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Last active June 7, 2019 08:51
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Hahn-Banach following Kerjean and Mahboubi
import analysis.convex
import linear_algebra.dual
noncomputable theory
local attribute [instance, priority 0] classical.prop_decidable
-- Why can't I find this in mathlib?!
lemma div_le_div_iff {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α] {b d : α} (hd : 0 < d) (hb : 0 < b) (a c : α) :
a/b ≤ c/d ↔ d*a ≤ b*c :=
by rw [div_le_iff' hb, ← mul_div_assoc, le_div_iff' hd]
-- Why can't I find this in mathlib?! I hate those lemmas
lemma sub_le_sub_iff {α : Type*} [ordered_comm_group α] (a b c d : α) :
a - b ≤ c - d ↔ a + d ≤ b + c :=
by rw [sub_le, show a - (c - d) = a + d - c, by abel, sub_le_iff_le_add]
open set function lattice module
namespace rel -- TODO: check whether these defs are not already somewhere in mathlib
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*}
def functional (f : rel α β) :=
∀ v r₁ r₂, f v r₁ → f v r₂ → r₁ = r₂
def partial_order : partial_order (rel α β) :=
{ le := λ f g, ∀ {a b}, f a b → g a b,
le_refl := λ _ _ _, id,
le_trans := λ _ _ _ H H' _ _ hab, H' (H hab),
le_antisymm := λ _ _ H H', by { ext, exact ⟨H, H'⟩ } }
end rel
variables {V : Type*} [add_comm_group V] [vector_space ℝ V] (f : rel V ℝ)
def rel.linear := ∀ v₁ v₂ (l r₁ r₂ : ℝ), f v₁ r₁ → f v₂ r₂ → f (v₁ + l • v₂) (r₁ + l • r₂)
def rel.prol (φ : V → ℝ) (F : set V) := ∀ v ∈ F, f v (φ v)
def rel.maj_by (p : V → ℝ) := ∀ v r, f v r → r ≤ p v
variables {f} (hf : f.linear)
include hf
lemma linrel_00 {x r} (h : f x r) : f 0 0 :=
rw show f 0 0 = f (x + (-1 : ℝ) • x) (r + (-1 : ℝ) • r), by simp,
exact hf x x (-1) r r h h,
lemma linrel_scale (x r l) : f x r → f (l • x) (l * r) :=
intro fxr,
rw show f (l • x) (l * r) = f (0 + l • x) (0 + l * r), by simp,
apply hf,
exact linrel_00 hf fxr,
exact fxr
lemma linrel_add (x₁ x₂ r₁ r₂) : f x₁ r₁ → f x₂ r₂ → f (x₁ - x₂) (r₁ - r₂) :=
rw show x₁ - x₂ = x₁ + (-1 : ℝ) • x₂, by simp,
rw show r₁ - r₂ = r₁ + (-1 : ℝ) * r₂, by simp,
apply hf
lemma linrel_lc {x₁ x₂ r₁ r₂} (t s) : f x₁ r₁ → f x₂ r₂ → f (t • x₁ + s • x₂) (t*r₁ + s*r₂) :=
λ h₁ h₂, hf _ _ _ _ _ (linrel_scale hf x₁ r₁ t h₁) h₂
def add_line (w a) := λ v r, ∃ (v' : V) (r' l : ℝ), f v' r' ∧ v = v' + l • w ∧ r = r' + l * a
variables (φ : V → ℝ) (F : submodule ℝ V) (p : V → ℝ)
structure zorn_type :=
(carrier : rel V ℝ)
(func : carrier.functional)
(lin : carrier.linear)
(maj_by : carrier.maj_by p)
(prol : carrier.prol φ F.carrier)
def spec := f.functional ∧ f.linear ∧ f.maj_by p ∧ f.prol φ F.carrier
variables {f φ F p}
def' (s : spec f φ F p) : zorn_type φ F p := _ s.1 s.2.1 s.2.2.1 s.2.2.2
instance : has_coe_to_fun (zorn_type φ F p) := ⟨_, zorn_type.carrier⟩
def graph_over (F : set V) (φ : V → ℝ): rel V ℝ := λ v r, v ∈ F ∧ r = φ v
-- There is probably a way to avoid repeating `φ F p` all over the place. I should ask.
lemma zorn_type.ext (z₁ z₂ : zorn_type φ F p) : z₁.carrier = z₂.carrier → z₁ = z₂ :=
λ h, by { cases z₁, cases z₂, congr, exact h}
instance : partial_order (zorn_type φ F p) :=
partial_order.lift _ zorn_type.ext rel.partial_order
lemma zorn_type.le_iff (z₁ z₂ : zorn_type φ F p) : z₁ ≤ z₂ ↔ ∀ v r, z₁ v r → z₂ v r :=
⟨λ h _ _ h₁, h h₁, id⟩
-- My coercion idea is probably not so smart...
