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Created March 20, 2022 13:00
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Modifikation to Support VapourSynth R57
#include "VapourSynthServer.h"
// IUnknown
HRESULT __stdcall VapourSynthServer::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv)
if (!ppv)
return E_POINTER;
if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IFrameServer)
*ppv = this;
return S_OK;
*ppv = NULL;
ULONG __stdcall VapourSynthServer::AddRef()
return ++m_References;
ULONG __stdcall VapourSynthServer::Release() {
int refs = --m_References;
if (!refs)
delete this;
return refs;
// IFrameServer
HRESULT __stdcall VapourSynthServer::OpenFile(WCHAR* file)
static bool wasResolved = false;
if (!wasResolved)
HMODULE dll = LoadLibrary(L"VSScript");
if (!dll)
std::string msg = GetWinErrorMessage(GetLastError());
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load VSScript:\r\n\r\n" + msg);
bool x64 = sizeof(void*) == 8;
getVSScriptAPI = reinterpret_cast<vss_api>(GetProcAddress(dll, "getVSScriptAPI"));
if (!getVSScriptAPI)
throw std::exception("Failed to resolve VapourSynth vsscript functions");
wasResolved = true;
m_vssapi = getVSScriptAPI(VSSCRIPT_API_VERSION);
if (!m_vssapi)
throw std::exception("Failed to initialize VSScript");
if (!m_vsAPI)
throw std::exception("Failed to get VapourSynth API pointer");
std::string utf8file = ConvertWideToUtf8(file);
m_core = m_vsAPI->createCore(0);
m_vsScript = m_vssapi->createScript(m_core);
m_vssapi->evalSetWorkingDir(m_vsScript, 1);
m_vssapi->evaluateFile(m_vsScript, utf8file.c_str());
if (m_vssapi->getError(m_vsScript))
m_Error = ConvertUtf8ToWide(m_vssapi->getError(m_vsScript));
return E_FAIL;
m_vsNode = m_vssapi->getOutputNode(m_vsScript, 0);
if (!m_vsNode || m_vsAPI->getNodeType(m_vsNode) != mtVideo)
throw std::exception("Failed to get VapourSynth output");
VSCoreInfo core_info;
m_vsAPI->getCoreInfo(m_vssapi->getCore(m_vsScript), &core_info);
m_vsInfo = m_vsAPI->getVideoInfo(m_vsNode);
if (!m_vsInfo)
throw std::exception("Failed to get VapourSynth info");
m_Info.Width = m_vsInfo->width;
m_Info.Height = m_vsInfo->height;
m_Info.FrameCount = m_vsInfo->numFrames;
m_Info.FrameRateNum = m_vsInfo->fpsNum;
m_Info.FrameRateDen = m_vsInfo->fpsDen;
uint32_t id = m_vsAPI->queryVideoFormatID(m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily, m_vsInfo->format.sampleType, m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample, m_vsInfo->format.subSamplingW, m_vsInfo->format.subSamplingH, m_core);
if (id == pfYUV444P8) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YV24;
else if (id == pfYUV422P8) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YV16;
else if (id == pfYUV420P8) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YV12;
else if (id == pfYUV410P8) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV9;
else if (id == pfYUV411P8) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YV411;
else if (id == pfGray8) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y8;
else if (id == pfYUV444P10) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P10;
else if (id == pfYUV422P10) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P10;
else if (id == pfYUV420P10) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P10;
else if (id == pfYUV444P12) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P12;
else if (id == pfYUV422P12) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P12;
else if (id == pfYUV420P12) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P12;
else if (id == pfYUV444P14) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P14;
else if (id == pfYUV422P14) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P14;
else if (id == pfYUV420P14) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P14;
else if (id == pfYUV444P16) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P16;
else if (id == pfYUV422P16) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P16;
else if (id == pfYUV420P16) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P16;
else if (id == pfGray16) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y16;
else if (id == pfYUV444PS) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV444PS;
