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Created January 3, 2019 22:37
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adic topology
This file defines the I-adic topology on a commutative ring R with ideal I.
The ring is wrapped in `adic_ring I := R`, which then receive all relevant type classes.
The end-product is `instance : topological_ring (adic_ring I)`.
import tactic.ring
import data.pnat
import ring_theory.ideal_operations
import analysis.topology.topological_groups
open filter set
variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]
namespace filter
-- This will be the filter `nhds 0` in our adic-ring
-- The first mathematical key fact is this is indeed a filter
def of_ideal (I : ideal R): filter R :=
{ sets := {s : set R | ∃ n > 0, (I^n).carrier ⊆ s},
univ_sets := ⟨1, zero_lt_one, by simp⟩,
sets_of_superset := assume s t ⟨n, npos, hn⟩ st, ⟨n, npos, subset.trans hn st⟩,
inter_sets := assume s t ⟨n, npos, hn⟩ ⟨m, mpos, hm⟩,
have (I ^ (n + m)).carrier ⊆ (I^n).carrier ∩ (I^m).carrier,
by rw pow_add ; exact ideal.mul_le_inf,
⟨n + m, add_pos npos mpos, subset.trans this (inter_subset_inter hn hm)⟩ }
lemma mem_of_ideal_sets {I : ideal R} (s : set R) :
s ∈ (filter.of_ideal I).sets ↔ ∃ n > 0, (I^n).carrier ⊆ s := iff.rfl
-- Next lemma is currently unused, but relates to standard mathlib definition style
lemma of_ideal_eq_infi (I : ideal R) :
filter.of_ideal I = ⨅ n : ℕ+, principal (I^(n : ℕ) : ideal R) :=
apply filter_eq,
rw infi_sets_eq,
{ ext U,
simp [filter.of_ideal],
{ rintros ⟨n, npos, h⟩,
use n ; assumption },
{ rintros ⟨⟨n, npos⟩, h⟩,
use n, split ; assumption }},
{ rintros ⟨n, npos⟩ ⟨m, mpos⟩,
have : (I ^ (n + m)).carrier ⊆ (I^n).carrier ∩ (I^m).carrier,
by rw pow_add ; exact ideal.mul_le_inf,
cases (subset_inter_iff.1 this),
use ⟨n+m, add_pos npos mpos⟩,
split ; intros U U_sub ; rw mem_principal_sets at * ;
exact subset.trans (by assumption) U_sub },
exact ⟨⟨1, zero_lt_one⟩⟩
end filter
-- Here we check our I-adic neighborhood of zero filter has the required properties to
-- be (nhds 0) in a uniform additive group
def add_group_with_zero_nhd.of_ideal (I : ideal R) : add_group_with_zero_nhd R :=
{ Z := filter.of_ideal I,
zero_Z := assume U ⟨n, npos, H⟩, mem_pure $ H (I^n).zero_mem,
sub_Z := begin
rw tendsto_prod_self_iff,
rintros U ⟨n, npos, h⟩,
use [(I^n).carrier, n, npos],
intros x x' x_in x'_in,
exact h ((I^n).sub_mem x_in x'_in),
..‹comm_ring R›}
def adic_topology (I : ideal R) : topological_space R :=
@add_group_with_zero_nhd.topological_space R (add_group_with_zero_nhd.of_ideal I)
def adic_ring (I : ideal R) := R
namespace adic_ring
variable {I : ideal R}
instance : comm_ring (adic_ring I) := by unfold adic_ring ; apply_instance
instance : topological_space (adic_ring I) := adic_topology I
lemma nhds_zero_eq (I : ideal R) : (nhds (0 : adic_ring I)).sets = {s : set R | ∃ n > 0, (I^n).carrier ⊆ s} :=
begin -- something's wrong, it shouldn't be painful...
rw add_group_with_zero_nhd.nhds_eq,
simp [adic_ring],
ext s,
change s ∈ (filter.of_ideal I).sets ↔
s ∈ {s : set R | ∃ (n : ℕ), n > 0 ∧ (I ^ n).carrier ⊆ s},
rw filter.mem_of_ideal_sets,
lemma nhds_eq (I : ideal R) {s : set (adic_ring I)} {a : adic_ring I}:
s ∈ (nhds a).sets ↔ ∃ n > 0, (λ b, b + a) '' (I^n).carrier ⊆ s :=
rw [add_group_with_zero_nhd.nhds_eq, mem_map, ←add_group_with_zero_nhd.nhds_zero_eq_Z, nhds_zero_eq],
split ;
{ rintros ⟨n, npos, h⟩,
use [n, npos],
rwa image_subset_iff at * }
-- This is the second mathematical key fact: multiplication is continuous in I-adic topology
lemma continuous_mul' : continuous (λ (p : adic_ring I × adic_ring I), p.fst * p.snd) :=
continuous_iff_tendsto.2 $ assume ⟨x₀, y₀⟩,
rw nhds_prod_eq,
rw tendsto_prod_iff,
simp [adic_ring.nhds_eq I] at *,
rintros V n npos hV,
let J := I^n,
use [has_add.add x₀ '' J.carrier, n, npos],
use [has_add.add y₀ '' J.carrier, n, npos],
rintros x y ⟨a, a_in, x₀a⟩ ⟨b, b_in, y₀b⟩,
apply hV,
have key : (x₀*b + y₀*a + a*b) + x₀*y₀ = x*y, by rw [←x₀a, ←y₀b] ; ring,
use x₀*b + y₀*a + a*b,
(J.add_mem (J.mul_mem_left b_in) (J.mul_mem_left a_in))
(J.mul_mem_left b_in),
instance : topological_add_group (adic_ring I) := by apply add_group_with_zero_nhd.topological_add_group
instance : uniform_space (adic_ring I) := topological_add_group.to_uniform_space _
instance : uniform_add_group (adic_ring I) := topological_add_group_is_uniform
instance : topological_ring (adic_ring I) :=
{ continuous_add := continuous_add',
continuous_mul := continuous_mul',
continuous_neg := continuous_neg' }
end adic_ring
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