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Created August 2, 2017 13:49
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Sublime Text Settings Side-by-Side in an Active Window
Add `"open_settings_in_new_window": false,` to the `Preferences.sublime-settings`.
import os.path
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
_state = {
"group_number": -1,
"sidebar_visible": False,
"opened_settings": 0
class EditSettingsCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
def run(self, base_file, user_file=None, default=None):
:param base_file:
A unicode string of the path to the base settings file. Typically
this will be in the form: "${packages}/PackageName/Package.sublime-settings"
:param user_file:
An optional file path to the user's editable version of the settings
file. If not provided, the filename from base_file will be appended
to "${packages}/User/".
:param default:
An optional unicode string of the default contents if the user
version of the settings file does not yet exist. Use "$0" to place
the cursor.
open_settings_in_new_window = sublime.load_settings(
"open_settings_in_new_window", True
if base_file is None:
raise ValueError('No base_file argument was passed to edit_settings')
platform_name = {
'osx': 'OSX',
'windows': 'Windows',
'linux': 'Linux',
variables = {
'packages': '${packages}',
'platform': platform_name,
base_file = sublime.expand_variables(base_file.replace('\\', '\\\\'), variables)
if user_file is not None:
user_file = sublime.expand_variables(user_file.replace('\\', '\\\\'), variables)
base_path = base_file.replace('${packages}', 'res://Packages')
is_resource = base_path.startswith('res://')
file_name = os.path.basename(base_file)
resource_exists = is_resource and base_path[6:] in sublime.find_resources(file_name)
filesystem_exists = (not is_resource) and os.path.exists(base_path)
if not resource_exists and not filesystem_exists:
sublime.error_message('The settings file "' + base_path + '" could not be opened')
if user_file is None:
user_package_path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User')
user_file = os.path.join(user_package_path, file_name)
# If the user path does not exist, and it is a supported
# platform-variant file path, then try and non-platform-variant
# file path.
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(user_package_path, file_name)):
for suffix in {'.sublime-keymap', '.sublime-mousemap', '.sublime-menu'}:
platform_suffix = ' (%s)%s' % (platform_name, suffix)
if not file_name.endswith(platform_suffix):
non_platform_file_name = file_name[:-len(platform_suffix)] + suffix
non_platform_path = os.path.join(user_package_path, non_platform_file_name)
if os.path.exists(non_platform_path):
user_file = non_platform_path
if open_settings_in_new_window:
window = sublime.active_window()
group_number = window.num_groups()
sidebar_visible = window.is_sidebar_visible()
if group_number < 2:
'cols': [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
'rows': [0.0, 1.0],
'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]]
window.run_command('open_file', {'file': base_file})
window.run_command('open_file', {'file': user_file, 'contents': default})
base_view = window.active_view_in_group(0)
user_view = window.active_view_in_group(1)
base_settings = base_view.settings()
base_settings.set('edit_settings_view', 'base')
user_settings = user_view.settings()
user_settings.set('edit_settings_view', 'user')
if not os.path.exists(user_file):
user_settings.set('edit_settings_default', default.replace('$0', ''))
_state["opened_settings"] += 1
if _state["opened_settings"] == 1:
_state["group_number"] = group_number
if sidebar_visible and not _state["sidebar_visible"]:
_state["sidebar_visible"] = sidebar_visible
class EditSyntaxSettingsCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
Opens the syntax-specific settings file for the currently active view
def run(self):
view = self.window.active_view()
syntax, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(view.settings().get('syntax')))
'base_file': '${packages}/Default/Preferences.sublime-settings',
'user_file': os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User', syntax + '.sublime-settings'),
'default': (
'// These settings override both User and Default settings '
'for the %s syntax\n{\n\t$0\n}\n') % syntax
def is_enabled(self):
return self.window.active_view() is not None
class EditSettingsListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
Closes the base and user settings files together, and then closes the
window if no other views are opened
def on_modified(self, view):
Prevents users from editing the base file
view_settings = view.settings()
settings_view_type = view_settings.get('edit_settings_view')
# If any edits are made to the user version, we unmark it as a
# scratch view so that the user is prompted to save any changes
if settings_view_type == 'user' and view.is_scratch():
file_region = sublime.Region(0, view.size())
if view_settings.get('edit_settings_default') != view.substr(file_region):
def on_pre_close(self, view):
Grabs the window id before the view is actually removed
view_settings = view.settings()
if not view_settings.get('edit_settings_view'):
if view.window() is None:
view_settings.set('window_id', view.window().id())
def on_close(self, view):
Closes the other settings view when one of the two is closed
view_settings = view.settings()
if not view_settings.get('edit_settings_view'):
window_id = view_settings.get('window_id')
window = None
for win in
if == window_id:
window = win
if not window:
other_view_id = view_settings.get('edit_settings_other_view_id')
views = window.views()
views_left = len(views)
for other in views:
if == other_view_id:
# Prevent the handler from running on the other view
# Run after timeout so the UI doesn't block with the view half closed
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: window.run_command("close"), 50)
# Don't close the window if the user opens another view in the window
# or adds a folder, since they likely didn't realize this is a settings
# window
if views_left == 1 and len(window.folders()) < 1:
# If the user closes the window containing the settings views, and
# this is not delayed, the close_window command will be run on any
# other window that is open.
def close_window():
if == sublime.active_window().id():
sublime.set_timeout(close_window, 50)
_state["opened_settings"] -= 1
if not _state["opened_settings"]:
if _state["group_number"] == 1:
'cols': [0.0, 1.0],
'rows': [0.0, 1.0],
'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1]]
_state["group_number"] = -1
if _state["sidebar_visible"]:
_state["sidebar_visible"] = False
class OpenFileSettingsCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
Old syntax-specific settings command - preserved for backwards compatibility
def run(self):
view = self.window.active_view()
settings_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(view.settings().get('syntax')))
dir_name = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User')
self.window.open_file(os.path.join(dir_name, settings_name + '.sublime-settings'))
def is_enabled(self):
return self.window.active_view() is not None
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