else if (id == pfGrayS) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y32;
else if (id == pfRGB24) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_RGBP;
else if (id == pfRGB30) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_RGBP10;
else if (id == pfRGB48) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_RGBP16;
else if (id == pfGrayS) m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y32;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 12 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfRGB)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_RGBP12;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 14 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfRGB)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_RGBP14;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 32 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfYUV && m_vsInfo->format.sampleType == stFloat && m_vsInfo->format.subSamplingH == 0 && m_vsInfo->format.subSamplingW == 1)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV422PS;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 32 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfYUV && m_vsInfo->format.sampleType == stFloat && m_vsInfo->format.subSamplingH == 1 && m_vsInfo->format.subSamplingW == 1)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_YUV420PS;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 12 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfGray && m_vsInfo->format.sampleType == stInteger)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y12;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 10 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfGray && m_vsInfo->format.sampleType == stInteger)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y10;
else if (m_vsInfo->format.bitsPerSample == 14 && m_vsInfo->format.colorFamily == cfGray && m_vsInfo->format.sampleType == stInteger)
m_Info.ColorSpace = VideoInfo::CS_Y14;
return S_OK;
catch (std::exception& e)
m_Error = ConvertAnsiToWide(e.what());
return E_FAIL;
HRESULT __stdcall VapourSynthServer::GetFrame(int position, void** data, int& pitch)
if (!data)
return E_POINTER;
if (!m_vsAPI || !m_vsNode)
return E_FAIL;
const VSFrame* frame = m_vsAPI->getFrame(position, m_vsNode, m_vsErrorMessage, sizeof(m_vsErrorMessage));
if (!frame)
m_Error = ConvertUtf8ToWide(m_vsErrorMessage);
return E_FAIL;
*data = (void*)m_vsAPI->getReadPtr(frame, 0);
if (!(*data))
m_Error = L"VapourSynthServer m_vsAPI->getReadPtr returned NULL";
return E_FAIL;
pitch = m_vsAPI->getStride(frame, 0);
if (m_vsFrame)
m_vsFrame = frame;
return S_OK;
ServerInfo* __stdcall VapourSynthServer::GetInfo()
return &m_Info;
WCHAR* __stdcall VapourSynthServer::GetError()
return (WCHAR*)m_Error.c_str();
/////////// local
void VapourSynthServer::Free()
if (m_vsAPI)
if (m_vsFrame)
m_vsFrame = NULL;
if (m_vsNode)
m_vsNode = NULL;
if (m_vsScript)
m_vsScript = NULL;
// Extern
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) VapourSynthServer* __stdcall
VapourSynthServer* server = new VapourSynthServer();
return server;
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "FrameServer.h"
#include "avisynth.h"
#include "VSScript4.h"
#include "VSHelper4.h"
#include "Windows.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <array>
using vss_api = const VSSCRIPTAPI* (VS_CC*)(int version);
class VapourSynthServer : IFrameServer
std::atomic<int> m_References = 0;
std::wstring m_Error;
ServerInfo m_Info = {};
vss_api getVSScriptAPI;
const VSAPI* m_vsAPI = NULL;
const VSSCRIPTAPI* m_vssapi = NULL;
VSScript* m_vsScript = NULL;
VSNode* m_vsNode = NULL;
VSCore* m_core = NULL;
const VSFrame* m_vsFrame = NULL;
const VSVideoInfo* m_vsInfo = NULL;
char m_vsErrorMessage[1024];
void Free();
// IUnknown
HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv);
ULONG __stdcall AddRef();
ULONG __stdcall Release();
// IFrameServer
HRESULT __stdcall OpenFile(WCHAR* file);
HRESULT __stdcall GetFrame(int position, void** data, int& pitch);
ServerInfo* __stdcall GetInfo();
WCHAR* __stdcall GetError();
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) VapourSynthServer* __stdcall CreateVapourSynthServer();
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