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Last active July 30, 2021 18:38
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//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";
* @notice DO NOT USE THIS CODE IN PRODUCTION. This is an example contract.
* The job spec for this node is located here:
* It is meant SOLEY for the KOVAN testnet
contract MultiWord is ChainlinkClient {
using Chainlink for Chainlink.Request;
// multiple params returned in a single oracle response
uint256 public usd;
uint256 public eur;
uint256 public jpy;
* @notice Initialize the link token and target oracle
* @dev The oracle address must be an Operator contract for multiword response
* Kovan Testnet details:
* Link Token: 0xa36085F69e2889c224210F603D836748e7dC0088
* Oracle: 0xc57B33452b4F7BB189bB5AfaE9cc4aBa1f7a4FD8 (Chainlink DevRel Team)
) {
* @notice Request mutiple parameters from the oracle in a single transaction
* Kovan Testnet Details:
* specId: 645661528ea44aa7b137ed9f9d54c3d5
* payment: 100000000000000000 (0.1 LINK)
* This job makes a request to:
* Which responds with:
* ```
* {
* "USD": 40030.71,
* "JPY": 4384352.56,
* "EUR": 33792.04
* }
* ```
* The job automatically grabs the USD, JPY, and EUR responses
function requestMultipleParameters()
bytes32 specId = "645661528ea44aa7b137ed9f9d54c3d5";
uint256 payment = 100000000000000000;
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(specId, address(this), this.fulfillMultipleParameters.selector);
req.addUint("times", 10000);
requestOracleData(req, payment);
event RequestMultipleFulfilled(
bytes32 indexed requestId,
uint256 indexed usd,
uint256 indexed eur,
uint256 jpy
* @notice Fulfillment function for multiple parameters in a single request
* @dev This is called by the oracle. recordChainlinkFulfillment must be used.
function fulfillMultipleParameters(
bytes32 requestId,
uint256 usdResponse,
uint256 eurResponse,
uint256 jpyResponse
emit RequestMultipleFulfilled(requestId, usdResponse, eurResponse, jpyResponse);
usd = usdResponse;
eur = eurResponse;
jpy = jpyResponse;
////---- END ----////
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