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starry eyed

Nat PatheticMustan

starry eyed
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PatheticMustan / moreAccounts.json
Created October 3, 2020 23:01
7001 randomly generated prodigy accounts, all from the dolphin class
[{"Name":"AABGoJZ Q","Username":"aabgojzq","Password":"dog56"},{"Name":"Aaeoxqc k","Username":"aaeoxqck","Password":"place28"},{"Name":"aAFcKmI J","Username":"aafckmij","Password":"book58"},{"Name":"aAgBHgg K","Username":"aagbhggk","Password":"spoon80"},{"Name":"aAgdZLI e","Username":"aagdzlie","Password":"book71"},{"Name":"AAhAvHG o","Username":"aahavhgo","Password":"place30"},{"Name":"aahFKyy h","Username":"aahfkyyh","Password":"tree86"},{"Name":"AaIrhOP a","Username":"aairhopa","Password":"bath90"},{"Name":"AAlAiVm K","Username":"aalaivmk","Password":"cat97"},{"Name":"aalWBFx f","Username":"aalwbfxf","Password":"sky20"},{"Name":"AArhWxm v","Username":"aarhwxmv","Password":"food87"},{"Name":"aASwcCf F","Username":"aaswccff","Password":"cow11"},{"Name":"aAtpPjp T","Username":"aatppjpt","Password":"green64"},{"Name":"AaVzpQB D","Username":"aavzpqbd","Password":"cup24"},{"Name":"aAYdElI F","Username":"aaydelif","Password":"tree93"},{"Name":"AbdnnQE S","Username":"abdnnqes","Password":"book29"},{"Name":"abeeLZr
<!DOCTYPE html>
a {
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const x = `adversely /ædˈvɝsɫi/
adversity /ædˈvɝsɪˌti/, /ədˈvɝsɪti/
advert /ˈædvɝt/
advertise /ˈædvɝˌtaɪz/
advertised /ˈædvɝˌtaɪzd/, /ˌædvɝˈtaɪzd/
advertisement /ˌædvɝˈtaɪzmənt/, /ædˈvɝtəzmənt/
advertisements /ˈædvɝˌtaɪzmənts/
advertiser /ˈædvɝˌtaɪzɝ/`
const y = x.split("\n").map(p => p.split("\t").filter(v => v));
Object.values(__NEXT_DATA__.props.initialState.entities.gameRoom)[0] => {
return [v.textToDisplay, v.enteredText, v.textToDisplay===v.enteredText]
Why do Nauruans demonstrate resistance and rejection to the term of "climate refugees"?
Capitalism and Climate Change
- Australia basically used Nauru as a place to dump all their unwanted refugees
- Nauru and Australian govt made agreements which basically institutionalized the refugee industry
+ Australia benefits by getting a place to dump their refugees, and a source for phosphate
+ Nauru gets crazy job stimulation and a cheap labor base from the refugees
Conceptualizations of Displacement
- Nauru was historically fucked for its resources
What are the four fields of anthropology?
- socio cultural
- archeology
- biological
- linguistic
What is the savage slot?
- the classification of non-western societies as primitive
Who is the founding father of American Anthropology?
const items = document.getElementsByClassName("mobile-items")[0];
function match(a, b) {
function matchAllTo(a) {
queue = queue.concat(new Array(items.children.length).fill(0).map((v, i) => [a, i]));
PatheticMustan / ArduinoWorkshop.ino
Created February 25, 2024 03:19
our code from an arduino workshop done by Maxlinear
#include <Keypad.h>
const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //four columns
//define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads
char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = {
Album Rating
[10/10/2023] Wallsocket - underscores
<7>, the album uses a lot of off beats in an interesting way.
I liked the instrumentals in Geez Louise (and the drop!?!?!?).
My favorite song was "Locals (Girls like us) [with gabby start]"
"Seventyseven dog years" was also pretty good.
Instrumentals in "Uncanny long arms" was good
[10/11/2023] Transatlanticism (10th Anniversary Edition) - Death Cab for Cutie