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Last active October 4, 2018 07:06
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Quotient additive commutative topological group
import analysis.topology.topological_structures
import group_theory.quotient_group
open function set
variables {α : Type*} [topological_space α] {β : Type*} [topological_space β]
variables {γ : Type*} [topological_space γ] {δ : Type*} [topological_space δ]
def is_open_map (f : α → β) := ∀ U : set α, is_open U → is_open (f '' U)
namespace is_open_map
protected lemma prod {f : α → β} {g : γ → δ} (hf : is_open_map f) (hg : is_open_map g) :
is_open_map (λ p : α × γ, (f p.1, g p.2)) :=
intros s s_op,
rw is_open_prod_iff,
rintros b d ⟨⟨a, c⟩, ac_in, ac_bd⟩,
change (f a, g c) = (b, d) at ac_bd,
cases ac_bd with f_a g_c,
rcases is_open_prod_iff.1 s_op a c ac_in with ⟨u, v, u_op, v_op, a_in, c_in, uv_s⟩,
existsi [f '' u, g '' v, hf u u_op, hg v v_op],
{ rw ←f_a,
exact mem_image_of_mem f a_in },
{ split,
{ rw ← g_c,
exact mem_image_of_mem g c_in },
{ rw prod_image_image_eq,
exact image_subset _ uv_s }}
lemma of_inverse {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : continuous g) (l_inv : left_inverse f g) (r_inv : right_inverse f g) :
is_open_map f :=
intros s s_op,
have : f '' s = g ⁻¹' s,
{ ext x,
simp [mem_image_iff_of_inverse r_inv l_inv] },
rw this,
exact h s s_op
local attribute [extensionality] topological_space_eq
lemma quotient_map_of_open_of_surj_of_cont {f : α → β} (cont : continuous f) (op : is_open_map f) (surj : surjective f): quotient_map f :=
⟨surj, begin
ext s,
split; intro h,
{ exact cont s h },
have := op (f ⁻¹' s) h,
rwa image_preimage_eq surj at this,
end is_open_map
variables [add_comm_group α] [topological_add_group α] (N : set α) [is_add_subgroup N]
instance [topological_add_group α] (N : set α) [is_add_subgroup N]: topological_space (quotient_add_group.quotient N) :=
by dunfold quotient_add_group.quotient ; apply_instance
open quotient_add_group
lemma quotient_group_saturate (s : set α) :
(coe : α → quotient N) ⁻¹' ((coe : α → quotient N) '' s) = (⋃ x : N, (λ y, x.1 + y) '' s) :=
ext x,
rw mem_preimage_eq,
rw mem_Union,
split ; intro h,
{ rcases h with ⟨a, a_in, h⟩,
rw quotient_add_group.eq at h,
existsi (⟨-a+x, h⟩ : N),
rw mem_image,
existsi [a, a_in],
simp },
{ rcases h with ⟨⟨n, n_in⟩, x_in⟩,
rw mem_image at x_in,
rcases x_in with ⟨a, a_in, ha⟩,
rw mem_image,
existsi [a, a_in],
rw quotient_add_group.eq,
rwa show -a + x = n, by rw ←ha ; simp }
lemma is_open_translate (a : α) : is_open_map (λ x, a + x) :=
have : continuous (λ x, -a + x) := continuous_add continuous_const continuous_id,
apply is_open_map.of_inverse this,
simp[function.left_inverse], intro x, rw [add_comm, add_assoc], simp,
simp[function.left_inverse], intro x, finish
lemma quotient_group.open_coe : is_open_map (coe : α → quotient N) :=
intros s s_op,
change is_open ((coe : α → quotient N) ⁻¹' (coe '' s)),
rw quotient_group_saturate N s,
apply is_open_Union,
rintro ⟨n, _⟩,
exact is_open_translate n s s_op
instance topological_add_group_quotient : topological_add_group (quotient N) :=
{ continuous_add := begin
have cont : continuous ((coe : α → quotient N) ∘ (λ (p : α × α), p.fst + p.snd)) :=
continuous.comp continuous_add' continuous_quot_mk,
have quot : quotient_map (λ p : α × α, ((p.1:quotient N), (p.2:quotient N))),
{ apply is_open_map.quotient_map_of_open_of_surj_of_cont,
{ apply continuous.prod_mk,
{ exact continuous.comp continuous_fst continuous_quot_mk },
{ exact continuous.comp continuous_snd continuous_quot_mk } },
{ exact (quotient_group.open_coe N) (quotient_group.open_coe N) },
{ rintro ⟨⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩⟩,
existsi (x, y),
refl }},
exact (quotient_map.continuous_iff quot).2 cont,
continuous_neg := begin
apply continuous_quotient_lift,
change continuous ((coe : α → quotient N) ∘ (λ (a : α), -a)),
exact continuous.comp continuous_neg' continuous_quot_mk
end }
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