCheck = self[pnt.column,pnt.row]
if cellToCheck?.value == 0
cellToCheck = nil
if let ctc = cellToCheck
switch(cell.value, ctc.value)
case (0,_):
cell.value = ctc.value
ctc.value = 0
c = dir.horizontal >= 0 ? 0 : size.colums-1
r = dir.vertical >= 0 ? 0 : size.rows-1
case (let x, let y) where x == y:
cell.value += ctc.value
ctc.value = 0
c = dir.horizontal >= 0 ? 0 : size.colums-1
r = dir.vertical >= 0 ? 0 : size.rows-1
switch direction
case .Left:
for var r = 0; r < size.rows; r++ {
for var c = 0; c < size.colums; c++ {
moveCells(&c, &r, (horizontal: +1, vertical: 0))
case .Right:
for var r = 0; r < size.rows; r++ {
for var c = size.colums-1; c >= 0; c-- {
moveCells(&c, &r, (horizontal: -1, vertical: 0))
case .Top:
for var c = 0; c < size.colums; c++ {
for var r = 0; r < size.rows; r++ {
moveCells(&c, &r, (horizontal: 0, vertical: 1))
case .Bottom:
for var c = 0; c < size.colums; c++ {
for var r = size.rows-1; r >= 0; r-- {
moveCells(&c, &r, (horizontal: 0, vertical: -1))
:returns: playground as printable string
func debugString() -> String
var result = ""
for r in 0...self.size.rows - 1 {
for c in 0...self.size.colums - 1
if c % self.size.colums == 0 {
result += "\n"
if let cell = self[c,r]
result += cell.value == 0 ? ". " : "\(cell.value) "
return result
/* I couldn't resist to do this :) */
postfix operator ⬅️ {}
postfix func ⬅️ (playground:Playground) -> ()
postfix operator ➡️ {}
postfix func ➡️ (playground:Playground) -> ()
postfix operator ⬆️ {}
postfix func ⬆️ (playground:Playground) -> ()
postfix operator ⬇️ {}
postfix func ⬇️ (playground:Playground) -> ()
postfix operator ✳️ {}
postfix func ✳️ (playground:Playground) -> ()
var p:Playground = Playground()
p[1,1]!.value = 16
p[2,1]!.value = 8
p[3,1]!.value = 0
p[4,1]!.value = 8
//p[0,0]!.value = 4
//p[0,2]!.value = 4
p✳️; p✳️; p✳️; p✳️; p✳️; p✳️; p✳️; p✳️;
var s = ""
for c in 0..<p.size.colums
for r in 0..<p.size.rows
if p[c,r]!.value != 0
s += "p[\(c),\(r)]!.value = \(p[c,r]!.value) \n"
println("saved board:\n\(s)");
print( "\(p.debugString())\n" )
print( "down:\(p.debugString())\n" )
print( "left:\(p.debugString())\n" )
print( "down:\(p.debugString())\n" )
class GameScene :SKScene
let scene = GameScene(size: CGSize(width: 500, height: 500))
let view = SKView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 500))
XCPShowView("result", view)
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