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Created June 23, 2013 14:44
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Vow Monad
// vow.js
// Douglas Crockford
// 2013-01-28
// Public Domain
/*global setImmediate */
var VOW = (function () {
'use strict';
// The VOW object contains a .make function that is used to make vows.
// It may also contain other useful functions.
// In some mythologies, 'VOW' is called 'deferrer'.
function enlighten(queue, fate) {
// enlighten is a helper function of herald and .when. It schedules the
// processing of all of the resolution functions in either the keepers queue
// or the breakers queue in later turns with the promise's fate.
queue.forEach(function (func) {
setImmediate(func, fate);
return {
make: function make() {
// The make function makes new vows. A vow contains a promise object and the
// two resolution functions (break and keep) that determine the fate of the
// promise.
var breakers = [], // .when's broken queue
fate, // The promise's ultimate value
keepers = [], // .when's kept queue
status = 'pending'; // 'broken', 'kept', or 'pending'
function enqueue(
resolution, // 'keep' or 'break'
func, // A function that was registered with .when
vow // A vow that provides the resolution functions
) {
// enqueue is a helper function used by .when. It will append a function to
// either the keepers queue or the breakers queue.
var queue = resolution === 'keep' ? keepers : breakers;
queue[queue.length] = typeof func !== 'function'
// If func is not a function, push the resolver so that the value passes to
// the next cascaded .when.
? vow[resolution]
// If the func is a function, push a function that calls func with a value.
// The result can be a promise, or not a promise, or an exception.
: function (value) {
try {
var result = func(value);
// If the result is a promise, then register our resolver with that promise.
if (result && result.is_promise === true) {
result.when(vow.keep, vow['break']);
// But if it is not a promise, then use the result to resolve our promise.
} else {
// But if func throws an exception, then break our promise.
} catch (e) {
function herald(state, value, queue) {
// The herald function is a helper function of break and keep.
// It seals the promise's fate, updates its status, enlightens
// one of the queues, and empties both queues.
if (status !== 'pending') {
throw "overpromise";
fate = value;
status = state;
enlighten(queue, fate);
keepers.length = 0;
breakers.length = 0;
// Construct and return the vow object.
return {
'break': function (value) {
// The break method breaks the promise. Programs targeted for obsolete ES3
// engines (which at this date is only IE<9) must write vow.break() as
// vow['break']().
herald('broken', value, breakers);
keep: function keep(value) {
// The keep method keeps the promise.
herald('kept', value, keepers);
promise: {
// The promise is an object with a .when method.
is_promise: true,
// The .when method is the promise monad's bind. The .when method can take two
// optional functions. One of those functions may be called, depending on the
// promise's resolution. Both could be called if the the kept function throws.
when: function (kept, broken) {
// Make a new vow. Return the new promise.
var vow = make();
switch (status) {
// If this promise is still pending, then enqueue both kept and broken.
case 'pending':
enqueue('keep', kept, vow);
enqueue('break', broken, vow);
// If the promise has already been kept, then enqueue only the kept function,
// and enlighten it.
case 'kept':
enqueue('keep', kept, vow);
enlighten(keepers, fate);
// If the promise has already been broken, then enqueue only the broken
// function, and enlighten it.
case 'broken':
enqueue('break', broken, vow);
enlighten(breakers, fate);
return vow.promise;
every: function every(array) {
// The every function takes an array of promises and returns a promise that
// will deliver an array of results only if every promise is kept.
var remaining = array.length, results = [], vow = VOW.make();
if (!remaining) {
} else {
array.forEach(function (promise, i) {
promise.when(function (value) {
results[i] = value;
remaining -= 1;
if (remaining === 0) {
}, function (reason) {
remaining = NaN;
return vow.promise;
first: function first(array) {
// The first function takes an array of promises and returns a promise to
// deliver the first observed kept promise, or a broken promise if all of
// the promises are broken.
var found = false, remaining = array.length, vow = VOW.make();
function check() {
remaining -= 1;
if (remaining === 0 && !found) {
if (remaining === 0) {
} else {
array.forEach(function (promise) {
promise.when(function (value) {
if (!found) {
found = true;
}, check);
return vow.promise;
any: function any(array) {
// The any function takes an array of promises and returns a promise that
// will deliver a possibly sparse array of results of any kept promises.
// The result will contain an undefined element for each broken promise.
var remaining = array.length, results = [], vow = VOW.make();
function check() {
remaining -= 1;
if (remaining === 0) {
if (!remaining) {
} else {
array.forEach(function (promise, i) {
promise.when(function (value) {
results[i] = value;
}, check);
return vow.promise;
kept: function (value) {
// Returns a new kept promise.
var vow = VOW.make();
return vow.promise;
broken: function (reason) {
// Returns a new broken promise.
var vow = VOW.make();
return vow.promise;
// If your system does not have setImmediate, then simulate it with setTimeout.
// if (typeof setImmediate !== 'function') {
// setImmediate = function setImmediate(func, param) {
// 'use strict';
// return setTimeout(function () {
// func(param);
// }, 0);
// };
// }
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