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Created July 30, 2021 13:48
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fun Social() {
val dividerId = "inlineDividerId"
val text = buildAnnotatedString {
// LinkedIn
append(AnnotatedString("LinkedIn ", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Blue)))
// Divider
appendInlineContent(dividerId, "[divider]")
// Twitter
append(AnnotatedString(" Twitter ", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Blue)))
// Divider
appendInlineContent(dividerId, "[divider]")
// Portfolio
append(AnnotatedString(" Portfolio", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Blue)))
val inlineDividerContent = mapOf(
// This tells the [CoreText] to replace the placeholder string "[divider]" by
// the composable given in the [InlineTextContent] object.
// Placeholder tells text layout the expected size and vertical alignment of
// children composable.
width = 0.15.em,
height = 0.90.em,
placeholderVerticalAlign = PlaceholderVerticalAlign.TextCenter
) {
modifier = Modifier
BasicText(text = text, inlineContent = inlineDividerContent, style = TextStyle(fontSize = 17.sp))
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