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starry eyed

Nat PatheticMustan

starry eyed
View GitHub Profile
Object.values(__NEXT_DATA__.props.initialState.entities.gameRoom)[0] => {
return [v.textToDisplay, v.enteredText, v.textToDisplay===v.enteredText]
Why do Nauruans demonstrate resistance and rejection to the term of "climate refugees"?
Capitalism and Climate Change
- Australia basically used Nauru as a place to dump all their unwanted refugees
- Nauru and Australian govt made agreements which basically institutionalized the refugee industry
+ Australia benefits by getting a place to dump their refugees, and a source for phosphate
+ Nauru gets crazy job stimulation and a cheap labor base from the refugees
Conceptualizations of Displacement
- Nauru was historically fucked for its resources
What are the four fields of anthropology?
- socio cultural
- archeology
- biological
- linguistic
What is the savage slot?
- the classification of non-western societies as primitive
Who is the founding father of American Anthropology?
const items = document.getElementsByClassName("mobile-items")[0];
function match(a, b) {
function matchAllTo(a) {
queue = queue.concat(new Array(items.children.length).fill(0).map((v, i) => [a, i]));
PatheticMustan / ArduinoWorkshop.ino
Created February 25, 2024 03:19
our code from an arduino workshop done by Maxlinear
#include <Keypad.h>
const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //four columns
//define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads
char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = {
PatheticMustan / lab7.js
Created December 8, 2023 21:32
just some quick scratchpad calculations
const times = [0.01127,0.01199,0.01197,0.00957,0.01198,0.01104,0.01098,0.01202,0.01159,0.01206]
const velocity = => 1.536*2/t);
const meanVelocity = velocity.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0) / 10;
const stdDev = Math.sqrt( => (v - meanVelocity)**2 / 10).reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0));
const stdErr = stdDev / Math.sqrt(10);
PatheticMustan / divisors.js
Created December 8, 2023 09:33
get all prime factors of a number (useful for lcm of many numbers)
const divisors = new Set();
let n = 12379872;
const bound = Math.sqrt(n);
while (n > 1) {
for (let i=2; i<=bound; i++) {
if (n % i === 0) {
n /= i;
PatheticMustan / colorViewer.js
Last active December 1, 2023 23:18
a small christmas gift for my darling beloved
const content = `beetle:
arms/legs: #738334
antennae: #4a5224
back primary: #04ab44
back highlights: #7adb8b
eyes: #2f2f2f
primary: #ff615e
tentacle highlight: #ffa8a8
refinement of articles
run 1
summarize paragraph by paragraph
bulletpoint evidence
run 2
summarize overall ideas
bulletpoint concepts
.then(v => v.json())
.then(v => {
x = v;
console.log("TEAM CODES:\n\n" + Array.from(new Set( => [,].join(": ")))).filter(v => v !== ": ").join("\n"));
console.log("EMAILS:\n\n" + Array.from(new Set( => => v).join("\n"))