lemma zut (z : zorn_type φ F p) (v r): z v r ↔ z.carrier v r := iff.rfl
section preparation
variables (φ F p)
def is_linear_on (F : submodule ℝ V) (φ : V → ℝ) := ∀ (v₁ v₂ ∈ F) (l : ℝ), φ (v₁ + l • v₂) = φ v₁ + l • (φ v₂).
variables (lin_φ_F : is_linear_on F φ)
include lin_φ_F
lemma phi0 : φ 0 = 0 :=
by { rw [show (0 : V) = 0 + (-1 : ℝ) • 0, by simp, lin_φ_F _ _ F.zero_mem F.zero_mem], simp }
lemma zorn_rel_ex (s : spec (graph_over F.carrier φ) φ F p) : ∃ g : zorn_type φ F p, ∀ z, g ≤ z → z = g :=
apply zorn.zorn_partial_order,
intros A Achain,
by_cases h : ∃ z, z ∈ A,
{ cases h with f f_in,
let g : rel V ℝ := λ v r, ∃ a ∈ A, (a v r : Prop), -- don't know why the elaborator needs help
have g_fun : g.functional,
{ rintros v r₁ r₂ ⟨a₁, in₁, h₁⟩ ⟨a₂, in₂, h₂⟩,
rcases Achain.directed in₁ in₂ with ⟨z, z_in, hz₁, hz₂⟩, -- A variant of KM, for fun
rw zorn_type.le_iff at *,
exact z.func v _ _ (hz₁ v r₁ h₁) (hz₂ v r₂ h₂) },
have g_lin : g.linear,
{ rintros v₁ v₂ l r₁ r₂ ⟨a₁, in₁, c₁⟩ ⟨a₂, in₂, c₂⟩,
rcases Achain.total_of_refl in₁ in₂ with h ; rw zorn_type.le_iff at h, -- back to KM
{ use [a₂, in₂, by apply a₂.lin ; solve_by_elim] },
{ use [a₁, in₁, by apply a₁.lin ; solve_by_elim] } },
have g_maj : g.maj_by p, from λ v r ⟨z, _, h⟩, z.maj_by _ _ h,
have g_prol : g.prol φ F.carrier, from λ v v_in, ⟨f, f_in, f.prol v v_in⟩,
exact ⟨ _ g_fun g_lin g_maj g_prol, λ z z_in _ _ h, ⟨z, z_in, h⟩⟩ },
{ use' s,
intros a H,
exact false.elim (h ⟨a, H⟩) }
variables {φ F p} (hp : convex_on univ p)
include hp
lemma domain_extend (z : zorn_type φ F p) (v : V) : ∃ ze : zorn_type φ F p, z ≤ ze ∧ ∃ r, ze v r :=
by_cases H : ∃ r, z v r,
{ cases H with r rh,
exact ⟨z, le_refl _, r, rh⟩ },
{ have z0 : z 0 0, from (phi0 φ F lin_φ_F) ▸ z.prol 0 F.zero_mem,
have key : ∃ a : ℝ, ∀ x r l, z x r → r + l * a ≤ p (x + l • v),
{ suffices : ∃ a, ∀ x r l, z x r → 0 < l → r + l*a ≤ p (x + l • v) ∧ r - l*a ≤ p (x - l • v),
{ cases this with a aP,
use a,
introv zxr,
rcases lt_trichotomy 0 l with h | ⟨h | h⟩,
{ exact (aP x r l zxr h).1 },
{ rw [← h, zero_mul, zero_smul, add_zero, add_zero],
exact z.maj_by _ _ zxr, },
{ convert (aP x r (-l) zxr (by linarith)).2 ; simp } },
let B := λ x r l, (p (x + l • v) - r)/l,
let A := λ x r l, (r - p (x - l • v))/l,
have le_AB : ∀ x₁ x₂ r₁ r₂ s t, z x₁ r₁ → z x₂ r₂ → 0 < s → 0 < t → A x₁ r₁ s ≤ B x₂ r₂ t,
{ introv zx₁ zx₂ lt0s lt0t,
dsimp only [A, B],
have lt0ts : 0 < t + s, by linarith,
let X := x₁ - s • v,
let Y := x₂ + t • v,
replace hp := ((convex_on_iff_div _ _).1 hp).2 (mem_univ X) (mem_univ Y)
(le_of_lt lt0t) (le_of_lt lt0s) lt0ts,
rw div_le_div_iff lt0t lt0s,
change t • (r₁ - p X) ≤ s • (p Y - r₂),
