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Created November 17, 2014 13:11
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Battleships - bad assumptions :)
import UIKit
//typealias GridSize = (w:Int, h:Int)
struct GridSize {
let w:Int
let h:Int
init(_ width:Int,_ height:Int)
w = width
h = height
func area() -> Int
return w * h
enum GameState
case PlacingShips
case War
enum CellPlacingState
case Empty
case Ship
case Lock(Int)
enum CellWarState
case Empty, Ship, Miss, Hit
class Cell
var placingState:CellPlacingState = CellPlacingState.Empty
switch placingState
case .Lock(let x):
if x == 0 {
placingState = CellPlacingState.Empty
var warState = CellWarState.Empty
unowned let grid:GameGrid
self.grid = grid
class GameGrid {
var state = GameState.PlacingShips
var grid:[Cell]!
let size:GridSize
self.size = size
grid = [Cell]()
for i in 0..<size.area()
grid.append(Cell(grid: self))
subscript(x:Int,y:Int) -> Cell?
get {
if let idx = indexOfCellAt(x,y) {
return grid[idx]
return nil
set {
if let idx = indexOfCellAt(x,y) {
grid[idx] = newValue!
func indexOfCellAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Int?
if x >= 0 && x < size.w && y >= 0 && y < size.h
return x + y * size.w
return nil
// GameGrid Placing
extension GameGrid
func placeShipAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Bool
if let cell = canPlaceShipAt(x,y)
cell.placingState = CellPlacingState.Ship
lockCellAt(x-1, y-1)
lockCellAt(x+1, y-1)
lockCellAt(x+1, y+1)
lockCellAt(x-1, y+1)
return true
return false
func removeShipAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Bool
if let cell = canRemoveShipAt(x,y)
cell.placingState = CellPlacingState.Empty
unlockCellAt(x-1, y-1)
unlockCellAt(x+1, y-1)
unlockCellAt(x+1, y+1)
unlockCellAt(x-1, y+1)
return false
func canPlaceShipAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Cell?
if let cell = self[x,y]
switch cell.placingState
case .Empty:
return cell
return nil
return nil
func canRemoveShipAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Cell?
if let cell = self[x,y]
switch cell.placingState
case .Ship:
return cell
return nil
return nil
func lockCellAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Bool
if let cell = self[x,y]
switch cell.placingState
case .Lock(let retainCount):
cell.placingState = CellPlacingState.Lock(retainCount+1)
cell.placingState = CellPlacingState.Lock(1)
return true
return false
func unlockCellAt(x:Int,_ y:Int) -> Bool
if let cell = self[x,y]
switch cell.placingState
case .Lock(let retainCount):
if retainCount - 1 == 0
cell.placingState = CellPlacingState.Lock(retainCount-1)
cell.placingState = CellPlacingState.Lock(retainCount-1)
return true
return false
// GameGrid UTILS
extension GameGrid
func gridDebugString() -> String!
var str = " "
for x in 0..<self.size.w
str += " \(x) "
str += "\n"
for y in 0..<self.size.h {
str += " \(y) "
for x in 0..<self.size.w
if let cell = self[x,y]
switch cell.placingState
case .Empty:
str += "[ ]"
case .Ship:
str += "[S]"
case .Lock(let retainCount):
str += "[\(retainCount)]"
str += "[X]"
str += "\n"
return str
// test
let g:GameGrid = GameGrid(size: GridSize(5,5))
g.placeShipAt(1, 1)
g.placeShipAt(3, 1)
g.placeShipAt(2, 1)
//g.removeShipAt(3, 1)
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