have := z.maj_by _ _ zx₁,
rw [smul_sub, smul_sub, sub_le_sub_iff, ← div_le_div_right lt0ts],
repeat { rw add_div }, repeat { rw [smul_eq_mul, mul_div_right_comm] },
set T := t/(t+s), set S := s/(t+s),
change T • r₁ + S • r₂ ≤ T * p X + S * p Y,
rw ← show T • x₁ + S • x₂ = T • X + S • Y,
{ dsimp only [T, S, X, Y],
rw [smul_sub, smul_add, smul_smul, smul_smul, div_mul_comm],
simp } at hp,
exact le_trans (z.maj_by _ _ (linrel_lc z.lin T S zx₁ zx₂)) hp },
let Pa := {r | ∃ x₁ r₁ s₁, z x₁ r₁ ∧ 0 < s₁ ∧ r = A x₁ r₁ s₁ },
let Pb := {r | ∃ x₁ r₁ s₁, z x₁ r₁ ∧ 0 < s₁ ∧ r = B x₁ r₁ s₁ },
have zlo : (0 : ℝ) < 1 := zero_lt_one,
have exPa : A 0 0 1 ∈ Pa, from ⟨0, 0, 1, by simp [z0, zlo]⟩,
have exPb : B 0 0 1 ∈ Pb, from ⟨0, 0, 1, by simp [z0, zlo]⟩,
have majPa : ∀ x ∈ Pa, x ≤ B 0 0 1,
{ rintros x ⟨y, r, s, zry, lts, rfl⟩,
apply le_AB ; assumption },
have minPb : ∀ x ∈ Pb, A 0 0 1 ≤ x,
{ rintros x ⟨y, r, s, zry, lts, rfl⟩,
apply le_AB ; try { assumption } },
cases is_lub_cSup (ne_empty_of_mem exPa) ⟨_, majPa⟩ with ubdP saP,
cases is_glb_cInf (ne_empty_of_mem exPb) ⟨_, minPb⟩ with ibdP ibP,
set sa := Sup Pa,
set ib := Inf Pb,
have le_sa_ib : sa ≤ ib,
{ apply saP,
rintros r' ⟨y, r, l, zry, lt0l, rfl⟩,
apply ibP,
rintros s' ⟨w, s, m, zrw, lt0m, rfl⟩,
apply le_AB ; assumption },
clear le_AB,
let α := (sa + ib)/2,
have le_α_ib : α ≤ ib, by dsimp [α] ; linarith,
have le_sa_α : sa ≤ α, by dsimp [α] ; linarith,
use α,
introv zxr lt0l,
{ suffices : α ≤ B x r l,
{ dsimp only [B] at this,
rw le_div_iff' lt0l at this,
linarith },
apply le_trans le_α_ib _,
apply ibdP,
use [x, r, l],
simp [*] },
{ suffices : A x r l ≤ α,
{ dsimp only [A] at this,
rw div_le_iff' lt0l at this,
linarith },
apply le_trans _ le_sa_α,
apply ubdP,
use [x, r, l],
simp [*] } },
cases key with a ha,
refine ⟨⟨add_line z v a, _, _, _, _⟩, _⟩,
{ rintros w r₁ r₂ ⟨w₁, s₁, m₁, h₁, rfl, rfl⟩ ⟨w₂, s₂, m₂, h₂, h₂', rfl⟩,
have H₁ : ∀ (x : V) (r l : ℝ), x = l • v → z x r → x = 0 ∧ l = 0,
{ rintros x r l rfl hz,
by_cases hl : l = 0,
{ simp [hl] },
{ suffices zvs : z v (l⁻¹*r), from false.elim (H ⟨_, zvs⟩),
rw show v = l⁻¹ • (l • v), by rw [smul_smul, inv_mul_cancel hl, one_smul],
apply linrel_scale z.lin,
exact hz } },
have : ∃ r, z (w₁ - w₂) r,
{ use s₁ + (-1)*s₂,
rw show w₁ - w₂ = w₁ + (-1 : ℝ) • w₂, by simp,
apply z.lin ; assumption },
cases this with rw₁₂ erw₁₂,
have : w₁ - w₂ = 0 ∧ (m₂ - m₁ = 0),
{ apply H₁,
{ rw ← sub_eq_zero at h₂' ⊢,
rw [← h₂', sub_smul],
abel },
{ exact erw₁₂ } },
cases this with erw₁₂ eqP,
suffices : s₁ = s₂, by rw [this, eq_of_sub_eq_zero eqP],
apply z.func w₁ _ _ h₁,
rwa eq_of_sub_eq_zero erw₁₂ },
{ rintros x₁ x₂ l r₁ r₂ ⟨w₁, s₁, m₁, h₁, rfl, rfl⟩ ⟨w₂, s₂, m₂, h₂, rfl, rfl⟩,
let w := _, let s := _,
change add_line z v a w s,
rw show w = w₁ + l • w₂ + (m₁ + l*m₂) • v,
{ dsimp [w],
rw [smul_add, add_smul, smul_smul],
abel },
rw show s = s₁ + l * s₂ + (m₁ + l*m₂) * a,
{ dsimp[s],
ring },
use [w₁ + l • w₂, s₁ + l *s₂, m₁ + l*m₂],
refine ⟨z.lin _ _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂, _⟩,
simp },
{ rintros x r ⟨v', r', l, h, rfl, rfl⟩,
exact ha _ _ _ h },
{ intros x x_in,
use [x, φ x, 0],
simpa using z.prol x x_in },
{ rw zorn_type.le_iff,
intros v' r h,
change ∃ (v' : V) (r' l : ℝ), _,
use [v', r, 0],
simp [h] },
{ use [a, 0, 0, 1],
simp [z0] } }
lemma tot_g {g : zorn_type φ F p} (hg : ∀ z, g ≤ z → z = g) : ∀ v, ∃ r, g v r :=
intro v,
rcases domain_extend lin_φ_F hp g v with ⟨z, hgz, H⟩,
rw zorn_type.le_iff at hgz,
rwa hg z hgz at H
lemma hb_witness {g : zorn_type φ F p} (hg : ∀ z, g ≤ z → z = g) :
∃ h : V → ℝ, ∀ v r, g v r ↔ (h v = r) :=
choose h H using tot_g lin_φ_F hp hg,
use h,
intros v r,
split ; intro hyp,
{ rw g.func v r (h v) hyp (H v) },
{ rw ← hyp,
apply H },
end preparation
variables {F} {p}
theorem hahn_banach (hp : convex_on univ p)
{f : V → ℝ} (lin_f : is_linear_on F f) (H : ∀ x ∈ F, f x ≤ p x) :
∃ g : dual ℝ V, (∀ x, g x ≤ p x) ∧ (∀ x ∈ F, g x = f x) :=
let graphF : rel V ℝ := graph_over F.carrier f,
have func_graphF : graphF.functional, from λ _ _ _ ⟨_, h₁⟩ ⟨_, h₂⟩, by rw [h₁, h₂],
have lin_graphF : graphF.linear, from λ v₁ v₂ l r₁ r₂ ⟨in₁, h₁⟩ ⟨in₂, h₂⟩,
h₁.symm ▸ h₂.symm ▸ ⟨F.add_mem in₁ (F.smul_mem l in₂), (lin_f _ _ in₁ in₂ l).symm⟩,
have maj_graphF : graphF.maj_by p, from λ v _ ⟨v_in, h⟩, h.symm ▸ H v v_in,
have prol_graphF : graphF.prol f F.carrier, from λ v v_in, ⟨v_in, rfl⟩,
have graphFP : spec graphF f F p, from ⟨func_graphF, lin_graphF, maj_graphF, prol_graphF⟩,
cases zorn_rel_ex f F p lin_f graphFP with z zmax,
cases hb_witness lin_f hp zmax with g gP,
have gadd : ∀ (v₁ v₂ : V), g (v₁ + v₂) = g v₁ + g v₂,
{ intros,
rw ← gP,
have := z.lin v₁ v₂ 1 (g v₁) (g v₂),
repeat { rw ← zut at this },
rw [gP, gP, one_smul, one_smul] at this,
exact this rfl rfl },
have gsmul : ∀ (c : ℝ) (v : V), g (c • v) = c • g v,
{ intros,
rw ← gP,
have := z.lin 0 v c 0 (g v),
repeat { rw ← zut at this },
have z00 : z 0 0, by simpa [phi0 f F lin_f] using z.prol 0 F.zero_mem,
specialize this z00,
rw [gP, zero_add, zero_add ] at this,
exact this rfl },
have gbound : ∀ v, g v ≤ p v,
{ intros,
have := z.maj_by v (g v),
rw [← zut, gP] at this,
exact this rfl },
have gextend : ∀ v ∈ F, g v = f v,
{ introv v_in,
rw ← gP,
exact z.prol v v_in },
exact ⟨⟨g, gadd, gsmul⟩, gbound, gextend⟩,
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